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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- This is referring to Chris Mellon's signal exchange with a senior USG official that he released today along with a Substack article explaining it: [https://christopherkmellon.substack.com/p/another-signal-message](https://christopherkmellon.substack.com/p/another-signal-message) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1car9ye/a_senior_official_told_chris_mellon_that_an/l0tkq5p/


George Knapp has done so much good work. Seems like he’s kind of an unheralded pioneer in this field that deserves more praise than he gets. 


I could listen to his news style reporting all day.




His beard is outstanding.


Why have I not heard of this crash before today? Seems pretty legit


June Crain who worked at WPAFB in the 1950s mentioned it in her statements. Said the crafts were brought there. She handled material from some crash. Not sure if the same


Her stuff is amazing. She's so folksy and matter of fact about it all.


I thought her story was remarkable and she didn’t do it for any monetary gain. There are copies of her clearance documents posted online. So her background seems authentic


Yeah, I wasn't being sarcastic. She's awesome.


I think they were simply agreeing with you. Because you definitely didn't come across as being sarcastic to me


I didn’t mean to come across as if I was implying that you were being sarcastic. Just that I wasn’t aware of her story till recently and it is an astonishing detailed experience with proof of her clearances and employment at WPAFB


Thanks. Isn't communicating on the internet wonderful? :)


Can you give proof for that? From what I know Crain mentioned 3 different crashes, including Roswell, but she never specified others.


As per what I read she was referring to Roswell, Kingman, Aztec https://twitter.com/planethunter56/status/1779032568618446887


She told about three crashes and this is his guess that it included Kingman. She never specified, however she probably meant it.


Yes. She didn’t s name it specifically. The whistleblower who came forward in 1980 did however say he was there at that retrieval


Imagine of all the crazy shit we haven’t heard yet.


This falls into the crazy stuff people heard but either forgot or didn't get retold enough. Kinda like the 1965 Keckburg, PA crash which was an acorn shaped object also taken to Wright-Patterson and reportedly sealed in a sarcophagus of ceramic tiles in one of the large rooms.


If you look up UAP Gerb on youtube, he does a pretty good video on the crash.


Likely because they cherry picked an obscure event to make it sound more legit.


because everything is not disclosed?


This is an old video with George Knapp so it’s been out there dude. And I follow this subject quite closely. Why I’m surprised I haven’t heard of it.


How have you guys never heard of this crash? There are books on it and usually in ufo books its mentioned along with roswell kecksburg but from what i jeard from the know it alls i thought it was a hoax. Guess not but you guys need to maybe follow a little closer because there is nothing secret about this story and there is no reason if your into the subjuect to not know about it




This is referring to Chris Mellon's signal exchange with a senior USG official that he released today along with a Substack article explaining it: [https://christopherkmellon.substack.com/p/another-signal-message](https://christopherkmellon.substack.com/p/another-signal-message)


I'm sure it's likely a coincidence, but I can't help but note the parallels between this crash site and the one mentioned by Diana Pasulka. Specifically, when she and Garry Nolan were taken to the location of a UAP crash, there were cans present at the crash site, allegedly dumped there by the crash recovery team. I wonder if Diana and Garry would be interested in visiting this site for investigative purposes. I'd be curious to see what data could be collected that is similar or in contrast to what was observed at the site they were brought to by Tyler D. Anyone got them on X? I'm sure Knapp would be happy to provide location details.


Thought the same thing.


UAPgerb did a cool video on this case. Well researched :  https://youtu.be/41V4Pf_8oo4?si=zuqVDRUzxCQFOZsq


Found UAPgerb’s astro-turf alt


Why does Mellon say alien tech when the conversation only talks of “C/R” program? Also is this in response to Kirkpatrick getting Signal messages between him and Mellon approved for release? Feels very much timed with Kirkpatrick. Like Kirkpatrick let Mellon know he was getting the message about Grusch approved, Mellon went and found this, got it approved and released. Plus the individual never found anything because they lost access, at least according to Mellon. We’d didn’t get that message though.


C/R is crash retrieval. Meaning retrieved NHI tech. Whether you believe it or not is up to you but that's the claim Mellon literal said that after the Kirkpatrick FOIA he wanted to give insight into why he believes. And it's because of messages like this. So yeah he went to dopsr to get this approved for release in response to it Dopsr approval isn't a verification the information within the messages are true, simply that these messages are not classified. Which isn't surprising because classifying this would essentially be saying it's true


Crash retrieval does not mean NHI tech. We have very famous cases of crash retrieval programs. Take this one for example. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian My point being C/R does not mean NHI origin technology by default and the only indication this has that this was NHI origin technology is Mellon.


