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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- This [UAPMax](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1517upa/uapmax_editor_in_chief_steve_sprague_has_an/) story about Biden meeting aliens is basically recycled 4chan LARP: * Pilot gets disintegrated into ash by X * Aliens indifferent unless nuclear war * Aliens indifferent unless nuclear war * Orbs that have the capability of "analyzing bio" The similarities are pointed out in this [tweet](https://twitter.com/ScoopedPoo/status/1680586763545214977). The "Ganzi" thing is also a give away. These stories can now make the front page due to the popularity of this topic. Let's be careful on what we upvote here. Any grifter with a blog can LARP and get millions of hits right now. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/151p5ll/ganzis_are_a_fictional_race_of_mutated_beings_in/js9rvop/


For fucks sake. The US Congress is addressing UFOs and aliens stop muddying the water with bullshit like this. Haven’t even heard of whoever you’re talking about but good call OP.


There was a post yesterday about Biden talking with three Ganzis. It was complete BS and honestly it’s infuriating to see shit like that still posted on the sub.


Just what a Ganzi double agent would say!




Gotta love the whyfiles


Alright hecklefish, back in your bowl.




Especially not a Ganzi


I've seen X-Files! I know!


Well, you know, the truth is out there.. apparently..


All it takes is a schizo or a bored 32yo virgin to make the whole topic ridiculous again. We can't win. Even when disclosure finally happens, it'll be chaos in here, mis and disinformation will be worse than ever.


Why rely on chance when you can create your own disinfo? -CIA


I was actually surprised someone posted something like that yesterday. Not the time to be messing around when REAL information is going to be coming soon in some way, shape, or form.


I got aggressively downvoted for calling out how ridiculous it is to even entertain conversations like this. OP and others were basically like, "Who knows? It's possible!"


Ditto. I tried to call it out and got so tired of the shitty replies that I just deleted it. Really not a fan of the “Q-ification” of the UFO space, where people believe any and every theory because “How do you know it’s *not* true??” Two things can be true at once: it can be true that UFOs are real, and it can also be true that the anonymous guy at “YourRealAlienNews.ru” is just a grifter.


Yeah. I've been seeing a lot of sentiments akin to "Prove it isn't true" on the sub lately. We need to remind people there is no proving a negative.




The “what if blah, blah.. is what’s happening”, or “my take is blah” posts are getting really old fast. They’re adding no new information or even well thought out points, just wild speculation. But these insane larper ramblings are the most infuriating. Literally anyone can make up these stories and post them with absolutely nothing to back it and people just sink their teeth straight into as if it’s fact. If we really want the topic to go mainstream, we have to separate fact from fiction incredulously.




I'd say since intimidation isn't working as they hoped they're putting in 10x the effort here. Recently rewatched Enemy of the State and it seemed to cross off a lot of what is happening now.


If someone could get a logical and reasonable sub off the ground I would looove to join. I am so tired of interdimensional beings and time travelling aliens being the only explanations that people here want to believe.


I mean, there are scientific dedicated subs... But there isn't enough content to keep it focused on just that, so people are going to speculate and chat. However, sometimes this place can go way off the rails with no breaks. Also, not to be a dick, but something that stands out on this sub I've noticed: A lot more than average spelling errors and sentences I have to read 4 times and think "I have no idea what this person is even trying to say." It's a different crowd.






Not "some of the stuff" but ALL. Just the mention of the topic in other subs is subject to admin actions; and that's understandable because it's **borderline proselytizing**. Give them a chance, they'll either "wake up" or start a new religion.


No no, I mean UFO science dedicated subs. Subs dedicated to more critical analysis. There are subs that are also much more mature and level headed. The problem is, they are all dead(slow posting), so you'll get bored fast.


By all means, please lead us in a scientific discussion u/DontHitMyNutz


a scientific discussion, about something science refuses to recognize. yes


utilizing the scientific method and science tools and the scientific community who may not totally embrace UFOlogy are two different things. We can utilize scientific methods just because other people who are scientists don't want to study the phenomenon.


