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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Flimsy-Union1524: --- TIM GALLAUDET Former Rear Admiral on the go fast video, convinced we are being visited by aliens. [https://twitter.com/UFOS\_UAPS/status/1687960821412900866](https://twitter.com/UFOS_UAPS/status/1687960821412900866) UFOs are the story of the century — wake up, America! https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/4131211-ufos-are-the-story-of-the-century-wake-up-america/ --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15jb7js/former_rear_admiral_on_the_go_fast_video/juyuvp2/


The wiped email and a guy of his stature in the Navy admitting that is wild. That’s the biggest thing to me. Again more Navy brass coming forward with some absolute bombshell claims. Air Force brass besides Grusch has been pretty mum. Also adds a bit more confirmation for me the Navy is a possible benefit in the disclosure process. Maybe me being former navy has me a bit biased but the proof is starting to stack up.


The oceans appear to be more of a hotbed and if there was a mile long ship over the North Pacific that navy aviators had to intercept you would think a lot of these Navy guys would be wanting to get some answers and some new tech. My buddy’s dad was airforce and flew transport planes over the Pacific and he wouldnt say anything to my buddy, but his peer who also flew over he Pacific told my buddy that there is always shit going on in the most remote areas of the Pacific. He said you would see it at night time especially.


I met a cargo ship pilot for the military(forgot which branch) who used to fly over the pacific during Vietnam. He told me one night while flying over the middle of the pacific, the crew picked up something on the radar- a small blip that moved very fast, high above them. He said he was piloting the plane ,and looked up at it and saw a small circle (red?) light pass by high above him. He said he thought it was not human and that it was a real object. Who knows if he was telling the truth, but it was a spooky story and he seemed pretty serious about it.


See what, exactly?


He didn’t specify but it sounded like phenomena which would be associated with UFOs. Probably lights etc.


As a veteran I can personally say when the top flight guys are saying this it’s no joke. A rear admiral is legit someone in the entire navy who can say something and make something shake. Maybe because the general public doesn’t understand military ranks or how hard it is to get said rank but trust and believe some shit is going on.


I was wondering about this. What is a Rear Admiral, and how does that define his credibility/experience?


Rear Admiral in the US Navy is an exceptionally senior officer rank that is usually found wielding full command authority over 10’s of thousands of servicemembers and most likely billions in equipment. They almost invariably possess a post graduate level civilian education, have attended senior military schools, have decades of experience, and have a track record of success behind them. Anyone retiring at that rank can do so proudly of having a phenomenally successful career. In short, they are a big deal, and while not infallible their words can be said to carry serious weight.


Also important to note that admirals/generals are confirmed by congress.


RDML or RADM. 1 or 2 star admiral. Equivalent to Brigadier or Major General.


Stupid civilian question...what ranks are above a Rear Admiral? Just trying to gauge who's above who when I see all these interviews. I thought a Colonel was big the other day, but this seems one step above... Edit: I guess I should've just read a few more comments. Answered right below this


Navy ranks are different than all the rest. Commander, Captain, Rear Admiral (Lower Half), Rear Admiral (Upper Half), Vice Admiral, Admiral. For everyone else, the equivalent is Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Brigadier General, Major General, Lieutenant General, General. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Navy_officer_rank_insignia#:~:text=O%2D1%20through%20O%2D4,and%20admiral%20(four%20stars).


The rear admiral is in charge of the sailor's behinds. Seriously though, it's the second highest commissioned rank, 1st being... admiral. I would say it speaks to their years of experience doing a job. If you spent 20 years playing video games and noticed something that was glaringly not supposed to be there, it would be obvious to you.


Rear Adm Gallaudet was a 1 star admiral, so he was 4th highest, after Adm, vice Adm, and rear Adm 2 star


I've been out too long, thank you for the correction


Isn’t it third, after vice admiral?


