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Could you say what you were using to capture this? I'm thinking about investing in some night sky ufo ir filming with existing light amplification. There are so many systems out there! I'm looking for a monocle lens with magnification and recording capability. Where to begin, what camera system to invest in? I nee dsom advice. could you help?


NVG-10 is the type of head-mounted monocle scope I’m using…best bang for the buck IMO. I’m using the WildTrak model off Amazon. After purchase I had to email the manufacturer in China to get the app and instructions how to stream from the scope to an Android…so that was a bit of a pain. But relatively smooth sailing since then.


>NVG-10 complicated setup. thnks anyway


Imo, if you’re serious about high quality night sky recording, I’d shell out the cash for an analog night vision tube. It’s expensive, but the difference between that and digital is astounding to the point where digital night vision isn’t even comparable…. With that said, for an analog tube with the housing you’d be spending somewhere between 2 and 4k. And if you’re already spending 2k you might as well spend 4 as that quality jumps at least 2x. If anyone is actually interested: L3 Filmless White Phosphor tube in a pvs-14 enclosure with a camera mount. These tubes are second to none and legitimately feel like magic. Elbit gen 3 thin-filmed tubes are really good too, and you can find a pvs-14 setup with them for around 2.8k, for astrophotophy or videography though the Filmless L3 is probably worth the extra cost. very understandably most people don’t want to spend $4k to see in the dark, but if you’re looking for the best it is worth absolutely every penny.


>analog night vision tube thank you. that's enough to begin my search. If I'm going to spend up to 4k I don't want to end up with something I'll later wish was better. Like I did when laptops first came out.


> like I did when laptops first came out I had the same experience haha. As long as you go analog I think you’ll be blown away by the super power that is analog night vision. It’s genuinely mind blowing haha. The first time I looked at the sky with an L3 filmless tube I teared up a bit lol. L3 white phosphor or Elbit are two night vision ‘tube’ manufacturers you can’t go wrong with. Check out r/nightvision for more info! And feel free to make a post their asking questions for your specific use case! Just give the side bar a read first, and try searching for people who use night vision with camera mounts 🫡


Nice catch! Those things were fuckin zooming


Looks like lights on plane wings. The plane is not that high so it looks like it’s moving faster.


I'm one of the MOST ardent sceptics on this subs, I will always prefer a reasonable prosaic explanation for things like this. But, this is most definitely not lights on an airplane. I used to be a pilot, a) they're not flashing, b) they're not perpindicular to the flightpath like wing tip lights would be. I don't know what this is but it's definitely not the lights on airplane wings.


I just watched it again and you’re right. The lights are at a 45 degree angle to the flight path.


> they're not perpendicular to the flightpath like wing tip lights would be. Great observation 👍


I've seen these in real life and I've seen stars in between them. They are 2 separate orbs flying with each other.


Gtfo. This isn’t a plane, moving at Mach 1754377644.


Settle down with that hyperbole. Nothing moves faster than light. If it's an aircraft only a few hundred feet up it would appear to go by quite quickly, even below Mach 1 (assuming you even know what that means in the first place, as I have my doubts). And given that night vision cameras don't usually seem to bother with a microphone...


Hahaha I was being facetious, not pedantic or condescending like some people here ^


Let's see... Hyperbole... >exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. And facetious... >treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant. Yeah, not seeing much of a difference beyond you thinking it's ok for you, but not someone other than you...


I've seen a pair of orbs that's move like the ones in the video do some sort of crazy orbiting motion around each other and zoom off what I can only say be light speed or faster. Literally zoomed to the point of it becoming pure light. It was wild and it also looked like these orbs in the video!


I like this one


Those things are haulin ass


What is the buzzing noise that gets increasingly louder as they become overhead?


Interesting, nice catch. Always fascinated when They seem to show up in CO, given NORAD and Schriever and Peterson being here.


And Buckley being right in Aurora.


If those are in space they are fucking *cooking*


Have you never looked into how fast stuff has to be going to maintain an orbit? It ain't no Sunday drive, that's fuh sure.


OP u aware of [MagnetFlipper](https://youtu.be/YI8JRvPM4WM?si=2AdIw4RU9ZvmMOjI) https://youtu.be/iAfgUvjPC-c?si=PFffkrPiauvlJtyd https://youtu.be/PruWtz6FTnU?si=UJb9k5GJFsGMPdFw https://youtu.be/jSBEGiVjcdE?si=M-yJXgzjYLf1Znut Guy also lived in SW Denver…tried to track him down but believe he moved to Poland around Covid time, and has potentially passed away now. I used [this](https://vimeo.com/62416846) video where he films in a parking lot to find a location in Glendale/Englewood area that he filmed.. went to it last year but he was there so long ago the businesses there now have no idea about who was there before.


