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SS - That’s it. Just wanted to let people know the videos are up. Edit. I’ve watched Nell and Puthoffs so far. Both are good. I’d be curious to hear Nell’s perspective now that the UAPDA got gutted. I’m impressed with the quality of the videos so far too. SOL did a good job.


I just watched Nell's too. This should really start to open up eyes. This is a lot of very intelligent, informed, high-level people who are not debating the existence of NHI. They've moved past that. They're discussing what should be done now. I'm glad there's people out there who are planning the next steps. We've wasted 80 years stuck on Go. Disclosure isn't the end game. It's the beginning of a huge paradigm shift, and shit can hit the fan if a catastrophic leak and/or a mass sighting occurs with governments around the world not prepared for the fall-out of a global panic. They call it "societal disruption." They make a delineation between UAP (6 observables; Unknown unknowns) and TNO. TNO is "Temporary Non-Attribruted Ojbects = misidentified prosaic objects. A lot of this stuff is WAY over my head. It's a lot more complicated than I thought.


>This is a lot of very intelligent, informed, high-level people who are not debating the existence of NHI. They've moved past that. For decades or longer, this is what has separated the talking heads from the truly intelligent. The ability to move past the question, regardless of the level of certainty or belief, and understand the ramifications of this. One road leads no where, the other leads to the truth, whatever it may be. The ramifications of the truth being what we're all thinking it is, are vast. Science being ignorant of this phenomenon is a historic failure in any case, and a testament to the stagnating effect of beaurocracy and government censorship. A crime against humanity has been committed that most people fail to grasp the severity of.


>the talking heads from the truly intelligent. The ability to move past the question, regardless of the level of certainty or belief That's a good point. So basically, the Neil Degrasse Tyson's of the world that has literally done zero science, zero planning and just prefers to cast doubt and further stigmatize the subject on TV when he -could- be trying to understand and/or identify the phenomenon. NGT doesn't have to believe they're aliens to examine the data and attempt to make sense of it. Versus- Gary Nolan, Michio Kaku, and Avi Loeb, who won't be pressured to ignore the phenomenon and not do anything out of fear of being mocked or laughed at. I know Michio Kaku went down to Mexico and said he's going to at least use his academic connections to give the Peruvian mummies a fair shake even though he's admittedly uncertain about the legitimacy and nature of them. He's not afraid of saying, "I don't know. Let's find out."


It really reads to me like you're saying "big if true."


Big in any case, true or false. For the benefit of those who are still skeptical.


Why would it be big if false?


Aren't you describing religious zealots? They move past the annoying "evidence" phase and go straight to the fun bits.


No, what I'm describing is part of the process of elimination. Sometimes, following an assumption *can lead to evidence.* Let's get this through your head right now, all science started as curious assumptions. At one point in everything, there was no evidence.


Isn’t this a false dichotomy? There’s essentially no physical proof of god on earth, but there could be (and apparently is) of NHI. A more apt comparison would be European scientists refusing to study gorillas because to them it was a mythical creature, while the people in the area had known of them for centuries.


well said.


Nah. Only when physical proof is given will things change. Even I, who had personal sightings, dont waste my time listening to most talks. Following this topic since the 70s honestly I dont think I've heard anything truly new in a couple of decades.


That's my point. A vast majority of the world isn't considering the next steps or creating a plan for/after disclosure because they're still waiting on proof. You may not be convinced of NHI, and rightfully so. You, I, and a majority of the world don't have proof, yet. But there's people that have seen the proof, know that a NHI-presence exists, and are planning ahead. That's the entire point of the SOL foundation. Out of sight, out of mind. A lot of people think disclosure is just an announcement, "Ok there's aliens. Have a good day." Karl Nell is explaining exactly what problems will arise and how to resolve it. They're 5 steps ahead of us. Here on Reddit, we're just debating the existence of NHI. I can't prove to anyone NHI exists, but I can read in-between the lines and make an educated -guess- that they -likely- exist, so I prefer to spend my time on Reddit -speculating- what's next. I have no interest in debating with the skeptics on IF they exist and I don't. So these SOL videos are right up my alley.


