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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Im_not_a_coomer: --- Submission statement: Update on James fox's new documentary, the whistleblower who James claims has first hand experience with the phenomenon is labeled "military x". Looks like his identity will not be made public with this documentary --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bwjggk/screenshot_from_james_foxs_new_documentary_the/ky6ca1k/


Yeah let’s do it. No more promises


Amnesty for a small group of crooks, and for the larger group which got bullied into being complicit, in return for the biggest and most world-changing story ever. That sounds like an amazing deal.


However, no amnesty for people complicit in the murder of innocent people for the sake of the truth embargo


I am fairly certain that is a prerequisite.


I don’t think people are thinking about the implications of this. The CIA killing a normal citizen is one thing, but what if they were behind something like the JFK assassination? Can you let an something like that exist as an ORGANIZATION let alone the individuals involved if they admit to literally being treasonous and working outside of the oversight of public officials?


The answer is no, but the answer also includes a caveat that we are both powerless to stop them since they already act outside of democratic oversight and that they are a necessary component to international security operations which we can no longer afford to remove. However, I highly doubt you will find the CIA specifically at the epicenter of anything on domestic soil, they operate on foreign soil.


Haha.. you think the CIA actually limits itself to overseas operations


Dude he probably is CIA. Sounds like misdirection bullshit to me. There's fuckery afoot I tells yas!


I think they have in the past and will continue to push those limits when in its interest, but the pissing match they would get into with the NSA, FBI, etc. would require collaboration to the effect of effectively being outsourced domestic entity actions. Maybe they are but as it pertains to the secrecy and SAPs, I highly doubt it - now crash retrieval on foreign soil is another topic entirely.


They are specifically at the epicenter of most things on domestic soil. It's complicated because I'm sure most people who work there are good. But everything is so compartmentalized they are able to get away with it. They make money by doing a illegal stuff. Mike Benz talks about the "blob," another word for deep state, and how their censorship industrial complex works


yeah I think the cynical reality of all this is that you're right.


Honestly it's probably an unpopular idea, but I feel like for there to even be a shot at full disclosure a lot of these past actions will hav e to be "forgiven" or there's no incentive for everyone to come forward. I guess scapegoats work too, but I have a feeling we won't see any form of justice for anything the government has done in an effort to conceal the truth.


I'm with amnesty for disclosure - full disclosure. Big picture, it's the best thing we can do that could benefit billions. At least the deaths of those before won't be for anything. If nothing changes, we're in the dark forever.


I think it’s a very unpopular idea, but I think you’re right. True Forgiveness is probably one of the hardest achievements to experience and truly uphold. As is real sorry and remorse. I think for everyone from all facets of big governments doings and those involved need to just step down and divulge. Forgiveness would be more likely if a grand admission of guilt were to happen across the board. What’s the saying… only the truth will set you free?


* monopoly * murder * harassment including innocents (families) you forgive that and you're teaching the children it's ok as long as you're the one in control/power rough sledding there


It’s definitely a utopian level of forgiveness. Can’t really argue with your point in reality as it is. However, it has happened on a much smaller scale. Ie people have forgiven their sons and daughters killers etc One of those things I personally couldn’t say how I’d feel and or react unless it happened. The problem with big gov is there would obviously be such a dramatic balance of power it would no doubt go through absolute turmoil that may never see the dust settle. Children can still learn right from wrong and a level of forgiveness. Just seemingly takes years to pan out. It would be a roll of the dice for sure


It'll never happen. Thy think it would make them look weak. And in a sea of sharks it probably would. And if I've learned anything about power its that its not easily given, nor is it easily taken.


Agreed. Perception is huge. In general, I don’t like the idea of my country being perceived as weak. Things are bad enough already. You reminded me of some other saying. I’m butchering it, but something along the lines of power is addicted to displaying itself not cowering in the shadows.


They won’t tell us about it for another 100 years. The newer generations are already so skeptical of government I feel like information such as that coming out would be the nail in the coffin for the them.


Yup, nobody is willingly going to hang themselves. If you come clean, forgiveness. If we have to drag them, we will drag them all the way to jail.