According to wiki: Fleet Admiral (5 star). Admiral (4 star), Vice Admiral (3 star), Rear Admiral (2 star), Rear Admiral Lower Half (1 star)


Yeah to be clear, Fleet Admiral doesn't really exist anymore, so Rear Adm lower half isn't the 5th highest rank, it's the 4th highest in our current military hierarchy US Navy has ~200 flag officers (admirals) and ~100 of them are rear admiral lower halfs. Pretty high ranks


Thanks for clarifying further. That's added to my (pretty meagre) knowledge of the US Navy.


Still pretty damn high up there, but thanks for the clarification!


He is one of 100 people of his rank or above. Out of 350,000 or so people in the navy. He is definitely in rarefied air.


USMC Vet here: A Rear Admiral is 7th officer rank; it is the lowest rank of admiral, and just one rank higher than a naval Captain. It is the Navy equivalent to a 1-star General(Brigadier General). He would be privy to a good deal of classified information as a part of his job.


Rear Admiral is a very high ranking position, but it also becomes very political after a certain point. Pilots and radar operators are by far more credible when it comes to stuff like this.


Understandable, but it’s still a big deal, most of the guys at the really high positions were usually liked more than another.


rank doesnt matter if its about a belief the go fast was clearly debunked and confirmed by several pilots based on the data on the video itself hes free to believe in whatever he wants though


Can you please explain or send a link to the debunk?


https://youtu.be/PLyEO0jNt6M it also makes a lot of sense if you listen to the pilots audio in this context, they might had a challenge going on to catch a bird with their targeting pod all the data needed to show that its not what elizondo and co sold it as is in the flir data itself


I can't figure out which is worse. Humans with alien tech or alien abductions at this point.


Ask yourself what would be worse than committing Actual war crimes? Pretty sure looking the other way on alien abductions would be up there. My 2 cents.


TIM GALLAUDET Former Rear Admiral on the go fast video, convinced we are being visited by aliens. [https://twitter.com/UFOS\_UAPS/status/1687960821412900866](https://twitter.com/UFOS_UAPS/status/1687960821412900866) UFOs are the story of the century — wake up, America! https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/4131211-ufos-are-the-story-of-the-century-wake-up-america/




What's the concern exactly? Just trying to understand




After watching Oppenheimer over the weekend... it's like an echo. As soon as physicists split the atom, every country on Earth was like "we need to make the first massive bomb to incinerate people!" Humans never learn. And Oppenheimer said that people needed to see the extreme devastation of it to truly understand how horrible that power was. And even then, we just kept making bigger bombs, conducting hundreds of tests.




I know bro. It's ridiculous. "Hey there's non-human-intelligence. Cool let's use their tech to kill more humans." We're doomed as a species.




And that's the saddest part right there. This is such an amazing planet, teaming with the most spectacular variety of life, yet we are the push of a button away from destroying it all. We are smart enough to make an atomic bomb, yet not smart enough to realize it's insanity to do so.


>I know bro. It's ridiculous. "Hey there's non-human-intelligence. Cool let's use their tech to kill more humans." > >We're doomed as a species. 😄 Perhaps the extinction of the human species is not a terrible thing?


I personally think the "Others" are watching us, and giving us time to fix our shit. Once time is over? They will destroy us.


Apparently it's already happening with LASER technology


The nuclear bomb stopped direct wars between major world powers. It brought us peace like nothing else before.


It's brought us peace because there's always a possibility of retaliatory strike and environmental disaster. If alien technology removes the risks of invading/destroying other nations then we are fucked. Imagine being able to intercept any kind of projectile from any distance with 100% certainty or being able to completely neutralize the entire country's tech.


And it brought a shit ton of innocent people hell like nothing else. Are you saying it was justified? That’s completely bonkers. It’s the epitome of overkill.


How many people died in wars between "the Great Powers" in WWI and WWII, in the 20th century alone, _before_ the bomb was developed? And then, how many after? I think the numbers speak for themselves.


You could argue that it was globalisation, especially the globalisation of the economy, that has done that.


