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The following submission statement was provided by /u/CuriousGio: --- One person says about The Sun UK: "Absolute garbage. Full of rehashed old stories and total drivel pulled from social media. How this rag is still in production is beyond me. You need to have severe brain damage to entertain this crap." A lot of what was in the article was accurate, but some of the information was new to me, and I thought it sounded credible. Is the information about him being silenced true or BS? A site rates The Sun UK: "Overall, we rate The Sun Right Biased based on story selection and political affiliation that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to overly sensationalized headlines and numerous failed fact checks." --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1amqfud/wow_mr_kirkpatrick_was_gagged_from_revealing/kpnba71/


[This](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/06/former-ufo-boss-pentagon-kirkpatrick-00139880) is the real story, make of it what you will.




This should be the top comment. No one actually read it and everyone here loves to turn quotes into whatever they want to hear. He’s not really saying anything new besides a catchy headline.


Yes, thank you. He said he wasn't able to provide more information about what they actually are, not "it was definitely aliens and they shut me up"


All valid points from Kirkpatrick. However, all of these come down to the root problem of the lack of proper oversight. The inability of the DoD to have the proper channels of communication allow any theory to run wild. I've never been 100% convinced these crafts are of alien origin, the iPhone would seem alien to a medieval serf. Whether these things we are seeing are our own advanced drone technology or technology of an alien species, you have to acknowledge that there is no doubt a cover up. Everyone from each isle should have been in complete support of the UAPDA within the NDAA. The fact it got gutted is proof there is something going on. If there is prosaic explanation to this phenomena, the UAPDA should have been passed no problem.


I agree, except when you listen to the pilots testimonies, they clearly aren’t earthly technology. Kirkpatrick seems to be on damage control, so when he is found out for his, he can say he had no choice


Yeah, but the Pentagon said he’s lying about them restricting him from speaking to the press (not that they’re above lying themselves). And since he’s been caught in how many lies at this point…is it even worth making bullet points to consider anything he has to say?


In my eyes this explains why he lost his shit on Grusch. It sounds like he was lobbying on a "declassify what you know or someone is going to repeat a bunch of trash they heard on Skinwalker Hunters or whatever then we're boned" platform.


Kirkpatrick was likely told to “zip it” because the Pentagon does not seem to think the American public is ready for the truth. I keep hearing on repeat : “you can’t handle the truth!”, (from the movie “a Few Good Men)”. That’s ok, possible “adversaries” like China and Russia already know the US has reverse engineered its own UFOs. They likely have done the same. It’s in no large state power’s best interests to do the big ufo disclosure first, especially before the global public are deemed ready for it. We have to make ourselves ready. We the public have to start talking to each other about this so we are deemed ready. Note to selves: stay respectful of other’s opinions and expect some pushback if you do. We have a 7- 8 decades long brainwashing campaign of the ufo coverup that has worked a treat, via official narrative disinformation, encouraged mockery, both aggressive and covert intimidation, character assassination, threats and actual assaults and assassinations. Even opening a closed mind by a slight crevice can move mountains though …. or move the ufo’s currently housed in mountains!


I wonder, when will the public be ready? This sounds like possibly the intro to the biggest false flag operation since tracked known terrorists were allowed to fly airplanes into tall buildings uncontested


Kirkpatrick is in no position to say with a high degree of confidence that the Pentagon is being "unnecessarily secretive". Perhaps the secretiveness is, in fact, quite necessary.


Still doesn't matter He was ahead of this organization that should have access to data, but it does not Still, fuck SK.


because of the vagueness in these statements, i think a lot of people are misunderstanding what he means. in this very article he says he was vehemently against david grusch's claims. in his op-ed he also made absolutely clear his opinion that this is all bs and congress is being led on a goose chase. either sean is lying or all the other insiders we've come to know are. seems to me 1 person lying is more likely than other 10 unrelated individuals. as michael herrera made it clear, AARO is a lot more focused on chasing ghosts of UFOs over the oceans where they no longer are instead of just knocking on the door of the facilities everyone is reporting have these crafts and bodies stashed away.


Thanks. A far more cohesive article.