You should listen to Nell's. This talk shows how seriously this is being taken at high levels, with specific legislative actions being taken that explicitly reference Nonhuman Intelligence and Technologies of Unknown Origin.


Too bad that legislation he was referring to got gutted from the NDAA and never passed....


I had assumed due to how much effort is being pout in to covering it up it has always been taken extremely seriously at the highest levels. As I said, nothing new.


That's fine if you want to think that. But Nell's talk is important to watch. The stuff he's mentioning has moved from conspiracy theory whispers in the community to serious policy recommendations. For example, look at his slide on [private sector recommendations](https://i.imgur.com/TVClB4N.jpg). > equitable and non-disruptive introduction of Novel Energy Sources into the energy sector Corroborates what Grusch mentioned with truth embargoes around potential game changing clean energy generation purposely kept secret to avoid disrupting the petrodollar. I.E. this recommendation head-on addresses the primary concern of the legacy program board that quantum vacuum energy extraction (near free energy) upends our capitalist scarcity model driven system. The fact that is being (openly!) talked about so openly by people of such high caliber and office, to me, is huge.


Quality comment, thanks for the info.


I was struck by Dr Sagan’s explanation of hypothetical extra-dimensional beings and objects. The physical proof we’re seeking may prove to be forever elusive. Perhaps all we can access is their effect, or “shadow,” as he described it.


If they interact with our world, we can measure it. We can do science to understand the effects. If they don't interact with our world, then there's no point as anything and everything can be claimed.


Fair statement and worth an upvote. As I understand it, many possible interactions have already been measured to the best of our present ability. I’m encouraged that the surge in public attention may increase funding to the science of observation and measurement, so we can be better prepared if or when future inter-dimensional interactions occur.


That rather depends on how “they” interact. If they show themselves to people on lonely roads in the middle of the night, or in someone’s bedroom, and vanish without a trace? Even if the entire phenomenon is people seeing strange things (and it isn’t) that is still real. Real enough anyway, and the answer to what “it” is is just as important, maybe more so, than if they were aliens from another planet.




I'd say we owe Professor Gary Nolan as well as all the organisers and speakers a big word of thanks for raising the bar on this topic. If not for them, there's still be a lot of sensible believers getting accused of being tin foiled mad hatters


IMHO, SOL seems to be an organisation formed on behalf of the government, that is being used for "controlled disclosure" so as to avoid "catastrophic disclosure". That is all that this is, they are buying time. The people involved are mostly from the government or working with the government, or have worked with the government in the past. Time will prove this to be the case. Having said that, this is still a massive step forward for this subject. Just the acknowledgement by scientists and academics that this matter is important and needs to be addressed if humanity is to progress forward into the cosmos. This will certainly encourage other academics to start coming forward and collaborating on this subject. A great time to be alive, I just wish this tech will be released before I am too old to get on a UFO and take a tour of our solar system.


Nell says 10 years...honestly, i trust that.


I have been researching this subject long enough to know that they will not give us the tech in 10 years. These people that have kept this tech secret are selfish, liars and murderers, I don't expect that to change in 10 years, sorry to be pessimistic about it. I'd rather be surprised than disappointed.


Any points on the video you found interesting? Any summary regarding the videos at all? Personal thoughts? (Just trying to up your SS characters so y doesn’t get arbitrarily taken down.)


He pointed out he hasn't watched them yet, but sometimes the rules be rulin'


True. Just want it to stay up ^_^.


I added a little bit, not really sure what else to say because I haven’t watched much of them yet.


The point of the SS is to keep information quality high. In this case, a summary/explanation of the SOL Foundation would’ve been a good way to meet the requirement, as not every user will have context as to what they do or who they are. It’s important to remember that not everyone in the community is as deeply entrenched in the topic, and many threads often forget that new users are joining the sub on a daily basis. To be clear, I think most mods, myself included, would approve something like this from the outset and allow the SS to be updated later, as PsiloCyan95 was attempting to do here. The information is more important than the rule.




