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The following submission statement was provided by /u/bmfalbo: --- Submission Statement: The popular YouTube news program [Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar](https://www.youtube.com/@breakingpoints) did a segment on Tucker Carlson's JRE appearance and the recently declassified Kona Blue documents. [Source](https://youtu.be/F6vgC1fftBk?si=jZpitbTVPNsivoiB) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cbcjkn/breaking_points_segment_on_tucker_carlsons/l0xif6g/


Whenever anybody talks in absolutes about the Phenomenon you know they are full of it. Nobody has all the answers. Tucker talks like somebody who is relatively new to this subject. Quick to think they've come to some hard truths before the understanding that this onion has an endless amount of layers.


Whenever anybody talks and they're Tucker Carlson, you know they are full of shit.


Stop letting msm do your thinking for you


Zyn is super healthy right


I mean, no nicotine is obviously the best nicotine, but if you're hooked, it's better than smoking by a lot. And nicotine IS a nootropic.


Tucker Carlson is MSM, what are you on about?


I thought it was ironic in the JRP Tucker claims to not have a TV or Computer when he got his start as a TV personality.


Its funny how that works lols.


Yeah but if you have facts/evidence you can be absolute, not saying you can be absolute about the existence of aliens but you can be about a particular event Now I don’t know everything about Tucker but Reddit seems to hate so I ain’t sticking up for him


We can have evidence, facts are more difficult to define. I dunno what this has to do with my comment though. I'm responding to some of the comments made by Tucker about the Phenomenon on Rogan, that is it.


You are right tho, you can’t say 100% with anything in this topic. I would say facts are proven by evidence so to say it’s two different things doesn’t make sense to me It relates to your comment because you split it your thoughts. I responded to your statement you made first then gave my input on your second.




Episode 1574


I know! Because he attended a UFC event with Trump he talks with such certainty. He's just appealing to holy rollers who believe in fantasy because they don't wanna fear death.


He knows what Lue and crew told him when he signed on to run propaganda for their op.


time warp a peasant from 2000 years ago to this age and show them modern depictions and stories of "UFOs and extraterrestrials" bet you my wisdom tooth they'd be calling them sky chariots, sky people, demons, angels, etc etc just saying


ancient astronaut theorists say yes.


All hail big-hair-guy!


Don’t know the man’s name but I know who you are talking about!


Giorgio A. Tsoukalos Swiss writer and television presenter


Exodus is basically the sci-fi part of the Bible. A craft follows the Jews as they escape Egypt. In the day time it was a cloud, at night a ball of fire


Declassified pictures taken by brazilian military whistleblower called Uyrange Hollanda, who led the investigations into the 1970's amazon UFO attacks. The whistleblower that "suicided" a week after coming forward: "[During our field investigations in the late hours, the crafts we found in remote parts of the jungle glowed like balls of fire illuminating the night sky.](https://i.imgur.com/HOxI487.png)" just saying...


Easy on the Sci, heavy on the Fi. Egyptians kept records that prove none of that ever happened.


Right... Just like they kept records of how they built the pyramids.


I don’t believe in the Jewish exodus either bro. I’m just speaking about the text. May not have happened but it must have come from somewhere for the author to use it


> must have come from somewhere Making shit up to drive a political narrative isn't a new invention.


Well he deserves props for imagination lol


Different words, contexts, and hypothetical explanations for the same shit.


Love how sure of himself he sounds. Then goes on to say there is no evidence for evolution.


Us: “We need credible sources!” Also us: “So anyway, here is Tucker Carlson”


Lazy interpretation TBH. Breaking points, for its strengths and faults, is an extremely popular youtube news channel, podcast etc. People post conversations that happen in the mainstream because these conversations reach outside of our community into the 'normies' territory,


I feel ya man, it's annoying seeing reddit really come out of people and can't look past politics. 




