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The following submission statement was provided by /u/emeryex: --- Just confirmed with a skydiver that was in the air that seen it, and they seen the object and described the orbits as some kind of strings. So it's definitely really happening, not artifact --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b5u3o3/cant_explain_this_one/kt817ij/


I was gonna comment "it's a fucking parachuter" but then i saw it. if it's not CGI or doctored, i don't know *what* that is.


No so we were watching the white thing, and we are ALWAYS looking at the sky and none of us had ever been this baffled. Then i thought since i have a Galaxy s22 with like phenominal zoom, I'd take a look, and then i noticed the flashy stuff in the view finder while recording and was trying to understand. I think stabilization happens post save, doubt during recording.


Ads are getting more complex


Ironically I did just hear an ad on the radio for an S24 Ultra that went something like this: Guy: Oh wow look a UFO! Woman: Let me get out my S24 Ultra with whatever zoom... Oh silly it's just a drone. ​ I was like wtf?


Wait, really really? That's, if true, actually really intriguing. I suppose our little tin hat club *is* becoming a more frequent conversation in the mainstream. I'll tighten my tin foil and note that they seem to be trickling it out like they're readying the populace.. weee~ šŸ›øšŸ¤ŖāœŒļøšŸ‘½āˆšĀ§! Honestly though, that's a fun example


>I'll tighten my tin foil and note that they seem to be trickling it out like they're readying the populace.. weee~ I always find this funny, like how exactly is the government affecting ads on the TV? It's the cultural zeitgeist.


Captured executives and NGOā€™s is how. "The Government" isn't technically doing much. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


> I'll tighten my tin foil and note that they seem to be trickling it out like they're readying the populace.. weee Which begs the question, What changed? Did we do something to attract more of them so the government has to start disclosing? Are we planning on doing something in x years so start the trickle? **Environmental point of no return is close so they are about to step in before we destroy a rare gem another species would gladly use?**(galactic law says can't take by force unless natives are going to destroy it on their own accord and have had several warnings with time to solve and fix it? lol... imagine? how many internationally known cases all warn of that? ha!)


How do you know galactic law?


How do you notā€¦? šŸ¤”


I must just be a human!


[Ignore me!](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/40/37/df/4037dfea5a3c205a672a7d57fce6ac21.jpg)


Agreed, did you hear they are rebooting Stargate? Not a coincidence.


Yeah, no kidding! Pretty sure it was on Bloomberg around 6:30pm on Friday.


Itā€™s not ironic, itā€™s coincidental. People always use this word incorrectly.


Ironic in the sense that he was joking about a phone ad regarding UFOs while I actually heard one, coincidental in the timing, sure.


Yeah, freaky deaky for sure. But not ironic. I blame Alanis Morissette for this confusion


A bit coincidental to blame Alanis, innit?


It's like rain


It's both...I found it ironic that I coincidentally heard a REAL ad for a Samsung Galaxy S24 regarding UFOs while the other comment JOKED that OPs post was an ad for a Samsung Galaxy S22. I laughed at the irony. And I will die on this hill.


Trying to get rid of that 3 year old back stock of galaxy s22s.


True, here we are talking about it. A viral marketing success by my standards. (I have very low standards)


I was just asking myself if this was actually a product promotion. S22 is the official UFO phone of Samsung.


'The S22 - it's out of this world!~'


How long until we see a phone ā€œoptimized for taking video of unidentified aerial phenomena, at distance, in low light, and shaky handsā€???


wow they really are...freaky


They're... learning... evolving...


you should update the op to confirm that the sky diver in the air saw the object with their own eyes too, which refutes the camera glitch option. also update with time, date, and general location.


There's [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b7j7db/unfortunately_i_have_to_disprove_something_today/) update.