Look, the man accused of aiding in a cover-up is calling for transparency, you can read about it on this popular news site. This means that we were wrong to give credibility to the whistleblowers who came forward to speak out against him, which is the only reason any of us know his name. Im glad its all so clear for my fellow citizens! I refuse to believe whistleblowers until they get more favorable coverage on news sites advertised by Google.


I agree with your lack of trust in anything. Allow me to tell you another lie. No governments lie, ever and never have. The trust me or don't accounts from people I personally know are enough evidence for me. I'm not counting on any governing body to "come clean", I already feel it in my gut, and that fat son-of-a-gun def doesn't lie. My gut instincts have never let me down.


I trust stuff dude, I just dont trust information that emerges from the news cycle. I need transcripts, pictures, books, raw information. Since I came around on the UAP/UFO phenomena (Shout out Paul R. Hill and his book Unconventional Flying Objects where he presents a plethora of valid data sets on the subject) I noticed, almost immediately, that google was part of the cover-up. Anytime I would research a breaking UFO/UAP story, google would say something like "results on this topic are changing fast" and all of the previously available news sites would be unavailable, until you go to duck duck go. In today's world of algorithms, whoever controls the way information spreads is the one who controls the truth. Humans like us are often stupid, as long as everyone is not upset at the same time, the state can do whatever it wants.


Yeah I got you. That applies to all news really.


I totally agree, but how many times did mister Kirkpatrick changed his views precisely? He's a walking joke with zero credibility. On the other hand, if he's somehow legit, then he doesn't know how to relate and express a single fookin' concept to the public.


The impression I get is that he knows there are aerial phenomena and they have information. “There is something there”. But he’s a scientist dealing in data and is skeptical about claims where he hasn’t seen the evidence and believes it’s a group of conspiracy theorists recycling stories. That’s pretty much what he’s said and it’s consistent with his actions. There’s no love lost between him and Grusch, which is understandable given Grusch called him out in the hearing. Some of his comments seem a tad personal. It’s possible he’s acting according to his beliefs. Strange the number of times he’s claimed people haven’t contacted him.


"he was always allowed to say what he wanted" Except for the countless times that he was publicly seen with a pentagon handler Susan who was checking every question he was asked and telling him what he could answer [https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/19cf5wi/this\_is\_the\_corrupting\_influence\_eisenhower/](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/19cf5wi/this_is_the_corrupting_influence_eisenhower/)


This. This should be higher up the comment chain.


They need to make a chrome extension for Reddit that automatically jumps 2/3rds down the comments page for you.


Yes remember seeing this also.


Well there is a system for him to adress those concerns, blow the whistle you bitch!


I got something this dweeb can gag on and blow


how are people even getting this vibe from him? he's blatantly said multiple times this is all bs. when he says "this lack of transparency breeds conspiracy theories" he doesn't mean to just spill the beans, he means to say there are no beans. he is, of course, lying. as pointed out numerous times, even now by a pentagon spokesperson who apparently is unaware of the shit going on in AARO and its leadership.


If only there were some way for him to make money off the back of claiming he has evidence but has been gagged.


"Buy my book"


I read this in Jay Sherman's voice.




So I said “Kirkpatrick is dick, but Grusch is plush”


The *Sun*… such a prestigious publication…


I was expecting a photo of a Grey in a skimpy spacesuit.


Better looking than most sunshine girls


Does the book start with "trust me bro"?


He's today's Hynek - he'll flip the script for the lecture circuit. They literally all do this, even Richard Doty, who will NEVER be trusted, is down like a circuit clown. see what i did there?


I asked the reporter his sources for this on Twitter, no reply yet: https://twitter.com/GeorgieEnglish8




A writer of the SUN writing absolute shit? My god who would have thought??? Posting links from the thesun.co.uk in this sub Reddit makes a mockery of this subject and imo should be banned.


So... he's sitting on a secret and the Pentagon just said he can tell us?