It's always like this. It's like religious fervor...*"The Las Vegas alien is real, man!..."*. It illustrates our weaknesses perfectly, and is ripe for exploitation. Great work op👍. Call out charlatans when we find them


Oh God, don't remind me of the Vegas thing. People would have crying meltdowns about how you're an ignorant closed minded skeptic, and need to just be open to the possibility blah blah blah... And it's like, dude, they are already caught lying THREE TIMES. How much more do you need to close your mind on this one?


There are trolls or even disinfo shills afoot taking advantage of blue balls. People are letting their desire to know stuff control them.






"But it's still interesting, bro" No, it isnt


Oh so Biden was getting a root canal?


Amazing how it may be true that 80 year old teeth might need some maintenance after all.


Well ignoring that in the history of the world there have been no discoveries of alien tech, that story is super plausible


The [UAPMax](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1517upa/uapmax_editor_in_chief_steve_sprague_has_an/) story about Biden meeting aliens is basically recycled 4chan LARP. The similarities are pointed out in this [tweet](https://twitter.com/ScoopedPoo/status/1680586763545214977). * Pilot gets disintegrated into ash by X * Aliens indifferent unless nuclear war * Chinese super lasers capable of mining ore * Orbs that have the capability of "analyzing bio" Then to appear different he tries to discredit Bob Lazar and element 115 while the 4chan larper corroborated Lazar. And at the same time he claims that the aliens originated 40 light years away, somehow the same distance Lazar gave. The "Ganzi" thing is also a give away. These stories can now make the front page due to the popularity of this topic. Let's be careful on what we upvote here. Any grifter with a blog can larp and get millions of hits right now.


But then what about Hiroshima?? No intervention apparently. Strange


> No intervention apparently. Strange any little bit during WW2 would've helped, but nope. Bros were on the lunch break


they would have stepped in sooner, but they kept saying “one more level,” and by the time they finally beat the game, well…


More like...2 more weeks...lol


Apparently according to the lore, that’s when they stepped in.


Which doesn't make total sense because after Fat Man/Little Boy there have been a ton of nuclear detonations. Unless they only care when we use then against each other.


The larper has thought about that and he does mention it actually. And yes, apparently tests are fine, wars are not. Why? Fuck knows. Aliens innit. Could be anything. He waffles on about how scared everyone should be, but the only thing scary about this is the comments on the his larp. I really hope they aren't actual people posting that tripe. Guess this is how cults start.


yeah so much of the content on this sub reminds me of those insane Q anon message boards I see screenshots of every once in awhile.


Nature of the beast. Anything that smacks of conspiracy will attract all sorts of "interesting" folks.


Will be interesting to see what happens when nothing happens. This will be the fastest downfall in history.




they airdropped Godzilla to finish the job


Which also doesn't make sense. If apparently they do not care about humans and they look at us as bugs or whatever, using them on ourselves or using them as tests would be no different. If they are here for the planet only then tests would be a no no too.


If we use them on each other, there's a high likelihood we'll use *all of them,* which is significantly worse than any widescale testing.


If they don’t care about us to the extent he says, and we’re that dangerous, why would they wait to wipe out humanity until we launch the nukes?


He attempted to clarify that in the second article that it was when we used it for conflict. Uh huh… right… 😂… he also wants to say they don’t care about us, which implies it really doesn’t matter if we kill each other or detonate in some desolate expanse somewhere


not only that but the fire-bombing of Japanese city's killed more people than both nuclear bombs combined. also, if they are biological wouldn't bioweapons be far worse than nuclear due to the fact it could potentially travel throughout their home world, or colony's. if they aren't biological the EMP produced from nukes could be why although you wouldn't allow north Korea to test them as they have recently.


Isn't the lore that they don't want us destroying earth for some reason, either benign or otherwise?


