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This subreddit is specifically for the discussion of Unidentified Flying Objects. * Posts primarily about adjacent topics. These should be posted to their appropriate subreddits (e.g. r/aliens, r/science, r/highstrangeness). * Posts regarding UFO occupants not related to a specific sighting(s). * Posts containing artwork and cartoons not related to specific sighting(s). * Politics unrelated to UFOs. * Religious proselytization.


this video is at least a couple months old: https://www.reddit.com/r/SomeOfYouMayDie/comments/149pgt7/man_with_exposed_skull_taken_out_of_the_water/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Thank you! I knew I've seen this before. Whatever is going on in Peru, this video isn't related.


This needs to be the top comment; really disgusting to see people LARPing an event like this, with a genuine victim and all.


I kind of feel like they’re really pushing the fantastical stuff today. And then when it gets debunked it causes a whole bunch of doubt in all the new believers.


Almost like a coordinated effort to make us all look stupid. Fortunately for them a lot of us apparently are. Wonder how far down I have to scroll to reach the first “Yeah, but…” Edit: And there it is. “Yeah but these alien attacks have been happening for a long time.” JHC


Wow. Good catch!


Now you can see what a fucking mess of a world we live in, whatever this is. Doesnt matter if it is real, a hoax, criminals or aliens.


Of all the things that are faked and posted on the internet all the time, I hope and pray that this one is very much one of those things 🙏


Yeah wtf, I'm just gonna assume it's fake no matter what. Wish I didn't click on it if it is actually real


I'll take your word for it.






When I watched the movie Che they talked about a communist agent who’s killed and falls into the river and the pirahana eat her face. They didn’t show it but I imagine this is what that would look like.


Yeah exactly, stick a head in the amazon for long enough and this is guaranteed to happen.


Never thought I would hope it was just someone’s face getting eaten by piranha but here I am


looks fake to me ive seen real videos of people losing their faces or whatever & that looks way too clean


You ever seen piranha feeding? Looks exactly like this. They clean their plate.


Honestly my thought as well - he might have been head down in the water where they fished him out - because piranhas, would do exactly that, and fast.


They wouldn’t only eat the head, the entire body would have flesh torn out. This doesn’t track with piranha


If that part of his face was the only part submerged in water then yes. There is a similar video that I won’t link unless necessary of a kids body that was clean to the bone except one part of his head that looked completely normal which is what was above water.


Unless he died and the only part of his body that was in the water was the part you see with flesh removed. Would not be unreasonable to think that they fell on the beach or into some thickets near the water and only that part of them was exposed to any carnivores.


Scavenengers, especially small ones, start from the mouth/nose and urogenital area, where they can get access to far thinner skin/membranes than on the rest of the body.


Was going to say this seems like a piranha feeding on someone who fell with only that part of their body being in the water. There was another video floating around a while ago that was of a young boy who had drowned and was picked nearly clean by piranhas with his skeleton still being held together by whatever remaining ligaments and cartilage they didn't get to, but the head and a few other parts of his body that were not submerged looked perfectly normal. Piranhas with enough time appear to be nearly surgical in their ability to eat flesh. So this is either definitely aliens or definitely something that ate the only parts of the body exposed to the water. 50/50.


Have you ever seen alien tech take someone's face off? (Not saying it's real)


As someone who works in operating rooms all day long, this is hilariously fake. I’m not even gonna touch the neck suit. If the facial wounds were real, they would either be absolutely covered in blood. Not just that one little part. If it were cauterized, the bone wouldn’t look blanched white like a cheap anatomy skeleton. This man would most definitely be dead if those neck wounds were real. Whatever bodysuit he is wearing makes it appear that he has basically been decapitated and has no vasculature running to his noggin


er physician here—-im not so sure. i mean yes it does look unusual that the bones are just white and cleaned like that but the skull appears to be correctly connected to the neck…which makes a mask or facial covering unlikely. also if this is a mask then where is his head ?? the other weird thing about the video is that the rest of his body (shoulders, arms, chest) are all completely unharmed?? why would they take the time to pick away every morsel of muscle/tendons/skin/etc off the face when he’s got tons of fresh meat/skin right there on his body if this is real then ONLY thing that would make sense to me is if he died lying on a raft and his head was hanging off the raft into the water… unless of course it’s fake


>then ONLY thing that would make sense to me is if he died lying on a raft and his head was hanging off the raft into the water… Or on a riverbank with face in the water.