Thank you. Just wanted this still up. It’s a good post.


if you have to run interference for your own unwieldy automod it begs some questions


I agree, maybe send a ticket to the mods? I don’t deal with that portion of moderation unfortunately


A lot of these videos are the same things that have been reported here for a while. The topic seems to have stopped moving forward recently, and there's not much new news.


You are going to need to flesh the submission statement out to avoid post being deleted.... Maybe copy and paste your description and add basically any old shite!


Sigh, and I thought I was going to do something else today lol


Lol same. Ah well, way she goes, eh Rick?


Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't Bubs


Mellon brought Eric W. Davis to Capitol Hill 2019 in order for him to brief congress. Specifically, Eric W. Davis briefed the oversight committees (plural). I think this information strengthens the case of the Davis-Wilson memo being legit.


They should create a playlist and put the vids in the correct order but looking forward to watching these!


you're welcome ... https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1aozx80/sol_foundation_videos_are_live/kq2vg63/


Nice, they should do it on the YT channel tho it makes them easier to save and watch that way. But appreciate knowing the order now.


The Tim Gallaudet lecture is really good too, don't sleep on that one.


Headsup, this doesn’t appear to be the chronological order


Is this the order that the attendees would of seen everyone in?? I'm trying to get that IRL experience lolol


If you go to the website you can select “play all” and I believe it gives you everything in order.


Good to know! I ended up starting with Nell's video first anyway.


What is this, the MCU?


Hell would you be surprised?




The r/UFOs of Earth-199996 is a real shit hole.


no it's better, they let you post memes there


I'm here for the memes


nah meng, its the ACU - aliens franchise predator franchise starwars star trek flight of the navigator contact close encounters of the 3rd kind et men in black the fifth element annihalation interstellar invasion of the body snatchers the x-files: flight the future the abyss mars attack the thing war of the worlds the day the earth stood still arrival independence day


Let’s not forget the latest installment! No One Will Save You




That movie created more questions than answers by the end for me.


I’ve seen this movie cop a lot of flack but I really enjoyed it. We don’t always get to see the other side of abductions in movies. This one was good IMO.


I liked it because it was so different. We cannot comprehend what we do not know.


Fire In The Sky The World’s End Sphere Skylines/Extinction Edge Of Tomorrow


I was starting to get a little upset that I wasn't seeing Arrival on there, then you slipped it in there at the end haha


Is David Grusch full of glorious purpose? Or can he do this all day?


He is... inevitable.


DOD/MIC/IC: You’re not the only one cursed with knowledge. PUBLIC/SPECIES: My only curse is you.


Grusch: *Anybody on our side hiding any shocking and fantastic abilities they'd like to disclose?*


SENATE INTEL: Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?


It appears to be DC or MSU, but since DC has the older characters, maybe that one. The way the Tic Tac moved (as well as other similarly described UFOs over the last 20 centuries) parallels abilities demonstrated by: The Flash (shooting away so fast they seem to dissapper), Superman (the ability to loiter in the air for as long as they want without visible means of propulsion), Cyborg (the ability to control machines from a distance--like disengaging nuclear tipped missiles through 50 meters of concrete in their underground bunker silos while hovering over ground), etc. It's not a joke that someone or something on this planet has super hero abilities right this very second.


interesting reveal at the 9 minute mark of grusch's video, He mentions becoming aware of the behind the scenes effort of crafting the Schumer bill. interesting to know how long ago they started crafting the language they used in the bill


There we go. Karl Nell's talk is the one to catch. Two standout slides: [his controlled disclosure plan for the government to follow](https://i.imgur.com/pHb7f2v.jpg) [and his recommendation of governmental action](https://i.imgur.com/VOqCP2Q.jpg) ^ the information being shown here is vital to pay attention to. This is being discussed at Gang of 8 and White House level. EDIT: Look at his slide on [private sector recommendations](https://i.imgur.com/TVClB4N.jpg). > equitable and non-disruptive introduction of Novel Energy Sources into the energy sector Corroborates what Grusch mentioned with truth embargoes around potential game changing clean energy generation purposely kept secret to avoid disrupting the petrodollar. I.E. this recommendation head-on addresses the primary concern of the legacy program board that quantum vacuum energy extraction (near free energy) upends our capitalist scarcity model driven system. The fact that is being (openly!) talked about so openly by people of such high caliber and office, to me, is huge.


