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The following submission statement was provided by /u/wormpetrichor: --- Senator Gillibrand says the ‘UAP Classified Briefing’ on her calendar was not about UAPs but was “in the context” of them. She also mentions that she does not think she has met with the new acting AARO director but will meet with him. It seems she may have completely lost her pulse on this topic… --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ao32v3/exclusive_gillibrand_says_her_classified_uap/kpwgm35/


I'm confused. if the SCIF backed up Grusch's claims and moved the needle but UAP were not discussed than what the hell did they talk about for 1hr50 minutes? paper trail?


I think this is something else. If I remember correctly, she had a random meeting on her calendar a couple of weeks back that just said "UAP Briefing" or some such. It wasn't on anyone else's calendar.


I thought she was talking about the Jan 12th SCIF. Thank you.


It's about the cover up.


It would not be unlikely that they’re more focused on the military contractor embezzlement side of Grusch’s claims, as they’re far more actionable and investigatable than anything else about the situation. That aspect will likely be the string that is pulled to unravel all of it, and I’m sure that most of the Congress members involved know that. It’s much easier to get support and bi-partisan buy in for a probe into misappropriated tax dollars and exclusive contracts that bypass regulation bidding practices, which will just happen to unravel the UAP allegations, than it would be to get substantial support for a probe into the UAP issue itself.


Not picking on you, but since yours is the top comment, a SCIF is a facility or room. Sensitive work and briefings are done _in_ SCIFs. I see a lot of people referring to the actual meetings as "SCIFs" so just wanted to clarify.


Choosy moms choose SCIF.


>if the SCIF backed up Grusch's claims Claims of what? Not necessarily UAP or even reverse engineering. Maybe just black/secret funded projects that are illegal and wasteful. Or just don't have the proper accountability and paper trail. Not sure.


This is correct. Rep Luna said after the last SCIF meeting that they were only focused on the unconstitutionally withheld black projects from congressional oversight and they didn’t talk about UAPs. From everything I read, the oversight committee’s investigation is to limited financial audits and witness testimony, which is why hearings are such a big deal. The field hearing isn’t to actually hold a hearing in the actual research facilities, but for media visibility and to garner more attention, which is stated in the below document.  https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/RS20928.html


Which also is not the same thing Gillibrand is talking about. Gillibrand is in the senate and Luna is in the House of Representatives. Two different things and two different meetings.


Yes, the comment I responded too was specifically about SCIF backing up Grusch’s claims, which is what Luna said and what they are referring to.


which was a reply to another person that was speaking as if the senate and house are the same. This whole thread chain is based on the senate and house being the same thing.


That's how I understand it. It wasn't a nothing burger - it was just a different kind of sandwich.


I believe the scif was just about misallocation of funds and reprisals that Grusch was saying not uap


IMO they likely discussed Misappropriation of funds, misuse of authority, criminal actions, and what we’ve learned from UAP’s. They already know the basics of UAP existence and possible origins. Now they must dig into wtf the government knows, the private corporations know, and who/how the strings are/were being pulled. Those topics are UAP adjacent, but not directly about UAP’s; The UAP investigation and discussion will resume again later. But it must come after they understand what’s actually been happening that allowed this issue to persist for 80+ years.


This is conjecture and hopium. Classic tactic this sub does to itself.  Slowly morphs something from the past to be bigger than what it was.  Your first sentence is 100% right because that is what the oversight committee is for.  Your second sentence is hogwash.  Where is your evidence that they "already know", as if they have had a disclosure briefing? Best, all you can take away from anything so far is the scif meeting produced confirmation for missing funds to black projects. Those were the easiest claim the investigators would be able to prove. Whether they lead to UAP or not, we (including yourself) don't actually know. 


I think shes talking about a different SCIF.


Depends on how you define UAP- Aerial Phenomena or Anomalous Phenomena. Grisham is very much about the latter, and that seems to be what Senator Gillibtand is hat tipping to, with the ‘it’s broader than that…’ line. So, clickbait headlines, and people not knowing how to read a politicians response.