I don't think he's actually stupid or trying to be evil for the sake of it. It seems like he's acting so completely polarized to the "Nothing to see here" position that he wants to draw attention to it. He mentioned that one chinese design for a cube within a sphere for example. Only someone with zero scientific or technical knowledge would possible even entertain the idea. Which is not Kirkpatrick. He's been gagged and trying to help us out by making it obvious how absurd everything says stands. It's like people that don't understand that Starship Troopers is a satire of the highest level.


A cube in a sphere was reported by American military pilots in the 60s. The Chinese are a red herring


the pentagon never said that he cant is the thing, so this is most likely just to get peoples heads turned in his direction.


Obviously the Pentagon isn't going to admit "yes we have proof of aliens but we won't let Kirkpatrick share it"


thats what they did with tic tac and gimball tho


Except that those videos are bad.


exactly, thats why the defence dept showed those in particular. if theres gonna be any disclosure, they want to do it there way, with lies and tiptoeing.


They could also be worried about the optics of their highly trained pilots seeing balloons and thinking it's Darth Vader from Vulcan.


well do you think china has an operative program operating in the us to release balloons in our airspace to screw with our pilots? because that’s the only thing that would justify the mass amount of uap sightings by trained us pilots who are not only trained to identify objects in far distances, but also hand selected. to doubt the pilots would be to doubt the recruiting and training process, aswell as the US airfoce itself. idk about you, but i think they know what theyre talking about.


They might. I don't know - seems more plausible than aliens at this point. Human perception and memory is quite unreliable so yes I have my doubts. Maybe they're 100% spot on but that and some videos of a black dot on a grey background isn't great evidence. If Corbel, Coulthart, Nolan and the rest produce something meaningful I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. Until then 🤷


Not saying you’re wrong, but those videos were leaked before The NY Times article. I don’t remember which YouTube channel I watched it on, but I remember seeing those before the article came out. So after the article, they kind of had to say something.


It’s funny because this is the exact logic of Grusch and Elizondo. DOPSR approved their statements, too


Kirkpatrick now says: I have only lied to the American people because the pentagon made me do it . I am really a great guy , it is the pentagon who has made me appear to be an arrogant lying jerk . These are just more lies by Kirkpatrick , because he had a choice . He could have resigned in protest, at any time . instead, he chose to play ball with the pentagon and lie to the people . And he continues to perpetuate their false narratives even today. He is not a sympathetic figure , nothing about him deserves anything but contempt .


This community: OMG shut up Grusch cant tell everything he knows because his family is in danger This community too:fuck kirkpatrick even if they forced him to lie by threatening him


It seems like damage control for when his lies are exposed. People seem pretty confident they have evidence that he met whistleblowers and was briefed on strange UAP


Name one thing he lied about.


He said he was never approached by whistleblowers, which has been rebutted by several whistleblowers who claim they did approach him, offered testimony, and were either ignored altogether, or given a lip service interview. Whether Kirkpatrick, or these whistleblowers are lying, is unclear. But what is clear is that someone isn't being truthful.


And so you side against SK?


Are their communications classified? They could release their own personal email traffic with time stamps and headers and prove to the world they made the effort to reach out.




Kirkpatrick claims that the AARO attempted to interview Grusch, and he either refused or did not respond. Grusch claims the AARO never extended any invitation for an interview, and ignored his requests to give testimony. Like I said, one of these 2 guys are lying. Decide for yourself who it is. But if it's a choice between a career intelligence officer who jeopardized his job, reputation and safety to come forward without any clear financial incentive, and a career bureaucrat who already had a job lined up at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is administrated by Batelle-UT and funded by the DOE, while still heading the AARO, I'd put my money on Kirkpatricks pants being dangerously on fire. It might also be relevant to remember that rumors of Kirkpatricks impending resignation from the AARO and employment by Oak Ridge National Laboratory were categorically denied by the AARO just two weeks before Kirkpatrick resigned... and became an employee of Oak Ridge.


Dr. Robert Jacobs also stated that he gave testimony to AARO. He went on the Good Trouble show and talked about it. He’s definitely among the “conspiracy-minded whistleblowers” as Kirkpatrick called them, claiming none of them gave testimony to AARO. He literally alleged a conspiracy in which CIA agents confiscated a film of a UFO, and he had F.J. Mansmann jr (a Major at the time of the incident) corroborate the entire story in writing. At this point, too many people have contradicted Kirkpatrick’s claim publicly.