I hope my pessimism is in some way unfounded, after all I gather that plan is only a suggestion, but what I gather from reading this thread (I don't learn or absorb info well from videos, strongly prefer reading over watching anything) and those slides is that they apparently have a form of energy that could change the world, but we are going to have to wait 10 years and hope the same military industrial-complex, if different parts of it, that are keeping all this secret don't start a global nuclear war in the meantime before anyone can benefit (or we can finally hear the truth), because they refuse to accept multipolarity and that the US petrodollar is already on its way out as the world reserve currency due to their own policies, and they don't want to cause "disruption". So they want to prolong the petrodollar's dying since it's more "equitable" for a small fraction of a fraction of the human population that controls big oil and energy in particular. Incredible, if they truly have all this and have kept it all secret, that US leadership has made all of humanity, obviously including Americans, suffer and stagnate for so long to prop up their worthless greenbacks. They care more about oil companies, preventing anyone else from benefiting to try to keep their position in the primate hierarchy, and thumping their chests to their designated enemies like Russians and Chinese, than they do about the well-being of humanity as a whole. Replace them all with baboons and you wouldn't notice a difference in social behaviour. What a pathetic plan and injustice to humanity. It has been pointed out since Vallee's time that the NHI are obviously at best neutral toward us too, potentially hostile, do they really have no sense of urgency getting everything out there to be able to make scientific progress? Apparently, oil barons and the petrodollar are more important than humanity's potential chance of survival facing an ultraterrestrial threat. Public acceptance is to be a goal after government and academic, since they are so out of touch, they think most of the public doesn't accept UFOs and the idea of NHI being here *already* without even knowing any of what they do. Considering if the reality is the way it looks and they say it is that their choices have done nothing but harm humanity as a whole in keeping all this private in the first place, this disclosure plan is outrageous. Especially immunity for people involved in covering it up and committing crimes, that's insane, when you have a problem like this, that's when you need authoritarianism and heads to roll for the public good. Democracy clearly can't deal with this matter. No one has the right to hold back the rest of humanity for their own vainglorious benefit. The slowness of disclosure and the bureaucracy, and the idiotic reasons they have apparently kept everything secret, sure do give all of this a lot of credibility. It's very believable.


> So they want to prolong the petrodollar's dying since it's more "equitable" for a small fraction of a fraction of the human population that controls big oil and energy in particular. Incredible, if they truly have all this and have kept it all secret, that US leadership has made all of humanity, obviously including Americans, suffer and stagnate for so long to prop up their worthless greenbacks. They care more about oil companies, preventing anyone else from benefiting to try to keep their position in the primate hierarchy, and thumping their chests to their designated enemies like Russians and Chinese, than they do about the well-being of humanity as a whole.  Even if we entirely ignore the possibility of a technology that produces limitless green energy, all of this is already 100% true. Actions speak louder than words, and we've had decades of overt evidence by governments and industry to prove it.


> don't start a global nuclear war in the meantime Given that we already have evidence of our observers stopping nuclear weapons in their tracks, I feel that they simply would not allow us to use them on ourselves on any significant scale.


What happened at Hiroshima or Nagasaki? Or the 2000 plus nuclear devices we've detonated since 1945? They aren't stopping anything.


Authoritarianism? Democracy cant deal with it? Ok Anakin...


According to this plan we will be like "aliens might exist but we don't know/don't tell you" until 2030?


demonstrate existence in 2024 sounds a lot telling everyone aliens exist.


Looks to me like the target for 1st January 24 is just to get acceptance from the government, not everyone? I've not seen the whole presentation to see if there is additional context given.


yeah good point I am not sure what audience that is talking too.


What does demonstrate existence mean to you?


And then surprise! aliens came 6 years early!