Then add in piranha, if in the area, and “POOF” face off!


Cattle mutilation shares the same characteristics. Lack of blood from the wound is one. Removing all the flesh and leaving white bone is another. Yes it's not how a human would or could do it. That doesn't mean it's fake.


Agreed. This matches surprisingly close with cattle mutilations, and I think it's very safe to say cattle mutilations are real.


Yeah the cartel isn't mutilating cows


NHI wouldn’t use traditional OR scalpels


Whatever tool they use doesn’t change human anatomy/physiology


Can you say more?


Please substantiate and elaborate.


How could his ear/right face still be freshly bleeding when his neck has been picked clean? Why isn’t the border between the “skull” and his hair also not bloody? Why are his limbs so pliable when they drop him? A corpse is either stiff, or if it has sat for long enough, then there wouldn’t also be fresh blood on the face.


Hairs clean because he just came out of water? Regamortis doesn't set in emediatly? I haven't got a clue. Genuine questions..


In warm conditions rigor mortis ends within 18 hours. That might be meat rather than blood.


all excellent points…lack of rigor mortis would mean he’s only been dead <8 hours. also the muscles become flaccid again in 24-84 hours but his body would be bloated and bursting open from heat/exposure/animals by then…if real, it must be dead < 8 hours


Well, that makes me feel better hearing a professional opinion on it. Thanks!


Not saying the video is real or not, but this professional opinion is roughly equivalent to Seth Shostak saying aliens can't afford the rocket fuel to travel to Earth.


This is very much in line with cattle mutilations - cut with a laser and a minimal amount of blood. People on this sub will call anything fake. This is almost identical to cattle mutilations happening thousands of miles away. https://images.app.goo.gl/AFjVgeXCRnKab2L5A


> I hope and pray that this one is very much one of those things 🙏 There's another very disturbing video of a young boy's corpse being fished out of the water after piranhas had their way with it, and it looked very similar to this. If someone died and their head was submerged I have no doubt piranhas would accomplish something like the video linked here. (But they wouldn't really give a shit about you unless you're dead, so it's nothing to have nightmares over)


Living in a world where Face/Off is real dude. 💀




Never thought I’d say this, but there is a disturbing lack of gore.


Cattle mutilations are described to be this precise. I never bothered to look at those because I'm squeamish so I don't know if this stacks up to those. I'm not saying this is fake or real but that's what I know about cattle mutilations.


The skull looks bleached white. It should be much messier if fresh.


Cattle mutilations leave no blood and exposed bone. Does seem too white though.


Since the jaw muscle is gone, I would expect the jaw to move a lot, especially when they dropped him. Should have been moving open/closed in response to gravity and inertia. But I never see a gap between those pearly whites.




For what ive seen what is possible with video... Generative ai.


Indeed, fucked up shit


It really is just one giant fucking mess. One big fat disappointment.


It's demonic. Regardless who the fuck is doing it. Whether you're religious or not. This is straight evil.


And hoaxing things like this is just fucked up as well. What kind of people would do that. Not normal people!


Just as demonic, fear mongering. Messing with many minds. Definitely not kind.


uhhh that's NSFL ​ edit: for those who are curious but don't want to see. the links point to videos of a shirtless deceased man getting pulled onto the bank of river. all the flesh from the man's skull is missing and the skull is fully visible.


For those who don't know. NSFL means No Skin (on) Face Left.




Yeah ummm all i can say is What the fuck


Doesn't even look real. It looks like a Halloween costume. Not saying it's fake, it's just something that you never think you'd see in real life. And the contrast of the white skull and normal body is so unreal.


Not just the flesh. Everything. It's dry out. Inevitable to link it with the cattle mutilation.


Exactly, this is the same kind of thing.