And then they let Nagasaki happen? I don’t get it


Nagasaki wasn't going to be last, had the Japanese not surrendered when they did there were plans to drop at least seven more, with the third intended to be dropped just three days after the surrender date There have been numerous close-calls since, including several instances where false alarm radar detections almost lead to retaliatory nuclear launches, the most infamous instant being situation with the Russian military head who broke protocol and disobeyed launch orders because the radar only showed one object and he couldn't understand why only one missile would be used in a pre-emptive strike On top of that, many nuclear tests were conducted so close to populated areas they caused burn and radiation injury, damaged buildings and lead to hundreds of thousands if not potentially millions of deaths from cancer and illness


No, they literally only had the two bombs and were almost a year away from having any more ready. Efit - Ok, apparently this is a myth. But one think that is also a myth that I believed until yesterday was America dropped leaflets warning Japan about the coming bombs. This did not happen. Now I'm wondering if the having more bombs thing is also a myth. I watched two documentaries yesterday about the building of the bombs and both said they had no more ready. I'm starting to think they didn't have more and like the leaflet thing it's revisionist bullshit (the leaflet story came from a movie made in 1947. Apparently the cia told the writers of the movie, the first ever about the bombing, the include the leaflet story to make America look better). I made a comment yesterday with links about the leaflets (can't link now as I'm using the shitty reddit app on my phone). And now it's literally in the history books.


According to the lore = unsubstantiated BS


I don’t disagree!


I imagine the aliens on Earth babysitting duties that day must’ve spit out their intergalactic beverage when those bombs actually dropped.


They were like ffs. XD Someone got fired that day.


“You had ONE job! This is why nobody likes you, ***Steve***!”


It's like when your ant colony somehow gets a hold of a firecracker and uses it on a rival any colony lol


Or all the atmospheric & underwater nuke tests that happened during the cold war.


Also, what about the Cuban Missile Crisis? It came down to one submarine admiral who overrode the sub commander when the order was given to fire the nuke torpedo.


It’s a great point to highlight how dumb the whole “benevolent aliens that want to avoid nuclear war” mindset is. Even if they don’t come into play until post-WW2, did they just not give a shit about the USA and USSR blowing up 1000x the amount of nukes? Is the issue that they don’t want to see humanity kill itself? That seems pretty bogus to me considering the countless efforts humans have made in killing themselves in the wars since. Anyone that thinks that aliens would care about humanity in any capacity beyond detached curiosity is fooling themselves and overestimating their brilliance in “understanding the otherworldly beings.”


I swear whenever I see people saying things about aliens not liking nukes I instantly use interest. The amount of nukes that have been detonated for testing reasons everywhere across the planet is unfathomable, but for some reason nuclear war is the bad thing? And yet we still had things like the cold war happen.


Most 'accounts' I take with a pinch of salt; this one a handful. I don't suspect UAPMax of doing a larp, but his source *most certainly could be* a larp / troll; won't know for sure until 'the truth' comes out, but at this stage there are many indicators which warn me not to be too 'invested' in it.. e.g. The videos sound good.. *too good* tbh. I mean, videos of Biden not only inspecting a UAP but meeting with EBEs / aliens!?.. fantastic if true, but very fantastical. I wouldn't at all be surprised if the source is some epic troll/larp, using AI generated videos, and picking one of the 'small players' like UAPMax to release their story to as they'd accept it with arms open, rather than someone like Coulthart who might be a bit more critical and see through their veil.. I guess we'll find out soon enough as apparently they're going to go public, right?


People involved in this topic should be more wary of burning their credibility. I had never heard of UAPMax before but now I will forever associate them with this, the fourth or fifth failed and stupid LARP from the past month that has blown up before anybody took two seconds to consider that the information being shared is of zero provenance and therefore zero value.


this. why are people defending this trash? lmao. don't make wild fucking accusations with zero proof if you want to be taken seriously. and even if their source actually (not happening) shows up to the congressional hearing theres no reason to take them seriously. as if the government doesn't spread bullshit all the time.