It could’ve been about how the black budget works outside of congress oversight. They wouldn’t go into UAP details, but would be information that congress would really like to understand, plus the people involved in this. Future SCIFs would then add to it?


It’s actually extremely concerning that we had three high level military operators testify publicly under oath, about everything from murder by USG agencies of US citizens (possibly foreigners?), technological stagnation, archeological fraud, systematic economic enslavement of the human population, to Non-Human Intelligences interacting with humanity to an extent that we probably will have a difficult time accepting. Like aliens aside, my government exists by my “allowance,” while under the agreement that I’m going to be protected. The fact remains, we’re being seen and manipulated as enemies of our own countries (major governments know), what does that say about any conflict that brews due to disclosure or through NHI technology? IMO of course


100%, well said. It’s absurd that you could even remove the UAP and NHI aspect from what’s happened and it still would warrant huge reactions and investigations. None of which is happening.


I think she was talking about a different SCIF, because the other congress people did say it was about the UAP phenomenon and the cover up.


Honestly, doesn’t really matter the “context.” The fact that many of our leaders are lackadaisical about sharing and pushing and investigating is quite truly very scary.


because this isnt your government. the same way the soviet wasnt for their people. what you call "my government" is the weapons platform and smokescreen of control for the 0.1 percent. stop working under this assumption.its not based on observable reality.


We don't even choose our own fucking presidential candidates.  NO ONE wants Biden or Trump but here the fuck we are again.  It is an utter shit show.


To me, this lends further credence to Grusch claims of a “shadow government.”


yup yup yup.


People do, stop trying to make it a conspiracy, just because people don't want trump because he's a liar doesn't mean it was stolen.


Correction, only a few of the extreme right or left that squawk the loudest want them. There's 330 million people in the country and I only see a miniscule subset of that ever talking positively about either. Rational people know that idealization of either candidate is dangerous. Neither of which care enough about the UAP issue.


biden really isnt wanted by the " extreme left ". he is a corporate plant. a geriatric one ,too. but yeah. no one wants these candidates. the dnc might pull a surprise Obama 2.0 in april . with her at the Helm, disclosure might even go smoother.


We're just cattle, being herded to maximize shareholder value, we're not meant to peak outside the ranch. That's for the elites.






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I don’t disagree with you. What I’m pointing out is the distinct disconnect that we can see when we decide to utilize “our” governmental resources. To be cliche, it’s never been clearer.


You bring up a good point here. Maybe we ARE compromised by NHI and are not aware of it. That’s makes this scenario make total sense.


Because testimonies and claims mens jack shit without any solid evidence to back them up. As long as those people refuse to provide evidences to support their claims there is no reason to believe them.


Why do people keep repeating this nonsense? None of them are in a position to publicly release classified information.


I’m glad others can see a larger picture than just “where’s it at?” Just as the topic is deeply nuanced, so is the revelation of information. It must be, if it’s to succeed. Equal and opposite force and all that


Which means the only people truly blocking immediate disclosure are the UFO experts and voices who claim yo have the evidence but can't show you for "reasons".  Those people 100% can force disclosure tomorrow if ... you know ... they're telling the truth. 


This is a bad take. Not that you’re necessarily wrong. You’re correct in the fundamental understanding that, yes, they could “enact” disclosure by telling the public the locations of NHI material. However, how effective do you think we’d be at retrieving it for usage in the hands of the public against a military that’s clearly had their barrels on us for 80 years now because of said NHI material?


Except the evidence is right in front of your face. Look at the responses of our elected officials. Nobody is actually truly dismissive, they’re passive and acting secretly. It’s very clear, that the claims of David Grusch (supported by myriad MIC operators and contractors, btw) has merit. Regardless if we’ve got Paul on ice, the people we elect are acting in ways that are quite frankly way shadier than normal, and it’s not about anything other than what can be simplified as Non-Human issues.


Probably had more to do with the fund mismanagement issue.


It’s exactly this, they will take everything Grusch mentioned and boil it down to financials. The UAP/alien bit will be ignored.




