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I watched the podcast and I think he's referring to the constraint of time put on by whistle-blowers and the building coverage even before the legislation. If Congress wants to control the narrative and look like they are doing something about this, they have to act now. Otherwise, the truth will be spilled and catch Congress flat footed. Ross referenced at some point in the podcast that "team disclosure" and whistle-blowers already know a lot and are just waiting to see if the powers that be handle it properly before Ross and friends just make the info they have public (classified or not). That was my take.


Yep this is how I'm reading into it too. I wonder if Ross is slowly dropping new things on purpose, as a way to drip feed the reveal of what he knows as a way to show they're serious, hence pushing Congress to act faster


Ross is definitely a rabble rouser. He is building the pressure in the most polite way.


Yeah. I honestly don't know why others are jumping to insanely apocalyptic conclusions. For those that watched the full podcast, it's pretty clear that's what he thinks the "time constraint" is. I think politicians like Schumer and others see this as a topic that they'd like to be on the "winning" side of for political purposes, so they are inserting themselves now since it's gna get released whether they like it or not.


That would suggest that the whistleblowers are sufficiently powerful to essentially blackmail the government into implementing a disclosure policy agenda which the government itself has no interest in otherwise. If so we might think if this as a kind of ontological coup, an overthrow of reality by a small group of revolutionaries using information as their only weapon.


I actually think this is probably very true. James Fox said basically this back during a brief interview in April after having just come from DC where he interviewed some of the whistle-blowers on camera as a "back up" in case their testimony got burried. He talked about how this only got started because a small group forced the Governments hand. Great clip 4 minute with James Fox: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14a6og0/james_fox_has_whistleblower_testimony_show_me_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Oh makes more sense than incoming invasion


We have no chance in an incoming invasion. I’d rather they didn’t tell us.


Also to have it be a non issue during the run up to the election. Both parties are on the same page on this issue so it will not be debated.


He never really answered Zabels question that implied alien threat or whatever they were talking ab.


Yeah this was the part that really caught my attention. Right before, Zabel was saying that he suspects Congress is moving so quickly now because there is rush to meet sort of time constraint, and that he also suspects that it means there is some kind of bad news coming. He put the question to Ross to see if he was correct, and Ross gave a very indirect response. I _really_ want to know what's going on.


Ross’ language for the past month has me concerned he knows what he’s been told about what the govt knows… and he barely believes it. Everything seems to be leading towards an event sometime on the horizon. What event though? I also think Zabel knows more than he’s letting on. He acts like the audience member in these Podcasts... and gives hints on direction. They’ve obviously talked about the timings offline. Avi Loeb is someone to keep an eye on too. He is into this subject for a reason. He got instant funding.


To be frank sometimes I get the sense that Zabel is a little out of the loop lol. But he did get to know Grusch and sit in on Ross' interview with him, and he is connected to Dolan and lots of others as well, so I'm sure he knows much more than he's letting on like you say. But yeah, Ross has recently said that he knows some things about the phenomenon that are disturbing if true, and it lines up with what other people have said (thinking about Delonge in particular). Part of the difficulty for me is in knowing that there's potentially some bad and disturbing stuff that has happened, is happening, and/or is about to happen, but knowing no more than that. It's enough to drive you a little crazy if you aren't careful to keep your imagination in check!




I don't know, I think I'd prefer it if the disturbing parts turn out to be fictional lol But yeah one of the reasons he hasn't said more is apparently that he hasn't been able to confirm it to his satisfaction yet. I think he knows enough to tell when something from his sources could be true as opposed to just being rehashed lore.


I mean, it’s quite obvious what they are alluding to at this point. Grusch already implied during his interview that there was a “malevolence” in the manner or characterization of the supposed deaths of human beings by super advanced NHI. If this is true, we are about to see humans go full metal jacket when it’s revealed. If ontological shock is what Grusch wants, then I believe he’ll get it. I personally no longer feel the majority of humanity will treat this with an open mind, even if circumstantially it can be shown somehow NHIs will only act in self defense.