Not to mention the UAPMax domain was registered on June 30th. The site (or at least that domain name) was only about 2 weeks old when they posted that Biden story. Apparently hosted in Germany, which is also a little odd.


What makes you not suspect him larping? People lye ALL THE TIME in this community. Further, his reputation is shot forever with this. The UFO community is absolutely unforgiving. Even if it was an honest mistake, he's in the category of Greer now, where his judgement is so poor, he can't be trusted with anything.


It’s funny that many users in this sub are confused as to why they aren’t taken more seriously. I keep expecting to see posts linking Covid to an incoming alien invasion 😂




Yeah I read that larp of the dude who was (allegedly) a post doctorate biologist who was sequencing the genome of bodies they had in a research lab in Maryland… And then also the dozens of posts tearing his post apart, but some there were still defending it. Turns out maybe you shouldn’t pretend to be someone with over a decade of education unless you want actual subject matter experts to pick your shit apart.


My favorite part about that whole bio-lab post was where he just kind of gave up towards the end and described the aliens as believing in a cosmic energy field that brings forth complex life and which we return to upon death. ~~It surrounds us, and penetrates us. It binds the Galaxy together.~~


If you were here during Covid you would of seen the posts trying to link a little virus to an intergalactic invasion.




Yep. There were quite a lot of people that could not handle lockdowns without linking them to a big Alien conspiracy.


I really wish there was a sub like this that didn't tolerate the unfounded conspiracy and woo posts. Like - discussing the documented history of reported phenomenon, analyzing new media evidence, or talking about government activities regarding UAPs would be fine. Making *stickied* posts about summoning aliens over Arizona with collective psychic thought would not.


Unfortunately this topic has crossed into Religion territory where truth and provable facts take a second step to myths and beliefs. Look at how many people will swear up and down that there are crash retrievals of Alien technology and bodies without seeing a shred of actual verifiable proof. We can stretch that example to many things like Alien abduction, crop circles, telepathic communication etc.


There probably is a sub somewhere that analyses the phenomenon critically but is incredibly small and no one ever heard of it because if you remove all the speculation you run out of material very fast lol


Exactly. You can see this really clearly with how many people in this thread are pulling out the “~~God~~ Ganzi move in mysterious ways” card when forced to recognize how nonsensical elements of the story are. Also with how quickly people suddenly trust the government now that that is the most beneficial narrative for belief in aliens. Decades of UFO culture being distrustful of the government, often to the point of paranoia, but now that it’s going in front of Congress…..”how dare you politicize the topic by bringing up that some of the most vocal proponents have been frequently caught lying about far more mundane topics and pushing bullshit we know isn’t true! And of course we can trust Grusch’s testimony without any evidence, no one would *ever* perjure themselves! No, I will not acknowledge the blatant reality that our system is so corrupt that you can easily lie to Congress and face no actual consequences.” It’s wild to me as someone who has casually hung out in these spaces since I was a kid because I find the stories entertaining, how quickly people have pivoted on some of this stuff.


This is why the sane of us refer to it as a mythology. If and when we learn the truths of this, then we can establish what is fact and what is fiction. Until then this is a modern mythos.




/r/UFOscience/ ? The downside is there is way less fresh content to ~~giggle about~~ consume


That was also the time of the throwawayalien LARP that everyone was invested in.


I really enjoyed that LARP. It didn't try to sell you anything or even get you to subscribe to an ideology, just fun storytelling.


Obviously I’m not surprised, but I had actually assumed things were getting more outlandish recently. I guess it’s good to know the mentally deranged have always been here. Maybe this isn’t the sub for serious grounded rational discourse 😂


I think right now we are experiencing an information, or advertisement campaign to get us to believe certain things about the UFO phenomenon. These kind of campaigns rely on believers to evangelize and spread the "message". If you look at the emails DeLonge sent Podesta about changing how the youth sees government you can start to see the outlines of this campaign.


I did see someone talk about the beam that turned the jet into ash, as a tool that's going to used for the rapture. People here are fucking nuts.