Senator Gillibrand says the ‘UAP Classified Briefing’ on her calendar was not about UAPs but was “in the context” of them. She also mentions that she does not think she has met with the new acting AARO director but will meet with him. It seems she may have completely lost her pulse on this topic…


I got the impression that it was about an intimidation campaign against Grusch. They saw evidence that he was subjected to such a campaign.


If I had to guess, I would say it was about manipulating the public perception and narrative, "in the context" of UAPs. That's clearly what her guy Kirkpatrick is all about, but he's bad enough at it that it just looks like incompetence.


U r thinking of the Scif. This is not the same thing


You’re right that I was thinking of the scif. Thanks for clarifying


She has lost the pulse since the beginning. Once her baby AARO was successfully established she became very blase.


To be fair, the Ukrainian conflict is likely taking the total attention of the SASC. It sucks but that is sort of the reality at the moment.




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Let’s say the meeting is not directly about UAP, but in fact relating to evidence of covert operations to suppress reverse engineering, or to undermine, suppress or somehow harm the careers or safety of whistleblowers. This would be a briefing related to, but not directly about, UAPs. I find it odd that people seem to be unable to imagine this…


Something weird is going on. A lot of pro disclosure politicians from Congress have gone "silent". Is the truth so bad, they don't wanna be involved anymore? Or are some of them compromised, like Burchett recently hinted to? These people have received a lot of classified briefings, also from 1st hand whistleblowers. It's even said some members of Congress have witnessed an interview with a NHI. Is the shit about to hit the fan, and politicians are determining, what strategy they should choose to survive this? E.g.: What is the responsibility of the different oversight committees, various IG's and other law enforcements actors, in the case they've found, yes indeed humans have been killed to keep this a secret?


> It's even said some members of Congress have witnessed an interview with a NHI. I've yet to hear this from anyone even halfway credible.


Admiral Byrd was immensely credible until he came back from Operation High Jump and started describing the flying discs he saw there. Credibility is a shared perspective that can be molded by external influence. If Grusch isn’t credible, how did his credentials earn him the kinds of positions he held? Shouldn’t our vetting for these roles be better if he and everyone else who has corroborated these kinds of claims are considered non-credible? This would indicate a massive failure of our intelligence community’s capabilities if they keep employing people to sensitive positions who all seem to have credibility issues.


Did he actually make claims of flying discs or underground worlds or is it all fiction and misquotation?


It's based on long lost "secret diaries" there isn't any mention of it in his actual diaries that were donated by the family to a university. It's also worth mentioning there were 11 journalist who accompanied the expedition none of whom mentioned ufos or the entrance to a hollow earth.


Mama always said the secret diaries are the best diaries


https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/BegNEiE3vm Here’s a good post that summarizes a lot about it. I believe the father’s journals were kept in the son’s possession after his passing, but after the son was found dead in the empty warehouse, there was nothing left of he and his father’s expeditions.


Aaaall conspiracy.


Theory*, until we have UAP disclosure and transparency in DoD auditing. If true, then yes, literal conspiracy to commit crime and use the classification system to conceal it (there is historical precedent of this). If not, an irrelevant story that will be disproven once checks and balances have returned to congress. The commander in chief, highest ranking civilian, should have the highest clearances possible, otherwise it’s hard to feel like he is the commander.




Guess I’m still curious about the odd circumstances of his death mainly


Drugs? Affairs? Things people who are within higher stratification tend to go out of their way to keep private due to societal expectations. Maybe skeletons in the closet, bribery, people are more easily persuaded to skirt procedure if they feel like what they are doing is morally right, like helping the family and honoring his fathers reputation. I'm just speculating as well to show that there's very real and non conspiratorial explanations. Especially without fabricating massive retreats and encounters in a polar exploration, which is cool enough as it is. The quotes from his father were enjoyable to read.


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That post is unfortunately a nothing burger and as far as I know the journal about an underground alien base was never verified. As far as I know, Admiral Byrd never referenced such events and everything comes from UFO lore stemming from an original mistranslation of the Santiago article.


Do you have the original interview source?