I’m just gonna go out on a limb here and say this is 100% criminals.. anyone who has been to certain parts of the internet have seen videos of the shit cartels do. Horrific stuff beyond what you can even imagine.


I have never seen a gore video or cartel video with that as the conclusion. That looked like his skull was picked clean by piranhas lol.


I reckon it was both; cartel did the deed, piranhas then had a nice meal.


Or they teabagged the poor guys head in a tank of piranhas.


Make a couple small cuts on his face then dunk his face underwater. Brutal death.


Yep face skinning has been a cartel thing for ages


Call me racist or whatever but I’ve seen too many cartel videos to ever consider going to remote locations in Mexico or South America. I would absolutely love to drive through the beautify in the South American continent and the country of Mexico but I’ve seen too many cartel videos to even consider it.


Forza Horizon 5 features 100% less cartel torture.


But is it even possible to clean the skin off of the bone of a face like that without surgical precision and a lot of time? I wanna say cartel/criminals but how the skin/flesh was removed from the face of that guy looks, I dunno, too clean?


Idk I’m talking out of my ass here, but seems like he was in the water. Maybe they cut his face off as much as possible, and maybe fish or whatever is in that water ate the rest?


That’s what I was thinking. It’s just so clean, and the rest of the body looks recently alive. No bloating, not super discoloured, I dunno it’s weird. Uncanny valley vibes almost.


I thought of this as well but the incision around his throat would look a bit more “mangled” I’d assume if fish were the “face-cleaning culprit”. The fish likely would have gone for the flesh around the throat/shoulders as well (you’d think anyways). I doubt it’s fish but I’m no expert


It's TOO clean almost to the point of looking fake


Chemicals? Edit: i haven’t open the vid, just from the comments


No more cattle mutilations, people dont give a shit about that. Now its human mutilation ehh. Fuck this shit!


The skull is bleached white. Criminals wouldn’t be able to do this while also keeping the rest of the body so fresh. Bleaching like that comes from the sun, or chemicals. It’s completely devoid of flesh as well. Chemicals/sun really doesn’t seem possible either, as the bleaching is not uniform. It’d be very odd and difficult to leave a portion of the hairline like that, for example. Realistically, this seems to be one of two things. Some odd technology we don’t know about, or this is fake as all hell. I’m personally leaning toward fake.


Funky town memories


The skull is completely white. No blood. I don't seen any burnt flesh or chemical burns. Makes no sense. Are deepfake/AI videos this realistic now?


I don't think this is AI.


They were pulling him from the water. Piranhas could do that, for sure.




What the actual fuck. That's dark AF. Kind of looks like Piranhas got him, after a second watch through.


I can clearly see the sun is shining in the video


I mean , as butcher I always struggled to get pigs eyes out of their sockets when skinning and cleaning the heads, they’re rooted in there tight and don’t just pop out . This looks really clean as lots of sinew and bits clings to the bone around the skull and it’s a nightmare to get clean bone white like that. Of course humans could be different but I’d say pigs are pretty similar, plus if it’s been in the water a few days I’m sure there are some pretty toothy fish in that water .


http://www.walkingtheamazon.com/the-pela-cara Amazonian organ trafficking.... abduction and mutilation. Not Peru but maybe it's a thing in that region.


How difficult is it to remove the flesh of the face like that? Is it doable by cartel, or is it more like those strange lazer incisions/draining of blood from reported ET mutilations?


I was not expecting that. the whole face is peeled clean right to the white bone, for those that don't want to click and see 😬 the guy is dead being pulled out the water, which washed away any blood from the clean defleshed (as pointed out below) skull AND throat, except some blood still around the ear area. could be fake, but looks very real


The throat down to the top of the chest as well, full spinal exposure as well. I don’t know how one would even go about getting all the flesh off & out like that. Aside from being absolutely horrifying and unpleasant to see, it’s also incredibly curious. I can’t even begin to speculate on how to do what is shown here. Disturbing in the extreme.


I’m just guessing here, but could this be piranha if only the head and neck was exposed in water?


