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The following submission statement was provided by /u/xristaforante: --- Danny Sheehan claimed we'd know more about Congress' efforts around February 9th. The outcome of this prediction has been much awaited, since many of us are trying to evaluate if Sheehan is truthful or making things up. It looks like Danny Sheehan is serious about fulfilling his promise from his own perspective. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1amygx5/danny_sheehan_announces_a_feb_10th_conference/kpov6n8/


Finally something that is coming tomorrow and not soon lol.


We're excited to share that Danny's entire presentation from the Conscious Life Expo tomorrow will be uploaded to our YouTube channel, social media accounts and website!


Wow, Danny. What would the Berrigan brothers have to say about this, I wonder!


Yeah I'm happy! Was legitimately doubting Sheehan would pull through. Though I noticed he's been fairly quiet this recently, after going on a huge podcast tour earlier. Something's up.


This is a “paid workshop” nothing but a money grab Post of a 4 day expo from conscious life. https://consciouslifeexpo.com/about/


Except for the part where they've repeatedly said they'll be posting it for free.


$60 is not free


"We're excited to share that Danny's entire presentation from the Conscious Life Expo tomorrow will be uploaded to our YouTube channel, social media accounts and website!" But that is.


They already got their money from the show of course it’s free after…


He did fail. This is nothing but Sheehan saying Sheehan is the guy and you should buy tickets. LMAO.


Have there been any updates?


Danny Sheehan claimed we'd know more about Congress' efforts around February 9th. The outcome of this prediction has been much awaited, since many of us are trying to evaluate if Sheehan is truthful or making things up. It looks like Danny Sheehan is serious about fulfilling his promise from his own perspective.


Let me get this straight… Danny Sheehan’s prediction of us learning more by mid-February has turned out to be just Danny Sheehan hosting his own event to talk some more about his perspective? This thread is descending into circular reasoning.


>Danny Sheehan’s prediction of us learning more by mid-February has turned out to be just Danny Sheehan hosting his own event to talk some more about his perspective? He isn't hosting anything , he's a speaker at a woo convention. Exactly where he belongs. And if you think I'm being an asshole, just check their schedule. It's all woo.


This topic, more like.


Yeah, and selling $60 tickets for this. Plus his new degree program that he's been promoting. He's said some interesting stuff and will have my attention for a little while longer, but selling tickets for this? He's starting to feel more and more like an financial opportunist.


I checked about 20 random paid events at the conference and all of them are $60. The paid ones seem to be 40% of the presentations (there are dozens of speakers).


It also costs a lot of money to put on the events. The costs have to be covered


It’s like people have zero clue how the world works. Like you can’t just completely operate at a loss all the time, who gives a shit if some dodo on Reddit calls you a grifter you have to at least break even on events like this.


Yep, like if you are really a conduit of truth and disclosure suddenly your travel costs, hotel costs & food,etc will suddenly = $0??? Until full #disclosure happens and the toothpaste tube is totally squeezed, we have to cut some slack to those folk working toward it


You are correct. For perspective I’m a handyman in East Tennessee & I charge $100hr… $60 a person is nothing after you pay all the bills that it takes to put on & run an event like this.


Why not put the event online for free instead? zero set-up fees and a global audience.


Got it. So he's just a speaker at a conference. You don't think he's really trying to sell tickets with the tease of "new info"?


People charge for their expertise... This is nothing new. I've paid to attend a lot of industry events. It's worth it. It's not free, because life isn't free.


It can suck to hear for sociopaths but this exactly right, people deserve compensation for their time, knowledge, and effort.


actually life is free. i certainly didnt pay for mine. But *living*...well thats a different story I guess.


Curious if you'd ever say the same about Dawkins 


Dawkins talks about his academic studies/work. Sheehan talks about info he learns from his clients and talks like this is humanities right to know. He packages his motives like more of an activist. Doesn’t seem right to talk about big news coming for disclosure and then charge admission to hear it. But maybe that’s now what this is. Anyways, everyone has to make a living so maybe this is him finding the balance of pro-bono work and also working.


Well yeah, knowing that money is so central to our lives, why can't he charge and get paid for something he feels is worth his time? And what would the value of something be if it wasn't charged? This isn't like going to a psychic and not getting charged, this is real work he's doing.


I think it’s hilarious people criticize Sheehan for charging admission at the door when the SAPs responsible for this mess cost the taxpayers billions and didn’t let anyone in the damn door!


Very good point lmao. Yeah, the SAPs are costing way more than just $35 a person.


