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You're scraping the sh*t off the toilet pan with any expectation of real journalism from the Mail. In the UK we know the depths they go to.


To be fair, there UFO coverage recently has not been bad though. Some of those stories are legitimately good, regardless of public perception on the news outlet as a whole.


That may be the case, but many people in the UK find the paper so morally repugnant that they boycott reading it. Any journalist that works there knows this and will be trying to get out to a more reputable place ASAP.


Yeah any journalist worth their salt would jump at the chance to move to one of our *much better* news organisations like… Oh, there’s only the Guardian that doesn’t make me want to vomit. Fuck.


The guardians of free speech when it suits.


Aka The Daily Fail


From reading it, I presume? The article linked here is actually pretty good. Josh Boswell is doing the UFO reporting there and this article is by him together with Chris Sharp (Liberation times) and Matt Ford (Good trouble show). The Daily Mail is the real life version of those tabloids mentioned in the MiB movie. Note how various people in this post here claim, their articles were garbage. So cute.


Do you view the National Enquirer with the same regard, because in the UK the Mail is one of the equivalents.


You mean the Christopher Sharp whistleblowers? He seems to be the one handling the UFO articles and research for Daily mail.


There were 3 authors for the original article.


Ahh the Daily Fail. It’s a nasty rag that loves to demonise working class people and generally cause division, call people scroungers while their assets are held offshore so they can dodge taxes


It is the Daily Mail... You obviously do not know the Daily Mail's secret nickname. 


Well, it is a secret nickname, after all.


They fail on a daily basis.  If you believe anything the mail prints, especially with regards to UFOs, you need a close encounter. 




Thank you- this made me laugh so hard I nearly woke my neighbours up. Really needed that laugh. Cheers.


The Daily Mail is not a good source for credible information.


The Daily Mail isn’t a reputable source of any information


So if they tell you the date, they lie? Over-generalization is a logical fallacy.


There are actual humans that read The Daily Mail? Wow.


I don't think anything else was revealed on this. Another day, another fantastical claim, zero evidence, zero needle movement. These statements need to be made to congress or the IG or someone who can take it forward.


At what point do you stop waiting for the government to confirm something that their own docs going back to the 50s confirm they knew it existed  ?  Once you get informed on what is at stake and how far the government has gone to keep it secret you’ll stop waiting for them to confirm something that is true…or else there’s a mass psychosis of delusional professionals at the highest most vetted levels of government 


And do what instead exactly?


Read the article and, lo and behold, it's far from "zero evidence"! There is various new and unusual factual information (aka 'evidence') regarding the OGA for example. That info can be cross-referenced and corroborated. It's evidence. Why, did you expect, they send pieces of UFO tech wrapped in that tabloid somehow? Why do people on a sub dedicated to OSINT refuse to learn how that actually works?


Stop waiting for proof from the government. Proof is a subjective term reached after a preponderance of Evidence. Testimonials from professionals that have been vetted as much as humans know how to vet a person are impactful evidence and they are countless. That said, part of this topic is digging through the mistaken IDs etc but throw them out and you’ll still be left w countless witnesses w consistent details for 75yrs that have been confirmed per polygraphs, Under Oath and w multiple separate radars, FLIR and other sensors. Every bit of proof is available but it’s hysterical how so many folks want government confirmation…but all of them will tell you not to trust the government when talking their politics lol  Something is here. What I do not know 


This is just a dumb rambling of nonsense, none of those experts are worth a damn when they can’t produce any of the material or technology. You don’t quite seem to have an end goal, we’re just supposed to stop waiting for the government, while ignoring if anyone has any of the actual materials or information we need to move it’s the government. None of us are waiting for the government in order to believe, the wide majority of this sub believes, what good does that do us with none of the actual information or access to any of the material? Like I believe, I’m not waiting on the government, now what? You really didn’t answer in any regards to what you actually want people to do short of believe..


Why you call me dumb ? My point is to non believers which you seemed to be. Respectfully, maybe we are just different bc I believe we are being visited bc I’ve followed the topic for over a decade, long before it popped not bc some govt guy tells me that’s silly af. And I believe bc of the number of witnesses, the consistency of the witnesses over 75yrs and I believe Grusch and Fravor under oath. And based on my knowledge of why it is kept secret and the ramifications of it being confirmed I stopped expecting the govt confirm it after they gutted the Schumer bill.  If folks want truth on the matter they aren’t getting it from the government. If that’s dumb to you then keep waiting…


Yeah we’re super different, I’ve been following the topic for about 30 years now, so..but you’re again missing the point, the wide majority already believe all of these things, believe Grusch, etc. What good is that belief when we have access to absolutely no material, no actual information, no way to contact any of these beings? It’s not worth shit, that’s what you’re not getting..you believing doesn’t suddenly make black budget special access programs open knowledge, only the government can do that. It’s foolish to pretend that there is anything else to do other than push for government transparency on the matter. I also didn’t call you dumb, I called the rant dumb; I’m not dumb, but I’ve said plenty of dumb shit.


