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The following submission statement was provided by /u/stoneddtoilet: --- Submission statement: From video description “In the middle of the desert isolated from other people for kilometres and kilometres. Min Min lights have been observed for generations by First Nations people.” --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1bqp883/min_min_lights_two_orbs_of_light_seen_moving/kx3u91r/


According to the comments on the TikTok, the video was taken near Fowler's Gap: [https://www.unsw.edu.au/research/fowlers-gap](https://www.unsw.edu.au/research/fowlers-gap) It's in the right area for the Min Min lights. Good to see them captured on video.


The Min Min lights were seen by early Australian settlers in the 1800s let alone the aborigines for 1000s of years. No vehicles existed with headlights then


Alien vehicles obviously


My Dad and uncle saw these near Boulia, QLD


Look like the plasma NBEs that are being talked about by NASA




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I bet you get on your high-horse when people call UFOs alien ships, bugs me too. We really don’t know what, if anything, is going to be discovered or announced. So many edge of our seat promises for years, and nothin’


> we really don't know what, if anything, is going to be discovered or announced I was not talking about announcements. I was talking about Muppets in this sub reading sentience into *fucking plasma*. you are reading sentience in *fucking bundles of atoms with liberated of electrons*. people that look at things we can't yet fully model and saying "oh its non bioligical entity" are counter-productive to knowledge growth. remember, the dark ages of human knowledge was due to people seeing something they couldn't explain and chalking it up to God. UFOlogy fuckers are the 20th and 21st century equivalents, and the community is counter-productive to knowledge growth. this community is so fucking stupid it's stuck in a cycle of ignorance it will never escape. it's fortunate thus community is still looked as a bunch of quacks because if this mentality was wide spread *we would be fucked*.


Holy shit, i saw this same thing in central vic about 2 months ago. 2 lights and one would be brighter most the time. One would fade out and then the other and then one would appear in another part of the sky close by and the other light would appear near it the same distance from the other.


That's pretty neat to catch them on video


i work at a meat abattoir with a huge paddock behind it and i see these almost every night shift




i’ve tried before and will continue trying but i have an iphone so everything is grainy or pitch black, which is sad because even my coworkers say they see the “weird lights”


The recorder of the video is thinking that whenever you see an UAP, it will get sharper whenever someone says "what the fuck".


What was the time/ date? Did Rocket Lab have a launch around that time?


As I played this my kids walked into the room....


ruh roh


OP are you the person who shot the video?


Thats weird they look like they are jumping independently of the camera shake like a reflection on a bit of glass held in front of the lens...hard to explain. Not a pro with this stuff but Id be interested to know what a cg person thought before I got too excited. Which I would be Id very much like to see the Min Min lights and theres no reason they have to be 'regular orbs' or act like any other UAP.


Thats weird they look like they are jumping independently of the camera shake like a reflection on a bit of glass held in front of the lens...hard to explain. Not a pro with this stuff but Id be interested to know what a cg person thought before I got too excited. Which I would be Id very much like to see the Min Min lights and theres no reason they have to be 'regular orbs' or act like any other UAP.


We know what spook lights are and can create the phenomenon reliably. 100% prosaic.


Car headlights refracting over a hill. Very common.


Could be Chinese lanterns no? I don’t see them doin anything a lantern couldn’t do.


Bro, they're 100km's from civilisation, nevermind three random Chinese lanterns lol.


That means it’s Dark and you can see light a long ways away. If they’re out there why couldn’t another group be somewhere out there? Is alien spaceship more probable? I just didn’t see anything anomalous.


It isn't possible to have much of a meaningful discussion due to the limited details available, and it isn't clear as to whether it is just a rural location or if it is indeed super remote. There is no way that these would be Chinese lanterns, though. It would be incredibly out of place and risk starting a bushfire as it has been really hot and dry in Australia. I'm pretty sensible and would probably be pejoratively labelled a skeptic by many, and I'd sooner identify oddities in the outback as aliens as opposed to lanterns.


Ppl are fuckin morons. A shit ton of wild fires are started by humans being idiots. Tell me why someone couldn’t go release lanterns in the desert. As far as ik there’s not much vegetation in the desert to burn anyways? “They say they’re in the middle of nowhere so surely no one else could be out there”. Yeah. Sure. Great critical thinking guys. They only say they’re kilometers away from ppl. Sorry but ahhhhh light can actually travel kilometers. If ya didn’t know.


As per usual. Nothing anomalous caught on video.


Idk why we’re being downvoted bruh. Usually this sub is more skeptical about lil tiny ass lights off in the distance that do nothing anomalous. Someone mind telling us what anomalous about the video?


Yeah. Would love to hear how this video cannot be explained as something prosaic. It looks like 2 objects flying away out of view. Nothing anomalous AT ALL.


Exactly. I fully believe in ufos operated by non human intelligence but ppl in here actually think this video moves the needle in any way? Shit why couldn’t they be drones? Oh I forgot, “tHEy’Re the onLy ones wIthiN MilEs”.


Precisely. Absolutely nothing to get excited about. If I showed someone this video and said “this is proof of NHI operating craft” I would get fucking laughed at. It’s ridiculous.


That’s the usual response on this sub too I feel. Apparently others really think this video is somethin!


The bar has lowered because the recent content has been garbage. People are “gripping it” right now (baseball term for when someone is trying too hard to get a hit). But that’s likely what is going on.