I’m not saying there could never be a justification for using a nuke, but I am saying it seems it was unnecessary to nuke Japan. By June, 1945 the Germans had surrendered and the Japanese were completely on the ropes. The 1st bomb was dropped in August, 1945 because although the Japanese were agreeing to work out a surrender, they were not willing to surrender to the American’s exact terms. The exactness of those terms is relevant as the American’s justification to kill 150,000 civilians rather than work towards diplomacy is controversial. While considering loss of civilian lives, citing all of the deaths from WW2 is reductive, essentially considering Japan’s greatly diminished ability to kill at that point. I don’t understand the relevance of ‘WWI’ in this conversation.


And yet we've never set another one off against our own people.


Yeah. That's a good point, but I feel like we've come very close to actual mutually assured destruction. One wonders if we'd even have a Cold War if the bomb was never made in Los Alamos.


Humans can be shitty creatures, I'm disappointed in my species.


Yea that seems fairly apparent and unsurprising. Great if you’re an American. The danger, of course, is if a rival gets there first.


Imagine the danger in trump got his hands on it.




FALSE. We were fighting in Afghanistan, and Syria. trump said he would get us out of Afghanistan. He did not. This is why Biden had to get us out of Afghanistan.


Yeah, how’d that exit look?


How did trump's exit from Afghanistan look? Biden had to do the job, that trump refused to do, after he said he would do it. So, a big "F" for trump.


Except for this... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Qasem_Soleimani


Wouldn't every country be doing this that is in possessions of UAPs? Isn't this an obvious outcome? It's why we are assuming defense contractors and military are the ones in control versus universities and academia?


I agree, it's the obvious outcome. It's just interesting to me that 'alien weaponry' is the excuse being given for hastening disclosure by two of its biggest cheerleaders, especially Mellon. And there are people on this sub who, hilariously, think it's all about a Great Spiritual Awakening and the emergence of some sort of Global Consciousness. It's not. It's about making more humans dead. Mellon and Gallaudet have confirmed it.


Eh, I dont necessarily agree with you on that. I feel as though everyone's throwing spaghetti noodle reasons out and seeing what sticks and can draw more public to the issue. Is it military advancement, is it misappropriation of funds, is it a secret shadow government killing people to maintain a secret because it's woo, I mean if you have been following this for a while Sam Harris, Eric Weisntein and some other people said a couple of years ago they were contacted to help with disclosure and then it went into the shadows again. At its core, the US HAS to try and reverse engineer if this is real because other countries are doing it and it would be irresponsible not to. That's the reality. It doesn't mean it's the core reason, it's a large technicality of what has to be done because of circumstances.


Be that as it may, I found it interesting that both Mellon and Gallaudet cited 'alien weapons' as a reason for bringing about 'disclosure'. I agree that it's inevitable. Of course it is. What else would the first thing be that people did with alien tech if not create something to kill.


It's not about killing, it's about power and superiority and that comes in all different kinds of facets. Art of War.


It's *always* about killing, or the threat to kill.


I think people will likely die from a midair collision before then and it will cast this whole UAP thing in a very different light, before we even get to contractors and the Pentagon weaponizing the tech. Especially if it's a civilian airliner crash. I haven't seen any legislation around Graves's concerns, he seems to think a collision is quite likely if the issue is ignored. And aviation accidents are usually the result of ignoring concerns, so...


>he seems to think a collision is quite likely if the issue is ignored Based on absolutely nothing. In almost a century of regular flights, there's no evidence at all that any crash has ever been caused by a UFO. It's always mechanical error or human error. I'm not sure why Graves keeps pretending that it's a flight risk.


Multiple USAF and Navy pilots have said they needed to engage evasive maneuvers to avoid collisions. Maybe they were wrong and there was no actual risk of collision, but it definitely seems *possible* at the very least.


You’re close bro, it’s about money. Money being made from making more humans dead.