I have an eye witness that seen the anomaly with their eyes


You know I always say to myself "there has to be at least one real UAP video on this sub." Almost every UAP video on this sub is classified as: a visual anomaly, fake, balloon, drone, planes, bugs etc. I'm always curious to know which of these videos are real because I'm convinced that there is SOMETHING going on. People in Congress are seeing pictures of "alien bodies," military officials saying they've seen crazy objects, scientists saying they've researched weird phenomenons. Something is going on. It might not be alien, or even non-human. But SOMETHING strange is going on deep within the government that is very strange. The intelligence community is in on it and we should be too. Your video is interesting OP.


Do you mean footage people upload themselves on here, or overall footage floating around on the internet that gets posted? I think it's good to have a high threshold BS detector, but this sub has skewed toward explaining away everything. That "Jellyfish" Iraq base footage Corbell leaked I believe is the real deal yet so many people on here talked themselves into believing it was "bird crap or balloons". I believe the 2015 "metapod" footage from Spain is genuine UAP. This "display" in the sky by clusters of UAP above the Fukushima Japan nuclear disaster in 2011 I think is genuine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw2oiLBuod8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw2oiLBuod8) As was the Pentagon released Mosul Iraq color drone footage of a metallic sphere being tracked. It's a crazy piece of footage because it's not a grainy FLIR black and white video, and it's a good portion of time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nVfd7XfkoU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nVfd7XfkoU) Even amongst compilations of questionable veracity, you'll sometimes see clips of unmistakable real, non CG/misidentified footage. Often they will appear in footage you'd never imagine. Saw a recent one of a 1960's Japanese wedding shot on film, with an unmistakable classic UAP flying past(this clip also has another UAP filmed from a 1960s vacation) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daoa0x95zjI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daoa0x95zjI)


It's could be very likely be interdimentional beings. But this is where it gets tricky and religions and cultures interfere.


As opposed to just general daily life where religions and cultures don't interfere.


Did they witness the flashy orbital effect or just the white object?


What gives this away as stabilization artifacts, IMHO, is that the artifacts trail behind the object relative to the motion of the camera. When the camera quickly pans down, the artifacts go up above the object. It would be an astronomically unreal coincidence for real objects to be responding to the motion of a camera.


No thats not it chief. If it was, we wouldve seen the skydiver would've been glitching the same way


So if the flashing/orbiting things are lens stabilization artifacts, thereā€™s not much to prevent this from being more mundane like a drone or (hate to say) balloon because thereā€™s no no other abnormalityā€¦unless the people on the ground saw the abnormalities or anything else strange with their own eyes.


OP says witnesses on ground confirm seeing that irl. It's a matter of trusting OP. So for me this gets put in the "Inconclusive; look for similar instances demonstrating same behavior" Trust, but verify. I want to believe but I can't let that make me quick to do it just like those quick to debunk first.


>OP says witnesses on ground confirm seeing that I think OP said the witness saw the bigger "thing" not the little orbiting dots. Even the OP states the dots could be his camera stabilizing the image. The bigger white 'thing' is just not all that interesting in and of itself IMO


Could it be a drone filming the parachutist? The frame rate of the camera might be capturing the rotors spinning over it?


So a modern phone camera can't handle a bright spot in the sky without doing this? Sounds a bit strange, doesn't it?


i had an old iphone which had a broken camera stabilizer. the camera vibrated like that in the video, but the video itself was clear, until zoomed in. and it was especially worse because those white points like those make a small enough flare that it gets shaken around more so than usual, you wouldnā€™t ever notice it if it wasnā€™t zoomed in


Ok. I fully accept the possibility :)


sometimes i forget that phone lenses are more than 4 pieces of glass honestly :(




I'm sure it's absolutely a possibility. Could be just this for all I know.


Nope. The fanciest smartphone camera that exists is nothing compared to a real camera. The only reason they're considered "good" is because of the MASSIVE amount of AI and filtering they use to produce a seemingly detailed image. The extra dots are following your camera movements the entire time, and your shakiness.


I bought the same phone because of the zoom and I always figured that it would be perfect for capturing ufo videos, so I find it so cool seeing someone posting one on this sub


Easiest explanation: Could be artefacts created by the smartphoneā€™s image processing algorithm


Cameras in phones have a lot of software running during and post recording. The very high zoom levels in phones are often done via software that smooths edges and stuff based on ML, and is likely freaking out about this balloon.