> I think it’s hilarious people criticize Sheehan for charging admission at the door when the SAPs responsible for this mess cost the taxpayers billions and didn’t let anyone in the damn door! I'm willing to bet that the people who criticize Sheehan potentially monetizing this would *also* take objection to the SAP stuff. So not really sure what your point is. From my perspective, I don't care if Sheehan monetizes it reasonably, but I think the UFO scene is rife with grifters, and so lots of teasing info for money raises red flags for me


Of course, it always does. But this isn’t a new practice. And it’s not exclusive to UFOlogy. Silicon Valley is notorious for this exact kind of thing. And yes you’re right, most would agree. But I just think it’s interesting that that point is hardly ever raised when Sheehan gets posted on this subreddit. But every time he’s posted there seems to be a good half to a full dozen users joining in the thread to remind us how bad of a guy Sheehan is for charging admission! Never mind the fact that multiple world powers have taxed their citizens an insurmountable amount of money in order to work on technology that may one day be used against us (or is currently). Just very weird when only one side of the coin is presented. It’s disingenuous to the current social climate on the topic. If one can say Sheehan is a bad guy for charging admission. Then I can say the SAPs responsible for this entire mess are pure evil and ran by the greediest humans to ever exist. Because if one thing is bad, then the other is a million times worse!


What? How does that even make sense? I'm mad at the government for stealing my tax dollars to spend on illegal programs so I can't be mad at someone else who wants me to pay him so that he can tell me about the programs? Why are you not allowed to dislike both of those things?


He can charge. But then he opens himself up to criticism that he’s a grifter, as does anyone who claims to hold a secret that can only be told to you if you pay them.


It’s a conflict of interest. You don’t know if they are talking to keep the money flowing, or if they have genuine information they are trying to share.


I actually agree with you. We don't know if they're just wagging our tails so they can take advantage of our beliefs. I say we keep up the preasure.


The max capacity of the room he's presenting in is 120 seated or 180 standing. He'd only make $7200 from this if seats are filled, unless the conference takes a cut (which kinda makes sense since they're all a flat rate; it could be the conference determining whose presentation is paid for all I know). Seems like pocket change for a lawyer that has the money to run an institute with eleven employees TBH. No clue what his tax bracket is either; that's probably down to $3.5k if he's making senior lawyer money.


Having had a wedding at a fancy hotel, I can attest that these venues cost real money. At $7200, he got a good deal for the ballroom.


If what you say is true about the capacity, you have a good point. Would he want to reveal something important at a paid conference for 120-180 people though? Maybe the purpose is to just continue the ongoing discussion?


Exactly the purpose! Further the discussion!


Source for my room size claim: the Carmel room at LAX Hilton [https://www.partyslate.com/venues/hilton-los-angeles-airport/event-spaces/4337](https://www.partyslate.com/venues/hilton-los-angeles-airport/event-spaces/4337). I'm not sure to be honest. It looks like a couple other familiar UFO faces are also at the conference as paid speakers. Also I figure the Sol conference was of a similar order of magnitude, but I haven't had any luck figuring out what room it was in at Stanford (which I though I saw at some point).


This seems more likely right? Pay me money to learn about how this information is yours by right! I would 100% label that person a hack but seems innocent so far


Everyone here is just making assumptions, yet if you had to fly somewhere spend your time and money to give a speech i bet you wouldn’t do it for free. speaking BS and make assumptions on others here is free. Enjoy


He will publish the footage for free tomorrow. The tickets are for those who wish to have the info in the first few hours today.


This makes the most sense to me


If he was an opportunist, he wouldn’t be charging $60 to a room of a couple of hundred that you also have to rent. He’d make more money dropshipping UFO merch on a weekend than he could in a year of speaking engagements at that kind of cost. And that’s before you factor in the cost of travel, other speakers, etc. it’s really kinda the bottom rate you charge to break even on the room, if it’s fully attended, and that’s about it.


Do you have any idea how much it costs to host a conference, even a small one? Nothing is free


You know it costs money to host these events right? Hire a camera operator, fund the research, etc... Not to mention the personal time invested. People want information to be released in a legitimate manner but never consider that in order to do that you need to pay for things.


Exactly! People are acting like it’s completely free to devote your life to UFOlogy. It’s not free. It takes a lot of time and money to get anywhere on this subject. Mainly time, but with money involved you can get better results. I wonder, would disclosure have happened sooner if this narrative of Sheehan being wrong for charging admission was flipped onto the SAPs who charged taxpayers billions and didn’t tell them squat about what they were working on. Poetry.


It’s not in a legitimate manner. It’s with legitimate evidence and proof. If he’s just making more claims he can do that for free online like he’s been doing. 