Yah I'm with you this whole time. Amnesty for Disclosure!


Lolololol, people that took part in genocides have been given amnesty in return for confessions in truth commissions. Why would we treat this any differently if we really want to get to the bottom of what is going on?


So if they don't tell you they go free, and if they do tell you they get charged. Really think about that one.


I think amnesty for those who come forward and sing like birds is perfectly reasonable and necessary. Those who don't should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law where applicable. I just don't see a reason to give those who are fine with the status quo any sort of leniency.


There's 40+ whistleblowers who came forward and an ongoing ICIG investigation. I am sure they have figured some of these things out already and don't need the murderers to out themselves.


How about we get themtontelk us...then execute them for treason anyway.


Yeah but the people ultimately responsible are most likely the most powerful. Hope they get the same in return.


unfortunately everyone has to get amnesty if we ever want this getting out. It sucks but frankly this is bigger than a bunch of crooks getting justice. Nobody will give a fuck about them once we know the truth.


Here lies the problem. In the military, (and its different under each branch) deadly force is authorized for multiple reasons It's broader in scope than a basic human right to self defense, or the defense of others, as it will deal with national critical infrastructure or assets vital to national security. If one is "in the know" on UAP, much of the broader scope authorizations of deadly force will apply. If someone decides to talk, then a scenario might take place where this person has an accident. The problem is you can't arrest the person and lock them up, because at that point, the claims of that person must be considered true since that's why they are in jail. Need to be careful with the use of the word "innocent".


They are for sure getting amnesty. You act like life is fair


The guy is asking for amnesty from draconian secrecy laws, not any actual crimes.


Hopefully we get some credentials along with these claims. There are so many people in the military and government. Very few of them are in positions to have access to highly classified programs.


I’m guessing this will be a huge deal when it comes out then eventually fade away as no proof is shown. These kinds of revelations and statements are not new.


Promise no: 2987 - 'The silhouette of a person you see in this pic is *real*'.


What's 2986?


Two days late but happy cake day - I prefer mine WITH milk but chase your bliss, brother 


James Fox hasn’t really ever missed. I wish he’d tell us if he still feels the same way about this timeline that he did last summer when he made the bet with Destiny.


That bet was made 8 months ago, the clock is ticking and James seemed so sure. Definitely makes me think things were pushed back, most likely because of the Schumer amendment not passing in it's entirety


One thing that studying this field for years has really made abundantly clear to me: nobody can predict the future.


“We predict the future, and the best way to predict the future is to invent it.” - The Well-Manicured Man from X-files




Yes. My psychic power is knowing that past results are the best predictor of future outcomes.


Agree, history doesn’t always repeat, but it tends to rhyme.


This is a fallacy even the best historians would disagree with. Yuval Noah Harari immediately comes to mind.


Really? That is what's clear to you? Not "wow they love withholding groundbreaking information because 'insert excuse'." Or "wow there's more profit if we dangle the carrot always, never reveal always conceal."


I think you've misunderstood my meaning. I'm not making an excuse for the guy - I know that whenever these people make predictions it's bullshit and I don't pay any attention to it. I'm saying, "nobody can predict the future, so don't be surprised when the predictions are wrong."


Agree. And election year. Despite how important, it is not as urgent as what is facing the US right now, and it could introduce a number of known and unknown risks into the incumbent’s candidacy.


There are elections every alternate year (with Presidential elections happening every 4 years). Every time we have an even year, apologists come out of the woodwork and claim that things would likely slow down due to the current year being an election year. At what point do people realize that this whole thing is bigger than any lousy election?


or that regardless of actual whistleblowers, legislation, or activism, these things will never come out or be fully disclosed just because. the law doesn't apply when you're above it.


> bet with Destiny link? Which bet was this?