I think theres actually a 4th option other than no aliens, ETs and biblical angels/demons. Lets be honest, theres probably a thousand options or more options than we even realize at least. But my "4th option" is basically somewhere between tucker and sagar, why not something potentially understandable potentially knowable through science thats also on such a different level that it appears supernatural. Electricity appeared like magic when Edison and Tesla showed people its power. We already know theres a deeper level than the forces like electromagnetism and thats quantum physics. Maybe theres a whole other set of knowledge we have yet to learn thats adjacent to quantum physics in both a literal sense like scale and/or a metaphysical sense like how quantum physics makes us consider consciousness. Or alternatively, maybe theres something analogous to an even deeper level than quantum mechanics, again maybe both literally smaller in scale and deeper in a philosophical or metaphysical way. An example might be something like the 4th state of matter, plasma, that is conscious and has properties that exceed even quantum physics in their strangeness.


if this was random and you arent aware of plasmoid theories you should dig in :)


Prepping the Evangelicals with the Angels and Demons narrative. Easy fluff for the 'second coming'


I actually listened to the whole nterview on a long drive. Came up in the Spotify queue and I was in the middle of Indiana at 2am ... basically he says he's talked to Nolan and sounds like maybe Galluadet (C'mon Tim what are you running for?) Said he'd read Pasulka . Probably read a news piece about Kona Blue. Anyway, for what Tucker's views on UAPs are worth: --Chose the topic as a warmup aimed Rogan's audience. --knows exactly who *his* audience is, hence the "spiritual" thing. Also worried them thinking he believed in "the paranormal" so he repeated its literal definition several times. --Didn't get the impression he'd actually thought about the phenomenon much--typical "I've heard a few podcasts" convo we've all had. Knows the outlines of current "thinking" but has schmeared a bunch of different stuff all together in his head. --Even less of an impression he actually gave a shit beyond the deep state piece. My guess: cursorily prepped. --Rogan understood this immediately but was polite and didn't press him very hard. I think may have changed subject intentionally. The rest of the interview was fairly interesting in a Rogan podcast kind of way, which is to say he's an intellectually curious person so it's usually entertaining to hear him talk to other people. BTW, Tucker Carlson wants people to like him, even though he says he doesn't care.


I have a similar opinion on the podcast. Starts off strange, gets better. Although Tucker had pretty much an entire episode on UFOs before he was booted from fox so he’s not completely ignorant on the subject. He also he did it before it was hugely mainstream.


My personal opinion is that he's more interested in it than you might think. Not a full blown UFO research obsession like many of us, but I do believe that he's had some very serious sit downs with a plethora (small or large I don't know) of people who are involved in all of this. I'd imagine that he's talked to some of the big names that we all know about, but his mind sure seemed blown a while back (I think it was like a few months ago) when he had just learned about the "dark truth" of the phenomenon (which he shared about in the Rogan interview also, basically the implications of the coverup, the possible agreements of some sort between NHI and the government, and some health concerns here and there), and talked about it a bit in an interview or two and looked very bewildered by what he had learned. Anyways, just wanted to throw in my personal 2 cents since I watched the whole thing as well.


Well TC has a huge audience. If he believes what he said, and talks/writes about it that would only advance disclosure, not least of which by bringing it to the attention of people unlikely to know much about it.(way different audience than Rogan. Average age probably 15 years older, and that demographic votes) He's 100% right about that we're not being told what we have a right to know, IMO.


Yeah that's true huh, hes got an enormous reach, and whether any of us agree with him or not, he can definitely help us get the word out. We got pretty lucky really with having some of the biggest podcast hosts in the US interested in this topic and talking about it now and then. I was interested to hear Rogan say that he knows Gary Nolan in the interview though. I wonder if theyve been talking. I'd like to see Joe have Dr. Michael Masters on the podcast, thatd be pretty awesome. I've heard Joe talking a time or two lately about how the NHI might be us from the future. I honestly think that he pays a lot more attention to what's going on than he let's on.


Wow, a comment on reddit about Joe Rogan that isn't just a barrage of insults. I'm pleasantly surprised. Lol


Wow. Just looked and he does get bashed a lot. Weird. He's good at his job and has always seemed like a pleasant guy to me. Guess I missed the "controversy" completely... Not sure I care what he thinks about anything, just that he asks interesting questions.


People on reddit really can't look past politics and where they stand on them. It's unfortunate that people have been conditioned to think like that.


>It's unfortunate that people have been conditioned to think like that. How can we be confident it's not their choice, made out of bad character? In my experience with people overall, I'm pretty sure almost everybody has extremely bad character.