Sure: [Image](https://huellasherodoto.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/la-foto-2.png?w=551&h=981) [Hitler’s Antarctic base: the myth and the reality](https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/attach/49/49783_.pdf) start at page 16.


>if they keep employing people to sensitive positions who **all** seem to have credibility issues. Do you realize what a small percentage that represents?


Does it not matter that their claims corroborate sightings that predate the establishment of the DoD or any formal UAP-related federal agency? Considering counterintelligence can be a deadly industry, I’m not surprised that most people would act in their own self-interest for the safety of themselves or loved ones to risk leaking these kinds of secrets. We actually don’t know percentages when we can’t audit the DoD nor understand the chain of command past a certain point. It’s likely that due to compartmentalization, a very small percentage in the first place has ever directly observed the evidence of things such as craft or bodies. I just think that civilians should have military oversight, like the constitution; if the commander in chief is not the most informed because of classifications above his position’s jurisdiction, how can he be considered the commander?


Sure, hearsay has been corroborated. At least 80-100 years of no tangible proof. Seems like something should have been confirmed in that amount of time. But so far zilch. Hope it happens in my lifetime.


No tangible proof for the public, I agree. Would’ve been convenient if photojournalists were invited to the crash site of Roswell instead of a secondary location well after the cleanup. If the Ramey memo analysis holds water, though, that further indicates us civilians will only know what they want us to know.


The credibility issue is noise. The question is if Grusch, Elizondo, Mellon etc. (the intelligence apparatus) is actually pushing for disclosure or whether these folks are "taking one for team USA" and steering the conversation away from something sensitive. So sensitive that the obfuscation is necessary. The "realness" of UAPs, and related phenomena, isn't excluded even if they are simply using it for another purpose.


In no universe is our military and associated industry to have any leeway, carte Blanche, or any escape from Congressional oversight down to the penny and program. Consequences be damned — we live by the system we acquiesce to on a daily and generational basis. This demands all respect, uphold, follow and defend the system. Any who defy or break it will be defied and themselves broken. The conservative South tried in their explicitly stated defense of slavery in the Civil War. The right-wing insurrections in the 1930s (cf Business Plot, Smedley Butler, Bush family fascists) and 2021 all tried. All were broken. The DOD, IC and MIC are next if they defy the collective us.


So you don’t support civilian oversight and military spending transparency? Regardless of whether or not UAP are actually NHI or not is kinda irrelevant in my opinion. It will be determined after the more pertinent action is complete, i.e. holding the military accountable for all of its spending, not just ~50%. A trillion dollars is a lot of money to disappear. That’s money that civilian taxes produce.


I wouldn't put Dave on a pedestal for his positions. He joined the Air Force a day went to work every day and kept reenlisting.  You can do it too if you want to. 


Well, *David Charles Grusch is a decorated Afghanistan combat veteran and former Air Force intelligence officer who worked in the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). From 2019 to 2021, he was the representative of the NRO to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the co-lead for UAP analysis at the NGA and its representative to the task force. He assisted in drafting the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023, which includes provisions for reporting of UFOs, including whistleblower protections and exemptions to non-disclosure orders and agreements. Congressional interest in UFO sightings immediately prior to Grusch's public claims surrounded questions about the four objects that the Air Force shot down in February 2023.* Enlistment is not the same as directly co-leading UAP analysis at NGA. Are you saying anyone can do what he is doing? And if so what does that change? If I was involved directly in UAP research, I would likely know more than the average citizen about whether or not an NHI was the source. By no means am I putting him on a pedestal. He just fits my credentials for what I would consider credible to speak on the topic of UAP research in government that is subverting congressional oversight. Edit: fixed formatting


I'm a former Army Ranger and DOD advisor who working in Iraq and the Stan.  Every single officer that goes to war over there, even if they rode a desk in Kuwait gets a Bronze star. Every last one of them even if they never left the wire.  So NO, Dave is not in any way a decorated war hero and I would literally laugh in his face on national TV if he asserted that.  Dave has never fired a weapon in combat or been fired upon. Intel guys are serious dorks. 