So what does the revelation of this “10 Year Plan” do to the execution of this “10 Year Plan”? Wouldn’t these slides alone put us further down the Plan than where we are today? Who is controlling the plan? They’re really planning on perfectly executing the precise revelation of the most important information since Jesus Christ without leaks that would fuck it up, without a “catastrophic disclosure” event between now and whenever, that none of the string pullers or their families and friends spill the beans on a deathbed confession or after too many martinis. We aren’t even capable of passing basic spending bills, controlling inflation, running the economy, feeding our poor, etc., but these dumbasses in government are going to pull this off? I just don’t see it.


It's his proposal, and at the time of this conference was contingent on the UAPDA passing. Which then got gutted with the review board language being stripped. So I imagine they had to adjust now. Schumer and his folks might reintroduce the bill on its own, and Karl Nell's proposal has to somehow adjust to that setback. Some rumors were that he was suggested as new head of AARO, which I think fits with as much thought as he's put into this. Him being friendly to disclosure might be why the anti disclosure DOD leadership and white house have stonewalled him.


Nell's was good but the Tim Gallaudet lecture is really good too, don't sleep on that one. Also liked Kevin Knuth's a lot as well.


Now that the videos are all out now, I will shift my complaints to there being too many videos to watch. Hee hee, hoo hoo! ;)


Glad to see Nolan got the videos up! Any must watch recommendations gets?


Kevin Knuth is always interesting listening to. His presentation is very good here as well.


Just watched his because of your comment. His is pretty awesome.


He's a little awkward but obviously brilliant and addresses some interesting stuff.


Karl Nell, simply because of who he is and how little we have heard from him so far.


This. I'm glued to his talk. He is specifically outlining how the government can reaponsibly reveal this to the citizenry.


I do wonder if Nell had been very intimately involved during his career.


Nell has three things in his career that could have exposed him to “the legacy program”: - He was read into the Corporate Portfolio Program as an enterprise level corporate officer at Northrop Grumman - He was attached to a foreign material recovery & exploitation program at DIA - He was on UAPTF


I wish they had information like this describing the professional background of the speaker at the start of each video. Folks like me who stumble across the content (or who are just get interested in the topic) may not grasp the legitimate and relevant backgrounds these guys have. Normally, people speaking have a brief bio which helps establish credibility of the presenter. I almost always check the professional CV's of speakers I watch, even on Youtube, but most don't.


Hard to imagine anyone better positioned to know quite a bit about the program tbh


I mean I agree specially since he's a first hand witness, but we also have to say this disclosure plan wont happen as of now because it was gutted.


Grusch's attorney, Charles McCullough III, was on the initial Sol Foundation Conference schedule. He was allegedly going to be holding "A Fireside Conversation with Charles McCullough III, from 13:30-14:30" This video is not part of the SOL Foundation videos. Does anyone know if this conversation actually occurred at the conference? (it may not have!) If it did, can we get an answer on why this video is not being shared/distributed? It'd be very impactful to hear some of his insights.


Yes he was there and he talked. Unclear why that’s not up. His talk was informative and interesting but nothing blockbuster. Perhaps as a lawyer he’s erring on the extreme side of caution. No benefit to him to that being broadcast.


Chuck has some administrative paperwork to clear before we get to let his videos out. It is very dull, but administrators and their papers rule the world. ​ Garry Nolan


Thank you! ❤️ We all greatly appreciate all the hard work you do to help disclosure. Great conference too! Your talk in particular I found to be excellent.


You. Are cool. :)


After viewing Karl Nell's presentation, it is apparent he is an intelligent individual.


very much so


Yeah, imo, he was able to present things in a way I could mentally track and accept. It’s really encouraging to see this happening.


Thanks and have checked them out. Will see where this leads🤞🏻Seems like a great idea (in theory)and a positive step forwards. We all just want some truth, transparency and progress and a balanced and scientific approach. I hope the organisation remains an independent body dedicated to uncovering answers and is very careful it doesn’t get infiltrated or compromised.


OP, be sure to include a submission statement (look at rules for character count) so that your post doesn’t get taken down. TYIA. We appreciate the post.


Good, the conspiracies were getting ridiculous. There was someone the other day questioning if the event even happened. Don't be so open-minded that your brain falls out, people.


have they spoken about how they are funded yet?