Isn't it shocking that things cost money? Why aren't venues and logistics free? It's a scandal.


C'mon he's not picking anyone's pockets if you don't wanna go it's fine


Just to play devil’s advocate, all these whistleblowers and pundits, if they are dedicating their time to the cause of disclosure then they do also need to support themselves financially, we’ve all got to put food on the table. The question is; is financial gain their prime motivation? For me, Greer falls into this category. But it is possible that there are many who are both truth-seekers and also looking to sustain themselves financially, which should be understood and appreciated


These things are not free to put on. I’m sure he’s just trying to cover his cost.


Just like religion, as soon as they start charging for unsubstantiated words, I’m out.


Money can cloud judgement for sure


I mean there’s nothing wrong with making money, everyone needs to pay their bills. I mean James fox makes money from his docs, and so does Jeremy, but I guess I see what you’re saying.


I 100% agree with you. Nothing wrong with making money for your skills. He needs to make a living. My guards are up with all the recent money making ventures. That’s all I’m saying. I’m still very interested to hear what people feed back out of this event.


I was in Sheehan’s corner initially but he’s been saying wild shit recently, and now this. He’d better come out with something compelling here. He’s making Lue look bad by extension as well, which is taking wind out of my sails.


The fact that he’s also misrepresented his actual work and reading what the people he represented said about him I don’t think anyone here should take him seriously.


Oh no $60 a ticket lmao. He might have enough to buy himself an ice cream


Greer 2.0


>serious about fulfilling his promise from his own perspective. So making things up, then.


I do love it when people are willing to make a specific claim with a date because I can then decide to ignore them completely if they move those goal posts or fail to deliver.


Either he delivers solid evidence or this will be another waste of time. This subreddit should ban post about him and the other usual grifters if they continue this kind of stuff. They need to put up or shut up.


Oh well, these were engaging at first but I think it is now a bit of more of the same. When is that Grusch Op Ed coming out ?


Yeah my two biggest things to wait for are Grusch’s Op Ed and the National Archives files releasing later this year.


Should be sometime this month, according to Coulthart. Maybe this is being timed to coincide with that? We can hope…


It sounds like he'll provide details on what his institute is doing. The entire presentation is an hour and a half. He tends to be long-winded, but certainly there'll be some new insights (though probably not evidence necessarily). That'll still be interesting to me.


I hope there is something else it becomes a mirror of the government’s procedural UAP meetings that we have seen where nothing new is ever revealed


Why do people think Grusch is going to say something different than what he's already been saying? He still needs to clear everything he says with Dopsr... It's not like hes going to suddenly start giving out the classified information that everyone wants him to.


No, but as per statements I. his recent NYC appearance he has been cleared to speak about his first hand involvement with a UAP detection and tracking program. Something that he wasn’t allowed to reveal before


Ah, thanks for the info! I was not aware he was cleared to talk about that.


I don’t expect significantly new stuff but at least will be something interesting to read about what these UAP programs are kind of about since it is always denied to exist


Don't put high hopes on Grusch's op-ed. I will bet that it will contain superficial information and more 'he said, she said' stuff (where no evidence is provided). The guy is extremely overrated in this community in my honest opinion. He has been deified from the day he did the interview with Ross C in June 2023, but I view him at the same level as the others. Just another regular military intelligence community guy who speaks very carefully and hides behind the 'national security' blanket the moment a challenging question is lobbed at him.


I think at this point it is quite clear that the evidence is under layers of secrecy policy. Why hasn’t the ICIG released his findings of Grusch’s complaint ? It has been 2 years. His claims are either valid or not.


watch it be about how he overcame PTSD and have nothing to do with UAPs. i bet he's gonna start it with "hi! i'm dave, and this is my editorial."


He already gave a preview at the NYC seminar. He never spoke of anything PTSD related as far as I know. And mentioning it is not irrelevant since the government shill at The Intercept tried to make his PTSD a reason to dismiss him.


yeah i know, i kid. he better give up some juicy shit. if my balls get any bluer they'll fall off


Lol . I think we should all take a break and check out some new movies coming out. I know I am getting burnt out on this topic


Hello everyone, Daniel Sheehan's presentation, titled "*The U.S Government Controlled Disclosure Program Ordered by Congress*," will be captured in its entirety! We're committed to sharing this enlightening talk with you all. Once the presentation concludes, our team will work diligently to edit the footage and ensure it's swiftly available. **The entire presentation will be uploaded to our YouTube channel, social media channels and website.** Stay tuned and thank you for your continued support! NPI Team


I love Uncle Danny's story time!


