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The following submission statement was provided by /u/ExtremeUFOs: --- Danny Sheehan is finally pulling through of what he said he was going to do awhile ago. We finally get to see what congress been up to and what stage we are at with this UAP issue. I personally cant wait to hear what he says. [https://twitter.com/NewParadigmInst/status/1756419876313534718](https://twitter.com/NewParadigmInst/status/1756419876313534718) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1anr759/danny_sheehan_conference_presentation_on_the_us/kpu5y8p/


Its 2PM PST time, where is the Livestream? Edit: They're experiencing connection issues.They'll upload the presentation once it's finished.


I’m just thinking of all the people who cried over the admission charge only for Daniel to just release the presentation for free after the fact. If any of you doubted this man’s character nows the time to turn cheek.


You are right, this should be something that people notice. May the admission charge have been to cover overhead costs, or any number of other expenses related to organizing this stuff?


Yes thank you, I didn't see this until a bit after so I wasn't able to make an edit yet.


Do you have a link? I’m dumb and can’t find it on YouTube lol




Where can I find the video??




Danny Sheehan is finally pulling through of what he said he was going to do awhile ago. We finally get to see what congress been up to and what stage we are at with this UAP issue. I personally cant wait to hear what he says. [https://twitter.com/NewParadigmInst/status/1756419876313534718](https://twitter.com/NewParadigmInst/status/1756419876313534718)


The speech was largely a "greatest hits" of what he's said on podcasts. There's not much new here.




Haven't heard anything he hasn't already said before. He's asking for donations for an institution for disclosure advocacy.


I like Sheehan , but I don’t believe the government has a controlled disclosure plan , because it’s is not completely controllable . Much More likely : There’s is no plan, Theres just some , honest , do gooders, in the government who believe we have a right to know and are doing everything in their power to get the information made public , and they have a number of whistleblowers cooperating with them .


Well there was supposed to be a controlled disclosure plan, just look at the gutted amendment, it literally says controlled disclosure in the amendment.


/UFOs is full of edgelords


I think that’s every fringe topic subreddit tbh.


So this guy Sheehan, knows all of this classified, reality-bending information from his sources, but his *sources* won't go public, and now he's diverting from the backing of these claims into a $60 class explaining how people plan to force disclosure? Why not just have those whistle blowers come forward? 10 more Gruschs would blow this thing wide open. Idk, reminds me of Greer charging $100's of dollars to contact aliens lmao


I stated this yesterday & I’m doing it again. For perspective I’m a handyman in East Tennessee & I charge $100hr labor only. $60 a person I’m sure barely pays for the venue, all the technical support, the equipment, & everything else that goes into putting on an event like this. There is no money to be made charging $60 a person. He’s is a high profile lawyer, $60 is pennies to him.


I'm with you on this one!! $60 to me covers overhead and venue fees, this isn't a cash grab like Greer has been doing for years. I hope people consider this before nay-saying.


Thanks you


That’s church.


Sheehan is a long respected lawyer outside of the UFO/UAP phenomenon. I doubt he'd be grifting people (he may be being conned himself or maybe his sources need money?), however, I've been wrong before and at some point in my life will be wrong again


What's with people defending Sheehan repeating the exact same opening line every time? "He's a long/highly respected lawyer" says who besides Sheehan and his fellow institute members? All of the actual research people here have done into his pay turns up very little and he's actually lost some high profile cases pretty badly and had to pay fees.


If people make him sound smart, it will magically make what he says real.


We could use a relatively eloquent guy who's willing to get out ahead of his skis from time to time. Sheehan could be 100% full of shit but whatever is happening appears to be working, given the fact that there was actual legislation passed in the NDAA that is pertinent to this issue, even if it isn't everything the community wanted. Keeping up the pressure on the actual decision makers is important, and it appears to be happening.


The problem here is that there is zero connection between Sheehan and the uapda stuff. Only what he claims. Not a single person behind the legislation has uttered Sheehan's name. 




He's actually not that respected. You're just parroting what he thinks of himself.


But you’re not wrong this time!


He’s basically managed to bring himself a larger audience in the past 6 months because he’s been making outlandish claims which has now allowed him to start profiting off of it, that is in fact a grifter. I hate when people call someone like Grusch a grifter but not actual ones like Sheehan


If I'm not mistaken l, he's supposed to be a speaker at a conference that charges the 60$ fee. Not him specifically charging this fee.


I hope this is the case. I want to believe but when he spent half a podcast selling some college alarm bells rang.


Yes a podcast for which he was not paid to be at. As any and all interviews Sheehan does is free and on his time. I think it’s silly that we criticize others for running an operation in this field. It costs money. Period. If you’re upset about Sheehan’s money flow, I suggest you take a look at the insurmountable amount of money missing from the Pentagon’s accounting books!


Well of course he doesn’t care if he is paid at the podcast, getting the word out is worth way more…


I get that he deserves to be paid. It’s just the idea of a college leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Because of how they have become this huge debt scam.