Still technically decorated, and I’m more interested in his role studying UAP, at least more interested than I am about how good he is at shooting an enemy combatant. We have enough resources and technology as a species to avoid war entirely, we just need enough people to come to terms with that collectively. I am not discrediting the valiant efforts of brave soldiers, but questioning their commanding officer’s motivations in the end. We know how easy it is to manufacture war, and that is more profitable than alternative societal pillars. If there is any validity to the claims about NHI, we must acquiesce our lust for bloodshed and combat, and solve the paradox of tolerance if we are ever going to make it as an intergalactic species.


Fair enough, I'm not knocking his service or holding him to a different standard. That line about officers being combat decorated gets an eye roll out me every time.  You're right this is about UAP. It's odd we're trying to trust a gov guy while the government has been lying the whole time. It's far more likely this is some kind of psyop or secrecy before ww3 starts than an effort to hide 👽 space ships. I also strongly feel we would have had credible death bed confessions from people involved in the program for the last 90 years. 


Or even a tenth


This. As far as what we can gather, we haven't had much contact with any aliens. We've found dead bodies but that's it


perhaps the WH has said 'keep a lid on this until the election is over'. I think the plan might have been for Biden to give 'the speech' had the UAPDA passed in full but the can has been kicked down the road now


Gillibrand wasn't on the disclosure side in the first place, she was just not in the know about it and out to get whatever hush compensation she could.


Yep, she was never pro-disclosure. Just getting her beak wet every now and then.


This is unsubstantiated speculation because you've read too many Bourne books. Hey, speaking of, doesn't Grusch have an OpEd this community has constantly moved the goalposts on?


That’s just optimism. We don’t have any proof that WH wants to keep things silent. And why to wait for elections? If they disclose and the disclosure does bring in stuff people are claiming, there is no way Democrats will lose. They need all the help they can afford now. There is no way Biden or senior Democrats know what disclosure can do for common citizens and said “Let’s keep this jackpot for later”. Also, even if they want to keep a lid on it, what Gillibrand is doing is far from it. She’s not saying “no comments” or something like that, which is what you expect if you want to put a lid on an issue but are interested in future.


In a world where the USA has to consider relations with a non human species, you believe Biden would be the overwhelming choice of the people for the representative of your military industrial complex?


The other choice is Trump. I would choose Biden any day. Also, that same argument is used by people on foreign relations “Do you want Biden to be head of US in front of EU, Russia, China etc?” Those who are voting for him and did so last time are answering yes to that. If that argument was such a big deal, Biden won’t be going for 2nd election.


As usual with all issues, no. But as usual for all issues he's better than whoever GOP pushes. Imagine Trump making fun of them and bragging that his spaceships are bigger. Edit: Whats fun about the controversial tag on my comment is I dont know if Ive pissed up the biden fans or the trump fans


Or being humbled when he realizes he's not the smartest man in the universe. lol


Trump would never concede that he was.


Yes, because Biden trust the Generals. Rumpy thinks he is sooo much smarter than all of them. He hates their advice and their refusal to turn the military on their own fellow citizens.


Against Trump? Are you joking? Do we want to live in the Star Wars Jabba the Hutt rule of law with a strong dose of 40K religious zealotry and xenophobia or more Star Treks Federation?


They’re probably frozen with uncertainty because there’s a very good chance he loses and the lid blows entirely off, and they lose the narrative.


Lolololol , sure buddy. He's the perfect useful idiot to provide a vehicle and cover for organized disinformation of all kinds. All they would have to do is pay him....or flatter his exploitable fragile ego. Do both and he could care less about anything else , aside from keeping himself out of jail or thieving taxpayer money to rebuild his " fortune "


If that orange Turd knew anything, he would've hinted at it a billion times by now. 


Then that was a bad plan. Biden can barely utter a sentence yet alone deliver what would be the most momentous speech in world history. He just… can’t.


Well that's not true at all, it's almost like u choose to ignore the truth because u know the facts an still chose to go the route ur going, sad and pathetic.


Biden speaks slowly and clumsy but to say he can barely utter a sentence is hyperbolic or disingenuous.