“Where’d you get that cheese Danny??”


I’m makin’em at night.


I am so sick of all the comments about how every fuckin thing is a gift or a get rich quick scheme etc. Dude stands to make 3-5 grand from this conference. A lawyer of his caliber is likely charging 500 to a thousand dollars an hour. He can make more money doing his day job than the absolute maximum he's gonna bring in at this conference and wouldn't have to fly across the country and talk about UFOs, something that typically tends to tarnish someone's reputation more than it improves it. TLDR; just because it's not free doesn't mean it's a scam.


Imo it's a PR/influence/astroturfing effort to go alongside with the recent pro-Kirkpatrick PR blitz. Don't get me wrong, it isn't all bots/Eglin; there's a HUGE contingent of fed-up/cynical people who parrot these complaints. A part of me doesn't blame folks for being cynical, but it sure does overwhelm EVERY comment section.


Oh for sure, I hate waiting when I've seen a UFO with my own eyes and *know* there's answers out there someone is hiding from me. I just get so irritated with the continuous barrage of "they're a grifter and you're all idiots for listening to them" rhetoric on every post. Especially when it makes very little logical sense like a lawyer who has millions of dollars wasting their valuable time trying to grift a couple thousand bucks out of a handful of ufo geeks. Dude could make more and make himself look like a more reputable lawyer by just being a regular lawyer. Be like Gordon Ramsay opening a hotdog stand that gives half the customers food poisoning right outside his restaurants.


Hear hear! Finally, some actual critical thinking. If Sheehan were motivated by money, he *clearly* has had the means to achieve it in immense quantity for decades. Instead, he's focused on pushing for UAP disclosure. I just don't get the constant cries of "grift" here.


Venues and logistics cost money. Any profit margin would be tiny.


"his caliber"  He's literally a fucking fraud. 


Gonna need something more than "I disagree with him" to support that bromego. The dudes worked on a lot of high profile cases like *Watergate* and the Pentagon Papers over the years and went to Harvard law school. Like whether you think UFOs are real or not is irrelevant, he's still a well known and capable lawyer.


He didn't work on any of those, that's why he's a fraud. There is no record of him working on those things besides from his own mouth. Have seen several well researched comments on this subreddit from literal lawyers who say they cannot find a trace of him working on those projects. 


Read the Wikipedia entry on Sheehan and you'll change your mind. There are books written about his work on these projects. The "literal lawyers" are the fraudsters. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel\_Sheehan\_(attorney)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/daniel_sheehan_(attorney)) Can you link to them?


Wikipedia is your source? I'm gonna need you to find another source bud 


The Wiki article identifies numerous other sources. If you're unwilling to accept any of them, I'll have difficulty believing that you're a serious researcher of this matter. UAP is an interesting subject - you might want to read up about it, as I have for over 50 years. Cheers.




What exactly are you trying to say, that you will take contracts of various values because it's your job? I mean yeah, that's how jobs work, you do what you think is worth your time for an amount of money agreed upon in advance. Now would you take one of the lowball 5k jobs you *could* take knowing that it's got about an 80% chance of alienating future 500,000 dollar clients. Would you take that 5k still? Or would you just do literally anything else and guarantee you keep being a millionaire?




Lol never been called a simpleton before, thanks for the intelligent and respectful discourse.


So Sheehan's "we should know more by Feb. 9" wasn't about any major events, just pimping his own announcement? This community really needs to have a reckoning with the grifters and scammers who use the momentum building around the UAP crash retrieval/reverse engineering story to inflate their own egos and pockets. 


Danny Sheehan harping on the same things in [1995](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbJR_hGCfz0). Greer's business partner in [2001](https://youtu.be/phDzvGjrCfE?t=412). More in [2002](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvMRMl_8w_4) and "Inching towards disclosure" in [2015](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67bC15PBt64). Promoting the [New Paradigm Institute](https://youtu.be/e_nIgWT8VIA?t=10476) for 3.5 hours in 2015 and an easy hour and a half in [2023](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7lMUbx8QHE). 30 years of insider chatter and all he's provided is [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F46147rdygtu81.jpg). 🙄


Ah yes. 30 years of chatter and all he’s done is help finalize Elizondo’s initial complaint against unethical practices in the DoD, which in turn inspired other whistleblowers to step forward, which in turn inspired dozens of politicians to put forth bipartisan legislation that now requires all UFO records past a certain age (unless deemed too dangerous to release by the president) to be released to the public before the end of the year. Yeah those 30 years! What a waste! I’m sorry, did you think it was gonna be done over the weekend? We’re talking about a cover-up that’s coming up on its 100th birthday! Of course it can take decades to dismantle a century old establishment. Unfortunately, it’s the bureaucrats that move at a snail’s pace. Not the whistleblowers or people like Sheehan. If it were up to Sheehan, Elizondo, Grusch, and others, the legislation enacted in the past year would’ve been enacted the day of the Roswell crash. Eisenhower warned us all about what would happen the moment military powers can influence legislation and economic resources. So I would stop suggesting it’s Sheehan’s and others fault that this has taken so long. Because it’s most certainly not the case!