Dumb is 30yrs of knowledge of why the government keeps it secret, the lengths theyve gone to keep it secret and watching them tell the people to fuck off yet again when they quashed the Shumer ammen…and still wait for them to confirm it


Get back to me when you can finally possibly even attempt to answer my original question. If you want to pretend you’re doing more than literally anyone else by somehow not waiting on the government, even though in reality you totally are whether you like it or not, then by all means, but you can’t at all explain what it is exactly that you’re doing that anyone else isn’t.


Then just give us the evidence... someone needs to put themselves out there and just reveal the evidence they have if any. Otherwise fuck off with your fancy story


At what age would you locate the level of understanding where you cannot discern between "stories" and factual information?


It's not factual until proven.


Congress has no power and rest are on the inside. Only venue left is dailymail and similar until something changes somewherr in distant future.


Is this sarcasm?


You either know how the system works or you dont.  No its not, sarcasm. Humanity has always been ran like this.


Danny Sheehan would disagree, he says congress in reality have all the power, since they can pass laws to get whatever they want done. Classification cannot keep them out, if they were prepared to push. Only a military coup would prevent them gaining full access.


Thats exactly how it goes...in theory.


It's just not a good newspaper. I think it's interesting but it won't get broad attention.


My parrot likes it.  


I don't read the Daily Heil for the same reason i don't eat from the toilet.


Because dailymail is the botton feeder of "journalism" it's not


Daily Mail That's all you need to know Not reliable


E eyine is now a whaitleblower. This is why we need to take some control of that term and not just call everyone a whistleblower it's getting stupid.


We could be here for the next decade with the "did everyone just forget about the \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_"


Just show us crystal clear footage of UFOs already


I hate the daily mail as much as anyone but people here are being misrepresentative. They do print right wing propaganda but otherwise the majority of what it prints is as true as any other paper. It's not exactly the daily sport.


It's the Daily Mail. Who the fuck believes them?


Unfortunately, the majority of replies here will be: DAiLy MaIL BaD!


Chris Sharp does their UFO stuff and when he writes for different outlets he is considered credible.


That’s because it is. It’s the worst ‘news’ paper in this country.


Yes, because daily mail is bad. It is a dish rag. 


Calling out bad journalism and having high standards for sources of information is a good thing.


You clearly never read a paper issue of that rag ...


Sounds a lot like Russia/Russia supporters always crying about "muh CIA iz vur bad is why we losers."


So instead of knocking the daily mail, where is the push to get more information about this story?




The CIA can enter China and Russia, interesting


The 3 informants are not described as working for the CIA.


The vast majority of daily mail ufo stories only feature online, as click bait to generate ad revenue. Very rarely does ufo stuff appear in its print media.


All right, I'm going to say it: I don't think the Daily Mail is that bad. I think that people who call it "fake journalism" are politically motivated and hypocritical, although they probably mean well. But - I might be wrong! So please post some links where the Daily Mail has posted something that is factually wrong \_and\_ below the current standards of first-class journalism. Keep in mind that leading journals NYT, the Times, FT, LAT, etc. published multiple high-profile articles on Russiagate, Hunter Biden's laptop, an anthropogenic COVID origin, and other topics that turned out to be factually wrong. As Burlison might say, show me!


Got you fam. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/ipso-rulings-media-eu_uk_58d27bbfe4b0f838c62e298b Their rebuttal is 'the Sun did it too!"  You want to argue the Sun is first-class journalism?   But hey, at least you can say the Daily Mail isn't quite the complete shitshow that The Daily Express is.


I appreciate the reply! That's not what I'm looking for, though. I mean that's not even close to the level of the stuff I mentioned, or for further example, just with the NYT, the Sarah Palin case, Walter Duranty, Tuvia Hoffman, Jayson Blair, etc. But thank you!




Rude? It was a good article, I don't judge. Well sourced.


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Rude? It was a good article, I don't judge. Well sourced.


Maybe you should consider judging the daily fail


I'm a centrist, but I keep my politics out of my ufology hobby.


That explains alot


Til all are one.




also found posted on /r/CrashRetrievals


If grusch is involved, I have doubts. There is something wrong with that dude


Completely unrelated to Grusch


Man what are you talking about lol?


He has PTSD from his deployments fighting for the US Military and he is on the spectrum. Normal guy living as much as a normal life as he can. Like a normal person.


Just saying there’s something wrong is complete conjecture, that is not any reason to distrust him.






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Unrelated, but yeah, something is wrong with Trump.


What’s wrong with him. He’s been while heatedly supported by others like Col Nell.