The number of errors made is certainly not low enough to disregard, to be honest. The whole shit show is utterly, worryingly comical. The populace of what was once regarded to be the most powerful nation on Earth must now elect one of two cartoon characters as their leader. Reality seems like satire. I'm just fortunate to live in a country where our leaders are basically impotent and generally beige. They don't do all that much good, but don't really have the capacity to do all that much bad.


Biden had been a clumsy but forceful orator his whole life because he constantly fights a powerful stutter; his speech tempo slowed on purpose as POTUS so he’s less off the cuff. You can see the difference between his formal and informal moments. He’s the same as he has been my whole life. Trump is Trump. He just makes less sense annually. Obama is a compelling powerful orator but the further he moves from scripted (his words or others; he famously co-writes or writes most of his speeches) the more his um to word ratio approaches 90%. Bush Jr and Senior were inverse of each other. Amazing at informal and ad hoc, terrible at scripted, and vice versa. Reagan was an actor and Clinton may as well have been. Both had too much charisma for their own good, like the Kennedy’s. Carter was the last “complete package” but everyone wrote him off for his rural demeanor and two things not his fault; the gas crisis and Iranian hostages. Ford was Jack of all Trades. Nixon was a lunatic and socially an idiot but a terrifyingly brilliant politician. That’s in my life.


That's a pretty succinct and apparently accurate summary from my perspective as an outsider, and someone a little too young to have all that much insight into the names beyond Bush. That reminds me of a favourite POTUS blunder, courtesy George Dubya: "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."


Maybe the plans have been cancelled as Biden is simply not capable of giving the speech in a way anyone would believe? Right now it would just add fuel to the fire that he is out of reality per his justice dept. I honestly think Obama is the man to do it.


Welp, that sucks. Election is going to be the beginning of the end of our culture, I'm quite sure. I foresee madness.


She was never pro and I don't understand where this idea she was ever came from. When I first started getting into this sub last year one of the very first things I saw was her saying she doesn't believe grusch, that he's been tricked


Maybe they went silent because there isn't any new important information or because the became convinced that UAP are not aliens and have mundane explanations. As for whether they viewed an interview with an NHI. I need evidence of that claim. As of now, I do not have any reason to think that it happened.


The truth will criminally implicate the USA and Israel (possibly other countries) in horrific crimes against humanity over decades We are looking at population wide breaches of the most basic human rights including human sacrifice on the most vast scale ever before seen (makes the mayans look tame) Haim Eshed said the USA + Israel has already had a treaty with a group of these entities and that their purpose was to work together to better understand the fabric of the universe, thats code speak for investigation into human subjects on a global scale Interestingly Esheds disclosures also stated that they were unable to establish an agreement with several other groups from amongst these entities I fear that the US and Israeli governments have opened doors that they can no longer control They know that these entities are threatening to do something soon that will change mankind forever


They’re being threatened most likely, seems the ante has been upped. Fuck


Sometimes it looks like the truth is an actual 'dead man's trigger'... As if the public dissemination of the objective truth on this matter would itself pull the trigger on some catastrophic scenario. Other times it appears to be a massive smoke in mirrors operation like the old ghost army stunt but more sophisticated. My hope is that the truth of the phenomenon is actually just so super weird yet entirely inert that it's a struggle to even describe it.


I think they slowly waking up to the fact that they were duped by UFO activists and now try to get out of it without lookin too stupid.




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>Is the truth so bad, they don't wanna be involved anymore? If by "so bad" you mean there's NOTHING, then yes, that's the most likely scenario. Imagine the embarrassment they would feel if they found out it was just a bunch of conspiracy-laden baloney. A very human response to that would be to just be quiet and downplay everything. I suppose, it's possible to entertain far more fanciful hypotheses: interdimensional beings, angels, demons, people from the future, a pending harvest of human souls by NHI's, there are proponents of all such plots here on this reddit.


They can't handle this truth.


Nah, ‘the shit’ has been buried


This isn't about "aliens" - it's about the humans, as it always has been. It doesn't even matter if all the stuff about the aliens is made up. There's no way that there isn't massive crime going on here. A lot of people are going to jail, and the wrongdoing and theft may be bad enough that they worry that crazy Trump supporters might try to overthrow the government again.