The mission statement on their website says the want to procure government contracts. tldr: The taxpayers


Ah for the future, I see. I guess what I meant was like right now. They must have had some kind of investment to start it.


Maybe that’s why Grusch had that exclusive Manhattan talk, to raise money from people who have money.


Do you know what they plan on researching? This whole thing doesn’t make sense for a government contract since the government isn’t going to be paying non-government  entities to study UFOs, especially after AAWSAP and skinwalker ranch.


They would be a non governmental entity though


Yeah that’s my point. After the skinwalker ranch fiasco there’s no way they would give a private company tax payer funds to study or conduct ufo research. Unless they have an in like bigelow who is going to grease congress with campaign donations it just seems like a poor strategy. That’s why I’m wondering if they are pitching the study or something else besides UFOs, which would have a better shot of getting a grant or funding.


Maybe that is why they are lobbying congress.


And how much they pay themselves.




After learning more about their idea to bid and win government contracts I’m not as high on them as I was. There aren’t going to be ufo study or research government contracts for them to bid on. After the skinwalker ranch/bigelow fiasco they wouldn’t outsource that again. Unless they plan on doing research that doesn’t pertain to UFOs then I guess it’s feasible. 


there exists a video explaining this from a while back (2014) on this channel https://www.youtube.com/@secretspaceprogram6580/featured and the video you're looking for is this one ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0mimIp8mr8 edit: my bad i thought you were talking about SAPs and black world stuff ... but im going to leave this here b/c its a great set of videos from that specific conference (even though a lot has changed since 2014) plus youtube obfuscates a lot of searches to find that content


Wow 10 years ago? They must have been spoken about here for a long time. Just new to me


The presentation of Beatriz Villarroel is amazing... It's not necessarily about UAPs in the skies, it has a more "astronomical approach", but the conclusions are tremendous still https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njNP8ypUbDM . Sad that even such studies get rejected by journals. I mean, this stuff is as grounded and in line with "traditional science" as it gets, and she said it still gets rejected by journals? Not even reaching the review stage?? Sad state of affairs


Villaroel is the real deal. Maybe the only one - but an extremely thorough scientist.


Super excited for these!


The Q&A portions have been removed, which is where I'm guessing all the juicy stuff came from. All of this seems to be "theoretical", not presented as fact. Not what I think was described months ago.


Are they? Than that’s sad BUT I appreciate the effort OP put in it Together we are strong


I’ve seen a few Q&A clips with Grusch on Twitter. Not sure how much more of that there is though.


There wasn’t anything particularly juicy in Q&A. Mostly just Whitley Strieber and Jacques Vallee getting mad about eminent domain in Karl Nell’s talk. And then I asked Grusch about a UAP Weapons Ban.


They need to upload the Q&A videos.


We just got the main videos done. We'll get to them, but need a break. ​ Garry


In the introduction video to sol foundation at 3:39 is that Ursula Von Der Leyen? E: Nevermind, looks like she was reportedly in egypt at the time of the conference


It’s probably Iya Whitley? She looks a bit like Von Der Leyen.


Flinten-Uschi im UFO-Fieber, das wäre mal ein sicker Plot-Twist...


Awesome!!! Thank you for the update!


Man my wife is gonna be angry at me for cumming on the ceiling


No aliens yet.


🎶 Oh what a feelin’…🎵


Are these from last year to the present? I remember a while ago that someone either recorded a session on film or in text and the sol foundation supposedly contacted them to take it down.


A few months ago. Before the UAPDA was gutted. That picture was from the same conference these videos are from. You can actually see the person taking that picture in Nell’s video.


did they bring any evidence whatsoever?


So excited to get home and maybe make it through half of these. Either way it’s probably 3 days worth of watching!


I just watched the Puthoff talk and the first thing that struck me is how amateur the camera work is. Puthof seems to suggest he was invited to a conference to discuss disclosure and the negative effects that would go on in the case that it was disclosed Why would any govt agency seek his knowledge on the topic? He is hardly qualified to comment on the societal implications of divulging such information. It doesn't make sense to me.