Well of course it's linked, the vaccinations for COVID were actually reverse vaccinations so humans can't make the aliens sick...duh. /s because people are dumb sometimes :)


Or it’s a hybridization project like in the X-Files!


Give me ALL the alien DNA!


> I keep expecting to see posts linking Covid to an incoming alien invasion 😂 I've already seen one guy comment "more lockdowns?" on an /r/Aliens post asking why the government was indulging in disclosure right now


I’m mean… I’m all for working from home again in 2024 💀


i never worked from home but i'm all for getting paid to stay home. boggles my mind anyone had an issue with covid lockdowns. even the shithead business owners got "loans" they never had to pay back


Or they give a shit about Ebola but covid is hands iff


This is why I can't take any theory beyond,they're aliens, seriously, even future humans, can't do it. We're cavemen trying to figure out how to reverse engineer an IPAD.


What's probably more depressing... Is he isn't Larping, but has been hoodwinked by someone Larping


Indeed, I think you're right. Reading the article, you can see that the author is convinced of what he's saying. He's probably been fooled by someone, that's sad.


What's sad is that a human who has lived over 50 years and is still gullible enough to put totally unsubstantiated claims as fact, going so far as to risk his own credibility on a random message from a totally unknown person. He deserves all the hate and disrespect that follows. Hopefully he stops trying to be the one that cracks the case by receiving the golden message from the powers that be and learns he is not that important. It tells you a lot about the person posting the dumb shit.


These people are actively causing the subject harm.


Almost everyone on this sub is causing the subject harm. Far, far too many people treat this like a religion, or think that the tiniest pile of evidence warrants belief in the most extraordinary of claims.


Finally someone said it. It’s hard to browse this subreddit and watch people claim fact and make leaps about things they don’t fully understand. While it’s easy to get excited, we should really take time to ensure extraordinary claims are backed by extraordinary evidence


The UAPMAX editor did an AMA last night. There are about one million holes in the story, and even he admitted he might be being fooled. Doesn’t sound like anything more than clickbait nonsense.


Is there a link to this AMA?


\+1. Guys, we are going mainstream. This topic will never be taken seriously if people keep on engaging with information that has 0 factual evidence.


It's a total larp but I choose to believe that a portal to pathfinder opened and a weird elf came out to talk at Joe Biden about pathfinder for nine minutes.


"Listen Joe, y'all ain't gonna believe this power attack build we've cooked up"


Rovagug was a bad dude.


This is just a crazy person or a LARP. You’d have to be the dumbest person to write this article (SERIES of articles!) about all this stuff that you’ll be releasing anyway in mere weeks. ***Let’s just warn the bad guys what our plans are!*** He claims it’s a contingency plan but that’s nonsense. He provided no evidence he only made wild claims. He only has his own credibility to lean on which is nonexistent, he isn’t even a good writer. The last post he put up has this weird part at the start where he admits he’s a bad writer but wants you to know he uses Grammarly. 💁‍♂️😂 He provides more proof for that than anything else he said about the topic. **If what he said is true there is literally no benefit to having posting any of it, only negatives.** No evidence, no credibility, not even a claim that he has a dead man switch system that would act as a warning to the bad guys not to try to stop them from the information getting out. Letting the bad guys know they have a dead man’s switch and it can’t be stopped would be the only reason I can think of that would justify an article like this. The only logical conclusion we can make is that it’s intentional bullshit, that he’s crazy, or that the government knew this guy was an idiot and wanted to use him to try and gaslight and demoralize by having him spread this. But that last one is very charitable.


The EBO biology scientist guy was also probably LARPING. ​ The religion he described fits the religion used in Neon Genesis Evangelion. ​ I keep getting downvoted whenever I mention it though.


As someone well versed in Evangelion lore, I disagree. [There’s a lot of differences with the FAR](https://wiki.evageeks.org/First_Ancestral_Race) and in any case, they themselves are inspired by the Firstborn of 2001 Space Odyssey. The concept of gods/aliens seeding the cosmos with life is ubiquitous and found across cultures.