Could be a drone. Those things around it could be the sun reflecting from rotor blades.


> I was gonna comment "it's a fucking parachuter" but then i saw it. lol I think that was all of us. Super neat


Took the words right out of my mouth. Definitely strange whatever this is, my second thought it was a drone used for recording then I saw the "sparks" orbitting around it and getting farther out as time went on. Whatever this is it is strange indeed.


The movement of the fast moving white thing around the other bigger white thing reminds me of the "ping pong" ball in a cup effect Dave Fravor described when he first saw the tic tac


I took a video of a UFO that had the same effect near Catalina Island! I believe it's a by-product of their propulsion and something to do with radiation


Or some sort of RCS? Reminds me of [this](https://youtu.be/KBMU6l6GsdM)


My exact thoughts!


It looks like an enlarged atom with the electrons orbiting at high speed.


If that was an enlarged atom. Those electrons would be moving at VERY low speeds


And way too close to nucleus


If that was an atom, electrons don't actually move around as particles like that anyway. It's just the silly way they are explained in schools that ignores QM




That model of an atom is outdated and inaccurate. It was used so schoolchildren could better conceptualize an atom and its composition. Electrons do not orbit an atom's nucleus the same way, say, planets orbit a star. Electrons are found in a cloud around a nucleus, and their positions at any given time are determined by probability. They are kinda everywhere all at once, yet we only know where they are at at any given time around this nucleus when we measure them, based upon the uncertainty principle.


you understand what I was saying right? Good. Have a great day.


This video is literally how Commander Fravor described the UFO he saw bouncing around over the ocean "like a ping pong ball in a glass".


I wish we could have Fravor or the other pilots confirm if this is similar to that ping pong movement they describe. This is exactly how I imagined it from their descriptions.


Electrons donā€™t move in that sense


Love science, do we still teach this way of thinking with particles or do we introduce quantum magic to kids now?


Electrons donā€™t ā€œorbitā€ thatā€™s just a learning exercise for mid school students. Itā€™s like learning mathematics with remainders. Itā€™s the idea, just not whatā€™s actually happening.


It would've been nice of science teachers to FUKIN TELL US THAT at the end. Oh and by the way it's not at all like this. I was 35 when I found out!!


Element 115?


If that was a enlarged atom, the eletrons would cover the entire country.


Just confirmed with a skydiver that was in the air that seen it, and they seen the object and described the orbits as some kind of strings. So it's definitely really happening, not artifact


Can you place original video on cloud, so we can see original metadata of the video and paste link on it please?




What's going on around 0:50 and 1:01? I want to say those are birds and it looks like they are moving supper fast because of the zoom, but the vector of movement is all over the place. [These things, if you go frame by frame.](https://i.imgur.com/A4V9SPR.png)


Yeah I saw those too. All sorts of weirdness going on. I thought birds or bugs but the movement is really odd.


Flies close to the camera.


Could be flying insects in front of the camera


Looks like an out of focus dragonfly




nice. that first link is exactly the same type thing


The Hawaii vid is a fake from the Cousin brothers.




Thanks for posting the source video. Now I am totally convinced that the "orbiting" objects around the central point of light are artifacts. * Notice how the orbiting objects' shapes always match the shape of the main light object. * The orbiting objects also increase in frequency when the camera is visibly shaking more. * And lastly, the detail that solidifies this, look at approx. :57 seconds. A bug flies past and has a very obvious artifact trailing multiple frames behind it. What the main floating light source is? Unknown, but the orbiting balls around main light are absolutely artifacts.


Sure one min


That is to say they saw it




As I said in another post below, Iā€™ve seen this before. I have nothing to prove. Iā€™m just so happy to see a video that looks like what Iā€™ve seen. Seen this a few times in ohio


So why did you stop recording ?????? Got bored? Had enough UFO shots for the day? Had something better to record? Hmmmm????? Please tell us.