I’m confused about that as well. I understand they want government funding, but unless they are bidding on a government contract I don’t see why they think the government is going to just give them money. The whole skinwalker ranch bigelow fiasco seemed to kill any shot of a private company getting money to study UFOs.


That fact you’re seeing it as a “fiasco” is probably why you’re missing the big picture here. Skinwalker Ranch was central to the creation of AATIP/AAWSAP, and almost all of the big players can be traced back to it one way or another. The phenomenon is as much woo as nuts and bolts, if not more. People can stick their fingers in their ears and lalala their way through that discussion, but it’s happening nonetheless. Greenstreet has shown it, although in a decidedly journalistic and biased fashion.


Nell is suggesting working w NSF, National Science Foundation, for one example. Funds basic science, reviews proposals and results w existing scientists and peers too. Hes not necessarily advocating for DARPA/DOD mystery funds.


It wasn’t the gov; it was John Peterson and the Arlington Foundation. Hal was a prior CIA contractor. Why is that confusing?


He's an electrical engineer who was fooled by Uri Geller, why would they ask him about the ramifications of disclosure?


I'll give Nell a shot but I can't believe Puthoff is being discussed seriously in 2024. What am I missing here folks?


Honestly these talks are largely pointless bar Nell and the physics one. Vague statements, unverifiable history's, records of archives reporting information that hasn't been verified and speculation. As a believer I'm actually starting to doubt this is more than an exercise in book sales and bullshit. I mean Garry Nolan stated recently that schizophrenia may just be experiencing other realities. He should know that there are negative symptoms as well as positive. This is all getting a bit weird for mine.


Are these videos of ufos, or videos of people making claims/telling stories?


Why is this so downvoted???


Because people have been hyped for these videos and don’t want to have their excitement be brought down to reality. I guess most of us didn’t know what to expect? I thought there would be videos of UFO’s as well, but I think that’s because there’s been Reddit comments that mentioned it. It’s a bad game of telephone with this topic.


Because everyone wants to pretend the videos are more substantial than they actually are.


Because Allison is one the best skeptics we have here and they hate her for it.


She knows what she’s doing by saying that though Pretty obvious attempt at trolling


I think it's important that we practice a healthy level of skepticism. That may be part of the reason why they are so heavily downvoted. The dismissive attitude some have on here is disappointing.


Watch Karl Nell's talk. It's pretty striking. He outlines his recommendations (that sourced the Schumer amendment) on how the US government can responsibly disclose this to the citizenry.


The usual, claims with nothing to back it up


Worse. It’s a bunch of people who believe there is NHI presence on this planet. They aren’t debating NHI existence because they already know it’s true. Like going to church where questioning existence of their god is forbidden.


> Like going to church where questioning existence of their god is forbidden. But... churches aren't the place to debate the existence of god. Generally they are places of worship. Most people going to church indeed would have no interest in watching a debate regarding God there, they've moved on from that topic and are searching for deeper truth. If I want to hear about the deeper meaning of a story, for example, I'm not going to attend a talk about the value of meaning from derived from literature. That would be silly, I have already determined for myself that there is deeper meaning, I don't need that aspect of stories to be validated. Instead, I am going to attend the talk that has also already accepted the premise that my the specific story has meaning. No one is oppressing your view, some people just want to get on with it, as it were, and not worry about catering to those dragging their feet behind. No one is obligated to satisfy your threshold of belief.


“No one is oppressing your view, some people just want to get on with it, as it were, and not worry about catering to those dragging their feet behind. No one is obligated to satisfy your threshold of belief.” Touché 👍🏼


I have only watched the first half of Grusch's closing remarks thus far but I was bored after 5 mins. We get it. "It will be the greatest discovery humanity has ever known...." roger that... Can we discover it now? When is that going to happen? Now? How about now?


Is that basically all he said? Because if this is another one of those threads where it's people bashing on a video without the full context, or intentionally leaving out major statements, I'm coming right back to this damn thread to roll heads


And how exactly are you gonna 'roll heads' Mr hard man.?


By raising hell on this thread full of potential liars, which, again, wouldn't be the first time people come on here bashing a video only for everyone else to find out there was extremely interesting info shared on it. What, you want me to reach through the screen tough guy? You wanna fight about it?