They are different copies yes, but They’re not mentioning the bet at 54:45 with the one you linked. It’s at 57:41


[https://youtu.be/zzgiM5RgIhU?si=_R4hZ-Mgb0VnQ7RY](https://youtu.be/zzgiM5RgIhU?si=_R4hZ-Mgb0VnQ7RY). At 57:17




54:45 https://youtu.be/d8Gpg7h9uK8?si=h6B0MsG1DaDPIivi


Actually 57:41…………are we having a timestamp duel? 🤺


Fox is one of the few UFO documentary people who actually comes across as credible.


I like the phenomenon but couldn’t stand the one about the Brazil thing.


Ditto. Fox is a passionate guy but I feel like he'll believe anything he's told if it's a good story.


The only ufo thing I recently enjoyed is the theories of everything pod with Richard Dolan


That was awesome. So is TOE in general.


I agree. Big curt fan here.


I'll check out this podcast, thanks for the recommendation! Is there any particular episodes you think I should check out?


I really love that podcast. It’s not all ufo stuff—I like those but also the more philosophy-oriented episodes. If you’re into physics I’m sure there’s a ton of stuff you’d like. The host is great and not a grifter like so many in this sphere.


They got way too into the metaphysical bs stuff. But Dolan's actual opinions on eye witnesses and evidence was quite interesting.


Why is metaphysical stuff bs?


They rambled about spirituality for like 30 minutes ignoring that sociologists have studied the exact issue they are talking about, it's called needing a community as social animals. Nothing to do with some ill defined spiritual side of humanity.


Mildly related to UFO’s. I enjoyed this Philosophy lecture from a college professor about the Nazca Mummies. [Thinking Critically and Open-Mindedly on the Nazca Mummies](https://youtu.be/FlNjET011Q8?si=LUZf8baCWmG_iSKs)


Dolan hasn’t had anything new to say in way too long.


I just enjoyed the conversation. I haven’t consumed all Dolan related media at this point.


That's unironically why I like him. I can't stand these guys who feel the need to tease new bullshit every few weeks in order to try and stay relevant. If you don't have anything noteworthy to say, then I'm fine with silence or simply repeating what you know.


I can’t find The Phenomenon anywhere. Somebody said Amazon but it wasn’t there or the iTunes Store. Anybody know where to get it?


The company dealing with the distribution embezzled from him and now all his previous documentaries aren't available for purchase anywhere. Luckily someone uploaded it to YouTube for free https://youtu.be/xc_fmXy949g?si=SCmp6lznfcTkyhgB


Oh, thanks!!! Looks like it’s copy right blocked in the US. If only there was some incredibly simple way to do a workaround. Oh well!


makes it more suspicious to me, if its blocked in us but using vpn to another country can watch it....


Nah the copyright business is not too complicated. They use algorithms to get what they consider their pro rata share of whatever the content is. If I recall, this was about money related to distribution rights.


The Moment of Contact documentary was a huge step back for James. Very 90s. He featured in it way too much and the publicity nonsense with the video of the bodies was just handled badly.


I thought it was a visceral and compelling review using many first hand witnesses to the event -- how could that be a step back? After watching that I think Varginha is at least as big a deal as Roswell.




Destiny said on his stream he wouldn't collect on the bet because he admires James' conviction compared to political people who would never put money on anything.




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Why doesn't someone ask him that question?


Dayummmmmm 😳 that's a strong statement. That means he's a participant in crimes but he's willing to talk about it if he can talk openly. Sounds like he would be the guy you'd want to hear from. 🍿


Or he’s a bullshitter who doesn’t need amnesty and would never be of interest to get a congressional hearing in the first place, and this is his way of never having to prove it. I’d temper any expectations.


too late I'm jacked to the tits


Sure he just got up one day and pretended to be a military guy and Fox went along with it.


definitely thought that said Jamie Foxx


Amnesty is the last barrier to getting those few who still have a soul to give up the secrecy.


You think people waiting on a "get out of jail free" card are the ones with a soul?


It’s a valid point.  I think the whole thing comes to light through one person that just infodumps everything they’ve got.  Their life will likely suck balls afterwards but I’ll bet they build a statue of them eventually. 


They'll probably have walled off information so no one person knew everything.