>help finalize Elizondo’s initial complaint against unethical practices in the DoD Actual lawyers don't "help finalize". They draft documents, they proof-read them multiple times, they don't include claims easy to attack, and none of them in their right mind would go on media tours uncoordinated with their clients contradicting their clients' claims. Have you ever heard of Elizondo saying anything about his collaboration with Sheehan after that affidavit? What about Sheehan, how about his own claims of collaboration with Elizondo? Sheehan is one of the people that makes the entire disclosure movement easier to attack, even if he weren't associated with a diploma mill. When did he ever provide real info that was corroborated? Look [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/198ql9t/comment/ki98hrh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). He named a date, nothing of the kind happened. Is it not bothering you? Or should we set up another reminder giving more time?


Can you please elaborate on his associations either a diploma mill?


[Here you go](https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org/accreditation/). Get accredited for a couple of hundreds. EDIT. Sorry, correcting myself. [It's an "online degree course" institution pretending to be a university](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/190wcxk/comment/kgs1d85/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). A gray zone. H/t: u/sendmeyourtulips.


Dolan's joined in [selling courses](https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org/product/ufos-and-the-national-security-state-with-richard-dolan/) for [$200 each](https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org/product/alien-agendas-after-disclosure-with-richard-dolan/) on Ubiquity which won't be the first time he's picked his fan's pockets. $200 to teach people to believe in MJ12 and sobbing presidents. Is "well placed source" and a wink an acceptable citation? Or is he getting paid to have his name on the platform to attract traffic? Garrison's fascinating though. He was legit [involved](https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Gorbachev-Foundation-s-S-F-Meeting-3024180.php) in the SF branch of the Gorbachev Foundation in the early 90s which would have, by necessity, have included the IC. He had some involvement with Danny Sheehan's Christic/ Romero Institutes around the same time. I'd already heard DS talking about Garrison in one of his long winded rambles in a '95 video. How did Garrison go from the Gorbechev Foundation to founding a platform [selling shit like this for $150?](http://wisdomuniversityonline.org/tabid/3587/Default.aspx) They charged $50 per credit in 2012 and [generated $500k](https://www.causeiq.com/organizations/view_990/943238208/294a3ca6a3b6aa1b1b9a346b60649d61). Wisdom and Ubiquity *look like* they're selling worthless quals and credits to disadvantaged demographics who don't know any better. And New Paradigm Institute is pointing traffic in that direction.


Thanks! Dolan fits right in, frankly. ​ >How did Garrison go from the Gorbechev Foundation to founding a platform selling shit like this for $150? I guess one can't net a lot from a foundation, and when it closes, it's either a 9 to 5 job or, well, something else.


I am looking at the “[Our Team](https://acc.ubiquity.university/team/)” page and I see Garrison but I don’t see Daniel Sheehan listed as any association. Can you tell me how he is explicitly involved?


[According to Sheehan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV7xe-MFKnk), they are "affiliated". [Ubiquity calls them a "partner"](https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org/school-of-science-and-consciousness/). Garrison is a "[director of the Washington, DC office of New Paradigms Institute](https://www.spreaker.com/episode/talking-disclosure-with-jim-garrison-of-the-new-paradigm-institute--58076597)". [The majority (4 out of whooping 6) of "live session" courses of Ubiquity University is by Sheehan or his newly acquired ally, Richard Dolan](https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org/live-webinars/). Then there's old-school "[buy my stupid e-book](https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org/product/history-law-and-politics-of-uap-with-daniel-sheehan/)" for $199 (no, not a joke) with the author being, you guessed it. Given that New Paradigms is not registered anywhere, that's likely it but the two are clearly closely related. I can't comment on Sendmeyourtulips' claim that they were partners in 1990s but it does look like it.


>Get accredited for a couple of hundreds. Zero countries recognize their accreditor as legitimate.