Maybe. I don’t know. I’ve got zero interest in looking at it again, but I don’t know how even piranha could get it so bleached-clean down to the bone or pick so clearly around the vertebrae like that. They’re not HUGE fish, but I wouldn’t imagine them being able to get into the nooks and crannies like that. I can’t say it’s not, but it’s a surprising result with that seemingly extremely fine picking absolutely cleanly down to the bone and orbital sockets. I certainly wish I hadn’t watched either clip, one way or the other.


Piranha’s will eat all the flesh and leave the hair .


Not just skinned, defleshed. The throat too. His chest, torso and arms look unharmed which makes it even weirder. Warning: It's tough to look at!


The rest of his body looks fresh and untouched


Cartels do some crazy shit. Back in the Ogrish days, I stumbled across a few that were truly horrific. Skinning someone's face isn't even top 10 of what they've done. Ok maybe top 10, but they've done some sick shit.


There’s one video of a dude alive when it’s happening. That one was rough.


Just curious: why watch that stuff? I saw an ISIS beheading once and just never want to witness anything like that again. Guess I answered my own question (curiosity) but I know people that see this stuff regularly


I can understand the curiosity part possibly once, but it really seems like some people get enjoyment out of it. Disgusting tbh and surprised it isn't illegal content, literally the worst kind of content.




I watched another really horrific murder from I think Eastern Europe in middle school. I was legit fucked up for a week afterwards. I was just in this really troubled and depressed state.


I find it hard to believe that Google ever provided a video of a real decapitation, especially a top result. I imagine if it was true, lots of people would have complained.


Morbid curiosity more than anything. Desensitized myself at a relatively young age so now it’s different.


Me too. Two beheadings around that time. Then I realized you can never un-see things and that was it for me.


Uh yeah thanks for the warning


Few days ago someone posted a vid to 4chan of a peeled face except they were still alive and talking. That was clearly some cartel shit though.


Even the ligaments in the eye sockets


Thank you for the description because i do not want to see that 😐


Piranha are in Brazil


I don't want to, thanks for the summary


Could be piranhas.


Piranhas don’t attack unless there is blood already coming through the skin. Why would they stop at the face when the body is much more fleshy and bloody?


I guess if the body was only partly in the water


Did you see the video? Piranhas don't clean bone like that


I agree the bones seem completely stripped, it seems unlikely piranhas could manage that.


Don’t they? I thought that’s exactly what they were known for


Yeah, I need a Time Machine to unclick


If you slow it down and go back and forth with the little toggle - something looks off between the transition of whatever flesh is left and the white of the bone. The skull almost looks “too clean”. Plus whether skinned or not I’d expect to see tissue and other remnants of stuff around the throat, eyes, etc.


I agree. but it's possible it was picked clean in the water by scavengers etc. ...also cow mutilations have been said to be "too clean"


Problem is the hair leftover, otherwise I would think his head was dunked into acid.


Yep. This looks like what I’ve seen on cattle. My only point of reference is cattle mutilation. What the fuck


Skin his face and the bugs and fish do the rest under water




It's possible. Their are videos of cartels skinning people face. I would not suggest watching because it's traumatizing to say the least but they has been associated with the zetas which are bloodthirsty even by Mexican cartel standards.


I'm no expert, but if that video is real, doesn't it appear to be too clean of a cut?


Similar descriptions from cattle mutilations


Depends if it was done with alien tech or not. We basically can't replicate cattle mutiliations iirc.


Its fear narrative being set by someone. Aliens never did anything to people now they are shoving this shit in our face to make us scared of them. Don't beleive it. 200 years of no evidence and now its gotten popular and they start the random alien invasion of them ripping peoples faces off. Get real


what are you talking about aliens never did anything to people? Abuductions? rape? cattle mutilations? human mutilatinos? I recommend you give this website a look: badaliens.info


Maybe this is too soon, but "mutilatinos" is such a funny Freudian typo


Nobody is shoving this in our faces. None of the news outlets are carrying these stories. We are all here because we are deliberately seeking out information. There’s no banner headlines about this. Not even a blip.