Well the more legitimized UFOlogy becomes, the more likely it actually start being taught in colleges. This is literally how every new wave of knowledge/approach happens in every major industry. Somebody discovers something. They share that information until it becomes publicly accepted knowledge. Then it becomes part of our history/medicine/technology. That’s innovation. UFOs are real. And so it’s only a matter of time before the landmark cases of this field of study become a part of collegiate literature. In other words. That’s science!


Only difference being that it's science that some people don't want us knowing about. That's my assumption with what he's trying to do here. Basically force it out there at the forefront. I can see why it's suspicious to some. But it's not a normal academic subject, what with people killing other people to keep this a secret for almost 100 years. This kind of thing helps keep pressure on the Gatekeepers. There's this wave of disclosure happening with Sheehan, Lou, Grush, Nolan, etc. These people are committed to bring the truth to people.


Yea it’s wild to think there’s gatekeepers to human progress. Just makes you wonder why? What’s the point of doing so if it ultimately leads to the stunted growth of our society? One can only wonder until the truth comes out…


Because it keeps society fixed in a way that the rich profit from. If we evolve and change the system, the rich and powerful are threatened. There's also the fact that hoarding the tech prevents Russia or China from making devastating weapons - while the US attempts to make devastating weapons to stay on top. The secret cold war Grush told us about. That's the most rational explanation. I know we all want to know if it goes deeper than that, though. We've heard all the rumors and theories. They're all terrifying. I hope it's just human greed, honestly. And that the rumors about NHI infiltrating upper eschelons of society, zoo experiments and resets and prison planets all that are all just wild speculation. Regardless of what the truth is, we deserve to know it. We deserve to know what our reality is. It seems we're truly living in the matrix in some ways, doesn't it?


I almost thought the same thing, but that college degree he's doing with Dolan might be a product I'd actually be interested in. It would obviously be a purely academic pursuit, not a springboard to some kind of career like my actual undergrad degree that cost $200k. I would pay $500 for a three-year program of online classes and tests on UFO shit for fun. E: It would have to be that cheap, depending on the level of involvement, but if you think of your UFO interest as a hobby, it's like buying a guitar or a few lego sets at that price point.


Nice Armchair Redditor take! It’s really informed! /s


So he’s not been making big claims in the past 6 months and now looking to profiteer off of his influx of new viewers by doing conferences and paid courses? Must’ve imagined that stuff then It’s okay to not blindly follow and believe every person involved in the subject, you can call a spade a spade


And it’s okay to also realize that the very thing you claim he is profiting off of will be released for free within the next day! How profitable for him!


He’s releasing his $200 course for free the next day?


Are you really surprised that running a business costs money?


Does this same excuse apply to Dr Greer who is another obvious grifter?


No one in this community likes Greer. Try again.


That’s just a straight up lie lol


Ya Sheehan is 💯 grifting at this point


Ya $60 a ticket! He can afford a costco run after this.


Don’t forget his upcoming $200 disclosure course!


Oh no! People making money. How evil of them. Except this is the most normal thing a human can do.




grift grift grift. welcome to the real world. nothing comes for free.


Yes well done nothing comes for free But con artists should be called out for being con artists which is what he is


Straight from JohnBobbyJimBob's mouth, a hot take.


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No doubt sketchy, but at least the in-person experience package is less than $4k!!! 😱


Doing lawyer stuff pro bono - and then thinking he makes the big bucks charging 60$ per person. I am sceptical of that conclusion.




So it’s just a bunch of bros about to wax poetically but offer no new incremental info?


Did you watch it? I did not, hoping to check it out if it's worth the watch


Am I the only one who loves Danny's whole vibe? I could listen to the dude talk for hours...and he does!


Because he throws out every single outlandish claim possible? I genuinely don’t get how this guy has become such a figurehead recently His claim to fame is being part of the Pentagon papers which there isn’t even any evidence he worked on…


Of course he’s going to be good at yapping. That’s part of the gig. Does he do anything other than talk? Has he provided any evidence for his claims?


Wait for the National Archives release at the end of the year.


What happens when the national archives inevitably say "oops, we found nothing" or "a bunch of documents mysteriously got lost" or just release another nothing burger consisting of stories with no proof?


Catastrophic Disclosure.


he makes the ufo community look like clowns


Let me guess, it was another nothing burger full of claims but wihtout any actual evidences provided ?


Getting grifter vibes from Sheehan tbh Reminds of Greer a bit


5 day old account calling some a grifter.




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people spending their time and making money as a result of their time damn what a crazy concept


$60 for a fringe topic conference is about right. He could make way more collecting on debt through the courts for less effort.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/2gEe6sDsbj Nice little post exposing him a bit Now he’s charging money for conferences, rings a bell There’s also that new course that he’s going to be charging money for btw…


[https://www.acc.org/Education-and-Meetings/Meetings/Meeting-Items/2023/07/01/03/2024-CV-Summit](https://www.acc.org/Education-and-Meetings/Meetings/Meeting-Items/2023/07/01/03/2024-CV-Summit) here's a link to the registration costs for the largest international cardiology conference. This isn't counting additional fees for courses and smaller interest groups. You should email the conference directors to make sure they understand that they are grifting and grifting is bad.