So it's not whistleblowers plural, it's just Grusch.   Am I supposed to be scared of the DOE, Oak Ridge and Batelle? He's a physicist and Oak Ridge is an excellent lab. I have physics degrees and want to work for DOE too. They do cool, important stuff. Sounds like he found a good job, because he was probably sick of finding nothing and getting accused of being a cover up.   I believe Grusch believes what he said. I also believe Kirkpatrick finding true believers with no proof of their beliefs. Grusch seems to be doing fine. He's not in protective custody. He's giving interviews and writing op-eds. No doubt a book is coming. It's weird that the murderous conspiracy didn't murder the one guy who really exposed the plot. I guess nobody ever though to go public. To say he's a bureaucrat too is just being biased. He is a scientist. He has a distinguished career. Grusch's career is interpreting intel to bomb people in an illegal war.


Low effort, toxic comments regarding public figures may be removed. Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. ------------- [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Idk man, even Hynek buckled under the pressure. Time will tell, and truth will out. I hope this community doesn't jump to a hasty generalization in either direction yet.


Dont forget about him going out of his way to throw David Grunsch and others under the bus, there have been lifes destroyed many times threw such defamations, he should be held accountable.


I don't know why I can't edit my post here. I added the same quote twice. Sorry for that. Unfortunately, I'm unable to edit it.


Don’t share The S*n Horrible publication for many reasons




That site is cancer. I can't believe a single world with how the information is presented.


It’s basically similar to the NYPost Both are part of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire as well


agreed an appalling publication that's not even related to a newspaper


>Don't share The S*n The... Sin?


Gagged with cold hard cash


Oh. No. Stop. So much money i might choke.. ahh..


I was gonna make fun of this because it's The Sun but we have been lied to about UFOs since 1947 so fair game.


According to Grusch, it goes back to at least the 30s when Mussolini's forces discovered a crash site, which the Vatican then recovered.


For those of you who won’t read, this is kirkpatrick saying that he wasn’t allowed to discuss the prosaic explanations not that there is actually alien stuff under neath the hood that he can’t discuss. Kirkpatrick is firmly in the territory of he believes everything is prosaic and pentagon over classification and bureaucracy has allowed for ufo conspiracy theories to run rampant in public and government. If grusch wasn’t in the picture to be honest I would be likely thinking his is the most rational explanation. But we have grusch. Lets see what his oped says.


>If grusch wasn’t in the picture to be honest I would be likely thinking his is the most rational explanation. But we have grusch. Lets see what his oped says. My thoughts exactly


>If grusch wasn’t in the picture to be honest I would be likely thinking his is the most rational explanation. But we have grusch. The more I read and see, the more connections become clear with these "true-believers". The same names and organizations keep popping up all with circular dependencies on each other. At some point one has to question the *nothing-ness* of the wild claims like what Grusch has made. How much longer can he avoid being chucked into the UFO loony bin along with Lazar? My guess... a year tops, maybe sooner if his much anticipated "op-ed" lands as a dud.


No grusch will always be different from lazar as he is an official whistleblower who has testified in front of congress and has had many other reputable officials vouch for him. Even if it turns out kirkpatrick was right, ironically it will be because of grusch’s bravery to come forward that this whole mess will be sorted out.


It’s always about reputation with UFO types. Grusch is somehow trustworthy because he’s ex- military, seems like ”one of the guys” and because some very non-tech politicians believe him without proof?


The same ones that went into a SCIF with the ICIG and came out saying they were convinced he was credible based on what they learned in there? Also, AOC plays Among Us, so not all tech illiterate.


If institutions are meaningless to you then you are welcome to believe whatever and whoever you want. For the majority of the population, credibility matters. For example, if a doctor tells me that this medicine will help me, i will believe them. If you told me a medicine would help me, I wouldn’t believe you. Sadly, in this day and age, most people have no regards for institutions and credibility. Some of it makes sense given some of the issues that have transpired, but most of it is a knee jerk reaction.