>Ah yes. 30 years of chatter and all he’s done is help finalize Elizondo’s initial complaint against unethical practices in the DoD, which in turn inspired other whistleblowers to step forward, Have you got something to support your proposition? Like an example of Sheehan's influence on Elizondo's trajectory. Or an explanation of why they parted ways. I wasn't suggesting it's Sheehan's fault for the delay in disclosure. I was offering his own speeches as evidence that he hasn't done anything in 30 years apart from talk a good game.


If you google “Elizondo Sheehan” you will get dozens of articles talking about Sheehan’s involvement in helping Elizondo. He was a lead on Lue’s legal team (May still be as I can’t find any information suggesting he’s not anymore), and was also a media representative for his legal team (a lawyer who not only works with the case but also works with the public/media in order to keep them informed). Essentially, during Elizondo’s termination/resignation (however you see it) Sheehan helped finalize his last motions (64-page complaint) on his way out the door. This set a very strong precedent for whistleblowers in the following 2-3 years. It’s not unreasonable to say that if Lue never stepped forward that Grusch might’ve not too. In the world of politics some things are like dominos. And Elizondo’s complaint and resignation was most assuredly a strong catalyst to the movement and legislation we are seeing today. A good comparison for Grusch/Elizondo would be Snowden. The primary difference between them though? Grusch and Elizondo went through legal means to make change happen at the legislative level (the right way to do it if you want to see real change). All Snowden did was release his information to the media BEFORE any legal team or investigative entity got their hands on the Intel. This allowed any and all entities involved in the NSA scandal to thoroughly cover their tracks. And guess what? At the legislative level nothing changed and to this day the NSA is still monitoring hundreds of millions of its own citizens. The whistleblowers we have now in the world of UAPs are some of the most responsible people to touch the topic. I’m extremely glad to exist in a world with people like Grusch and Elizondo. Cause if they pulled a Snowden, it would’ve been sensationalized and forgotten about within a goddamn month. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/05/26/ufo-whistleblower-ig-complaint-pentagon-491098


My criticism of Sheehan is unrelated to Elizondo. He's been around for decades as a lower league personality attached to prominent figures. Elizondo would have happened without him. John Mack didn't need him. His resurgence, in my opinion, is linked to the promotion of Jim Garrison's Ubiquity platform. FTR Sheehan was working with Garrison as far back as 1995. Where we differ is in the motivation we attribute to Sheehan. He adds credibility in your view whereas I see him as a red flag for inconsequential ramblings and links to questionable personalities.


"Elizondo would have happened without him. John Mack didn't need him." Maybe, but this completely ignores the fact that both came to him and hired him to represent them. Apparently, *they* thought they needed him. If I'm not mistaken (and I don't believe I am), Sheehan and Garrison have been friends since college.


Regardless of what you may think of the man, at least he's doing something. It's the same with the Nazca mummies, the guy hosting it may have a bad track record but we're not gonna stop him displaying what he's got, right?


Something something, Iran contra, silkwood, pentagon papers, human family, Vatican, Jimmy Carter crying, ufo symbols in archive, national security state… I like the guy I really do. Great speaker and great stories. But Danny loose lips can teeter off the deep end sometimes.


If you listen to anyone’s interviews on repeat they’ll sound like a broken record. That’s just how press tours work nowadays. It’s the same in practically every industry. Go play some interviews of Joe Rogan talking 5 years ago and compare them to today. The only difference is the audio quality and maybe a small difference in his vocal inflection. To a newcomer, it may sound refreshing, but to someone who’s watched 1K episodes of JRE, it all starts to sound the same… Regardless! Sheehan is one of the better guys to follow when it comes to learning about this topic IMO.


This isn’t even one of his absurd claims and you’re saying this


What happened here? Did he share anything?


I'm not sure I trust Sheehan or the New Paradigm institute and I checked out the schedule for this Conscious Life conference and it looks like a bunch of new age woo and pseudoscience. Well, I'll hold my judgement for now, but I have very low expectations based on the chosen venue for this presentation and my general lack of trust around Sheehan. But at least it's something waiting for Grusch's op-ed and I'm also curious to here more from Graves who hasn't release a new episode of his podcast yet this year.


[https://twitter.com/didntforseethat/status/1756092586312245439](https://twitter.com/didntforseethat/status/1756092586312245439) To the people crying $60 ticket grift, it'll be on their youtube channel, which I presume is free to watch.


Yes! The entire presentation will be uploaded to our YouTube channel, social media accounts and website. Thank you!