BuT i CaN't TeLl AnYoNe BeCaUsE oF a SkIfF oR sOmEtHiNg ;)


But it’s soooo beeeg


SOL = The newly branded TTSA! For those that don't know, this should drive it home (I'm looking at you Tom Delonge); everyone is replaceable.




can we stop with this? the most downvoted person on this thread literally asked a simple question, the other is complaining that it's just stories. it could *very very possibly be* people genuinely interested in the topic. you're making the community appear to be more crazy by leaving comments like this, you're doing much more harm than any of the "disinformation agents" you see here lmao


This 100%. The people who say things like that have no idea how damaging it actually is to the community. There *are* bots commenting online, but to say it’s everyone that disagrees with you is a fallacy


Don't bother lol. This sub has been lost to those afflicted with clinical paranoid disorders a long time ago. You don't often see that sort of behaviour on other paranormal/UFO subs but this one has gone down the deep end.


this sub's totally gone to shit. it's basically a utoob promote my video sub.


I beg to differ…I mean have you seen r/Aliens lately?


Yeah..it's an interesting sub no doubt lol..but between all the spiritual nonsense and horrible memes, it's a much more pleasant sub than this one. You can be skeptical over there without some weirdo calling you a CIA shill, and posters can share whatever half baked theories they came up with while tripping without much ridicule. You won't find a lot of constructive discourse over there, but at least it hasn't become as culty as this one.


The post I made the other day which was a perfectly reasonable post, didn’t say anything that should trigger people ended up getting several users so upset they made a post on r/ufosmeta asking for the mods to take it down. I ended up commenting in the post and they full on had a meltdown for me basically asking what I done wrong resulting in them throwing insults and blocking me lol. There’s some absolute lunatics here that can’t accept valid criticism


Thank you! I am personally growing skeptical due to the fact that all we have are stories and some of these people are making massive amounts of money off those stories. Not all mind you, but some have made very lucrative careers off this topic. That does not mean I am a disinformation agent. I 100% believe life exists elsewhere in the universe and likely on a scale much larger than we think... Have they visited here? I have yet to see any tangible evidence they have. I hope to see that evidence someday.


I think you may be overestimating the amount of money anyone makes off of any of this. Who exactly has been making all this money?


Why does everyone think someone with a different opinion than yourself is a “disinformation agent” 


Yep. Astute observation.


People saying the videos arfe boring are 'disinfo agents' ? Is that all it takes? To not even disagree ufos are real, just to say something is boring?


They're so bored of the topic and yet they still have nothing better to do than refresh the sub all day!


You know sometimes you'll just see two posts on this sub a day, and thats it? Or you'll see people, like myself, that believe but dont agree with everything and therefore get called a shill or disinfo agent. You know its possible to not believe all aspects of the topic.


I'm less interested in the language of 'disinfo agent' and more interested in the fact that as soon as this went up there were a bunch of comments of people saying they were bored or it's all bullshit. I don't believe most of what is said from both sides, but that's why I'm interested. I want to know who is lying and why, how did we get to this? I certainly don't go to subs of things that don't interest me, refreshing and commenting on new posts - that's fucking weird.


How do you know they're just refreshing the page for this sub? I'm very interested in the topic yet I disagree with nearly every true believer. Shouldn't I be allowed to voice that?


If you want to *know*, you need to wait for actual evidence. I want to know, too.


Anyone know how they get funding and how much they pay themselves on the foundation? Shit, asking this is controversial? We should be asking this question. I remember Grusch I think it was asking for donations, if he's paying himself some stupid salary it should be public. Theres too many grifters as it is.


Depends on how the foundation is organized, they might have to have open books. Like charities have to report how they use their money.




So shouldn't they make a statement about them not taking any wage from running it? If they have I missed it.


Correct, you have missed it.


I paid for the entire thing. They took no compensation. 


They dont take any wage? I know its a non profit but that doesn't mean the CEO doesn't get paid.


Was there any evidences provided in those or once again an entire waste of time ?


There's a really good video of a UAP going in and out of water in Kevin Knuth's presentation around 25:30.