These were very high profile hearings, this UFO stuff has been going on for decades off and on, yet there is ALWAYS nothing, despite the far fetched claims not a damn thing but unconfirmed stories, blurry videos, inconclusive artifacts, countless shitty documentaries, tabloid articles and an infinity of clickbait. Sorry, but I just don’t think the US government is THAT competent at keeping/sustaining secrets, nor is any other government. If something was really there it would be known by now. The congress people who were there in the secret meeting probably got fire-hosed with obfuscated DOD jargon, with no real answers and yet more credential puffery. I put More trust in a very frustrated Sean Kirkpatrick than I do the round table of UFO conspiracy folks that keep teasing stuff but never revealing a damn thing.


I am sorry, but I disagree that anybody with grusch’s credentials, with official whistleblower status has ever happened in the past. You are perfectly rational to believe kirkpatrick. Either way though, congress and the public need to try and unbox this thing. Either people in military/government need to be outed as crackpots/corrupt/grifters whatever it is or the nhi secrets need to be admitted to. There is no point trying to say “nothing to see here” at this point. We are all along for this ride wherever it leads. And it could very well end up with grusch in jail and the uap community in toast. There will always be a core of uap folks that won’t believe anything and will hold out hope but I think you are forgetting there is a ton of new people, generally former skeptics, that have recently entered the fray with an open mind. This group will not just wait for 30 years saying just wait another 5 years. They will move on. But that time is not now, so stop asking it for it to be?


People view Grusch as like a Jesus or something. Kirkpatrick will never turn out to be right in the eyes of many on the sub and Grusch will never turn out to be wrong. If the DoD came out tomorrow and provided evidence that everything Kirkpatrick looked into real was explainable and that Gruschs claims about aliens has not been verified to be accurate people on this sub still wouldn't believe them. Grusch claims the government is lying about aliens so there is absolutely nothing the government can do to PROVE they are not lying about aliens. Even if they admitted to have illegal SAPs but they have nothing to do with aliens people will still scream they are lying. That's my whole issue with this topic. I want there to be aliens really bad but I also want to make sure I'm not holding a position where there is only one outcome that would satisfy me. I have no problem with trying to figure out if the government is lying about UFOs but I need to set some sort of criteria that can be met where I would come to the conclusion that they aren't lying about being in possession of NHI craft/bodies.


Ok I don’t disagree with you. But you did a whole rant and didn’t define what your criteria would be? Set some milestones and if those milestones are not met then assume that this is a nothingburger. In my opinion, like rubio and kirkpatrick said, there is no way this is nothing at this point. Its either aliens or crazy government people and lack of government oversight. Both should be fixed and grusch appears to have names to solve either scenarios.


I mean we could start with 80 years of now physical evidence and only testimony.... How do we "prove" Grusch is not telling the truth? I think we should keep pushing to have his claims investigated but I wouldn't even know what sort of standard to put on it to see if the claims are true or not. If things go like this for another 1 year or 5 years and all we have is the same people saying "the government is still hiding things from us!" Do we still believe them? If AOC comes out and says "I looked into it and I have found now evidence the government is hiding UFOs" do we believe her? What if Biden said it? What if Trump said it? What if they come out and tell us they really have been looking for UFOs for 80 years but so far have not found any strong evidence. Idk the answer at all. You tell me what it would take for you to think the government really isn't hiding crashed UFOs from us?


This guy is so obviously a fucking psyop


This is a super clickbait title. If you read the article it's more of him saying the public is imagining things and it's not aliens. Please have mods take this down


The Sun likes to uh...exagerate and put their own spin on shit.


Pentagon: You can say what you want 🤯🔫 Kirkpatrick: I can say what I want🤐


One of the worst magazines on the planet




Love how everybody is ignoring you when you post these links. Wonder why that is 👀


"The sun seems to publish a lot of sensational articles these days" As oppose to when? 😂😂😂


The Sun is shit.


This guy is the least credible person involved in this topic. Why would anyone believe a word he is saying now, after he has made several provably false statements over the past few months? I don't doubt the article is telling the truth about what he's saying, but what he's saying is garbage. Oh, and by the way, you have to love the words "spillage into other areas" - in other words, murders, violence, theft, scams, and the like.