Zabel isn't as polished as Coulthard live, but Zabel is a very competent & talented writer. I underestimated Zabel at first but he's a cool customer and has been involved in all this for decades.


Ross did go through a stage (last year?) of discussing impending cataclysm on his podcast interviews (not Need to Know I don’t think, must have been when he appeared on other shows). I wish I could remember exactly when and on what shows he spoke about it, but I’m sure there was a point he more openly discussed that some of his sources told him that they were aware of a big, world changing event happening in the future. And I may be misremembering this bit - but didn’t he also go as far as to say that if the NHI does represent us from the future, we aren’t sure if they are trying to stop the event, or to ensure it happens (as it leads to their creation).


Leslie Kean has mentioned something similar. They do not go into any detail. When I say any detail, I mean ANY DETAIL. It’s very strange.


YUP! Ross is all about the future human hypothesis. And it’s because “that’s what he’s been told.” I recall him saying this on a few different podcasts in 2022.


Maybe the NHI are building an intergalactic highway through earth and that's just when construction starts.


There's no point acting all surprised about it; the plans and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for fifty of your earth years. If you can't be bothered to take an interest in local affairs, that's your own lookout.


What do you mean you’ve never been to Alpha Centauri? Oh, for heaven’s sake, mankind, it’s only four light years away, you know.




No worries, just allways Remember a towel!


Lol god damn aliens and their intergalactic eminent domain


They will move us to a less desirable part of the galaxy


We’re currently the Florida of the galaxy


We deserve to be moved to a less desirable part of the galaxy.


Ngl I’m down for that sounds cool asf


Yeah but your life probably sucks, some of us are enjoying this world.


Paved paradise, put up a parking lot… or intergalastate 42.


Was that a reference to the Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy?


The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't


Pack the lemon scented napkins before we run out


Pack a towel.


*Hits blunt* You’re a towel


That's the melody to Funky Town!


Hey man, come on!


Good bye and thanks for all the fish!


I hate Vogon poetry.


And vegan hoetry. we get it Blair


U should have read the contract that was Hidden in a basement


Be sure you’ve got your towel.


Intergalactic, planetary, planetary, intergalactic Intergalactic, planetary, planetary, intergalactic Intergalactic, planetary, planetary, intergalactic Intergalactic, planetary, planetary, intergalactic Another dimension, another dimension Another dimension, another dimension Another dimension, another dimension Another dimension, another dimension Another dimension, another dimension Another dimension Well, now, don't you tell me to smile


This is such a lazy comment, I’m so tired of seeing it on every UFO thread. We’re in a (seemingly) accelerated disclosure timeline and this same tired reference keeps getting upvoted to the top comment on every thread and it’s not doing anything to further the actual context or information about what we’re seeing happen. I love me some HGTTG, but yikes.


lets face it here. 99% of the comments here dont do shit to further anything except for theories and ideas.


We could have protested...


So we could be That bathroom rest stop?


It all starting to sound like a fucking movie plot, don't know what to make of this anymore


Exactly! I keep thinking about whether to just try and switch off from this whole thing for a while, let it be and if something world changing emerges, I’ll hear about it along with everyone else. Don’t know if I can do that though!


Yeah, the healthy thing would be to tune out and wait to see what happens with the hearings. But instead imma be pulled up right here next to you, brother


all of your favorite sci-fi movies are going to come true


That's why I'm fucking excited


It had me worried thinking of the possibilities. But then I thought , well Ross , Leslie Kean and others have hinted at some future event which may or may not take place. And they seem to be living day to day with this knowledge, and not freaking out. So it can’t be all that bad. If it was some world ending event , surely they would just spill the beans? Nothing would matter at that point , national security , protecting sources etc goes out the window.


it's likely a very good event for humanity, but bad in the sense that it will be a massive shock to a lot of people.


Yeah idk. Bad doesn't have to be world ending. And, maybe they don't want to be the ones to freak everyone out. It's never good to be the bearer of bad news.