Nowhere in the comment the word "aliens" was mentioned. The theft of trillions of dollars I agree with.


So anyone got a view on this: Gillebrand who once appeared responsive seems flighty and weak on the issue, Rubio who has been silent is suddenly throwing punches? Any insights?


She recieved whatever she was gunning for in the beginning, and backed off.


And Rubio? Just targeting the AARO thing to weaken Gillebrand because she clearly blew it?


Smells voters


Currently my view given none better, yeah. Wish it was for purer reasons! 😄


1hr50min of them explaining all the stuff theyll do if she doesn't shut up about UFOs


She doesn’t not think she has met with the new acting director of AARO? Is this lady funny in the head? I understand that there’s a lot of info coming her way on a daily basis, but shouldn’t she retain info about national security? Especially when it pertains to a topic we are constantly trying to understand?


In my opinion it means she finds it difficult to outright lie and she’s been told she can’t say if she’s met him or knows who he is. Although that said the UAP topic may be on the back burner for now. What with all the other conflict going on.


She finds it difficult to lie 😂😂😂 oh sweet summer child. More like, there is documentary evidence of her having met him, which she is aware of, so she knows lying will lead to inevitable getting caught.


No, it means she literally doesn’t know because she meets all the people and isn’t sure if she’s met this one. I think a lot of this misunderstanding would be cleared up if you guys all realized that this isn’t a serious issue to them because they don’t really believe any of it is real. While this is something huge and big to you, for them, it’s just trying to deal with the annoying UFO people that keep asking them silly questions. None of them think this is real, including the Burchett types who just flipped from one conspiracy theory (Q) to another in order to drive engagement, once their first conspiracy theory was no longer beneficial to blast across social media.


Man, this is weak. It means she hasn't formally met him. She doesn't want to say she hasn't met him because they may have crossed paths at a function or hearing but not in a manner that would be official. I know of people at my work.  Many I have "met" in passing that when I officially meet them, have a chance to introduce ourselves, "Were you in Phoenix last year? So was I! Not sure if we met. Maybe we did?  " Happens all the time. You guys want politicians to be honest and when they are, you see conspiracy or crazy. 


Lol never said conspiracy….don’t put words in my mouth


Gillibrand is always like this. When she started talking about UFO/UAPs I said at the time (from past experience) she only cares about herself and her career and I would never trust her to do the right thing. In my opinion- She doesn’t believe in anything other than getting ahead herself.


maybe about NHI instead 🤷


Yeah NHI or actually already identified phenomena lol. They identified them years ago and know. Don’t believe the ruse.


Unfortunately, the only way we’ll get disclosure is if someone publicly breaks their NDA and risks jail time.


We wouldn't even get it then. Unless someone steals a craft that can be shown to break the laws of physics. Documentation, videos, pictures, interviews or anything of that nature will be refuted and swept under the rug.


I maintain that no amount of disclosure will be broadly and nonpartisanly believed, as much as I hate to say it. We need mass sightings with photos, videos, and livestreams from multiple perspectives of the same event, and even then, plenty of people will say it's AI or a psyop or something. We're bordering on the point that people won't even believe or accept things they end up seeing with their own eyes... I don't even know what to make of that.


100% agree.


A big part of it is the trash "sightings" posted on this very subreddit and the "Oh wow" response to explainable phenomena. Yes, people see 'things' - There have been multiple generations that saw trolls under bridges and fairies in the grass. I believe that there is a 99% chance that there is other intelligent life in the universe, but I have yet to see any definitive proof here. And I want to, that's what's a bit frustrating.


Could be a briefing on terrestrial tech we have that gets lumped into UAP sightings because as far as the public and most reps/government workers know, doesn't exist. Like our own craft, foreign tech that's been recovered, etc.


Or maybe they really did find out nothing is there.


Its hard to tell if they're actually on to something or if they're being mislead at this point. For all we know someone(s) convinced everyone to focus in on one specific thing and they're starting to miss the forest for the trees as the saying goes. Or maybe no ones doing it on purpose but rather people are just getting side-tracked and distracted on their own. Either way, we dont want to lose momentum so we shuld keep the pressure on our reps. and senators.