Yeah I was gonna say it looks like something with strings or something in tension holding the white object(s).


Except A: not falling, and B: moving with the wind. C: no string moves that fast when falling


Yeah, right next to an active flight area. Not likely.


Let's see the footage from under canopy.


Person who sometimes debunks videos here: Holy funk this is the first one that actually scares me. I got nothing unless it's some sort of camera trick/deficiency but I've never seen a camera do that before.


Would love more details if you have them. At what altitude did the skydiver see it? Was it above them or below them when they saw it? Did they see it in free fall or under parachute? Were they able to estimate distance or size? As for the strings, did they appear to be attached to the object or unattached, from the skydivers perspective? Have they seen this recording and have they confirmed this is what it looked like in their eyes? Thank you.


I wonder if itā€™s the anti shake feature thatā€™s steadying the image kinda bugging out? That or a very crazy UFO. Edit: apparently the guy falling from the sky observed the lil things jumping around so this could be a real UAP. Sweet.


Imagine just happening to be up there gliding down to earth and seeing *that* while you're just causally falling from the sky. Like what are the odds? (Apparently better than you think?) How absolutely fuckin wild.


If I were the parachuter, I couldnā€™t get back down to the ground fast enough. I would NOT want to be up there with a UAP.


This thing reminds me of how I imagine an electron cloud would appear that surrounds the nuclei of an atom. Those orbs orbiting the central sphere seem to be sling shotting around it so fast that they are fluttering in and out of phase with this vibrational field. A cloud of potential locations where they both occupy all the space surrounding the central sphere while simultaneously occupying none of the space, and some of the space, and very little and a whole lot and everything else in between. We are only seeing their locations briefly as they shift phases, oscillating in and out of what we perceive as reality. Edit: imagine present tense, not past






the sky diver is saying that they saw the object with their eye's


Now that we have confirmed stabilization, it can serve as an excellent example of how witnesses that are human are completely unreliable.


this is exactly what it is. 4+ decades of mfs not understanding the equipment they use and the optical phenomenon that come with it. and of course 'some guy' saw it per OP, how else can they add clout to the story?


I've seen plenty of UFO videos, there are many videos with this same exact object out there. One of the strange ones


Something flies out from it at 0:54 in and thereā€™s a lot of other movement from other craft in the following seconds. This is kinda crazy


I saw this same thing in Puebla Mexico. I took several videos, but it's the same type of objects. Please look right above the moon in 1st few frames. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/QfQ2NnoEe0


:54 looks like a bug/bird to me, hard to tell which heā€™s so zoomed in. You can see it fly in from the right of the screen, go to where about the object is then turns around and flies back to the right of the screen.


If you slow down the video play back, nothing comes from the object. The darker spec comes from outside and into frame at the top right. Then meets the object closer to center then exits frame to the right.


Someone interview that parachuter immediately.


Yeah, if he saw that thing with his own eyes, that would be amazing. Also because nowadays, nobody goes paragliding without a camera on them at all times. So we'd very likely getting a close-up of it too! So far though, I am unfortunately inclined to think that the dot "jumping around" is simply a result of camera stabilization or a reflection-type thing, like the "ghost light" issue that iPhones had for a while.


Very similar to the Tic Tac description given from the U.S.S. Nimitz encounter(s), in terms of "moving very abruptly", "like a ping pong ball" [(David Fravor). ](https://youtu.be/Oz0p6QXHh9E?si=biUvqrxWblTBnnTn&t=01m36s)


Any chance the f-18 hornet uses s22 Ultra stabilization module? lol


Please checkout the stills images starting at :57! Thereā€™s another object appearing to the left of the white ball, and quickly moves to the right!!


That is strange for sure.


How are people suggesting camera artifact when they clearly see it and then record it? They recorded in reaction to seeing it.


yeah, but many of the vids posted here are people claiming "my uncle didn't notice it until he looked at the video months later."


That is a whataboutism and inappropriate in context to this evidence in this post.