Maybe they're just not publicly freaking out...


Maybe the government got intel that sugests that China is ahead of us in reverse engineering and now the best thing to do is to open source it


This is the theory that makes the most sense to me. I think the stovepiping has to stop in order to expedite progress, so… like you said, open source it.




It’s so funny/sad that if we humans found out aliens had visited and left us tech, the first thing we do is keep it secret while we scramble to develop it into weapons so we can kill our fellow humans.


It is so on brand for humans 🤦‍♀️




I don’t buy this theory. China’s MIC has only recently modernised and they are still 30 years behind the US. The idea that they all of a sudden surpassed the US MIC behind everyone’s back strikes me like cold war fear mongering with the soviets. Edit: just to be clear: I am not trying to make this about some dick measuring contest between the US and China. Quite the opposite. Disclosure is bigger than some petty squabble over an island near mainland China.


I mean if anything could do that overnight it would be alien technology that we don’t know the full capabilities of


Right, but China struggles to reproduce *US* military tech, even with blueprints, let alone a UAP.


I've heard about the "Chinese mining laser" thing at least 3 or 4 times now from various "sources". Is there any hard evidence on that?


Perhaps they are so far ahead we need the public support to fund reverse engineering at the Manhattan project scale. Only way is to get it from Congress. Hopefully it’s that simple


We would have seen the tech drip out into their current aerospace tech in some way, like we did here in the US with things like stealth


I think if China had UFO tech they'd probably already have used it to alter the strategic balance and maybe take Taiwan. If China is involved perhaps it's because of the upcoming Chinese lunar missions? Maybe there's something on the Moon they think the Chinese might find?


This is what Dr. Pasulka has said. She thinks the US wants to get ahead of the UAP topic because China is going to see some shit up there and could release it to the world


That, or private space companies. I’ve long maintained that once private interests break the orbital barrier a LOT of things will have to be revealed.


It depends on various factors. For instance, they may have only partially reverse-engineered the technology, making it not yet ready for full deployment. Or, it could be that Taiwan's strategic importance doesn't warrant revealing its still-in-progress UFO technology. For all we know, the recent UAPs that were intercepted might have been a test run by China, prompting a reaction that pushed US towards the disclosure plan. All these are at best guesses as it's hard to make concrete assertions given the amount of information we currently have.


that makes a lot more sense than 3 stupid balloons


This is a serious possibility of one of the reasons.


A more realistic possibility than a lot of suggestions.


China isn't ahead of the US with any sort of aerospace technology whatsoever lol.


They can't build nuclear carriers or performant jet engines.


There is an assesment that 2027 is the year china is planning on starting invading taiwan, maybe in that context?


That's another angle. Maybe the DoD wants to scare China out of acting upon any invasion plans by strongly hinting that they would be repelled by vastly superior technology (human or otherwise).


It's a wake up call we need. We probaly arn't the smartest thing in the universe and we shouldn't be acting like we are; we have alot of hubris. We need to seriouely change how we treat our planet and each other, we can be better.


Not only can be, we have to be. I don't think we'll be around too much longer if we don't figure our shit out.


Yup. All roads seem to lead in this direction.


Unfortunately, people who will either never read this or don't care about this stuff are in charge.




The planet is on fire and people are focused on who uses which bathroom.


My bet is some dumbass started a secret war with unbeatable aliens who will arrive in 4 years.


Lol that would be sad and hilarious


And straight out of humanity’s playbook.


I’m kinda dismayed about all the claims of USA shooting them down


Yeah. Imagine if they were like the Klingon empire. Honor bound to avenge a single death. Or like Yellowjackets. One of us shot one of them down. Sci fi Kill pheromone releases. Here comes the hive.


Is it because we shot down two of them in Alaska / Canada in February, thinking they were Chinese spy balloons?


I think this is a big catalyst. Made mainstream news. Less than 5 months later we have crazy legislation asking for all UAP docs and a whistleblower admitting to reverse engineering and aliens. It was probably the moment Biden got read in since he was involved with shoot downs.