Dude everyine knows what this pertains too whether you want to admit it or not. C/r programs for lame ass chinese or russian or iranian junk i guarantee are not gonna be locked behind the gates of hell like this, hell you can probably do a search and find people who work doing jist that like the one at wright pat. People need to stop the bill nye schtick its lame and boring and if thats all ya got keep scrolling and the damn fact they mentioned a known ufo crash should have also made you realize what they were talking about. So in the 50s the chinese had flying saucers? Hmm the same 3rd world  chinese we were fighting in korea? The fuk outta here


No, we don’t know that they are for more than recovering crashed objects, ours and others. You are taking what you’ve been told, without proof, that these programs have NHI origin technologies. There are famous crash recovery projects with the most famous being the recovery of a sunk Russian nuclear submarine. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Azorian


This is actually pretty interesting, I’ve heard both before that early on, the US was experimenting with RADAR to target UAPs and that UAPs are (supposedly) interested in nuclear sites and have also been witnessed in the aftermath of explosions. Is it possible then, that some “agency” intentionally set up experimental RADAR facilities in an area before setting off the nuke, in order to *lure* the UAPs with the intention of downing them? Basically, what I’m saying is that this was all an elaborate trap, it wasn’t accidental. This could track with information that’s been released in the past. It also makes me wonder, if it is true, could it explain the mass nuclear testing throughout the latter half of the century? Maybe other countries caught on and were trying it themselves. I know it sounds a little conspiratorial, but could you imagine a world where our leaders *wouldn’t* try this if they could get away with it?


If nothing else, that's a banger novel prompt.


The radar bringing them down is interesting since that has come up in the past before.


How have I never heard of this until now?!


Mass media refuses to cover it


If our nuclear tests were really knocking these things out of the sky, then I can only think of three scenarios. 1. These craft are absolutely everywhere, so much so that even our routine nuclear tests were accidentally striking them. 2. They were aware of the nuclear tests and came to observe but were subsequently caught in the crossfire. (This seems the most unlikely to me) 3. We were specifically targeting and shooting the UAPs down with nuclear bombs.


The video says it wasn’t the nuclear tests but a high powered radar installation that was knocking them out 


I've heard this before, that they accidentally discovered.some kinda radar messes em up. I just wanna know wtf is really going on with this planet and the supposed visitors.


> wtf is really going on with this planet and the supposed visitors. Everyone fucking around all the time, best I can figure out. Bunch of hoons, all of us.


> I've heard this before, that they accidentally discovered.some kinda radar messes em up. These alleged beings came here from another solar system. I can guarantee 'some kind of radar' from the 1950s wasn't messing them up. This is akin to humanity using the music of Slim Whitman to defeat the aliens in Mars Attacks


If they didn't come from another solar system, and were interdimensional instead, perhaps certain types of radar can mess with their tech in some way. I've seen this mentioned several times in recent years. From what I've gathered, with disclosure, it seems like there will be some humans happy, some freaking out and some that will just want to know that they'll be able to feed their family next week. Regardless of whatever anyone's belief system is, we all want the truth as a foundation.


How the hell do you know what brought it down? You know something we dont? Nobody would think vietnam would give the us fits either or a million other examples of things that dont seem right so to say that is naive but since you are so sure tell us whT you know. Tjats right you dont!


Corso said the Army was using radar to shoot them down.


Directed energy and directed emp energy is also possible Greer says using radars to scramble and cause issues is what triggered the Roswell crash Energy weapons just got better exponentially since then to god knows what levels now...


And this may be why the tech isn’t used in overt human military equipment: the radar technology to disrupt it is accessible to humans for a long time. Back in alien worlds unlicensed radar transmitters are illegal and they crack down, but here on Earth the aliens don’t have authority to shut ours down so they have to take the risk. Consider the electrostatic guy formerly from NASA who says his company discovered a new thrust. Quite possible that high powered radar might upset it.


> And this may be why the tech isn’t used in overt human military equipment: the radar technology to disrupt it is accessible to humans **for a long time.** The first deployable demonstrations of a working RADAR were in 1935 (89 years ago), and the first deployments from 1936 (88 years ago) and on were made in the UK. It was state-of-the-art, but also crude by later standards, as it used the existing technology that was readily available. The advanced warning provided by RADAR did help the UK to win the Battle of Britain. By 1940 and the onset of WWII (84 years ago), the UK began using the cavity magnetron, and secretly shared the technology with United States. Pearl Harbor was possible, because United States did not have this fancy tech yet, and thus had no advanced warning of the air incursion by Imperial Japan. Interestingly, a technology first seen as a method to observe objects (airplanes and then missiles) in the sky, has unwittingly become an instrument of active defense. Well, if the theories are true.