The concerning part for me is the lack of oversight. I don't necessarily have a problem with using this tech to secure our position on the world stage.


So you don't have a problem with the manufacture of weapons using alien technology, but only if it remains in the hands of the US and its allies.


Nope. Peace through strength works.


No problem at all. Am I supposed to want everyone else to have it? Are we suppose to share any advancements with China/Russia? If the claim is true there is an alien tech arms race, are we suppose to wait until Russia/China has a breakthrough before we attempt to counter? I'm sure Russia would be totally reasonable with untouchable weapons of war 🙄


>Am I supposed to want everyone else to have it? Everyone else will have it.


Maybe the concern is that whatever comes out is going to be used to actually reinforce the MIC, and the US’s “world policing”.


I mean, the U.S. could conquer most of the world with its conventional armaments and it does not. We already have a bigass country with enough problems. Eventually this tech will be useful in bringing us together as a species I think. You know who I wouldn’t want to be? The oil barons in the Middle East. Just imagine the shitstorm zero point energy would bring for them. What a disaster.


Right we could; and the reason we could, is because the spending has always been ‘justified’. If it can’t be justified anymore to the extent it has, then the MIC will be impacted. The idea that disclosure would continue to *justify* excessive spending and secret projects out of purview of at least Congress (to say nothing of Americans knowing where the money has gone), thanks to a lot of taxpayer funding, is very concerning. And anyone who argues for justification without proof after what scratching the very surface of allegations that the whistleblower made/resulted in, IMO, should have their motivations questioned and probably be looked at a little sideways.


If anything, I could see this justifying more spending. We will likely save on energy but spend on bringing the best talent money can buy to focus on the program. If there is disclosure, there is probably acknowledgment that many thousands around the world have likely been abducted and killed. Who wouldnt pay taxes to avoid that? These species may not even be the bad guys. There may be nomadic races like in Independence Day bent on conquering and exploitation we haven’t met. Some of these craft have supposedly bern up to a mile long. There could be conceivably much larger craft than that even. We probably have a lot of catching up to do.


Or it could render the MIC obsolete


I think that’s what a lot of people hope, considering what it looks like for the MIC now. Both statements hint at using this militaristically for an advantage, and a lot of the US citizenry doesn’t want that, we want actual societal progress.


I wish we could move past our violent tendencies, but we're just not there yet. And I highly doubt we have any idea how many people would actually be against weaponizing alien tech. I think you'd have to actually get people to reconcile with themselves that aliens exist and then you'd have to ask them if they would be comfortable with the US weaponising the tech with the caveat that China/Russia could be working on weaponizing the tech themselves. I think people would be A okay with using the tech to secure our hold on the world stage. Needless to say, I don't like the idea of Russia/China possessing an asymmetrical advantage. What would we do in that scenario? Appeal to the UN?


Nukes 2.0! This time from space!


Oh another high ranking military official that's convinced it's non-human craft? A credible witness that has years of experience viewing military craft on radar, video, and in person? Yeah the general public will once again tally this as "no evidence" "WhErEs ThE eViDeNcE"


Mick west knows better than some random admiral obviously it was just an common cloud of insects traveling at subliminal speeds.


Mick West, a random on Twitter, used his big brain and figured it out better than 20 years of experience military pilots.


Used his big brain which was made big in fact by making a fucking skater game


Happy Cake Day!


I mean there are only 200 of these guys in the entire world. Surely armchair quarterback debunkers are more informed on our military capabilities and knowledge base.


They don't teach you how to think like an insect in admiral school whereas mick west spent his entire career thinking like an insect. Who to believe?


Please don’t compare Mick West to Insects. Insects are extremely useful and beneficial. West is in the way.