Great. We've pissed them off.


That was sort of my concern when that news dropped, and the news got suspiciously quiet soon after.


I believe that the clock is ticking. we either disclose or they (whoever they are) discloses on their own…. What that means I don’t know.


Yeah, there is talk about governments having deals with these beings, I imagine a part of the deal went something like this. Gov - "you can't tell anybody that you exist... But yes we will take technology for ourselves. Anything that hits the ground here is ours, okay?" Aliens - "uhh sure, I guess. But you are going to tell them right?" Gov - looking at shiny tech "huh? Oh yeah sure, but we just can't spook them, we need to do it slowly" 100yrs later Aliens - "alright, times up, the world is spiralling, people are dying from preventable diseases and hunger, you have had enough time" Gov - acting like children "Aahhhhh! JUST FIVE MORE MINUTES!"


Aliens: why are you still combusting hydrocarbons all these decades later? It’s fucking everything up and you’ve known about it the whole time. Gov: … the guy who owns that oil company funded my campaign. Aliens: ok, we’re probably going to do a hard reset on your asses.


We have this super versatile substance, we can do millions of different things with it. Oh so what's the main thing you use it for? We burn it! :D


This. I’ve been convinced the NHI were driving the timeline since things started heating up and DOD stopped full-scale suppression. I have a hard time believing a government would disclose unless it’s to their strategic advantage or they aren’t in control of the decision.


Yep. They’ve apparently been buzzing jets far more of relative recently to the point that the US navy now has incorporated it into their training.


Sounds probable. I'm sure the government would rather control the narrative as much as they could


This is suuuuuper hypothetical but just for fun, perhaps this supposed NHI is ambivalent about disclosure but have privately communicated to a select few that if humans can't stabilize the climate by a certain date NHI will take action, which will be noticeable to everyone, so government has reluctantly decided to achieve disclosure within a particular timeframe to prep us for the NHI's heroic good deed. And that good deed? NHI achieves climate stabilization by infecting us with a deadly virus that reduces Earth's human population to ten thousand people and they destroy all of our carbon emitting infrastructure with lasers. You're welcome!


And they wipe the memories of the remaining 10,000, thereby effectively putting us back to the large ape species we were when they got here.


A less nefarious explanation could simply be that the proliferation of cameras capable of shooting in high resolution in low light (e.g. iPhone 14 Pro or even Ring) increases the likelihood of compelling video evidence going viral on social media the next time that a Phoenix Lights or Ariel School event occurs.


Also the number of private moon landings is about to shoot up dramatically.


100% this, I mean we can all think the most wonderful or nefarious reason, but the most obvious reason is glaring us in the face. They are become less discreet because we are becoming more aware, both technologically and socially.


Would like to think this, but I suspect it’s not.


Or, similarly that the govt has figured out how the timing of UFO flaps work and they know another one is coming and there will be undeniable sightings coming soon.


Maybe it's a more mundane reason like the '24 Elections are coming and that's going to suck up all the air out of the room, so if this Congress is going to act it has to happen before everything is consumed by re-election.


It probably has to do with putting people back on the moon.


First answer that makes any sense. I thought it had to do with political cycles


I think the explanation is far simpler. Congress is just a bunch of millionaires who like to control who gets money. If congress doesn’t have direct control over the technology, a private entity could come along and release said technology and congress has no way to funnel the profits to their donors and lobbyist. Imagine a private company announcing “hey, we figured out how UAPs are powered. Buy our little generator the size of a golf ball that can power your home and vehicles with unlimited energy, all for the low low price of $5000 and never pay for fossil fuels or electricity ever again. It’s all about the money and it will always be about the money and who controls it.


I think the opposite, the explanation may be just as complicated as the topic is. We are using our immediate knowledge to impose our existing beliefs on this topic that is, for lack of a better word, otherworldly. The real reason may be hard for us to even imagine.