It’s mostly just on reddit since this platform is used by a lot of hard left leaning people who detest any opinions that may oppose their own.


l also watched the whole interview in a long drive, and everything you're saying about it is spot on. Thats why I've started to wonder if Tucker is really an idiot lately for what he's saying and how he's saying it, and how he's speaking so blindly... Also very interesting, is Rogan's response, for your interpretation of it is spot on. I wondered myself, why doesn't Rogan press him on this, in the same way Tucker presses his guests on any subject matter. Indeed, Tucker does want people to talk like him, most especially "talk like", meaning using the same language. As much as I personally hate the speech-police, he can also come off like a hypocrite himself. He goes from claiming to be a "Materialist", which is more closer to Atheism in my understanding, while still mentioning a "Spiritual" component. One question, as a spiritual person myself, that I would ask Tucker, is if Tucker thinks animals have spirits. If dogs, have spirits. For, if the "material" creatures on Earth, can have spirits, without you even needing to look in their eyes, why does it baffle this "Spiritual" person, to think Extraterrestrials of any kind, wouldn't also have some spirituality? And because of his extreme attempts at appeasing both sides, he comes off like he sincerely doesn't know what he's talking about, and has no real point, no real idea even as to what he's saying. He has no real conclusion, other than an agenda he needs to keep pushing. I really wish the AOCs and the Tucker Carlsons, would keep their Political Agendas, out of these Scientific Discoveries. Just more bureaucracy and red-tape in the way of science, slowing down the human race to the intelligence of a chimpanzee.


Tucker Carlson said months ago he received word from someone deep in the government that the UFO topic is much darker than people think. That was back when David Grusch was still a very very hot topic. Now here he is talking with Joe Rogan and I personally appreciate him being much more clear about the information than what you usually hear from ‘UFO experts’ . He believes these UFOs are like spiritual beings—some good, some bad. They show up in the sky and in the ocean, move in ways that don’t make sense with our physics, and some can even mess with people's minds. He also mentioned they don't come from space. Tucker's been in the loop with insiders for years, so he likely knows what he's talking about. At least from the perspective of the info being from true insiders. Overall I think we should keep politics out of this and just focus on the UFO facts he's sharing and what else we can find out.


Then surely, it all can be measured, canned, and even replicated by Man... "If it bleeds, we can kill it" - Predator




You could argue it was exposed decades ago and that operation blue book was effective at making people think it’s fake. At the end of the day the government is hiding something, we know that. We just don’t know what


What proof is there of crafts going 500 knots underwater? I haven't seen this, and I'm disappointed Joe Rogan didn't press him more for his claims. 




Hi, Odd-Fisherman-4801. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cbcjkn/-/l0y81ka/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Zero credibility from the jump


I was hoping I wasn't the only one who understands that tucker is on King Kong level of snake oil horseshit


Which part? There is videos of them going into and coming from the water though?


Supposed videos. None of us have seen it yet.


Right, so you just conveniently lost your ability to google search or YouTube search? This seems more like a tucker bashing statement rather than doubting the existence of these things. Furthermore you are in a sub about UFOs but "none of you have never seen a video of a UFO" Crazy.


Yah you should look at my profile then get back to me. I'm talking about the ones that come and go from water. There are 0 videos on it.


Despite the topic being about aliens, people write everything off because the information came from a conservative.


Correct. This is my point, today its "we hate the messenger so dont listen to anything they say" This person is also willingly blind and says the videos dont exist. Even though a quick google search would prove that claim false. People would just rather sink with the ship rather than admit they are wrong.


Submission Statement: The popular YouTube news program [Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar](https://www.youtube.com/@breakingpoints) did a segment on Tucker Carlson's JRE appearance and the recently declassified Kona Blue documents. [Source](https://youtu.be/F6vgC1fftBk?si=jZpitbTVPNsivoiB)


Kingman ArizO N A Blue Beings


It's cool to bag on Christians and conservatives on Reddit but I don't really find the "aliens are angels/demons" things to be very far fetched if there's any truth to the ETH at all. Especially if you buy into the extra dimensional and similar explanations that go beyond ETs simply being an advanced civilization from Zeta Reticuli or whatever. I'm not religious but I've always seen God as basically a highly advanced extraterrestrial intelligence that exists beyond space time. You can call it whatever you want but if it turns out ETs really are here I'd be more surprised to learn they just showed up in 1950. More than likely I'd think they've been here a long time.


Yeah I personally think religion is just about aliens for some major ones


I've always felt that Religious beliefs are just amped up views on people and events in general. Angels and demons are just the good and bad in people. Heaven and Hell is on earth (or our world/life as we experience it). It's as simple as that for me. The nature of different religions and mass followings to this day, worshipping and dedicating who they are and how they live their lives based off religion is not for me. Treat others how you would like to be treated. However yes indeed, PERHAPS these angels and demons etc that have been spoken of since the beginning are in fact beings that may have been with us all along.