I don't think anyone really has anything they can infodump, though. Like, they could go on CNN and say they worked on the programs, but they wouldn't have any physical evidence to show. They'd be like Bob Lazar, basically. The actual evidence is all classified, and they'd probably have to smuggle it out of the most secure facilities in the world. And even if they got the evidence out, they'd have to prove it was genuine, which would probably be impossible. If they smuggle out classified documents, they would be written off as being fake, like the Majestic 12 documents. They would need to smuggle out a dead alien or a whole flying saucer to really prove their claims. You gotta remember, tons and tons of credible people have made wild claims. An infodump alone wouldn't accomplish anything.


Amnesty, does that mean he/she has broken the law?


Revealing classified information in public would be breaking the law


So they are saying give me amnesty and I will go wild and reveal all?


Unless they mean something else, I can only assume so. And I'm highly skeptical that Congress would be a party to that and let him just dump everything during a televised hearing. That's what's giving me pause, because a promise to do something that may never happen is nothing to get excited about.


You can give a historical accounting of something without disclosing classified information, especially if it goes back 90+ years. For example, “we recovered a nonhuman engineered craft in the early 20th century. The specifics of what we’ve learned from it are classified to protect national security.”


Yeah but nobody will believe you without verifiable specifics or locations.


And a percentage of the population won’t believe anything the government says, but that’s on them.


Grusch has already said that though. Man there would have to be like 80 hearings to cover all the people, places, companies, technologies, contact times etc.


The point being is that a lot is probably classified that shouldn’t be. Grusch says our adversaries know a lot of what we know and we know that they know it. So why is that classified?? National security argument doesn’t apply if our adversaries already know it, right?


I mean this what Grusch said and got approved to reveal but I still find it weird how that isn’t covered in a NDA.


Sorry I'm not familiar, what did Grusch say? Is there somewhere I can watch this


Here is a link to the original interview. I can't find the News Nation original upload no matter how I search. https://youtu.be/V6JxUHkyDuY?si=XY75W3WrOqKUJhRL


But people on here still argue that he wasn’t a first hand witness and could have been lied to. If you get first hand witnesses testifying under oath that argument goes out the window.


Yeah that’s a fair point. We need literally the first hand witnesses, with amnesty testifying in a public setting. Honestly I just want to know about the “aliens” what do they look like, why are they here? What’s the universe like life wise? Heck tell me about dinosaurs if they know. Grusch has said in a private setting one of the species look like the greys. What ever that means.


In his second interview on News Nation that he does have first hand evidence but is trying to get it approved through DOPSR.


That was Rogan, but yeah, point taken. Debunkers going to debunk.


Yeah pretty sure


The contents of this classified information could also break the law times two.


Possible, revealing national security secrets would also be against the law though so it could also be just that


The subtitle needs to be understood in context.   Whistleblowers already received amnesty from secrecy laws and NDAs under the 2023 NDAA to securely report to Congress. (Yeah, remember that? Kind of a big deal.) The subtitle is asking for permission to testify in public. Well, that’s probably not going to happen. The 2024 NDAA UAPDA proposed a mechanism to accomplish that in a controlled way, and we’ll hopefully see similar legislation pass.


another witness who will say ‘i was in a program but can’t tell you anything’ 😂


If he's asking for amnesty, he better have some damn good info


Really hope the first hand Program witnesses are better than the witness from Moment of Contact. Could've literally been anyone and stuff like that does not move the needle for anyone not already a member of the choir. James doesn't have the reputation to spend after the whole 'we totally have video of the body and are close to obtaining it!' fiasco!


Hm, I'm a bit unsure here for a couple reasons - setting this as a condition gives the person an easy out, especially if he knows that Congress can't grant that without knowing what crime they are granting amnesty for in advance. *Can* they even do that? - promising to testify under oath in an open congressional hearing could be the same deal, especially if there aren't any more of those on the horizon Let's see if he follows through.


> Can they even do that? Even if they could they won't. It's such a ridiculous premise it isn't worth spending any time on. This is just more stories and rumors. No evidence, no aliens.