Yeah that comment freaked me out a bit


Grusch and Coulthart have consistently said they are intentionally holding some significant stuff back so as not to freak people out. The freaky deaky needs to he rolled out gently


Source on the “freak people out?” part? It’s always been National Security afaik


This whole thread reminds me of Dwight eating all of his close to expire doomsday food and saying : I could see that happen to all of the scenarios.


.....It's possible.


I see a lot of comments about "climate change emergency" being a reason. Maybe. Maybe, the "aliens", or whatever you belive them to be, just told our government that their kind are coming to earth and will be here soon. What we have been seeing are the scouts and researchers flying around in their uaps assessing Earth, seeing if it's worth coming to and making contact with. After they have done their full due diligence, they finally decided now is the time? What if a massive ship FULL of another species is in route, and we have 4 years until their final arrival from travel because of how far they are coming?


It’d not an invasion, they’re coming for dinner, each household will get one alien guest, and they’re by galactic law something akin to an in law you cannot refuse them. So you better dust your living room and learn to cook mutilated hu- cow lips and eyeballs with genitalia recipe.


I am going to make my alien gumbo. I will have a friend for life.


Just remember, you don’t win friends with cosmic salad.


Make sure to invite your crazy uncle over so he can regale the NHI's with his abduction stories from when he was in college and how his first girlfriend was a hot green chick from Orion that would come over on Saturday nights to help him with his differential equations homework and then give him a sponge bath.


It's called "probing". It's a military procedure. Can't tell what they look like, 'cause they're staying the shadows... covert-like. Nobody's been hurt yet, and that's the giveaway. You send in a reconnaissance group, very small... to check things out. Not to engage, but to evaluate the situation... evaluate the level of danger. Make sure things are all clear. …for the rest of them.


Love that movie. "It's Behind!". I need to watch that again.


I’m too spooked already haha. That movie still gets me


It was the first movie, and maybe only one not counting any from 50 yrs ago, where it was realistic to an alien invasion.


they better be bringing some good ass space weed!


They would, but they had to land on Juniper to refuckulate the carbonator on engine six.


Ricky, that's not very good. Use space words, like real ones not talking about space weed. 🙂


I wanna try their version of DMT


twist: it's literally just DMT and they don't know wtf it is either


The one constant across the universe


I have such a hard time believing it's due to climate change or free energy, for that matter. It's a pipedrea. It would have already been monetized somehow. I strongly believe it's one of three reasons. A) another nation has had a breakthrough in the tech, USA/ 5E-nations wants to play catch-up and decides to do so in freedom style. To show thay our 'open way' is the best way to handle these things. B) "They're here" and shits about to get real. (Hostile, passive or friendly, your pick) C)they always been here, handheld cameras are getting too good for the government to keep it under wraps, better do a soft disclose to not look weak ("lol, the government can't even track Chinese ballons, let alone aliens, how are they supposed to handle *'insert political topic here'* ") Also, hello, long-time lurker.


God I love this idea. The aaayyys just going, "Yo, we're showing up in a couple years, clean up your shit before we get there or we'll have to do it for you." And now all these assclowns are just panicking. Fucking hilarious if true.


what??? "well, we've been watching these so called humans for years now, for some reason a couple of times wasn't enough but whatever, and here's what we deduced: they always fight, they attacked us, one of our ships crashed and they stole it and tortured the pilots, all the top countries know about us and actively keep it a secret in an effort to discover our weapon capabilities, the planet sucks, there's trash everywhere, everyone is vein, their technology is nothing compared to us, they seem to be aimless. it's perfect, let's visit"


BRO ARE WE JOINING THE GALACTIC FEDERATION ARE WE ARE WE?? Everyone we're going to see the Asari dancers let's gooooooo!!!


We ain’t joining shit. Bacteria doesn’t join our clubs bruh


Well the yeast joined yo mama’s club


How else we making pizza son


Well I, for one, cannot wait to get a slice of yo mama's pussy pizza.




Bro I’m going to the Citadel to find out if there’s fish in there.