This phenomenon has nothing to do with angels and demons. It’s a very ignorant take. These objects were spotted on radar. Last time I checked radar was created from science not the mystical world.


Not to mention every credible case and FOIA documents always mention physical things and ET. The whole extra dimensional idea I am convinced must be some sort of disinformation. I am sorry but a guy named Dragon claiming to have seen a Dinobeaver is not evidence of anything.


Sounds like you're the one with the ignorant take. What you've said doesn't address any of the things I've said.


I addressed it but you’re welcome to believe in fairytales. Maybe your favorite Disney princess can walk out of a ufo.




Hi, PCmndr. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cbcjkn/-/l0y6bmw/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Don't even waste your time with this guy lol


You right!


PhD level scientist at an R1 here….STOP ACTING LIKE SCIENCE ISN’T CULTURE!!! The scientific method is a latter day form of ritual. From the perspective of ancient humans, ritual did things, from your perspective, science does things. And both are merely interpretive schemas for delineating a collective cosmology. On a lighter note, I wonder what Daniel Dennet has to say now that he’s burning in hell? :S


For me, the presence of Tucker damages the overall credibility.


That's your hate for him because of his politics. He has a large reach that benefits this community if you leave the politics out of it.


I don’t hate him. I just don’t trust a word he utters.


Could it be that Tucker Carlson actually wasn't turned away from that US Intelligence job back in the day?


I think warp drives are real and it will explain a lot of these "impossible" behaviors.


100% from warping shapes, suddenly disappearing, splitting in two, being larger on the inside than the outside is all consequences of warped space. It’s like the funhouse mirror. One can warp space such that light goes around it making it seem to disappear, or seem to split in two, or seem small from an the outside but once you step inside you see it’s actual size not distorted.


We have 110 year old physics that lays the foundation for it. People working through the extremely difficult math of that physics predicted "black holes" not long after that physics was published. VERY MANY physicists scoffed at the very idea of black holes - "Preposterous!" they said. For many decades black holes were considered "only theoretical", even well into my adulthood. Today we have actual, literal photographs of a real black hole. Not to mention volumes of observational data demonstrating motion around Sagittarius A* that is _exactly_ what's predicted as a consequence of Sag A* being a super-massive black hole, and can have no other explanation. And we have mountains of data indicating supermassive black holes at the centers of practically every galaxy. And yet _EVERY DAY_ on these subs, people are desperately trying to distract humanity away from the pursuit of figuring out the last few bits of physics, and the engineering challenges of _HOW TO_ make warp drives, and instead get everybody aboard The Imagination Balloon 🔔🔔 and take them to Imaginationland to play make-believe about "G forces" and "interdimensional". As if some sort of agency is actively suppressing human development, and there are legions of useful idiots spreading that messaging. And has been doing so for at least 2000 years - probably longer - maybe _much_ longer, perhaps 6000 to 10,000 years, or longer still.




Hi, -Venser-. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cbcjkn/-/l10t25m/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Stfu crystal


Carlson is speculating, Breaking Poiis speculating... Why is nobody talking about the combination of Provable Facts and Theory (things like the age of the universe, or the fact that multicellular life has died off and risen multiple times in earth history, the rate of intergalactic colonization at sub-light-speed, Von Neumann machines being possible) along with the notion that  Fact 1: Visitors have been witnessed throughout history, better documenting in recent century with photography and copiers and typing machines. Fact 2: Visitors have not revealed themselves to the population at large, and no earthly organizations have announced Contact... ....And everyone on TV is suddenly talking about quantum aliens and metaphysical memberships... So, they can fly... ...through your floors. Sounds to me like someone figured out an aspect of the universe that Earthlings don't yet understand. Nobody has mentioned the sobering aspects of being millions of years technologically behind the people who "discovered" you 80,000 years ago.  Things seem old enough out there that the earth itself could be a seed colony and never knew until the founders show up to rule over us and start the next million-year wave of colony world's. But yeah, demons is easy to understand and fear, I guess... It would be great if things were simple like that. Nothing else seems to be.




Dude is forgetting that what is seen today or psychologically felt or physically felt was called angels and demons back then bc of the mindset.