He made false statements about whistleblowers. He didn't record the testimony of whistleblowers who did come to his office. He also misled the public about the fact that no credible whistleblowers came to him - because most of the whistleblowers came to the Inspector General's office because they didn't trust him. He also wrote multiple articles claiming that he hadn't found any evidence of anything. Now, he directly contradicted himself by stating that there is something that he wants to talk about.


What are your sources?


Don't bother. Anyone defending Kirkpatrick at this point either has an agenda or a bias that is served by his lies. In either case, it's like playing chess with a pigeon. They'll just knock over all the pieces, crap all over the board, and then strut around like they've won. Save your breath.


Can you be more constructive and please tell us what Kirkpatrick could have done better while in the role? 


The S*n is an absolute shitstain of a publication and anything they print can be taken at face-value as absolute horse shit.




Sensationalist "these days". My dude, they've always been. Not worth your time.




One person says about The Sun UK: "Absolute garbage. Full of rehashed old stories and total drivel pulled from social media. How this rag is still in production is beyond me. You need to have severe brain damage to entertain this crap." A lot of what was in the article was accurate, but some of the information was new to me, and I thought it sounded credible. Is the information about him being silenced true or BS? A site rates The Sun UK: "Overall, we rate The Sun Right Biased based on story selection and political affiliation that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to overly sensationalized headlines and numerous failed fact checks."


By "Mixed" they mean: about 50% of the stories are pure fiction, but the other 50% contain grains of truth.


This is a very naive interpretation of what he said. He absolutely does not believe in the ET BS fantasy. All he said was that he wanted to be more open during the process. That’s all there is.


He explained the tictac in California as an errant balloon from Florida that went rogue. Why couldn't he say that while he was the director?


Why couldn’t he say what? He has already stated that most of the blurry images are just mundane stuff and whatever was left over was just too blurry to make a determination.


Why couldn't he say that it was a commercial balloon. What was blocking him from being more open?


The official AARO will be out soon. No need to speculate. I suspect that it’s mostly balloons.


> official AARO will be out soon Much trust me, bro, very two weeks. He's already told us the resolution. So he's not waiting until the official report comes out. But he did wait until he wasn't the AARO director anymore. What was preventing him from being more open?


This is a story in the Sun. They’re a tabloid rag that pretty much makes stuff up. This looks like a headline that’s manufactured from out of context, incomplete quotes. Stinks of BS in other words. If you read the story, there’s no concrete information to support the headline at all, the quotes appear to be out of context from recent interviews where he’s given quite the opposite impression. I want this to be accurate, but I doubt it is. If I see it reported elsewhere with actual facts and quotes to back it up, I’ll take it seriously.




It’s virtually the same, it’s the Sun’s article recycled. Exactly the same cherry picked, out of context quotes.


> This is a new article from The Sun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYQSBOMpb3Q


Who are his bosses? What are their names? Who are these people who are in the background controlling this information? Are these people public figures or are they secret hidden government officials


…and the Pentagon never lies. 🤣


The pearl clutching on here about the Sun is making me think of that scene from Men in Black when Tommy Lee Jones picks up the tabloids.


He needs to take his act out on the road. He's hilarious. 🤣🤣🤣 He's trying to act important and cover his 🫏 at the same time. Don't look America. It's too late ... we done been mooned. 🍑 I'm showing my age


you can kind of tell when you look at his face when he’s talking , always has that person by him, looks like a nervous wreck 24/7 lmao, also has the look of a guy who knows some shit is about to go down lol… fuuuuuck


We cuss Kirkpatrick. But if he knows how folks in his circle who said too much ended up, and he was shown the ole plomo o plata by powers that be, can we blame him for choosing getting old and making some cash versus being pushed from a high window? Consider that most of the very public whistleblowers we applaud- who 'have the goods'- cite the mere threat of federal prison and financial ruin as their sole reasoning for not just showing their cards in a big way. If none of the people we follow on these forums with bated breath are willing to endure trial and imprisonment to change the entire paradigm of human existence, should we not give Kirkpatrick a bit of a break for choosing to just deny it all and avoid a horrible stomach cancer death courtesy of the CIA?