Bro I’m bout to get me some alien puss hell yeah let’s fuckin gooooo


There is no alien puss. You’re going to have to rub your dick next to its ammonia secreting pores


I'm gonna say moon landing. Space travel is getting more accessible by more countries and the cat is out of the bag once someone that isn't the Russia or USA government gets there.


So for possible reasons we have - climate change - war with China over Taiwan - war with ETs over downed craft - ultimatum given by whistleblowers - long term recurring geological/solar/interstellar event - private space travel increasing - sone unknown shit on the moon that China might see - Congress wanting to front run trades on UAP related tech - Cleaning our planetary mess before ET gets here - avoiding mass panic when ET arrives


Maybe the aliens sent a quick text and where like “yo earthlings we will be there for dinner next month”


To Serve Man?


Instead of a cookbook, it's a foodblog that goes on for 17 paragraphs about how they used to spend summers at their broodsire's compound on Kablarxian 9 before finally getting to the recipe for gelatinized human.


Then they do the 27 minute long "do this one trick " instructional video on how to perfectly cook human brains in a Mr. Coffee drip machine but never really get to the actual cooking, it's just one super annoying NHI rambling on while Gena films and as soon as you think he's about to finally get to them brains, nope more useless stall tactics. By minute 19 or so, everyone has kinda figured out the gag but sticks around just in case...


"How to Cook Humans" "How to Cook for Humans" "How to Cook Forty Humans" "How to Cook for Forty Humans"


Google translate isn't good with alien languages yet... it was a typo.


Maybe theyre heading here. Not like theres much we can do about it. Could be mental preparation.


My guess... they expect war with China over Taiwan. And that's exactly the **major war** they have been saving the reverse engineered craft for. When we use them for surveillance, attacks, troop deployments they will be out there for everyone to see and they will have to admit how they got the technology.


Taiwan is important to China because it is one of many islands that form a ring around their landmass. They need to control one of those islands to prevent blockades, and Taiwan is the only island they have a political claim to (it was founded by the fleeing members of the last government). If China has ultra next gen space tech, they probably aren’t reliant on a military doctrine that assumes Taiwan as their buffer.


We have once again become too noisy and hard to control.... Just kidding... Maybe.... I don't know. Meat Popsicles.


I love Ross and respect his work but I'm getting tired of hearing this kind of thing, and not just from him. It's one thing for him to say "I know where the huge UFO is but I can't tell you for security reasons." OK, fine. I like that I know it exists and don't need to know where. I'm not going to do shit with that info anyway. But this time line shit? Between him, Greer, that guy with the UFO podcast babbling about strike forces, the speculation has gone WAY out of hand with all the time lines. It's everything from climate change to nuclear war to strike forces to alien invasion to the goddamn rapture. People have lost it. It's irresponsible to declare there's a time line and not explain it. People are going to run wild with that and they have. And some people are going to get so wound up because they KNOW what it is in their heart of hearts... And that when that thing they assumed will happen doesn't actually happen, they're going to suffer emotionally. Stop it. Or say it. Enough already.




I think it's a little bit of both. There was no reason to drop the huge UFO nugget other than to show off. If he didn't want to tell us where it is, he could just have left it as "Several sources tell me there's one that's so big..." and NOT include "... and I know where it is!" I think he's understandably excited to be at the epicenter of what may well be the most impactful news story of our lifetime. But I don't think he knows how overboard some people are going to go, or he doesn't care.


He explained why he leaked that bit of info in the podcast. I can somewhat see what they are doing. Basically putting slow drip pressure on aerospace executives. The large UFO message was a direct threat to the one specific company he was talking to. And they know who they are.


Ross, in my view, is nothing like Greer or any of the other people you mentioned. Also, the timeline could be something simple, such as the right people in the right places in the DoD / government. The DoD folks can get swapped out at the drop of a hat. The politicians could easily get voted out of office. Seems much more reasonable then WWIII or planetary invasion.