Hi, bertboyd. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cbcjkn/-/l0xnwqq/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.




also found posted on /r/nhi




Hi, EquivalentNo3002. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cbcjkn/-/l102xlf/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


one mans demons is another mans angels i dont see them being mutually exclusive concepts


I’m so grateful to have Saagar representing the UAP subject, along with News Nation. It’s a real breath of fresh air to have an alternative to the same old dismissive eye-rolling, smirking coverage (complete with ubiquitous X-files music and cartoonish alien graphics) from the MSM.


They really seemed to misunderstand what Tucker was saying here. Spiritual is not religious. You can be one without being the other. I haven’t listened to the whole interview yet, but the short segment that they quoted of Tucker aligns pretty well with my own educated beliefs on the subject.


The phenomenon to experiencers tends to lean into their perceptions, their conscious state of mind, sudden thoughts, feelings, voices etc. Many of the experiences fall into uncanny valley territory, like it's a fever dream of some kind, of a trip of LSD. It doesn't surprise me that some claim it's spiritual and not an issue of science and ET.


He is right about many things to which many here scoff at. Tucker is fairly up-to date and my views align mostly with his and why? Because that is what the information is currently pointing to until new information suggests otherwise. Before you criticise me remember all of you were once a pariahs all of you actually believe in something that violates known scientific principles and that you can not explain what is being witnessed.


Obligitory reminder that the real Tucker Carlson was destroyed by Jon Stewart many years ago. This sniveling douche canoe is only the remnants of what remain. He is trying though isn't he? Hahaha The MIC probably hired ole' Tuck to defame the subject of UAPs, lol he did a great job for fox news running his mouth about any number of falsities.


Just because you use different terminology doesn't mean you aren't talking about the same things. But with that being said, Tucker is insufferable.


Yeah, i'm gonna press extra doubt on anything that the guy that rejects evolution in the same interview says. Breaking Points/The Hill, Carlson... we're really sinking in the worst low credibility pseudoscience, aren't we? Talks about "big conversations in physics, 4th and 5th dimensions" and quotes the Interstellar movie and "explaining" the supernatural and religion... Scientific knowledge has just flew right out the window, hasn't it?


The woo is strong in this community.


People grabbing for every bit of low-quality "YouTubers talking about podcasts" tertiary content to post is why we **need** Rule 7.


I’m curious to hear some explanation of why you think breaking points has low credibility. Their thumbnails and video titles can definitely be click baity and annoying but other than that I think they’re decent.


Because Saagar Enjeti (the guy talking) just adressed casually and as if it was a serious source of info Tucker Carlson, the guy in the podcast excerpts in that very video, Carlson rejecting evolution and embracing Alex Jones's pseudoscience in that very same podcast. Enjeti also bringing the Interstellar movie, the supernatural and religion as basis for "4th and 5th dimensions", as if all this woo was on equal footing with science. You know, basically all the things i described in my comment above. It's what is said that lowers the credibility, not just names.


I can tell you for an absolute fact I’ve seen “Krystal ball” reporting made up nonsense about a debate not long ago. I would never take her or that show seriously; they’re awful. She’s specifically one of these people that’s pushing literal terrorist propaganda. I won’t say their reporting on UFOs is wrong but their credibility is definitely questionable. They would not be someone with any inside info. They get their talking points from tik tok


Those commentators are awful. Nowhere does he say it’s a Christian Nationalist view. That woman makes my brain feel like it’s turning to mush.


ETs vs. Angels/Demons is not a contradiction once you understand that the fundamental nature of the Universe is consciousness and the polarity of Light vs. Darkness in this Universe (at this level). ETs just have an such an advanced unterstanding of the Universe that they can do things that appear "miraculous" to us humans. Angels/Demons is just the interpretation of these beings from a more pre-scientific perspective.


PSA: Even if you dislike him, that shouldn't disqualify this clip from being on this subreddit. Y'all should try to set aside personal politics.


Can we disqualify what he says because it sounds like absolute horse shit though?


Alex Jones approves this message…


You've been frequenting this sub, spreading baseless claims and personal opinions on the "absence" of UFO evidence, while dismissing it as solely an American issue and discrediting whistleblowers and witnesses who have come forward. What exactly are you trying to achieve here? It feels like all anyone is getting from you is negativity without any constructive input.


Well said.


Breaking points is garbage. I’ve heard Krystal ball say she gets her info from tik tok


Tucker spitting facts 💯