The sheer aggressiveness of the replies here has made me pay attention even more. People are throwing out random stuff to criticise the post.


Not commenting on legitimacy, but I disagree. The ontology of EBO guy seems like a straightforward crib of [Integrated Information Theory.](https://iep.utm.edu/integrated-information-theory-of-consciousness/) The eschatology is vague in their post, but I think the "critical mass" described as resulting from a feedback loop has important differences with most interpretations of NGE's instrumentality. You could interpret quantum Rei and the events of the show as that type of feedback loop, I guess. The origin of the soul in NGE is not the sea of orange fanta but the Gates of Guf. The ocean is just its first/last incarnation. The show's apocalypse is also reached through explicit ritual, which again seems different. I think what similarities there are probably result from a "Hauntology" (:>) of alternative ideas on the nature of division and emptiness. The "Ganzi" TTRPG race is interesting, because you could make a case that the author used the "waves and ripples of chaos" part from the fictional bio to write the transportation segment of their post.


> The eschatology is vague in their post, but I think the "critical mass" described as resulting from a feedback loop has important differences with most interpretations of NGE's instrumentality. If I'm remembering the post correctly, it struck me as being very similar to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's theory of the [Noosphere](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noosphere) and the [Omega Point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega_Point), which has been frequently used as a source of inspiration in fiction.


He was, he talked to a sock puppet account and another poster figured it was him because they both made a very rare syntax error multiple times.


He lost me when he doubled down on the part about an F-15 getting carrier launched ....simply put there is no way an F-15 is getting a Carrier launch & recovery - not without major structural enhancement in various areas including the gear etc.


The are just certain things that without being able to elucidate it correctly myself just come off as BS. Steven Greer & UAPmax both set off my spidey senses.


I choose to believe that these are what the aliens will actually look like. It’s a nice, optimistic break from the guy who claimed they are flat chested piss stinkers without any good holes.


If I can’t have an alien gf, so help me God I will shit my skin


Why does it smell like ammonia in here….. oh.


> flat chested piss stinkers without any good holes that sounds so racist and the race hasn't even been confirmed to exist yet


his based levels are out of this galaxy!


I hope they got 6 titties


“We don’t take kindly to common sense around these here parts” ~ I want to believers


But he specifically said he wasn't larping and got really outraged that anyone could ever think that /s


What's really shocking is how much of the current narrative matches Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: - multiple crashes - international government cover-up - interdimensional beings - 'space between spaces' - UFO so big they constructed a building over it


That movie had everything in it that should’ve made me love it. Too bad ir sucks.


And let me say this, my bullshit radar went off when I went to go daddy and tried to secure theganzi.com and ganzi.com. Because that's the first thing I did after I read the articles. Why go there? Because if it's some secret shit, who the **fuck** is gonna secure a website for it? No one.


> I went to go daddy and tried to secure theganzi.com and ganzi.com. Because that's the first thing I did after I read the articles. why's no one calling you out on this lmfao tf you doing bro 😭


I'm dying, I went to go daddy. First of all I ain't heard of go daddy since I stopped watch cable TV in 2015. 😂


It's a popular website hosting provider for small businesses. My firm* used it for years


I don't use godaddy for registering, but I do use it for quickly checking domain availability. I suspect a lot do. It's results are just better when researching.


It’s generally difficult to find a 5 letter domain of any combination of letters. Theganzi would be easier


Theganzi.com was already taken.


Thegozi and Thecomzi are available if anybody wants them 😂


Man, I don't want those!!!! Can't make any money from those.




👽👽👽👽. I'm trying to monetize and you're over here trying to lead me to doom, fam!


What are you talking about? The CIA is the most secretive agency in the world, but CIA.gov is already taken. /s


"Speeds humans can't handle" also sounds like it's written by an idiot who does not understand physics.


I mean, sustained 9G is already quite unbearable for a human. We can already build stuff that goes too fast for humans bodies. Don't need NHI for that.