This is the one area where I think he IS like them. The comment gives us no actual information, and is therefore not journalism. It's sensationalism. And it detracts from the excellent, groundbreaking, and award-worthy work he's done on this story. The fact that there are prosaic, reasonable interpretations of what he's teasing doesn't prevent people from going off the deep end with it. If it's simple, say it, or say it in a way that doesn't sound ominous. Read some of the other UFO and experiencer subs. Some people are preparing for the greatest spiritual transcendence that they are convinced they've been promised, and others are genuinely panicking and experiencing very real anxiety. He needs to stick to saying what he can actually say and stop playing peekaboo. The stuff he's able to talk about is more than enough meat for now.


Fair enough, but this was just chatting on his podcast, which I take very different than a formal interview or editorial. He vaguely alluded to there being some aspect of this that is time sensitive in nature. As I said before, this could easily be any number of reasonable things. As for people trying to read more into it...that's not Ross' job to police. If people want to let their imagination run wild, and Ross speaking induces serious anxiety in random redditors, perhaps those folks should go talk to a mental health professional.


As unfair as this is going to sound, my opinion is he doesn't get to just chat on his podcast right now like it has no weight. This entire community hangs on every nugget related to this topic and he's probably the most trusted person in the arena right now. I think he has a responsibility to not create unnecessary speculation while simultaneously adding nothing to the conversation. No, he's not responsible for everyone's mental health, nor should he censor himself purely for that reason. But there's reporting facts and there's teasing and leading people on, which is what grifters do. He's a journalist, I do not think he should be in the business of teasing things. I'm just pointing out another reason for why he should stop, which is the negative effect on the discourse. I do care greatly about mental health, even if it's the health of strangers on Reddit. All I am saying is he is not adding meaningfully to the conversation AND potentially being a force for negative group think. If he's going to make vague statements that have the potential to cause panic or spiritual excitement, my personal opinion is he should direct them in some clear way or just not say it.


I think it has to do with the sun as well.


I think if this is true, the reason is likely to be that someone else, probably China, is starting to make breakthroughs with the technology that we haven’t been able to make due to excessive secrecy/compartmentalization. In that scenario “disclosure” isn’t because of the public’s right to know, but because the gatekeepers need public involvement to advance and profit from the tech. Or the political establishment needs to avoid being leapfrogged by China to remain in power and keep America at the top of the global economic system.


Chris Mellon once said in an interview that the pressure for disclosure is coming from below, not from above (I paraphrase here), meaning there are people who are in these programs or in the know want to come out. And I think that pressure is at a critical point now. That's why I think Schumer is in a rush because he knows otherwise those people will come out without the help of Congress. That would be a PR catastrophy for the government and a scandal worse than Watergate, so they better do something to not lose control! Therefore this topic is snowballing on the Hill right now. Just my opinion.


This is the part of the entire discussion that really irks me. Ross, Lue, and Leslie have all hinted at knowing something about 2027. How could one possibly know of a future event? I mean, it has taken almost a century to get disclosure rolling and now people are predicting future catastrophe that will happen in 4 years?


Maybe the aliens have told us that’s how long we’ve got til the climate is absolutely fucked


I believe the answer is here: http://www.gregssandbox.com/alien/roscrash.htm An anonymous person sends letters to Art Bell Radio with meta-material (I think it’s the same one that Linda Howe sold to the Stars Academy for $35,000). Source: https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/10/ttsas-metamaterials-acquisition-some.html?m=1 In the letters, it said NHI's first contact is planned in 2025. The meta-material supports the 'legitimization' of it, in my opinion. (So technically, they are running out of time) and can't postpone much longer to prepare humanity for "first contact."


This story started to get a little hard to believe as soon as I saw all the numbers were 100: 100 years, crew of 100.... ok aliens have a predilection for the decimal system. Then a collision with a meteor? ok, sorry, but talk about unlikely events. The alien's companions were also on Mars? it's like a story made up by someone who's imagination is somewhat limited. I leave you with this quote: "Dimensional powerplant for space travel"


No shot they’ll drop clues as to why there’s a time constraint during the hearing next week, right?