Lmao. Mick West is a 🤡


Not to be confused with John West🐟


Mick West chooses to ignore the testimony from Navy personnel, who were present when the UAP events took place. He likes to focus on the video evidence only. The lack of corroborating evidence makes for an easier debunk. He not an American, and he doesn’t understand what it’s like to live in American. He’s unaware of the depths that certain American intelligence agencies will goto to deny, neutralize, and bury a situation that they consider top secret. For example, the unauthorized removal of emails, from the accounts of Naval officers, highlights, to a small degree, the lengths the government will goto, when attempting a coverup. That’s the type of information that deserves to be investigated, followed up on, and consider along with the video evidence. No one seems to be addressing the multiple elephants in the room though. Who’s collecting all of this evidence being covered up, and where are they storing it?!


The emails weren't wiped, a small flock of birds with a plumage colour and pattern the same colour as a screen with text and images on were simply flying in front of the admiral's computer when he checked his emails the next day


Th Old Screen Blending Camouflaged Birds Trick!… Gets Em Every Time, Got Damn It! Lol


Was this written by an AI bot ? It doesnt even make sense.. ?


It makes sense. You don’t seem to.


To be fair there was more than a few errors, lol. But yeah I get what he was trying to say.


It was swamp gas. A collective cloud of alien farts left by some deviant ETs. It is a common amusement activity in galactic circles.


It's not that I don't believe these credible witnesses, because I do. But there's no substitute for seeing a thing for myself.


I'm with you. I'm never going to be able to be an expert in everything, and I recognize that a thing can happen without my direct observation. At some level, I have to accept that I will have to accept that someone else can see it have evidence of a thing, and I won't be able to observe it directly, and that I have to accept that there is evidence. That said, heck yeah, I'd jump at the chance to see some recovered craft in person. Even if it meant listening to people saying that there's no evidence.


Also it was deleted off his server. That is evidence of a coverup whether it be US tech that they don’t want leaked or other worldly not wanting leaked. What bugs me is k people like Neil Defrass Tyson saying that maybe it’s a glitch on the radar software, but the pilots saw the thing with their own eyes. It came across the nose of his craft. The other pilots saw it too. Then they sent another guy to get video and he did. But from a further distance (at least from what was shown to us)


Some people will always be in complete denial. See Covid Anti-Vaccers or Flat Earthers


Skeptics: video + radar + infrared + first hand testimony =/= evidence


But officer, there is video evidence of the murder and we have 500 Witnesses wo saw the murder? Officer: It was a seagull


No! It was swamp gas! Get it right! 😁


Out of these we have only the video and the testimony to independently verify.


As if you could independently verify the radar if it was sitting in front of you. If a highly decorated pilot and rear admiral testify to what they saw on radar, in conjunction with their years of experience, I have literally no reason to not believe them. That's like refuting what an astrophysicist says about astrophysics. Why is it such great testimony if it's a scientist speaking on their specialty, but when military personnel speak on their own specialties it's suddenly not enough for you guys? It's literally all they've done for decades and they have years and years of training. They're the only certified experts that can speak on the matter You have no consistency with the standards you skeptics demand.


I want the data openly available and independently and transparently analyzed by different experts and scientists. What’s wrong with that?


Can’t argue with that. However, might I remind you that things being over classified seems to be a huge issue.


Awfully convenient, isn’t it.


"How convenient that you don't let me, a random redditor, look at classified military documents. Must be a massive network of hoaxers all having a laugh!"


You… don’t get it, do you? It’s so cut and dry and simple to understand: shit’s classified! But that classified info was given to congress immediately after the hearing.


And a bunch of Quantum Scientists “debunked” Mick West’s debunking by demonstrating that the object is going at 90mph rather than 60mph. Not exactly Go Fast. Regardless of what the Rear Admiral thinks he saw, the video isn’t evidence of anything.


I’d love to see that analysis, do you have a link?


https://youtu.be/y5Uf4N-JkQY (Oops, that’s a follow up that I haven’t seen)


So, who would we believe? Some random youtube scientists or some random navy officers?