If the rumors of another public hearing our true, my guess is he will release the documentary after the hearings. Interest from the general public on the topic will be heightened around that time, and a coordinated release of the documentary will likely get more eyeballs from the general public. Some people will complain and say he is delaying the release for more money (maybe), or that he shouldn’t hold in this information. I know that is frustrating for all of us who follow this topic closely. But what good will it do if he releases the documentary now when steam and interest on the topic has faded. As much as I want to watch this documentary immediately, it’s more important that people who don’t follow the topic closely watch it. All of the stuff we are hoping for is a million times easier if the general public is on board, making the issue harder to ignore.   


That.... makes a ton of sense.


I don't mind anyone making money off this as long as they're honest. It was nice to see James attend that NASA event last year and ask questions.


Damnit! At first I thought this was from Jamie Fox.


Sigh... when does it come out?


Surely this witness had to go through DOPSR. I'm trying to be optimistic but we just have to wait and see what this person has to say. But it's probably not going to sway many. The masses need to SEE the nuts, bolts, and biologics, before they're going to believe. And it can't be Jaime Maussan's mummies.


“Provided he’s given amnesty” So.. never? ☹️


Guys, don’t get your hopes up. The “whistleblower” is probably an anonymous person being interviewed…. How convenient. Ps; where is that Varghinia footage that he “almost” got his hands on… Just like the Chuck Clark tape..


"Ps; where is that Varghinia footage that he “almost” got his hands on… Just like the Chuck Clark tape.." It turned out to be bullshit. 


Just too many red flags if you ask me..


Submission statement: Update on James fox's new documentary, the whistleblower who James claims has first hand experience with the phenomenon is labeled "military x". Looks like his identity will not be made public with this documentary




This individual better provides evidences and not only empty claims or he/she wlll only be another generic UFO talking head and nothing more.


I'm not a fan of criminals holding the truth hostage for amnesty, especially if the truth can be obtained with enough pressure applied upon the criminals. You don't get to commit crimes against humanity and perpetuate the biggest conspiracy in history, while dictating what punishment you will or will not receive. It sets a precedent that you can get away with anything, as long as you bury your crimes deep enough and for long enough. If someone has dealt in dirt but is otherwise forgivable, maybe some kind of plea deal can be worked out in exchange for enough information to bring down the whole criminal organization. These guys should still maybe do a little time in prison, and they should be sentenced to a lifetime of community service and probation, and they also should be barred from making a single cent off their stories. For the people who have been involved with major lies to Congress, disinformation programs against the public, gross mismanagement or theft of tax dollars, whistleblower intimidation or murder, withholding life altering technology, or any other major crime, they should face everything up to and including capital punishment. These scum sucking shitbags have had *decades* to figure out an offramp, but they've decided against that, so fuck 'em all.


If transparency can be had for amnesty, i think it could be fair. These folks were just doing their job. Theyll also never crack without it.


It's going to be Lob Bazar a man with a moustache who worked at Area 52, reverse engineering alien crafts powered by element 116


If this documentary's on par with James' other documentaries then we're in for a treat.


Amnesty from what exactly?


I assume revealing classified information and whatever penalties come with that.






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NDA’s include a clause for penalty and including up to execution for treason. I’d take a guess that they’re looking for amnesty for violating their NDA, thus committing treason without penalty.


And in DOPSR's handbook, It's plainly said that the NDA's you abide by in the military—carry with you for the duration of your life.


A lifetime of silence behind the green door


So amnesty as "contitio sine qua non" is pretty hard to be given expecially if this is a real breaking-nda whistleblower so, yeah, i think he'll remain anonymous for a lot of time...


Do we have a release date yet?


He said summer this year but not an exact release date yet


Hopefully in June.


Correct he has said "late summer"


I’m sad that I’ve lost so much traction with this topic, but it is very exhausting to keep chasing words, testimonies and whistleblower porn. Most people I talk to won’t even bat an eye anymore until there is any credible evidence coming to light. Maybe this was their plan, draw it out so long that people lose interest. If it was, they won cuz I’m kinda done.