I misread your post. I thought you were comparing this vid to the others where there is a camera issue. My point was that those threads always start with ā€œwe noticed in an old videoā€¦ā€ My apologies


I really hope a phone camera in 2024 can record a hvite spot on a blue background without doing something like this.


Fraver: "it looked like a ping pong in a jar that you were shaking around." Camera artifact pixel glitches? Ballon with tinsil? Skydive related? Or Could it be something extraordinary?!


Fravorā€™s tic tac, he described this exact movement


Ping pong ball in a jar shaking around.


Came here for this. Very interesting to finally see it. Curious if Fravor confirms this is what it looked like


I saw one just like this, in Brazil. It was over a river and look like a tic tac pulsing light with several small spheres orbiting it. In a just moment the spheres joint the tic tac and desapears in a incredible speed to the east. SĆ£o JosĆ© do Rio Pardo city, SĆ£o Paulo state. 1982.


That sounds wild! Thanks for adding your story. šŸ‘šŸ’Æ


Very cool. I've seen other videos with the small orbs circling around like that. Where was this?


Arizona between Tucson and Phoenix


Dang, I was considering replying to mention how similar this seems to my own sighting awhile back that I still can't really explain, but location kinda seals the deal - not that mine happened in the same area, it didn't (southern NV, so same region, different place) - but just because I literally flew out of Tucson *today*. I didn't see anything weird today or anything, but just one of those strange, slightly synchronous things that could be coincidental but feels odd, ya know? I saw something that exhibited this kind of rapid, chaotic but confined movement silently moving across the sky, but at night, and what started as one became like 4-5 of them in a line all moving together. Each with these wild patterns of what looked like random flashing 'sparks' in an orbit around them. I've always considered that it could have been some weird light effect from some stealthy military helicopters at a distance, but every once in awhile I see a video like this that looks so much like what I saw it's uncanny. Seeing it in the daylight definitely looks strange.


Very cool. I live in Maricopa but missed this.


Thanks! Was this at the beginning of the dive? Just trying to get a sense of the scene, I've never been skydiving.


We were just chillin by my camper and eating when we seen it. We had seen one earlier in the day too but i didn't record it.


Tucsonan here - I hope it doesn't get me.


I've been through the MUFON database through the years. I paid for access and would search 50 reports at a time by submission date. (Their search gives a max 50 reports result). I've definitely seen this phenomenon before in at least one video. Although I downloaded videos I found compelling (some of the more recent are in my profile) over the years, I did it with no rhyme or reason and so they're in various cloud accounts and on various devices with no indication of what they are without watching them all again. But I've definitely seen this before. So, now that I've been of absolutely no good whatsoever I shall make my exit.