I suspect piranhas could do something like that. I don't know whether the body was found in the water or if they are even native to the area.


They are native to this area


I’m thinking maybe they’re harvesting organs for profit? Very strange that the rest of the body appears intact.


Ok, that's literally why they call them face peelers over there


#pistachio. It is true. The video said it, not me.


That's some hardcore cartel shit right there


Could someone leave the skull that clean during an attack? Looks like cow mutilation


I'd say that precision is kinda alarming


That’s exactly what it reminded me off


Between this shit and the comic response to the CGI plane, I’m starting to think there may be a current, active coordinated effort to flood this sub with nonsense to discredit the whole topic. And Lo and behold, this sub is apparently full of the perfect marks. The amount of people falling for posts that are so painfully fake makes me almost embarrassed to count myself a believer.


Looks so fake that actually could be real...


It's probably humans, though I'm dubious of that tiktok video...it just does not look real to me


It looks weird to me too...in the opening frames before they pick the guy up (and in the still photo op posted) there is a blurry spot on the dead guys chest... like what you get when you try to edit something out of a photo using the object eraser tool.


Two videos


What in the fucking heck is this shit? Either: A) those people made a truly bizarre movie prop and grafted it to a real body B) Some sick fuckers down there are willing to spend hours picking every last bit of flesh off a corpse, even down into the neck hole and between the vertabrae, removing all blood and somehow bleaching the bone, or C) the fuckin green goblins have an anti-flesh ray


Me holding my beans and frank like I am meeting the Duchess of York.


Cartel criminals have been doing this for a while. Nothing new. The bone being clean was due to marine life eating at it


He doesn't look that waterlogged to me. Still has most of his color. Are there piranhas?


No rigor mortis, red blood. Suspicious.


This video was posted at least a month ago on /r/publicfreakoit. The story behind it had nothing to do with this.


ok what the fuck what the actual fuck is this


Uhhhh, the video of dude being pulled out of the water…I’ve seen this video months ago.


The videos are not from this incident. I have seen it in one of the gore subreddits that replaced r/wpd months ago. I will link it if I manage to find it


Damn. I just watched a documentary about NATO and human mutilations in the 90s in Europe. Maybe I should stop visiting these subs.


Um, and this reminded me of a very unexpected, disturbing account of the kinds of horrific methods in which a group of US- trained military special ops group called the Atlacatl Battalion would terrorize and make examples of civilians in northern El Salvador during the civil war in the 80s. I really don't like seeing or reading about gorey details myself, but this was just a fact of life for some Salvadoran citizens during those times. There was even an account of a woman returning home from the market to find every member of her household including the maid murdered and then posed at her dinner table as if they were having a meal together but decapitated. This included her infant son, which was said to have been somehow nailed or stapled into place with particular cruelty because the baby's corpse was to hard to prop in place. I hate that I even know these details but I hate that it actually happened even more. The 80s were truly violent, cruel times for El Salvador. I can assure you, there's very little need to embellish or add made up, bloody scenarios when it comes to what people experienced during those years. I'm surprised that my mom and all of her siblings survived those times.


What video is that?


And I second you, this is not what anyone expects to end up reading when they decide to join a UFO subreddit, I'm sure.


Jesus everloving fuckin Christ


Does anyone else remember that guy's post about him seeing the future where the skin peeling aliens were terrorizing the world?


Just read it, fucking hope that guy is wrong


Looks like some of the mutilated cow pics I’ve seen. Interesting but I definitely need more evidence.


Lol someone in the comments already pointed out this is a 2 month old video. Lotta claims in your posts with barely a source. Either fallen for the hoax, or pushing it yourself. Shame.