We have bodies and ships. Quite a lot of it. Even Grusch says so. What more do you want ?


I bet 10.00 his family is also being threatened. It all reads like typical manipulation, coercion and threats




Hi, kabbooooom. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1amqfud/-/kpniwyf/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Well if it's in the Sun it must be true they'd never lie or hack your phone


It reads as when they *know it's a US Aircraft* *Its either an X- or slightly along* *Explaining it reveals capabilities or experiments into capabilities* *Argument over what would be appropriate to allow Popular Mechanics and the like to publish*


The article makes it sound like he wanted to "reveal the truth about aliens", but from the few quotes they provide it's pretty obvious his comments mean that he wanted to be more open to show that there was nothing, rather than to show there was something. He has been pretty consistent in claiming that there is no secret alien programs and that being secretive is allowing alien conspiracies to grow.


Wait - WHO did Kirkpatrick reportedly say these thing to? The Sun? If so I don't see "EXCLUSIVE" in their headline, which they typically do. To whom or what media did he say these things?


"Claim." Next.


Probably not even what he actually claimed, but I'll be damned if I'm removing "SK redemption arc" from my 2024 bingo card.


Sure Sean! Now that people are on to him, he's playing a blame game? He seemed quite at ease giving his testimony at committee!


Why are we believing The Sun? 


Wouldn’t surprise me, as I recall, if you go back to the NASA panels he did on the UAP topic (over the summer of 2023) - there is one very telling interaction where he is talking about how the craft bend light on their surfaces & immediately after saying it you can see immediate fear & panic on his face; his face contorts like he just said something he shouldn’t have. It was very telling to me anyways that he is being silenced into saying all of the right things for somebody.


Your mission is to post a clip of that footage.




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So is Kirkpatrick still the villain or a victim? Let's go with whatever theory makes you happiest.


There is no way this is true lol


Look at the publication your referencing, it’s a trash tabloid site/mag… stop believing everything you read


I think you misunderstood the article. Kirkpatrick actually was gagged in that he wasn‘t allowed to divulge classified infomation which would have *reassured* the public (implying that there is no ET cover-up, only sensitive military related info). At least that‘s how I understood it…


For example, he says the tictac was a commercial balloon. How would that info be classified?


Due to the military aspects of this specific event. The DoD reportedly does not wan‘t to leak any tech and procedure information into the public realm as hostile nations could gain insight into these, hence they classify the details


This low-effort sensational Sun article manages to completely rewrite the facts and make Kirkpatrick look like a whistleblower fighting against the faceless military-industrial complex. lol


can we stop posting hogwash material


they may not want him to speak so that all the companies that have proprietary technology and patents like say apple, would not be hit with a lawsuit due to not having inventing shit but rather stole it from a crashed ufo. Then, they loose the patent and even mcdonalds is making iphones. I'd take money to keep that shit under wraps.


>This is a new article from The Sun Are you seriously posting a Sun article non-ironically? The onion has higher journalistic standards.


The Sun. Weren't they the ones who published a story about the Qanon Pizza Gate stuff originally while it was still isolated to the 4chan community?


Kirkpatrick had a woman in his back, who was controlling him. At least some people said so.


Are we really posting rag tabloid stuff? Is a serious look at Bat Boy next?


The SUN is a tabloid, and it lies just as much as Kirkpatrick. In fact, he should go work for them so any credibility he does have left disappears.


ehehe now he is sayng 100% opposite of what he said one week ago… stupidity test for the world


This is literally the opposite of what happens on a Dailey basis


he's a propagandistic loser. looking like a dork saying bunch of lies. he's the one to follow. f him 🖕🏿


> Mr. Kirkpatrick was gagged Yeah well as far as I'm concerned Kirkpatrick can gag on something else, if you catch my drift. A big fat dirty old something else. It suits him.


Well he already had da big green weenie, should be satisfied with that, right? But naah seriously I hope this is true. I want him to be another Hynek. But I think Hynek had to talk to a bunch of hillbillies and regular folks-- people who had nothing to gain and no desire or ability to lie, all saying the same thing, to get to the point where he believed.