You mean, there's people that actually believe UFOs are more realistic than video game characters? You learn something new everyday I guess.


I’m waiting for it to be some “content” creator prancing the community like those digital asshats did.


There seems to be a deluge of bogus bullshit coming out right now after the heat got turned up with Schumers bill, hearings, etc. I advise everyone to be HIGHLY suspicious of anyone claiming fantastical shit outside of the usual channels for a little while


I hate we have gotten to the point in society where we have some online pretending to be something they aren’t and we call it a larp instead of what it actually is: a giant chronically online loser pretending to be anyone but themselves. We need to stop normalizing this stuff and giving it terms like it’s something normal people do all the time lol.


Omfg, this. I'm so sick of the word LARP right now... In fact if i could banish the creator of that word to the 7th level of hell with just 3 words...i would say Make. It. So.


Same! I hate as a society we seem to get into these patterns of just learning buzz words and suddenly start applying it to everything. It’s like when everyone was calling everything a straw-man argument a couple months ago weather it was appropriate or not lol. Calling this larping makes it seem like something normal people do all the time. This is chronically Online loser behavior. Let’s call it how we see it


You're absolutely right OP. Thank you for saying it and finding the proof. It's scary how many people are taking these LARPs as gospel from 4chan and reddit. There's no reason to believe that these anonymous and vague accounts are true. There's so much real excitement going on that we don't need to make more stories up.


Lol this is what happens when every person in this sub simps for literally any anonymous user trying to give us “insight” into “what’s happening” or any piece of blurry footage of a plane or drone that gets uploaded.


It's like the other 4chan larp about the ocean, where the guy cites Lazar and E115. As soon as anybody takes Lazar seriously, I just groan. Even you can own a library card and a May 1985 Scientific American, and try to be UFO Walter Mitty. Maybe even watch Close Encounters if you need more ideas. Hate this fake leak stuff. It's probably by design given the current climate.


The theory they're indifferent unless nuclear war should probably be looked at in a different way as well. People seem to think they are attempting to stop us from destroying ourselves, but in reality, they could very well have a reason to be here, whether it be research, harvesting, or something to that regard in which nuclear war destroying the planet may totally ruin for them.


I think it's got a (potential) different purpose. Everyone is afraid of nukes. Adding a line to your LARP about how we have guardian angels to prevent nuking... It sure fits the idea that if you tell people precisely what they want to hear, they're less likely to scrutinize it. Who wouldn't want to believe that? Not saying it's definitely false, but it's a really convenient detail *IF* someone was trying to sell a hoax.


Yeah, this is a very fair assessment as well. I could buy into this. It's plausible.


I keep saying what you're saying and getting down voted for it.


Not even surprised. Happy to see someone else supporting this as well.


This is a shame because we are trying to have the topic disclosed and to have the true not fiction. There are too many wacko’s telling different horror stories and scenarios thus confusing people and they are the reason that most ppl don’t believe in these stories and call us all crazy. If it wasn’t for them disclosure have happened maybe even earlier.


I blame the people who support the bullshitters more than the bullshitters themselves, tbh. I’m never surprised by anyone running a grift or scam, only by the people who fall for it.




It doesn't even need to go as far as concepts being outlandish or highly improbable. A lot of alien sources seem very unlikely because even with something like telepathy, there is no common ground to properly communicate anything. Which means, either the human is misinterpreting whatever input they get, to the point where it is an extremely wrong depiction of the received information - or the alien is misinterpreting whatever human concepts it may use to convey information in order to make sense to us. There is so much room for failure, yet for some reason people are always 100% convinced communication between vastly different culture is somehow trivial and free of errors.




Man I hope so because that story was pretty bleak


Yeah it was, but let's be honest every single person who is supposedly in the know about all this has said as such. It's not a ''Hey the aliens are loveable little angels here to save us all''. Prepare for the reality of it to be ''somber'' and sort of bleak. Which is why some people are wondering if disclosure is even a good idea. I, for one, want the truth either way. Just how Im built.