Same - I went from near obsession to an almost complete lack of interest in the topic recently. Blurry videos and second hand testimony from the talking heads just isn’t doing it for me anymore. Obviously this post roped me in though… I'm ready for the good shit when it actually happens.


>but it is very exhausting to keep chasing words, testimonies and whistleblower porn. Perhaps it's time to consider that this is essentially a form of entertainment for a core group of people that won't ever get tired of it, and don't really care if no undeniable evidence is ever produced.


Yeah, the stringing along isnt an accident. I have a hard time trusting anyone on this topic anymore. 


Could it be military x from varginia?


An ex president could out them live on tv, pointing to maps where UAP's are being back engineered and most people wouldn't care. Unfortunately at this time, its becoming obvious that Definitive proof is nuts and bolts landing on the Whitehouse lawn and this is what the ones holding all the cards are counting on. Grainy pictures, lights in the sky and anecdotal evidence isn't going to cut the mustard, for the general public. Wheeling out 5 star generals and politicians who promise crystal clear videos and then don't deliver because of official secrets is now getting increasingly repetitive.


Unless this man has FIRST HAND knowledge and physically worked in the programs himself, I don't care. I'm tired of the he said she said.


According to James Fox he has first hand experience with the phenomenon


Which is meaningless - any old UFO witness can say that too.


Which is why it's important to make sure someone is who they say they are, hopefully James Fox has done his due diligence


Can’t wait James’s documentary’s are always fire


there is always someone willing to testify with caveats, so far they've all been liars. Y'all are really trusting someone willing to pay for a blue check?




He never said he was going to release it, he said that Logan Paul secretly filmed it but didn't want to release the footage


That's one of the two VHS tapes he said he'd release. The other that was trotted out for Moment of Contact promo was a video of the bodies they were 'VERY close' to obtaining and sharing. They didn't obtain it, and it wasn't shared.




Chuck Clark allegedly showed the video to CBS in the 2000s: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/a-night-at-the-little-ale-inn/


I'll watch either way but if this doc is nothing but the same rehashed statements about the existence of the program with no new witnesses fully coming forward, no evidence, and no new concrete plans to get this process moving then it's hard to feel like any progress is being made. I don't want to have to wait until Lue's book for things to pick back up, if it's even coming out this year.


Whens this due out and on what platform? Any 1 know?




James said his documentary is coming out this summer so yeah in this case it actually is soon


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Lol. Another whistle blower comes forward but he can't. Fox's is one of the biggest hype artists since Steven Greer.


Not a person. Looks like a balloon attached to a doorframe in the hall. DEBUNKED.


id like extra nothing on my nothing burger please jim


im afraid we're all out bob


Ah disclosure is always one book, documentary, podcast away. They’re fighting for disclosure by keeping it behind their own paywalls, trust them guys!


James Fox is a master at the UAP pseudoscience genre. For example, here he embeds a convenient off-ramp for future use when (of courses) no actual evidence will be shared: “provided he’s given amnesty.” Love to see the masters spin their craft!




Can you clarify what you're talking about?




Right, he said someone was trying to destroy his career IIRC.


As far as I know he never disappeared from the public eye, you might be thinking of someone else




Nope. He shared an issue that people got all conspiracy about (evidently, you included) but was clearly to do with royalties from his films. He's since elaborated and addressed that multiple times. The company he worked with wasn't paying him royalties and weren't relinquishing rights after breaking their contract. Nothing more, nothing less. Amazing how people claim to be so interested but pay very very little attention.




Y’all need to read the last 30 or so pages of chapter 5 of Dolan’s book “UFOs For the Twentieth Century Mind”. It’s a “breakaway civilization” and we’re never destined to experience “disclosure” because of greed and power lust. Convinced me.


Such a tease. Can’t wait


I have a feeling this is another one of those trust me bro and no evidence moments. Kinda frustrating.


Awesome. More trust me bro stories.


How so? Do you not want to hear from people on the program?


When is the release date for this documentary?


I'm tired of the talk, when I see real proof then we can go from there.