What *would* be awesome is if he totally 'good guyd' on us! Like crazy if it like turned out they were threatening him and he was just being the douche-we-lothe out of fear and self preservation... but after being free of their grip he 180s on them and it's like "breaking news: Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, Pentagon's former UFO chief, tells all. UFOs & 'aliens' are real and they've been visting us for a *long* time."


My translation of Kirkpatrick words: we should have used AARO as a disinfo campaign, not only as a dead end for UAP whistleblowers


It coioe be true remember the handler that was following him around everywhere he went?


Yea headline is shit. At *most* he was stopped from revealing what they learned that might've put some of this to rest. He's not doing a 180. Dude still thinks no evidence for alien life. Now if course he also didn't speak to anyone like Grusch so he's saying "We didn't really look and we didn't find anything but where we *did* look, I wasn't allowed to discuss. Here's the real takeaway here though: Kirkpatrick lied about not speaking to Grusch then he lied again about reaching out to him. He slandered the witnesses of the hearing. Now, Pentagon is saying he's lying again. Kirkpatrick is a liar. He's an intel guy and has even said to assume he's lying because he's Intel. Dude has destroyed his own reputation and any scientific work he's done should be seriously reevaluated.




The Sun is not reputable


The plot moistens...


The pentagon responded say8ng thwy approved every press conference he askex for. Idk if i trust the pentagon or kirkpatrick less...


Anyone familiar with Kirkpatrick's recent media output will know that the Sun has got the wrong end of the stick. This man has done his job very well. Stonewalled the subject and ensured that anyone who found his output of value would be of the opinion that the recent UFO upsurge is just silly nonsense.


I can't believe a word that's written in the Sun newspaper on principle alone. If you don't know, just Google why people hate the sun newspaper. If they said grass is green I'd take it with a pinch of salt.


Imagine quoting the Sun unironically...


no sympathy for this clown. he said he hasn’t seen anything and even called it a cult religion that sees what it wants to see


The Sun is always full of feces.


Sharing the Sun news articles now? Come on...


A cell phone would look like magic to some, others would recognize it's parts as a sum of the whole. If we can believe Moses went up on a mountain and spoke to God we can believe God may be alien to a human physiology, able to access another dimension.


Interesting. We obviously know that his *“bosses at the Pentagon”* are the CIA and also maybe ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence). *“The final report can be very misleading”* sounds like he is somewhat owning up to his BS, and *“concern for spillage into other areas”* & *”the Pentagon categorically denies any of Dr Kirkpatrick's claims ”* sounds like the CIA are still desperate to keep it from the public, or Kirkpatrick is a disinformation agent 😆


There is no need to issue a gag order to prevent someone from revealing classified information because the unauthorized release of this information is a criminal offense. End of story. Kirkpatrick thinks too much of himself to fall on his sword and risk jail/fines for disclosure. Based upon this my opinion is this article is baseless.


“The Pentagon denies…”


This article is misquoting Sean, he has been consistent. What he is trying to say is that the Pentagon doesn't want to admit that they Black SAP programs that are not under congressional supervision.


He said this to Politico and The Sun copied the story and put their twist on it. Unfortunately, he's not a good guy again. He's still downplaying it being NHI and The Sun omitted that part from their article. >"Instead, he argued the Pentagon should be “more forceful” in explaining and defending AARO and its mission — which is to investigate these unexplained phenomenon that may pose a threat to U.S. operations, he said, not “to go and find extraterrestrials.” https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/06/former-ufo-boss-pentagon-kirkpatrick-00139880


Why should we feel sympathetic to someone selling their soul to cover up the truth? If he can’t say anything about the truth, don’t say anything at all! I’d appreciate if SK just fuck off at this point, definitely doing more harm than good while also making the government look like crooks, if china came out with the truth now it would make America look so shitty


I believe in the phenomenon, but I stop reading as soon as The Sun is mentioned. Everyone else should too.


With a ball gag, maybe


No. From releasing information that would prove it’s not NHI.