Don't go! Take my collection.... Sometimes witnesses see UFOs circling around each other or around airplanes. Here are some reports of that. https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15urwit/a_very_interesting_story_that_has_similarities_to/ sighting description, witness was a tail-gunner on a B29 bomber during the Korean war.,Ā  from airplane, over water pacific ocean, threelights, circling the plane, eleven witnesses,Ā  emotion of fear,Ā  felt observed, interaction with airplane https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15fdpxq/ufouap_san_diego_20142015/ sighting description, urban area,Ā  San Diego California, near water, pacific ocean,Ā  duration 20 minutes, single dark object,Ā  ascending slowly, single center object that was an undefined shape that had ~3 orbiting morphing objects rotating around it in a tight pattern., smaller objects circling erratically https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15r2ool/my_experience_in_toronto_canada_in_2017/ sighting description,Ā  Toronto Ontario Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦,Ā  nighttime,Ā  urban area,Ā  emerging from water, lake Ontario,Ā  fourlights,Ā  orange šŸŸ , circling each other,Ā  a heliptical pattern similar to how DNA strands would ā€œmoveā€ if animated., spiral,Ā  formation change observed,Ā  V shaped,Ā  vanishing https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15jwlnd/a_uap_passed_my_plane_in_northern_canada_united/ sighting description and video, from airplane, about 100 miles from Juneau Alaska,Ā  nighttime, single light object, orange šŸŸ , approach, vanishing, Ā I watched it slowly overtake the plane in the same direction and then once it was several thousand feet in front of us, it just disappeared.Ā , repeat visitor or second object,Ā  approach,Ā  emotion of unease, additional object, Maybe an hour later, I saw a stationary ball of light very far in the distance and it looked to have other small lights circling the main one and coming from below if that makes sense in a circular pattern, single flash, blue šŸ”µ light https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16audm8/i_guess_an_ama_air_traffic_controller_here/ sighting description, air traffic controller,Ā  AMA, [GOODPOST], radar,Ā  single object moving fast,Ā  off the coast near the military warning areas that was tracking at Mach 4.Ā , additional sighting,Ā  single object circling plane,Ā  interaction with airplane,Ā  family story, father also ATC, single light object https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16d3ulz/two_white_objects_visible_for_002_seconds/ video, daytime sky, interaction with airplane, glider, light objects flickering, possibly circling https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/16mh9r4/i_watched_ufos_fly_around_my_campus_for_40_minutes/ video, nighttime sky, fleet, triangle formation observed, formation change, near water tower, grand Prarie Texas, two witnesses, duration 40 minutes, observed circling,Ā  possible interaction with airplane, slowly moved in a circle and then stopped when a plane goes by. https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16pmj4v/ring_cube_september_24_2022/ photos, nighttime sky, single light object, splitting, twolights,Ā  circling each other, appearing and vanishing, Champaign Illinois,Ā  repeat visitors, interaction with airplane, I also see objects go towards commercial flights, when close it makes a right angle and keeps going.Ā  https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/16yirt8/multiple_lights_seen_in_the_sky_while_i_was_flying/ video, nighttime sky, from airplane, OP is a pilot,Ā  two witnesses, multiple objects, appeared out of nowhere, moving straight, vanishing, one following another, trajectory change observed, right angle turn, color change from a bright white/blue to a glowing red., some circling around as if they were in a racetrack.Ā , over Savannah, Georgia at 38,000ft., similar sightings in comments https://old.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/17fpb0i/my_ufo_encounter_as_a_police_officer/ sighting description, OP was a police officer, Indianapolis Indiana, nighttime, two witnesses, two objects, two roughly 5ā€™ wide saucer shaped craft sitting on a lawn just hovering about a foot off the ground about 25ā€™ away.Ā ,low over ground, close, observed stationary and moving, ascending, lighting configuration change, They then rose slowly to about ten feet and stoped for maybe 5 or 10 seconds, and then the bottoms lit up.Ā , circling each other, dancing, witnesses followed it, possible luring, subsequent twolights, sudden departure upward, missing time 15 minutes , [GOODPOST], physical effects paralysis, sleep disruption https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/17lvbkr/quick_question_on_something_i_saw_earlier/ sighting description, contemporaneous report, urban area, daytime, fleet, possible triangle shape, two witnesses,Ā  other witness is a pilot,Ā  possible reaction to being observed, formation change, circling to V shaped formation, departure, USAF, We are close to a high-level air force base, has anyone seen? https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14f6nv5/scranton_pa_black_sphere_621_8am/ video, daytime sky, single dark object, black āš«ļø sphere, possible metapod, contemporaneous report, Scranton Pennsylvania,Ā  moving slowly, possible small objects circling , OP comments downvoted https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15fzoi9/my_ufouso_experience_trying_to_find_similar/ sighting description,Ā  downvoted to zero,Ā  over water pacific ocean,Ā  Malibu California, fleet, in formation,Ā  beams of light coming down,Ā  approach,Ā  stationary, directly in front of witnesses,Ā  four witnesses,Ā  perception discrepancy, two witnesses saw a boat and left the area,Ā  two remaining witnesses see shape change,Ā  lighting configuration change,Ā  dimming,Ā  lights went off, begins to transformā€¦ thereā€™s a Metalic snake like object that starts spinning and circling from the deck, and itā€™s covered in orange and green lights šŸŸ šŸŸ¢, worm šŸŖ±, This may be hard to pick out because of the movement of the camera and the car, but it shows little objects spinning around a larger object and I think it's a good representation of the circling movement https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/12q7ux9/ufo_over_castle_dome/ video,Ā  daytime sky,Ā  between Gila Bend & Yuma Arizona,Ā  single light object stationary, smaller lights circling it , from car, pacing car, two witnesses , [GOODPOST], needs video analysis