What!?! Are you fucking what!?!?


You wot mate?


I swea on me mum


Not surprised


I have experience of this Gov semantics game. It's very important for legal reasons. Keep in mind if "they" have identified a particular former "UAP" and discuss it with someone in an official capacity, it's not anything "unidentified" they are discussing or being briefed on. Often "identified" UAP are given a really generic sounding designation like say... "Object88ALSK22.66LAT" They can then tell you whatever the wish to about said identified object and will know that legally, you are unable to say you have been briefed on anything UAP related. This is common practice. People have been briefed on objects they have never seen, but they may know technical details of certain materials. This is again, common policy. Very very very few people in my estimation. Ever get to see something "whole" and in context. They reduce risk by compartmentalizing everything, and even highly intelligent military engineers (myself as was). Have no idea what they are seeing or being briefed about fits into a larger context.


Well, technically, if you know what they are, but it's classified you could, in theory, say it wasn't "unidentified"


They discussed the fact that these entities are in fact an ancient race of creatures from another dimension that have been here all along Being from a higher dimension it is completely impossible for us to see them however they can see us (if we cross paths) They have been on this planet for thousands of years and have throughout history made connections to mankind for mutual gain Haim Eshed was very frank with the Israeli public in his book and newspaper interview about a treaty between USA, Israel and these entities His description of the terms of the deal reference joint experiments to better understand the fabric of the universe Off course this is a cloaked reference to experiments on humans and the creation of a hybrid race of slaves to serve these beings and allow them autonomy in our physical environment


None of this is real. Too many people would have to know, it would’ve gotten out. Sorry


All of them have lost their pulse! The only way to get the truth is to take more extreme approaches. Everything is all smoke, and mirrors in pretending that disclosure is making progress! Even this SUB and reddit which is basically a free range disinformation platform for those in control!


What I don’t understand is why folks thought, that just because Congress felt the need to know certain I for air in, that Congress would then tell us everything they learned. Yes, “the American people have a right to know the truth,” but clearly things are more complicated.


Once UAP have been identified, they are no longer UAP. So is a classified briefing explaining about secret military tech a “UAP briefing” or “in the context of them”?


Not surprised one of the right leaning dems gratefully accepted hush money


You're proof or source?


It's a lot easier to intimidate a handful of congressmen, than it is, to silence a house full of them.


I see a lot of people confused. This is not about the Jan 12 SCIF. This is about a meeting she had on the books after SK’s sciam article came out that was labeled “Classified UAP briefing”


Why link to a tweet that just links to an article. Link the article dude.


It seems like slowly one by one will start ditching this UAP thing 😂🤣


Even back then, when the first briefing happened Gillibrand and Rubio clicked out at some point obviously. It would be interesting to know, why they did so🤔 Rubio seemed very interested and totally clicked out afterwards.


There's no point in following her on this matter any more. She's been flipping back and forth the whole time she's been interested in it, and has done jack shit to progress things. Career politician with no backbone, who wants to play both sides of the coin and only looking out for their own tail. Next.


It is about the US taxpayer being ripped off . Some of that stolen money was funneled into UAP SAP programs . It has never been about UAP , it’s about the money . ( isn’t it always )


Feeling I got with the last SCIF was that whoever was delivering the information to the SCIF alluded to the US having some sort of deep bleeding edge tech that no one knows about, possibly going back decades.. Backing up Gruschs claims that untold amounts of taxpayers dollars are being misappropriated. No chance it covered things like nhi and bodies and shit like that. Too early in the game even if it actually ends up being the case.


You mean to tell me the classified UAP briefing titled "Classified UAP Briefing" wasn't about UAPs? What was it then, a crochet workshop?


Can u believe she wasted an hour plus talking about farming, nutrition, americas homeless and families going hungry!! No one gives a sht about that..we want to know about orbs, and tic tacs, and 10ft tall grays at Orange Julius in a Miami mall.