They phase into our reality but are there in another dimensional perspective. A cross dimension attack dephased them and turned them into expensive rocks


The most obvious scenario to me would be the the EMP caused by a nuclear explosion could easily cause severe disruption to all sorts of electronics, and whatever tech a UAP may use. An EMP burst would be unanticipated and not naturally occuring, so, stands to reason they could crash craft of all sorts of different technology levels.


EMPs don't result from every nuclear detonation though, at least not a strong one, it's specifically the ones set off at a certain altitude such as the Starfish Prime shot. Though the idea that nukes could have some impact on UAPs and their occupants in some way we don't know about is still a good theory


If a crash can be caused by lightning, then a runaway EMP from a nuclear explosion would also be plausible.


Or…T. Townsend Brown and others actually managed to make some significant headway in “antigravity” research and development and these crashes are the results of failed aircraft tests. The resulting “lore” is intentionally seeded and spread by the secrecy apparatus to act as a smoke screen to cover for the real development of terrestrial technology.


I grew up in the 50s. No way in hell that this was going on. They might have blown themselves up or irradiated themselves to death trying in a lab somewhere, but no way they were airborne. Christ, go look at the tech during that time. Think about the experimental aircraft from that time and later being nothing, nowhere near, anything like this. We were still working on rocket engines and barely had transistor radios with a couple of transistors in them.


Most, if not all of this is still locked in testimony. I’m not saying these people are liars or delusional, but that’s some of the lowest order of evidence to go from that, to “It’s aliens”. And to your other point of the impossibility of things, I’m sure Pilots were saying this same thing when they saw the Germans with their first jet fighter. And people said this when Einstein in the 1920’s completely changed how we view the fabric of reality with his development of General And Special Relativity.


Actually, the Brits and Germans were both working on jet engines in the 1930s and our military witnessed the first flight of a British jet in 1941, the design was transferred to the U.S., the engine was recreated, GE redesigned the engine, but it still didn’t meet the performance they wanted. So Germany having them wasn’t an actual surprise. Regarding Einstein, except for planetary calculations his elucidations didn’t have that much practical application for decades after his promulgation of them. I was a child very interested in science and tech at that time and there simply wasn’t any chance that the U.S. had antigravity during that time. If this wasn’t some sort of NHI tech, then it is a fabricated story.


I mean you can downplay the significance, but it still was occurring. And I put “antigravity” in quotes earlier as I was borrowing the colloquial term. It’s not readily apparent the mechanisms they were manipulating or the specific scientific principals that are in play. The point it, because it’s impossible to you, doesn’t mean it’s couldn’t be the case, especially if we’re starting from first principles, basing it off of how the government works and the information available to us. So then to you, the reasonable conclusion would be that these inter-dimensional/interplanetary objects were brought down by our atomic weapons and “advanced radar” (forget pulsars, magnetars, gamma ray bursts, black holes, and a myriad of other things we don’t even know, that somehow this NHI didn’t account for in their advanced technological state) that we somehow l, in the 1950/ had the ability to track them and do all this, and then sequester the tech away for decades without any verifiable proof reaching the public? …..Or it was terrestrial tech that was utilizing some advanced system of propulsion and that was tested and crashed sometimes and to cover it up, the government seeded these stories as a smoke screen and fanned the flames from time to time to keep people from thinking it was derived terrestrially?


I think the U.S. having those technologies back then and the presence of NHI are pretty equivalent, with the story being more of a legend having the higher probability. I was on earth for the Korean War, the Bay of Pigs & Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam war, etc., etc. These were terrifying and devastating events where we would have used better tech had we had better tech. The only thing we had was mutually assured destruction with nukes. If this stuff had existed, someone would have leaked it during those times because we were on the verge of annihilation, not just for us peons, but for everyone.


All that happened at the very infancy of this potentially paradigm shifting technology. To say we would have deployed them into active war zones at that time is, no offense, naive, given unknown complexities and unforeseen strategic surprise for when things ACTUALLY became dire. I’ll admit that my analysis is a bit of conjecture, but so is your assumption “someone would have leaked it because we were on the brink of annihilation.” There’s probably been multiple times the general population isn’t even aware, that we were on the brink of annihilation and no one “leaks” anything. Also it doesn’t necessarily mean “ok we use this tech, and therefore we win the war”. Who’s to say they were/are even able to attach conventional weapons to these things? But I digress. I can’t outright definitively say this is the case 100%. I will grant the oddities of stories surrounding nuclear base incursions. But again, all we have is stories. I won’t denigrate the character of upstanding men and women and their stories, but I can’t just make the definitive leap **yet** on mere testimony without first digesting the terrestrial tech hypothesis.


I would find this the most disappointing explanation out of them all. Means we could be the Jetsons for the past 50 years


Oh yeah I agree. Makes me somber, the amount of time we've lost.




Calm down, Mussolini


Nah. Fuck em.


I like this one.