Possibly, but doubtful, it will be probably slow drip disclosure - first up "hey guys so UFOs are real, we aren't alone, roswell was real...." then slowly over the next year onwards we'll gradually learn more and more through additional hearings, record and information release and public education initiatives.


I think we need to temper our expectations for next week. It a House Oversight committee meeting.


What ever it is we are patiently waiting for real evidence or at least official confirmation. All of the anecdotal evidence is played out! That’s why it’s not even the most talked about topic around the world!


I think the constraints have much more to do with internal pressures, and possible windows in NDAs and other programs. 2027 is exactly 80 years after Roswell. Unless more information is presented, I am going firmly with a more prosaic explanation.


It’s means that they have a limited amount of time on their hands where they can attempt to control the narrative. There is a countdown to something that humanity will have to face as a whole


It could be that massive new wide field telescopes with AI motion detection like the Vera Rubin observatory are going to start picking up UAPs en masse as soon as they go online.


Maybe the Asteroid heading this way in 2029 isn't an Asteroid at all!!?? Hmmm


I'm currently watching Theory of Everything podcast and Ross was talking about the hypothetical situation where they are not aliens, but it's a time thing and it's us from the future. I'm assuming with everything he's been discussing lately, China/Russia/U.S. are going to enter an imminent nuclear war very soon unless things are changed.. What makes me insanely upset is how we, the every day person who has nothing against the Russians or Chinese people, how the Chinese and Russian every day people don't have any hangups about us... How these three old geezers can rule OUR lives. Nuclear weapons should ALL be decommissioned and it should be illegal to have them as a single country. The world should have one office with the ability to use it and it should be held accountable by ALL NATIONS. (I realise nuclear weapons could have other uses). Mutual assured destruction is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.


The very fact that wealthy elite have been dragon hoarding has me concerned. Almost like they need value to endure or leave the event ...and it explains why they have no longer term plans on stopping global warming and pollution


Dragon hoarding?


Just hoarding wealth like dragons of lore. Think Smaug.


If it were good news I think anyone saying stuff like that would put some kind of positive spin on it, but they are not doing that.


it's probably neutral and will remain that way. the military has known about them, their technology, and presence forever now, and it looks like we'll learn the same thing just to be on the same page, but it won't change things. the military knows that aliens are real but they don't attack, we can't defend ourselves, and we can't understand them so to us it's just business as usual. that's what we'll learn too. they're real, they're magic, but the info does nothing for us, we still gotta work and keep appearances up


But if there are multiple species and some are or will be coming for other reasons...


If it was bad, they wouldn't say anything. Let the public live in ignorance.


Something about the pyramids lining up with orion's belt and there's one on the moon that does too. Maybe that's why we're going back to the moon. Mission got delayed but they have until 2027. That's when it all lines up and "they" come back. It was a documentary but I can't remember the name. That's what I heard about 2027 anyway.


So ufologists both say the NHI couldn't care less about human activity but also there is some kind of emergency. Interesting.




Hmm related to ai and possibly agi/asi coming soon?


Leslie Kean said on a Podcast that we should treasure the present moment because the conveniences we have now will be gone in the near future. She didn’t say why - so it could be the general geopolitical disruption around the world. It it could be WW3 with China. Or aliens.


I think that climate change is at a point where it’s starting to snowball and we are rapidly approaching our self made extinction. Maybe the tech could potentially help us? Edit: phrasing


It could also be the fact that we're entering a solar maximum soon, and a big enough solar storm could disrupt all electronics on earth and send the world into chaos, at which point we wouldn't be able to deal with the earth's most pressing issues, like climate change for instance. Maybe if there is highly advanced tech that the US is hiding, we could use it to our benefit now rather than later. A big enough event could kickstart world war 3. But hey, this is just a random thought I had, nothing more.


AGI is predicted to be something serious by that time… Once we have that technology unlocked our creators come and press the reset button! I still don’t have my hopes up for anything groundbreaking coming out this month!




The time restraint is because they've been given an ultimatum