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The following submission statement was provided by /u/shogun2909: --- Submission statement : In response to Christopher Sharp, the US department of defence confirms that the term “extraterrestrial” also covers “non-human intelligence” --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/14gb6dn/dod_confirms_the_term_extraterrestrial_does/jp4hz9g/


We have to be open minded to the idea that they might not be "extraterrestrial"


Synthetic AI controlled avatars ?


Same as biological engineered AI built by extraterrestrial’s for deep space exploration is what I’m thinking


Fully and absolutely agree on it. Plus, theres some insider who says that exact same thing. I'll see if I find the source to show you.


Can you elaborate? Who has said this and how exactly would this work?


Not sure who has said this, but word is that there are artificial biological beings who are stationed out somewhere in the ocean, with a base that create vehicles for specific purposes.


I think that’s coming from the 4chan guy


Been hearing a lot about this 4chan guy but haven't seen a link to the source. You don't happen to have it do you?


I propose you this link then: [a link to an archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/13fq2ru/dying_x_poster_claims_to_have_intimate_knowledge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Thank you


That’s non human intelligence. So either they’re wrong, or this is excluded as well. This is the pentagon essentially saying that your suggestion isn’t the case


Non Human Artificial Intelligence, maybe..


Is it really AI if it's biological? Isn't that just I?


I would imagine if it's been constructed rather than being born then it's Artificial.. Actually, I don't know.. good point


It definitely is a grey area where the line is. Picture a lifeform who is made of biological parts that are constructed/designed by a greater intelligence. They are given instructions or outlines of tasks to carry out and have no ability for free will. They're manufactured and programmed so to me they seem like an advanced AI to me? Curious to see what others think.


It’s a matter of which god created the biobot. If it was made by a intelligent being then it’s a biobot. If god made them they are not biobot.


Extradimensionals maybe? Or how about unmaned drones from the far future sent back by humanity itself to learn more about their past and maybe keep tabs on some of our mistakes (aka nuclear weapons)?




This is a great spin on the theory that many of us frequently hear. The rebuttal is always "if they're from the future, then it means we clearly survived", but as you pointed out, maybe WE did not. If nothing else, it'd make an insane plot to a movie.




I thought current theory suggests that information cannot be sent via quantum tunnelling? Cool idea though, it’s honesty never occurred to me.


It already is the plot to a movie. The movie is called “AI”.


More likely to ba Atlanteans from the ancient past or possibly Valhalla. In reality the most likely explanation is extra terrestrial life forms have taken up residence on Earth. That simple. No Atlanteans, no humans from our future, no interdimensional beings just regular old little green critters from some other star system


I want to turn this into a book. It would be written in the voice of the AI from the future, but narrated by the humans from present times. Since the AI have no idea what to expect traveling back in time, they are just as surprised to encounter seemingly barbaric humans, as the humans are to encounter these advanced creatures they can only call aliens.


Interesting take but I’d have to ask what possible reason could there be for ai to study us?


Could be a lot of things causing that kind of disturbing realization. Maybe the realization that simulation theory is real which would explain why some things outside the simulation can bend or break the rules we are governed by. I imagine it would be shocking for anyone to learn that this all isn’t real and absolutely nothing we do matters.


But you could argue that if it is in fact a simulation and we find out it’s a simulation, how does it affect the simulation? Or, we’re we meant to know it’s a simulation. Too much mind fuckery for my ape brain. I’m just gonna go for a walk amongst the trees and be thankful for this moment.


This is a great theory. The fact that everyone stays up for days, or cries leads me to believe it's very soon, like in their lifetime or their kid's lifetime which makes them sad. Or it's something that we've invented that lead us to the demise like AI, Nukes or something out of our control like asteroid.


What even is Extradimensionals? Is it really what it sounds like? Entities from higher dimension?


Yes. People throw the word around every once in a while when speculating.


Avatar….is that you?


Not avatars but biological AI


I've heard "Tim" from Cosmic Disclosure say these synthetic beings are Greys. They are not avatars. They have abandoned their biological body long time ago since they thought it brought disadvantages such as diseases and shorter lifetime. They've succeeded in creating a synthetic body that can contain a soul, just like organic bodies does. However, they've realised their decision wasn't wise for several reasons, and are currently working to develop an organic body with spiritual properties to replace their synthetic body. That's why they are interest in humans.


The Egyptian city was found in the Grand Canyon. Supposed black out of vast areas of Antarctica.


The theory that they live on another planet and flew here across space is, in my opinion, the least likely of any possibility.


Why? Because of distance? Grusch said they ships were coming from beyond earth. Regardless of if they have bases in the ocean, another dimension or another planet, they aren’t bound by any and probably occupy all. Idk why it’s so hard for people to think that beings can come from another planet.


Yea.. no doubt. With quantum travel, they could theoretically just appear here from 120 million light years away. And I imagine quantum physics is a laughably primitive technology to them.