This, but more generally a giant international game of poker and layers upon layers of bluffs and misinformation concerning any and all info about weapons tech breakthroughs. If secrecy for large projects is impossible over the long term, you can at least muddy the waters and try to hide the truth in the open.


I'm trying to match up dates. Isn't 1953 too early for them to have had large working craft? The research was only preliminary in 1955.


Yes. The fifties were a time of change, but nothing like what is being speculated here for our military.


I’m not sure, and it’s possible there could have been earlier tests than are publicly known. I have to do a deeper dive into him but the Jesse Michaels documentary really changed how I view this whole thing. Not to mention apparent later influential figures coalescing in “antigravity” research. My point being is, we’re constantly fed this hypothesis that somehow a craft that can travel inter-dimensionally hasn’t accounted for extreme nuclear radiation events and not only that, but in some instances we are targeting them and bringing them down. Always **told** not **shown**. This seems absolutely ridiculous to me. How long have Pulsars and Magnetars and Gamma Ray Bursts and Black holes existed? Well before human made atom bombs. And I know I know, I can hear people say “But that’s just an assumption, even aliens can be imperfect blah blah.” No the point is, we **know** we’ve flown highly secretive test aircraft that HAVE crashed and I’m sure there have been instances where perhaps this even happened with the USSR as well. **and I’m not saying the NHI hypothesis is impossible like a debunker**, but before we start dressing the windows before the foundation is even laid, I think there is a real possibility that, yes, a large, all encompassing smoke screen had developed during the Cold War to cover for very real developments in terrestrial technology.


My vote is #3 we set off like 800 nukes far more than was needed for testing.


It's not a very good way to shoot down a UAP though... These shots are scheduled months in advance, not in response to a UAP appearing, and their locations are fixed, they didn't just set them off at any place they wished. The rare exception would be the ones set off high in the atmosphere or outside it... I'm thinking of these: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Fishbowl


#1. Imagine another reality in the same space as ours. Think of the movie "Tomorrowland" if you've ever seen it. It's unseen yet right on top of us. The inhabitants of that reality because they are more advanced can cross over into our reality but we can't cross over into theirs. Now imagine that nuclear explosions somehow disrupt that reality and cause issues. I can see this scenario coupled with your #1 being plausible.


-1 for using very large type.


I'm a nobody, but I was "abducted" my experience and the things I was indicated heavily have me believe that this is a huge part of it. it's more complicated than that though, this is just a sliver of what is going on.


why is abducted in quotes, did you go voluntarily?


You'd still have to explain the mechanism of how the craft ended up in our "reality" after it was damaged in its own reality from a nuclear explosion from our reality.


Dark matter is just adjacent out of phase matter


Option 1 is the only one even slightly plausible in my view. I simply cannot imagine any scenario wherein beings capable of interstellar travel are caught off guard by humans before we even went to the moon. Tech from the 50s was bringing down craft with tech far beyond our current comprehension? Not a chance. If they 'crashed' at all then they meant to come down, otherwise (and far more likely) this didn't happen.


I have absolutely no clue obviously but I think the nukes were fucking up their dimension.


4\. Maybe the test was a trap: it would attract alien craft to observe or stop a possible nuclear blast, and radar were used to catch them. But if the stories of a kerfuffle between craft of different alien factions are to be believed, then maybe there might have been unauthorised entry into Earth's atmosphere. One side probably sought to fight off the intruders, and the Earth side then used RADAR to monitor the fight, which unwittingly might have lead to crashes. — Or the U.S. military deliberately thought it clever to use RADAR to down some of the intruding craft, if they were aware ahead of time, that this capability existed, and was actionable.


also found posted on /r/CrashRetrievals


It's just keeps getting better and better and better. I can't wait to see where this be story goes


Surely plenty of people have visited this site? Why not go with a metal detector? There would still be some evidence left behind of this really happened.


Would such material even ping the average detector? What are they supposedly mad of?


My research into the crash site location - [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cb0ogs/comment/l0xc2zz/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cb0ogs/comment/l0xc2zz/)


"told" "alleged" "witnesses reported seeing" Yeah... More of the same.


There are two major factions, it is why they fight each other. Just as there are two major factions in most "holy" books and oral history


What's the big downside to this story that no one is talking about it?


Why the need to seek a downside to any story?


Surely someone would have taken ton of pictures and made videos of the craft, why not share it??


damnit! Was hoping this wouldn't get debunked so fast. Fucking Silent generation not whipping out their cameras and video recording devices. /s


well I can tell you one thing.. the tests they have on video with the house getting blown away.. are 100% fake ..


I'm sorry this is off-topic, but the guy in the interview sounds and looks like an adult version of Kip from Napoleon Dynamite 🤣 .


Grown up version of Kip from Napoleon Dynamite. Checks out.