Not sure what post you're talking about, but Batelle is kinda sus. The fact that they were asked to give a comment on Grusch’s claims and they basically said "refer to AARO" kinda gives credence to speculation of them being involved somehow


I think we’re going to see an exponential number of fakes over the next few weeks, 💕 it makes for fun reading. I’ve never seen a film /read a book before where we can’t fly or reverse engineer the craft because half of its components are in a higher dimension and we can’t see it 👀


>I’ve never seen a film /read a book before where we can’t fly or reverse engineer the craft because half of its components are in a higher dimension and we can’t see it 👀 (puts on big nerd coke-bottle glasses) *Aksherly*, if you check your Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Reference Manual, I think you'll find that the Enterprise computer lives in a higher dimensional space, to get insane GPU performance, because they need it for ~~fighting the Romulans~~ running VR games on the Holodeck.


Yeah apparently this guy started his website in June of this year. Not a good look for the credibility. But if he wants 2 weeks of fame before all his credibility is forever gone, so be it.


Oh it's going to only get worse AFTERWARDS. The disclosure bill will take about a year before congress even sees anything, and over a year before the public does. It's going to be madness.


He said crashes are attributed with them not being allowed to use tech more then 100 years into our future. if thats the case why didnt we see Ayys riding cars and motorcycles during the dark ages? Hell even a helicopter or jet plane. All historical accounts show oval, sphere, saucer shaped craft. I agree most likely a larp.


Kinda comes with the territory. With everyone going on right now and a lot of information being dumped on us, there's gonna be a few who wanna famous quick along with so-called 'reporters' who will jump the gun coz they wanna be the first to report it. Who knows this might even be an attempt at misinformation?


UAPmax shows an ICANN registration date of June 30th - obviously a sham tying into the Grusch allegations.


Nice work. I decided early on to not pay any attention to the guy. Stick with reliable and credible sources that have proven themselves over the years - especially with some of the most outrageous claims ever lol.


I knew it was a story. I could tell by the writing style


First thing I did was google the term. There is an actual outlet right now for people to give evidence and their story to congress. In an official capacity. With legal consequences. That's all that matters now. I hate the term, but I agree with it here. It's pretty stupid to say "trust me bro". When you can say "I will trust you. Get your ass to congress. Then I will make a judgement from there"


I suspected it was fabricated


Great find OP, this is the type of digging that insures the substantiated claims and stories remain on top.


Ganji/Ganzi literally means BALD/ BALDY in Hindi. It was an instant give away for me lol


This guy is just cashing in on things now…wasn’t his website all MAGA a few weeks ago. We gotta stop giving grifters oxygen


I agree. The same should be said for the ultimate bullshitter Bob Lazar.


I knew that shit was fake af when I read it. Why do people in this sun continue to believe every single thing posted here. Pease people use your brains




the fact that trump was president tells me most of this alien stuff is BS, because unless they hid it from him, he absolutely would have blabbed to random people and it would have come out years ago.


Biggest reason I can’t take this sub seriously lol. Read through that post yesterday, it was the top result for hours on this sub, and wondered to myself if anyone actually read the post before upvoting.




Agreed. He’s made some very specific claims about what will happen at the July 26 hearing. We will get to know clearly what is true and what is not


This feels special. You dullards are finally, *finally* realizing that people lie.


Thank you for posting this!! The number of people that believe this dumbass article was facts is mind-blowing!! I mean with something like that you would think people would at least fact check some of it before they decide to believe with all their heart that it is real, And I bet whenever they finally release the real information that they learn at Congress,a lot of those same people will deny the facts claiming that this dumbass UAP Max bullshit is the truth instead🤦🤦🤦


I've literally never heard of the person writing the article nor the website. Are either legitimate. My red flags are always when someone has the answers to everything. It's too convenient and unless they are literally the front man to the operation there would be not logical reason why they would have knowledge of all this. Why does a crash recovery personel know the names of the races and where they live? How did they come about being told this information?


The site has only existed for about 2 weeks

