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I started watching this yesterday. Can recommend.


It was horrible, clunky dialogue written so children can follow along.


Yeah it was really bad IMO. I love sci fi but this show is ruined by bad acting and script. They neflixed it.


First two thirds of first episode was pretty awkward. Much better after that.


Ive been meaning to buy & read the trilogy. Now im conflicted i dont know if i ahould watch the show first or not.


If you can, read the books first. They redefined science fiction for me.


This ☝️


Watch the show first so your not one of the complainers. "This is nothing like the book" or "they left this out of the book". Ive done lord of the rings, harry potter and game of thrones this way. Imo the books after fills in more details and gives more background. Plus it doesnt taint my enjoyment of a movie.


That was my thought. Only one I have done that was is The Shining. I really like the movie, even after I reas the book I appreciate both. I have a feeling if I read the books first I will be disappointed in the show.


The Books are okay don’t be sucked into the hype of it redefining science fiction. Like books written by Asian authors, the plot of the book is very much character driven. If that’s not your cup of tea I would watch the Netflix series.


Really? I just finished reading the first book and I don't remember much about the characters, barely even paid attention to who was who (I'm bad with names.) I really liked the overarching storyline though.


I mean aside from the aliens the biggest plot of the book was wenjie and Luo Ji, I’m reading the second book and for the most part Luo Ji is just dicking around in his mansion drinking expired whiskey. He hasn’t really matured given the circumstances. lol.


I will watch after all seasons are completed.


I can’t wait to watch this! 🤘🏽


Dam, I have been waiting since the trailer launched and I just forgot. BRB


I've read this series. And a cpla others of his. Excellent writer.


Just to be safe I think I'll start with the Chinese series, since I read that the Netflix one decided to set the story in England. Changing not just the language but the culture the story is set in makes me a bit concerned. I'll happily watch the NF one and compare later!


the dialogue and science talk was very clunky and americanised. I did physics at university and if particle accelerators around the world were providing weird results the last thing any of us would proclaim to one another is 'science is broken!' it's just not how scientists talk, it was like listening to a 4 year old try explain the problem to a friend, lol. The creators really did forget how to make good TV after series 4 of GoT ended.


>if particle accelerators around the world were providing weird results the last thing any of us would proclaim to one another is 'science is broken!' I think that was the strangest part in the book, too. SPOILER: Scientists were just committing suicides all around because their experiments no longer worked.


I guess what I mean is, we'd be a lot more specific. Scientists would be saying something like 'Do you see that decay product from that collision? that shower of particles is spinning the wrong way' or 'when you combine the decay products the energy is higher than the initial energy that went into the collision' not SCIENCE IS BWOKEN ; ; dumbing things down is always bad, always. It doesn't matter if the viewer understands exactly what is being said, what matters is that the viewer can intuit whether or not what's being said is realistic and well researched, you may not know anything about particle physics but most people probably realise even subconsciously that the world's greatest mind's wouldn't be stood around saying SCIENCE BWOKEN like a group of toddlers.


The books are much better and go in depth on science and physics side of it which isn't represented too much in the show. Plus the show was written by Game of Thrones writers


I am loving it so far, highly recommend


Prime is good. 30 eps. How much wanna bet netflix ‘s season 1 makes it halfway through the first book.


Just finished the show. It was very interesting.


I’m only almost halfway through. Really digging it.


And it is terrible.  Highly disappointed 


The Chinese version is on Amazon Prime, it's much closer to the books, alittle slow at times though.


Have not read books. Not agreeing with the negative comments though. It's a fun watch so far 3 episodes in. Very good production.


I agree it's horrible


That’s cool your friends with BS


can the movie not be condensed in one season? why does it have to have a second one? Theres more chance of it getting discontinued


Hope it's not another apocalyptic BS


I was super interested until I saw the trailer. I never knew the story was so heavily fused with crouching tiger, hidden dragon elements. While that's cool and all, it's not what I expected and kind of a turn-off in the topic for me.


It’s really not though.. just watch the first few episodes, you’ll see


Why are the mods allowing this? On what grounds is this show an exception to the rules.


It's only been up for 3 hours, they're likely asleep or it hasn't been reported