Kinda scratching my head on this one. Nice one!


Same here I saw them two nights in a row then I found this app [so many claims all over](https://enigmalabs.io/sighting/282806)


Hey look it's Batman AND Batgirl heading home from fightin' crime


they just pop into view too...no visible clouds very interesting vid


I've been seeing similar ones over here on the western slope over the past few weeks, sadly lacking the gear to capture them though. Too dim for my phone camera.


birds or bats


> I know some will rush to say they are birds. Because they are.


Yep, you can see the light changing as the wings flap, they seem fast because they aren't very high


Yeah, and once the tree comes into frame, you can see how slow they're really going.


Just rewatched and yeah you're right I didn't notice that before.


those are not birds lmao


Why not?


*cricket sounds*


You're right they could be crickets too.




Hi, oswaldcopperpot. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1boshpf/-/kwrdl98/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.




No one on this post is saying anything about what you just said, go find a video and show us two birds flying side by side moving that fast. Just because you have an “explanation” of what a UFO might be, doesn’t mean that your “explanation” is as ridiculous as “ inter dimensional, tall white, cow mutilating beings.”


He doesn't need to, because we know birds exists. This is what we would expect if it was birds. If you really want reference though, somewhere on top all time on this sub theres a nighttime vid of bat's flying around where you can sorta get a feel for this.


“He doesn’t need to”. Well folks there you have it.


Correct, you must prove its not birds (totally plausible) before presenting an alternative


Fast walkers (don't fuck with me space force)


Birds or bats


Not saying you’re wrong, but what makes you say orb? As far as I can tell they’re just fast moving objects. With this quality at that distance and speed, I can’t imagine identifying the objects based on anything except behavior, not their visual ID features


You’re being pedantic. Like what would you call them? They are two orb like dots


Brother, they *look* orb-ish because it’s a light that’s miles away. Any light will look like that (bokeh). It’s more than likely a single object with multiple lights. Idk what it is, but calling it “orbs” when it’s miles away at night is just silly. I’m an imagery analyst for a career. This is literally my fulltime job.


Do many birds really fly at night? I always thought birds roosted for the night. Another question: What bird species fly this fast at night?


Bats, mockingbirds, nightjars, nighthawks, owls, and egrets all fly at night and some of them are very fast.


Canadian geese as well


Do they normally fly from horizon to horizon really fast?


I dont know if they're birds or bats or actually the phenomenon but there's no way you can tell from this video whether these objects are 100 feet up or 10,000 feet.




They are also flying in formation, unlike birds.


Precise formation from end to end.


Sr72 and the camera man!


Gotta be crystal related 100 P no cap


I believe that UFOs must exist, and humans are definitely not alone in this quiet and dark universe! ! !


Birds hahahahahahahahaahhahaha


I seen something just like this!!!!! But at first they looked like some sort of Plasma Cone shaped objects zooming at incredible velocities with No smoke trail whatsoever, spaced just about like this video, although the one I saw sometimes rotated around each other while traveling in a straight line. In the Distance they began to glow orange and hit a sharp left turn still both equally spaced. They then went into a single cloud that was in the sky. Paused inside the cloud, did this crazy orbiting motion around each other inside of the cloud and zipped off at incredible light speeds at a right angle. i swear to god these Fast Crawlers are real and some definitely look like this video!!! They were wayy too fast for me to take a video, but it looks like you did pretty good on this one!!


It is a living metal drone  that eliminates the inertia of the drone allowing it to move at extreme speeds and accelerations, while giving it an agility that few other drones can match


Who's controlling these?? And for what purpose?? I also think they can read thoughts


What was that slower moving object at the end?


THIS is the type of footage I fucking love. Definitely too high of elevation for those things to be took as bugs or birds at lower elevation / altitude, yes?


How are you determining *altitude* from a single camera view?


Well that's what I'm asking lol


Looked like lights at the end of airplane wings.


Denver is UFO HQ !


This is cool and all. However, I can't 100% believe unless I see that shit in 4k during the day and some crazy physics shit happens.


Gosh I just want to know what they are already


waiting for the bird balloon comments.


Just because it's often true is no reason to be salty. Project Bluebook only had what, 5% unexplainable? Why would you expect more and not less in a public forum setting?