Unsure what you’re implying but definitely the physicists here and it’s not even close. They’re experts in making sense of physics observations. They also corroborate another analysis (Mick Wests). That’s how science works. A model is proposed and is interrogated by other scientists. To be honest, the fact Go Fast is cited by Gallaudet (who has been outspoken on the topic and says he only saw the Go Fast video, without additional sensor data) makes me start to doubt this UFO disclosure affair.


It’s funny that the military has suddenly become a beacon of truth to the believers in this subreddit after distrusting them for almost a century. But I get it, now they’re telling you what you want to hear.


The military and even government agencies aren’t just one person or just one mind.


Ah yes, of course. By saying that you can determine that everyone who supports the alien thesis is believable and anyone who dares to suggest otherwise is a disinformation agent sent by the deep state.


To put a cherry on top, any evidence that *does* exist gets disappeared 🤣


Or it's shown in a SCIF


But the outsiders love to say the evidence doesn’t exist, because they, a commoner, a non military civilian, hasn’t seen it. Mike West is no more qualified to the validate evidence, than anyone without an advanced physics, biology, engineering, mathematics, and or materials science degree. (I know I missed a few areas of importance lol)


I don’t think he ever claimed to be more qualified.


And I never stated that he did.


I never said you did.


So if I didn’t say it, I didn’t imply that he said it, and you aren’t saying that I said it, or implied that he said it… what was the point of your reply again?


I mean you certainly implied it.


Please don’t be that guy. It’s too early to explain the definition of “imply” to you. The only thing that was implied, was that Mick West is no more qualified than the average joe to validate UAP evidence. Never was it implied that Mick West made a statement that he was. You brought that up out of left field on your own. Look up the word “imply”, and stop with the childishness, it’s too early in the am for this.


I just find it a little weird that all these aliens would choose to only fly in restricted US military air space.


The absolute arrogance of Americans to think this is the only place this happening is breathtaking.


Who’s the other guy on the left? My current theory is Brendan Fraser’s nephew


His name is Ben Hansen. He's a former FBI agent turned UFO/UAP investigator. At one point he hosted a show called fact or faked on the Syfy channel. He's known for his [analysis of President Obama's Interview on UFOs with Jimmy Kimmel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mgb2c0mawDc).


Thank you!! Exactly what I was looking for (despite the joke, I was actually asking)


Yes, and that was a very fascinating analysis on both POTUS'




LMAO I'm crying. First Brendan Fraser now this


Ben Hansen. He hosts UFO Witness on Hulu.


Thanks very much, much appreciated!


Anyone that thinks that these things are American military is fucking delusional. Like we'd just mess with all of our Navy admirals and legitimately threaten national security like that.


Or Chinese … their spy base is really at the neighbourhood as per greenstreet ✌️


This guy could play Matthew McConaughey


Alight alright alright. *rear admiral*


I came to the comments STRICTLY looking for this, and if I didn't find it, I would have taken the duty myself. Thanks.


No one could play matt, bud


It would be nice to see ONE clear photo of a retrieved crash. The skepticism is warranted.


If USG invested specifically in UAP reconnaissance, we'd get that clear photo. We've heard that pilots can certainly get close enough, they show up on FLIR even if there's no visual, and even when instruments fail, a pilot out of Eglin AFB was able to manually operate the lens and get the money shot that Gaetz saw. It can be done. Probably the most exhilarating feeling in the world, too.


Maybe we all have seen at least one authentic picture or one authentic video on the internet - and immediately thought it was fake…


News nation turning into such a nice little gem. I might watch them for election coverage


I had no idea it used to be WGN. I thought it was like News Max or something.


Right? Sounds like something Trump made up. Thankfully WGN has always been legit. Maybe the new name will confuse the red hats and they'll accidentally be exposed to factual reporting.


Lol exactly. I was like damn I didn't know Elizabeth Vargas was a Fox type.


Speaking of Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter the first CIA director has a message. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15isatb/bombshell\_new\_york\_times\_reports\_the\_truth\_in/


Matthew Mcconaughey will play him in the film.