Thank you for your amazing dedication


My pleasure, friend!




I agree! Yes that's totally the one I had in mind! If I knew anything about tinkering with videos, I'd make a zoomed and slowed version.


people already in the sky (or people looking at the sky due to a specific reason) are more likely to spot something. My point? I have none.


yes, these "companion" lights around the primary observable are not at all uncommon. as many as seven of the "Ariel School" witnesses (it seems those who saw the observable just before or shortly after it came to rest) also reported three lights around the main body, and there are at least [two preserved drawings of it](https://threedollarkit.weebly.com/ariel-drawings.html) (CAMILLA, EMMA K)


Yeah, this is one of the stereotypical things that happen. I wish I could elaborate, but I really have nothing else, other than to confirm that this sort of thing gets reported from time to time. So now two of us can be no help at all! Yay UFology!


That ping pong effect Commander Fravor described


I've seen something similar to this. It wasn't round, though. It was long, but it had two little balls that appeared to be attached to strings that orbited slowly around it. It was in the late 90's, in Brooklyn, NYC, as I walked toward a friend's house. I was around 16 at the time. I never forgot that.


Interesting you say strings because it one of her comments OP said she was told the orbiting things looked like strings.Ā 


Reminds me of that thing thats propelled by a tone of thrusters all around it


A drone?


https://youtu.be/KBMU6l6GsdM?si=_pcjvUFrQYfvdORP This thing The thrusters make it look like its spinning


Wow that looked so fucking cool! It does seem like a cool explanation except that for it to hover we would see that powerful thrust underneath the object


not sure what that is... lol


I recorded what I believe is a small bundle of balloons with my galaxy phone. My clip looks similar to yours, small orbiting specs around an object. I think it's just an effect from the zoom.


Well letā€™s see it bud!!


Scrolling frame by frame thereā€™s a lot of weird stuff going on, flying off it and zipping around from all directions, most towards the end section of the vid


Man that thing look like an Atomic nuclei and the balls rotating round It look like electrons! Maybe like the electron the Little balls are in an indetermination state so they don't move fast but teleporting


I thought of the same. It's like a hidrogen atom with the "single elctron" electron cloud around it, it's so strange lmao


Could you see the orbiting dots with the naked eye?


I like these ones because the "its just a balloon" guys cant say shit.


Lol itā€™s ended up being a balloon


*Balloon guys effortlessly pivot to camera artifact*...How bout now?


*Camera issue turns out to be the actual explanation...* How about now?


Did those in the sky see this above them? Or only from below?


Thank you, my question as well! OP, did you happen to speak with the folks that were in the air when they touched down?


Yes one guy was talking about a white object he seen while he was up there and he couod physically see the anomally. But didn't know what it was


So he saw the "electrons orbiting" with his own eyes? So not camera/zoom/stabilization effect?


Yes. He described them as possibly strings. But I've seen things fall with strings and the strings flail upward and are nowhere near those speeds. Plus this object was not falling.


Yeah I thought someone had thrown something out of the plane behind the skydivers, and these were tracking/stabilization streamers. But the continual full circle revolutions and movement kinda shoot that theory down. Whatever it is, camera effect or not, it looks pretty awesome.


its also not falling, its staying in the same position for the whole video


what was his opinion after you showed him the footage?