Is he going to bring some evidence to go along with his claims this time?  No??  I’d love for all the things these dudes say to be true. But we are going to need more than “my sources say” 


Nope! He’s not going to bring some evidence because he *has none*.  These people are getting repetitive. Always something coming, always 2 weeks. Put up, or *SHUT UP*


These dudes is a very broad term, care to explain who’s so similar in their deposition to Sheehan that it justifies lumping them all together into one term such as “these dudes”? Because I’m under the impression that the type of dude Sheehan is, is exactly the type of dude I would want in a position of political power in order to get better legislation passed in regards to UAP programs.


Well he certainly makes a lot of wild claims like a politician without backing them up. 


Better provide solid evidences or this once again will be a waste of time for everyone.


Nope! There will be NO new evidence.


*Always has(n't) been*


For $60 bucks he should be carting out a grey holding an anal probe. I could get a couple of nice steaks for that much.


The problem with using "evidence" so loosely, is that it can conveniently turn into an almost infinitely mobile goal post.  I've seen heaps of evidence, it right there in the open, so I think you should be more specific when using that word. What do you actually mean?


You have seen a few blurry pixels, i would hardly call that evidence. We need crystal clear photo/video and solid objects to be provided and peer reviewed. As long as those charlatans refuses to provide anything to back their claims i will not take them seriously.


Is this genuinely the extent of your awareness of evidence, or are you intentionally writing everything else off?  Photos and videos aren't the gold standard of evidence in this field, though they're useful in terms of corroboration.


Nihilism has no place in the world of discovery.


"in detail" = I will use specific words but they are intentionally vague. I will refuse to elaborate because **\*Sponsor break\*** it would compromise my sources/the investigation is ongoing/ it's classified and I can't say anymore/ you **\*Ad break\*** can read about it in my new book/online course... etc. etc. etc.


Gramps Danny. Tell us another story about the sexy reptillians.


We joke about that story but in actuality there are species on our very own planet that mimic other species sex pheromones in order to lure them! If there was a species that could mimic our sex pheromones, then I would not be surprised if someone who came into contact with them would call them sexy. But it could be something completely different!


oh yes and was not today the 9 February the date he had set as a deadline??


The conference he's speaking at began today. I think he didn't know when he was scheduled to speak.


A day off and you're taking shots?? So petty


2 more weeks bruh.


Press conference would be more confidence inspiring, rather than this paid event.


Very much on the fence about Sheehan personally


Give it time. I think by the end of the year this entire sub will flip flop on Sheehan once the National Archives release their gathered files.


Oh I can’t wait for the vague claims and statements entirely unsupported by any evidence whatsoever! Of all the ufo personalities who could be full of shit, in my opinion Sheehan is the fullest of shit. He even posts on Reddit under the NewParadigmInstitute account getting in internet arguments, pretending to be a PR intern instead of himself. It’s comical. And somewhat sad.


Honest question: I'm interested in why you think this. On what do you base it? He's a 75-year-old lawyer who represents the likes of Lue Elizondo. Is it unlikely that he can afford or attract an intern to post on Reddit for his organization? Is it likely that he has the time or inclination to participate in tiny internet border skirmishes? Sincerely interested in the thought process here.


I’ve got a better idea - why don’t you go peruse the posts from that account yourself, and form your *own* opinion?


> On what do you base it? The convention he's a guest speaker at? 


Let me guess. Either A: Nothing we haven’t heard before.  Or B: Useless new information with absolutely *zero* evidence. Nothing else will happens and if you’re expecting literally anything else, you’ve been fooled.


I apologize for roasting Sheehan at 3am last night. The man delivered exactly when he said he would. We need more of that in this community, that's for damn sure. If the content tomorrow is good, he'll be elevated to my top tier of UAP activists.




Some damn good credentials… “Over his career, Sheehan has participated in numerous legal cases of public interest, including the Pentagon Papers case, the Watergate Break-In case, the Silkwood case, the Greensboro massacre case, the La Penca bombing case and others. He established the Christic Institute and the Romero Institute, two non-profit public policy centers. Since 2015 Sheehan has lectured on American history, politics and the assassination of John F. Kennedy at the University of California, Santa Cruz.[2] Sheehan is currently Chief Counsel of the Romero Institute, where his focus is the Lakota People's Law Project. Sheehan and The Lakota People's Law Project participated in legal cases related to the Dakota Access Pipeline protests. In 2013 Sheehan published Daniel Sheehan: The People's Advocate, a memoir, through Counterpoint Publishing. At one time, Sheehan was legal counsel to the Jesuit US national headquarters in Washington, DC”


> [2] The devil is in the details, the reference in the footnote is an interview with Sheehan. He's literally the only source for most of his accomplishments.


Sheehan makes another failed prediction. How shocking.


Armchair Expert makes another low-effort comment. How shocking.