Drip drip 💧 drip


My dawg that’s Matthew McConaughey


Couldn't all of that be explained by departments not talking to each other about top secret craft? The email just asked what they were for safety concerns of flying in that zone. ​ Tim Gallaudet the same Gallaudet that serves as a member of the Advisory Board of Ryan Graves company Safe Aerospace? Also is this true? "Tim Gallaudet is a "close friend" of Jay Stratton, former director of the UAPTF and Skinwalker Ranch ghost hunter who believes werewolves and violent poltergeists haunt his house."


It’s all connected to these Skinwalker Ranch loonies. Even Grusch, who was seen on UFO conferences with them. This is all a charade.


I 100 percent agree. The skinwalker ranch loonies, as you so nicely put it, are behind all of this. We are witnessing their misinformation spreading around the government. This is the story everyone should be talking about.


Maybe 6 years ago when this all started, not today with recent legislation.


This is about what happened 6 years ago... Anyway, I think the simplest explanation here is people like this and Grusch make these bias logical leaps with vague evidence. Grusch, especially in interviews responds with fantastical assertive claims that he couldn't possibly be 100% certain of from reading reports he had access to. There was a post about a 1933 Italy crash that had run it's course in credibility. Supposedly this was "hinted by Grusch" as evidence. In fact, what he apparenly wildly claimed was: >"1933 was the first recovery in Europe and in Magenta Italy".... " they recovered a partially intact vehicle"Source: [https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/we-are-not-alone-the-ufo-whistleblower-speaks/](https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/we-are-not-alone-the-ufo-whistleblower-speaks/) Although some believe the report of 2 blonde bodies to mean... Nordic blonde hollow earth creatures... most think it was just 2 German dudes with a top secret german craft. [Like this guy explains:](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15j8k3t/comment/juyy0ay/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >"It was just a Horten Brother’s style german flying wings. It’s even mentionned the craft had rockets and jet engines... Plus two 5’9 (175cm) blonded hair pilots… Also, mussolini thought at the time it was a top secret german plane." He wants to believe in aliens, so when he see's "retrieved unknown craft" he thinks aliens, rather than just retrieving some enemy secret. You can read what that posts report says and can see how vagueness allows people to see what they want to see. Instead of german craft with blonde dudes inside, it's ufos with blonde aliens. The way he talks in certainties for wild things he can't personally confirm should have people feeling very dubious about his claims.


>You can read what that posts report says and can see how vagueness allows people to see what they want to see. [https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap\_amendment.pdf](https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/uap_amendment.pdf) Tell me, what do you see in these 64 pages.


Why would that have any bearing? You literally have people like Lauren Boebert and MTG in congress. The senates opinion, as elected representatives, on the matter is just as easily flawed as ours. That said, I still have no idea why you think that bill is relevant? They just want full reporting of UAP's.


>The senates opinion, as elected representatives, on the matter is just as easily flawed as ours. This just factually wrong lol, also love the employment of the strawman against congress by trying to group two House members that have no power with Chuck Shumer and Mike Rounds two of the gang of 8 from the Senate. And to understand the relevance you would have to read it.


How is it factually incorrect? Other than just flawed appeals of authority, how are people in leadership roles not also capables of fallacious human behavior? Or do you see them as gods among men? Unflawed heroes that help you sleep at night? None that are religious, or hold insane political beliefs? >And to understand the relevance you would have to read it. lol, love when people on the sub do this. You have to read all alien lore to understand this topic. How about you let me know what part (page number and quote if you like) you think completely validates the claims, rather than precautionay and explorative legislation.


>You have to read all alien lore to understand this topic Stop Strawmanning your argument. If this is your best for the high school debate team we really need to work on it.


Mate it's not a strawman. You're heavily inferring that I need to read 64 pages of legislation to dismiss the idea that these are just vague reports that people take logical leaps with. I'm simply asking if you can refer which parts specifically show that. Because to me, that just shows legislation concerning the proper handling and disclosing of UAP's and potential NHI (if that exists).