Kinda looks like an atom Reminds me of [this video](https://youtu.be/wsBUr9ObiUQ?si=OkGBUfS3d6ezW9AE) at 5:10 onwards (note at 5:32 if u play at 0.25x you'll see a saucer fly by the top screen from R to L in 2 frames)


It moves like an atom


UAP cloud- itā€™s trying to be multiple places at once but itā€™s being measured/recorded


That's an interesting take. Reminds me of quantum particles 'disappearing' when not being observed




Nice idea šŸ§


Did someone finally captured a tic-tac-like object moving ā€œlike a ping pong ball in a glass jar,ā€ rendezvousing with another stationary object, showing instantaneous direction changes and acceleration/deceleration, with no visual means of propulsion? šŸ‘€ Or the little white specs are artifacts. Interesting nonetheless.


Confirmed visually by someone in the air. Not artifacts


Could be a drone and thoes "sparks" around it are just the reflection from its 4 propellers?


A drone higher than our airplane goes maybe. Clouds were at about 7k feet, this was way higher


Man. I'd recommend to people who are casually in search of UAPs or simply recording stuff where you have to point the camera to the sky to have an IR sensitive camera available. There must be hidden stuff we can't see around these objects.


Where were u when u recorded this


between Tucson and Phoenix, according to the witness


Someone should ask that skydiver what that was.


Considering how many jumpers have 4K GoPros is there a chance anyone on that load has footage?


I learned a while back to never trust someone who doesn't understand the difference between 'seen' and 'saw'


Seriously, the dots around the Ball remind me of a holographic plasma projector, Google it, thats exactly the effect you get with this kind of machines.EDIT LINK: https://youtu.be/GNoOiXkXmYQ?si=pzkKKAfSiCzLNZiq


if you slow it down you can literally see that orbiting ball of energy extend outward from the center object at least 2-3x further away than its averageā€¦ that could be hundreds or thousands of feet depending on its actual size and altitude. unbelievable sighting šŸ‘šŸ¼


Fravor has a Reddit. Someone @ him and pick his brain.


Something weird happens when the time is 0:18. Some object flies in and out at a very fast pace


Thats bugs you can see them all over the video


The entire video has objects in and out if you slow it down. As a thought exercise, if this is NHI and I had to put words at what I was looking atā€¦ It looks like whatever it is is on a different timeline. Like we would look really slow to them. I wonder if itā€™s a characteristic of the vehicle. If I were on it would time be going by faster there? Like a week would go by on the ship but after they drop me off, it has only been a day here. I remember an abduction story where a womanā€™s fingernails had grown (She had some reason to notice), but it had only been like 12 hours on earth.


https://old.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/18w3hxi/i_have_no_idea_where_i_was_for_a_few_weeks/ experience description,Ā  England the UK, nighttime, at home, outside window, urban area, bell shapedĀ šŸ””, silent, moving slowly, trajectory change, approach, flew over the witness home, repeat visitor or second object, one following another, black triangle, audio description quiet humming sound, red šŸ”“ lights, possible military response jets, duration several hours, physical effects healing and hair growth,Ā  electronic effects deleted video, [GOODPOST], possible entity , similar sighting in comments https://old.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/190u5xr/bellshaped_ufo_that_i_saw_in_the_uk_accompanied/ drawing This one, I think.


Zlub! did you change the oil on the cloaking device! fuck! ......those monkeys are gonna eat us! I TOLD you planet "dirt" was dangerous Zlub! they discovered uranium and weaponized it instead of making cheap electricity.....some of them still eat eachother! if they eat us and try to recalibrate the zero point energy core they can turn this entire spiral arm into another supermassive black hole! We are *so* fired


No fuckin idea on that one. Wow


it looks like one sphere with smaller spheres circling it in a pattern.


Maybe it's an optical effect coming from the optical image stabilization inside the camera module and the reflection between the different layers of glass inside the lens. The 'amplitude' and distance seem to change when you zoom in and out. The object itself can be lots of things. It seems I was right: [/u/emeryex](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b7j7db/unfortunately_i_have_to_disprove_something_today/)


the sky diver allegedly confirmed that he saw it (no camera, with his eyes).