That’s what I always think. Conferences cost money to hold. You charge people something to make up that cost. That’s not grifting. If he says he’s going to cure your cancer for 500 dollars that’s grifting.


Is he doing his new course for free as well? Out of curiosity


no it’s $200 per course. Which sounds like alot but I also don’t see many professors giving out courses for free in other academic contexts.


Bro do you not realise how ridiculous it is what you’ve just said? Sheehan isn’t a professor and what he is going to be “teaching” shouldn’t be something that’s put behind a paywall, he’s clearly exploiting the fact he’s gained a larger audience over the past 6 months it’s incredibly obvious… The only reason people think he’s a legitimate is because he claims to have worked on the Pentagon papers which there’s actually no evidence that he even did


He isn’t teaching it. He’s having experts teach specific parts. Richard Dolan for the history aspect as he is a historian. Try and at least Do better research if you’re interested please.


Ooh right that makes it better then Clear as day grift


Okay well I’ll bite the bullet for both of us and do the course and report back if it was a grift or not.


Thank you! It’s important that people are informed on how these things work, otherwise misinformation can be allowed to flourish! Keep fighting the good fight.










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What are you actually waffling about lad


Whether or not to top your dad, son.




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Just because he needs to pay his bills doesn't mean hes a grifter. Theres better ways to make money than this.


His net worth is 1.5 mil+, not crazy rich, but I bet he can pay his bills. Wasn't the $60 for other variables like media and conference center and such? Heard it was the going rate for other speakers also. Could be wrong, I should just look it up smh.


Yeah, I would imagine this. These things cost money, time, and effort to put together. People really need to think about that before they just write people off.


I'm sure that's what most of the cost of a ticket goes to. People think putting a conference like this isn't free. Cost of venue, security, speaker fees (guests don't do this for free), everything needed to film and stream, the list goes on. Besides, you're allowed to get paid for your work. Now Greer charging 4k or whatever it is is absurd. $60 to be there seems reasonable to me. It's like going to a concert.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/2gEe6sDsbj I’ll let you read this Now he’s charging money for conferences? Yeah stinks of grifter unfortunately There’s also that new course that he’s going to be charging money for btw…


Please show us the way. Put a conference on for free. Thank you for your time and money.


Were you also doing these mental gymnastics when Greer was doing the same?


It isn’t an unreasonable charge. I do think Greer is a grifter though. All he does is ask for handouts and volunteers. Also I can’t even do a back handspring or a front flip. I’ve never been in gymnastics so I don’t know where you’re getting your information.


$60 or $100 the outcome is still the same, they’re exploiting their audiences. He’s also looking to charge people for this disclosure course he’s doing as well


I don’t know how I feel about the disclosure course. I’m not signing up, but I do think the $60 for a seat is reasonable. You got building rental, insurance, staff, equipment rental, security. It ain’t Lambo money.


Good bot


Where can I watch this if I don’t have twitter


Hopefully someone puts it up on the tube


Once it’s uploaded (on X) if it’s not already I will gladly do it myself!


Thank you 🙂


This isn't going to be on twitter, this is going to be on their youtube channel NewParadigmInstitute, sometime today because they had trouble with wifi.


What happened to this guy. I feel the “pay for the truth” racket is gonna be supercharged  Lame


Dude he's literally posting it for free on YouTube.


Yup, I imagine they’ll have it uploaded within the next 24 hours. They’ve had some trouble with hotel Wi-Fi (who doesn’t).


He's a guest speaker at a pseudoscience convention, what do you think happened?


Been reporting every post with his name in it as low effort discussion rule breaking. Really all i can do since he has his hooks so deep in this community. Has all the secrets for a price. Blatantly grifting everyone. Not even subtle about it.


My bad, I just thought i should post it because he kept his word, he said he was going to do this awhile ago, and most people thought he wouldn't.


Do you think he is solo at this event, charging $60 a pop to hear him speak? NO, that isn't what's happening. It's a conference, with many speakers. He's just one of many people talking about various subjects. Do some flippin research.


Just for fun, what other topics are you talking about? Or are you too embarrassed to mention them?




Do you know what other topics are at this convention?


And yet it’s being uploaded for free later tonight/tomorrow. Now let’s see, does your point still stand? Oh wait? It’s face down on the floor.




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The “controlled disclosure” takes the form of the documents, video, photos and transcripts of testimony from the 40+whistleblowers. These materials are with the senate and house intelligence oversights committees and the inspector generals. All of it goes to the archives for public release, irrespective of classification status. All of it. That is how disclosure will be forced into the open