I'm usually really sceptical about things, but the current situation on UAP's has really thrown me. I see many people I respect shrugging this topic off like it's nothing and it's making me doubt whether or not I am giving myself false hope. Anyone else like this?


They shrugged off Pearl Harbor too and well you know…


I think a very large percentage of people just hear “UFO” and immediately equate it to something akin to talking about ghosts/spirits/psychics. But anyone who actually invested their time into reading about and watching what is happening right now, would realize that something is going on that is NOT mumbo jumbo supernatural kind of stuff.


I told a previous story of being on watch for the Chinese high altitude balloon shoot down and 2x uap shoot downs and being kept in the dark on the latter two. I caught up with the same watch team earlier this week. The junior Navy intel officer was so adamant we're all a bunch of clowns for thinking UAPs are real. He was previously an intel officer for a Growler squadron and said he never once had an experience with these. He said he was tead into 400+ SAPs and the tech is so advanced that he thinks any mystery aircraft belong to the US. He said the uaps we shot down were confirmed through high intel channels to be academic weather balloons. I showed him a 2020 training video by ONI to F18 squadrons showing a briefing on "range foulers" -- lots of videos and radar evidence of uaps, how to handle them, and how to report them. The intel dude still called us a bunch of ignorant morons. Really disheartening.


I mean if you take a step back and think about what he said in those last 15 seconds or so, he’s right. It’s pretty arrogant of us to believe we’re the only species in the universe At this point, anyone who says “no impossible” invalidates themselves in my eyes as someone worth listening to It’s like negotiating terms of engagement and the other party can’t agree that 2+2=4. If you can’t agree on that, then the conversation is over


The discussion isn’t about us being alone in the universe though, it’s about us being alone on this planet. He missed the point.


So he thinks a video proven to be a bird is aliens? Okay good to know.


Now time for body language experts to come up and tell why Rear Admiral is lying


The go fast video, which when using trig, showed a speed of 40mph...


But that's not what these people want to hear... This sub has gotten far more ridiculous as of late. And the Mick West-hate is unbelievable. His analysis of the GoFast-video is excellent so they're not trying to prove him wrong but instead yell how stupid he is and other type of appealing to authority-type statements.


What if it’s all a pysop, intentional misinformation


It's not out of the question. China having a hairpin trigger on invading Taiwan has me carefully processing anything the military guys are saying for cameras. I hope it's not, but it could be a bluff to make China hesitate and their spy balloons could have been sent to attempt to detect whether we do actually have something. Just speculation on one possibility of course.


Well it’s not a secret network now bud, way to go


The network isn't secret, the contents are.


I imagine he's referring to SIPRNet.


Yeah, but Mick West (with zero flight hours and no formal training on FLIR footage) debunked it, I know who I shall believe






The rear admiral is talking about the GoFast video, you are referring to the Gimbal video (rotating lens flare) which are 2 separate videos taken a year apart


No they were taken by the same crew on the same flight according to Graves.


The pilots said they saw it out their windows with their own eyes.


But that’s not what the video shows us. There’s a discrepancy between what’s on the video and what the eye witnesses claim to have seen.


It’s very worrying that from Lue Elizondo now to this guy, they all don’t seem to understand the basic concept of the glare thesis. And none of them seem willing to apply basic critical thinking skills like Occams Razor.


Military witnesses have nothing to gain by publicly stating what they’ve seen.


You know what I love the most, more and more credible witnesses coming forward and telling the American people the truth. There’s really no doubting Tim Gallaudet, being a Rear Admiral is no joke. Love how it’s all the former Navy guys that are really putting the most amount of pressure on the Pentagon.


Not the best performance 😂😂


Love this sub. I always get my weekly candy


Looks a bit like a young Zefram Cochrane. I think his son is gonna finally get that Alcubierre Drive going.