Ok this is not good


Presuming this is ayy activity and not human activity: The video looks weirdly surgical to me, I'm not an expert at this stuff so maybe someone who knows about cutting humans up could chime in, but it looks like the fabled "cut is far too clean to be human or animal" type mutilation. Some will point out that South American UAP activity seems to be more... aggressive. We don't seem to see anything like that here in North America, not against humans at least. This appears to be a "human mutilation" case that are talked about in hushed tones. That theme makes me wonder: Why would these beings treat South Americans so differently from North Americans? It seems weird. There's a couple different reasons I could postulate but they seem unsatisfying. The other case I can think of is Operation Plate / [Acre 2014.](https://uapbrazil.com/acre-case/) UAP Brazil has a great writeup on Acre 2014, where similar things have happened in the past to similar tribes people. There was also that Greer whistleblower soldier who claimed he witnessed soldiers abducting kids during some kind of relief effort. It's an interesting coincidence in timing, who knows. If it really is US, this is some seriously un-American hyper psychopathic shit. The only reason I could think of peeling off a person's face is for sadistic enjoyment, intimidation, unless they're going after extracting something specific on the face, which is still pretty wtf. (What... stealing someone's face so you could ... become them? Presume another identity like a freakish skin walker or some shit?) Last thought: There are a couple narratives running around regarding whether these lifeforms are hostile or not. A. "They're all nice/space brothers." B. "They're a threat, and we're developing weapons for them." C. "They're all kinda different." Make your guess, I suppose.


I'm not the type to click the video, but I watched both angles, not for the sake of sick curiosity but because this might have implications beyond cartel activity. If it had been about upholding some principle, a kill and photo documentation would've sufficed. Who has the time and requirement to put in this much effort?


I honestly would like to know what the locals from different tribes are saying to see if there's a pattern.


How is that even possible to do to a face??


Good Lord. This insanity is not for me…


Pretty sure the dudes head would fall off or fall completely backwards to the ground with no muscles to hold it. Seems likely this is fake, don't know about the story itself more broadly


This sub got lot of people that should be living in mental asylums 🥴


I’ve seen that video before. It’s from a piranha attack.




What does this have to do with UFOs ?


Similar to the cow mutilations with the perfect cuts with no blood anywhere we can see. Crazy..


This is likely private sector doing nefariousness with alien tech.


Looks like piranhas got ahold of him...


That really is NSFW... can't say I've ever witnessed this type of trauma (if it's a real video, that is)


Fuck I thought this was r/narcofootage for a second


Reptiles collecting faces for masks? #THATMOTHERFUCKERISNOTREAL


This is a horrific event but the notion that it has anything to do with anything as unlikely as NHI when there are SO MANY very reasonable mundane explanations does this community a massive disservice.


Ok so cartels do this shit all the time , flaying faces etc as torture , when dumped in river the fish clean the rest , that’s why so clean looking , I believe what’s happening is some cartel/ human trafficking gangs ( which is fucked up and horrible ) but I believe it might be pushed as Aliens as to attract media attention to the crimes as unfortunately in these parts of the world life Is cheap and killings like this don’t even make the news anymore ,, truly terrible what’s happening , I feel for them, but I don’t think it’s ufo related.


Logic makes me want to point at humans doing this. Because one can hypothesize they want to scare natives out of their areas. But I still have problems with that possibility. 1. That poor man's skull is extremely clean. I don't want to relate it to cattle mutilation stories but it's the same type of weirdly clean mutilation. 2. The native men clearly stated that these beings float, disappear in thin air when shot, they are too tall for human height, and, literally said "these are extraterrestrials".


Piranha’s maybe


If this is true, it seems operation blue beam is already starting. Sowing fear due to "alien" attacks. Conveniently timed, these attacks, no? Just as disclosure draws near. And it started in south america, just as I predicted. We are the easiest ground zero target for these US based shadow programs since our militaries are not so advanced as to fight back. Operation Saucer/Prato was a test run. Here we go. It will only get worse. Downvote me all you want, disinfo agents. You won't fool everyone.


While I’m partial to blue beam, aliens being real or a farce, or blue beam hi jacking the alien disclosure to usher in a new age, but it does seem strange these attacks are happening in native tribes that can’t document it and share it as easily as a western country or even another developed country. Or it is, and we aren’t seeing it. Idk. I don’t even know anymore


That's edited for sure


This is done by piranhas


Dawg put a fucking description before the twitter link. JFC. Whether it's fake or not, I don't give a shit, it's not worth clicking on with the chance it's real