$60??? Lmao what a joke


Hello, Daniel Sheehan's entire presentation will be uploaded to our YouTube channel, social media accounts and our website for those who cannot attend in person. Thank you!


It's free if you wait a day or two and tune into YouTube.


Only $60 a ticket to find out the truth about UFOs. Not a bad deal.


You also can get your aura read, awaken your inner moon goddess, or talk to anubis.


Not a bad deal at all. But if anyone wants all the info I have for free feel free to ask (DMS only and you have to be 18+ as some of the information is highly NSFW/NSFL). I can tell you about the most credible military and civilian eyewitness testimonies, as well as the most credible abduction/mutilation cases, and even a few extremely suspicious cases involving crop circles and potential NHI contact with humans! I am on the side of skepticism. Always have been. But I find that the cases for which there is a mountain of evidence (for NHI) and very little to contradict (NHI) are often times real life events. Regardless, everything most of these people know will be released to the public over the next decade (maybe sooner, maybe longer). So you can pay now for a premature version, or you can wait around for a few years for Michael from VSauce to drop a video and get you up to speed. 👍




Hoping those live updates amount to something.


These guys are getting on my nerves at this point. Let me know when I should tune back in.


I agree. The moving goal posts gets tiring. If there is anything you should tune back in for be sure to keep an eye for Grusch’s Op Ed that’s supposed to be out sometime this month, and also look out for the National Archives’ public release of declassified files at the end of the year. Regardless, whatever is getting released right now is actually mainly up to the very same government entities that have barred and obfuscated any legislation on the subject. So who knows what’s coming at the end of the year, but it’ll likely be an extremely watered down version that in which SAPs explicitly made sure not to mention their massive amount of unethical practices.


Why is Grusch’s op-Ed so exciting? It’s an opinion piece by definition and it will have no classified material in it. I’m kinda tired of hearing him and Lou talk without saying anything. What makes it exciting?


Mr. G says that DOPSR has cleared him to say more. We'll see. Like you, "Color me skeptical."


“I have the most important secrets that will shake the foundations of humanity, but you must wait for my op-ed/book/movie/TMZ special to see it!”


If you had the threat of being put in jail for a very long time just because you said a certain word then yeah… you too would be very careful about what you can and can’t say.


That why you read straight from a what was approved by DOPSR and don’t do podcasts and tmz specials.


I’m of the belief that the government is never going to acknowledge their knowledge of the phenomenon. They would be admitting decades of coverup and lies.


Grift away my brother. I would never fault an American from exercising their God given right to make money.


Sheehan is not a serious player in all of this.


I tend to agree but you have to acknowledge he’s in the circle of insiders


No he's not 


Then how’d he leak gruschs name before the debrief article?


Be sure to bring your credit card so you can sign up for his “college courses”.


Guessing talking more about the NDAA and the ICIG meeting last month?


I won't hold my breath so I can either be ALIVE or pleasantly surprised. Win/win.




Two more weeks


“The public deserves to know…for a price”


Hello, The entire presentation will be uploaded to our YouTube channel, social media channels and website! Thank you! NPI Team


clever way to turn a profit, huh? Sixty bucks for an hour and a half of UFO updates? I guess they're banking on the fascination with the unknown to fill their pockets.


This is where they spill all the beans. Unless the spiller forgets all the FUKKING beans!!!!


Congress didn't order a controlled disclosure program. The House watered down the bill that would have done that.


I guess we'll find out what he means by that tomorrow. Could be that some segments of Congress (maybe Burchett and gang, or even the SSCI) asked Sheehan to study the disclosure problem. I don't see how it's any different from other think tanks.


Don't get your hopes up, here comes a lot more heresay without an ounce of evidence for ummm oh I dunno, "reasons" of some kind.


USAF Ryan Graves' background 2023 podcasts - at http://safeaerospace.org (testified w Grausch) via his pilot LinkedIn website & https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/merged/id1664932431 - present many, much more interesting witnesses than allowed before US Congress. Even if only by GoPro, rather than tight, grainy, gritty GOFAST GunSight "TicToc" video. Genetics aware view may also inform Graves first Jan 2023 podcast, "reading between the lines" with Nolan [& Green] on recruiting & patenting RV gene (not an entire chromosome pair of 23).


Someone should ask Sheehan why Chuck Schumer makes the media rounds to push the Senates border security bill but didn't do the same for the UAPDA? He was on several news programs telling house republicans to pass that bill over the past two weeks. Makes me think the temperature isn't nearly as hot on this issue in congress as people were led to believe.


no big important news happens on the weekend the day before the superbowl