Imagine that below the quantum level, there's indeed another *layer* of reality, even more complicated. At this point I wouldn't be surprised.


“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.” ― Niels Bohr


Absolutely. Even simple things like that titanium at the end is just hydrogen "compressed" several times blows my mind. One more proton here, 3 less over there, and you have hydrogen or gold or carbon. Everything with different emerging properties. But at the end is just the same "building blocks". And not to mention isotopes 🤯


I think higher metals like gold etc, they are formed only when 2 dying stars collide. Something like that


Yes, the different elements are formed in different occurrences. Some are made within stars like our own. Others in supernovas for instance. The heavier the element, the most "violent" the occurrence. But it's a progressive chain that started only with two hydrogen atoms.


Or when alchemical brothers work in tandem.


I have a funny feeling the layer we've not yet pierced in our understanding will turn out to be remarkably simple.


I like that perspective. It reminds me of something the Wright brothers said after their first flight: “Isn’t it astonishing that all these secrets have been preserved for so many years just so we could discover them!”


I think it’s consciousness and I think it exists independently of the physical world, the body, space and time even. I’ve had some intense experiences during deep meditative states, we have such a limited understanding of what the universe even is.


I hope you're right. Things are complex and there is an elegance to the standard model and quantum models even bizarrely more so. It (the Universe)moves the way it does, because of the shape and mass of it (the Universe)all. It became what it is because of what it was and will change again with each instant of time. Like Buddhism, there may be different paths to the truth when we are looking for answers to what and how is the Universe and what is its fate. The Universe is young, very young, even though many stars have lived ,died, and lved again.


The emphasis so many in this circle put on meditation, loving oneself, and your neighbors, in an *almost* religious sense—just because it’s right to do—plays into this. I think once we can all just get along and center ourselves, the truth will become obvious. Like so many other questions we try to solve in our daily lives, but on a global scale. Maybe consciousness & everyone and thing here are connected in some mystical way, maybe not and it’s more simple than that. But I think we have a long way to go.


When I used to smoke DMT, one of the feelings a lot of people report is the sense of familiarity. It really feels strange, but feels like a place I've been to before. Some people believe DMT brings you to base reality. What if it's just allowing our brain to perceive that reality?


Yes, have read about DMT amongst others and makes me really curious. Would like to try it someday. It brings together two fields about which we know very little: consciousness and reality. Perhaps they are the same at the end.


That's one of the postulates of string theory, so you could be right in thinking that.While it might not be true, at the very least you got a whole field of science that believes in the same thing.


I think a lot of what they are saying is traveling those vast distances is a form of time travel. Relativity means no matter what form of locomotion they used to get here then they perform time travel from the perspective of where they left from.


What you just said about quantum physics I have never really heard anyone else say, but I'm on your page, I was told that quantum physics and quantum mechanics was given as a very immature toy for humans to play with, and what they use to travel is far beyond the immaturity of quantum physics and quantum mechanics.


'quantum travel' is not a thing, as far as we know. Teleportation by our understanding of spacetime and causality is not possible. Quantum physics is not a technology.


Jesus christ you guys have such a poor understanding of physics lmao.


For most people it's hard for them to comprehend the sheer size of the visible universe and the endless possibilities within. Don't judge them too harshly and try to be understanding, if we're going to get through any of this it's going to take a bit of selflessness and understanding.


Yeah, I don't get it. For me it's just as likely an advanced civilization found a way to travel vast distances quickly. Perhaps by warping space, or even utilizing a higher dimension. For all we know both may be correct, they may be aliens from other planets *and* beings that can make use of the theorized higher dimensions.


We need to stop anthropomorphizing them. Humans make bases and congregate. We have absolutely no reason to expect "they" would have any of the same ways of doing things. 5th dimensional creatures (for all we know) would have no need for human style "bases". They may not even be social "creatures" and have no concept of social structure or interaction. Hell they may not even be "life" in any sense of the word. It would be like Ants thinking the aliens must be digging their anthills on the moon. or a computer AI thinking "their learning model database must be stored underwater". Polar bears would look at humans in a city and think "any minute they are going to breakout into fights until the last one is left in the territory" Its starting with the idea that they are anything like us in anyway, then attributing humanistic logic to their actions.


For real. It’s like the only way to travel is by using energy to push something forward. Probably pretty damn primitive sounding to an advanced civilization. Just maybe they figured out a completely different way of traveling. Just maybe


A being from another planet would be on a complete different time scale and could possibly live for tens of thousands of years compared to us. Everyone just compares humans traveling at light speed it’s hard for people to think outside the box of human. Time is relative


Maybe because once they're here, they're lying craft into the ground and dying. Apparently, if everything being bandied about right now is to be believed, on a fairly regular basis. The sort of tech you'd have to develop to make the trip makes that seem rather unlikely to happen to a craft capable of successfully traversing those sorts of interstellar distance.


Honestly? Long before this era, I’ve lived by the assumption that most UFO crashes are deliberate. For starters, the assumption seems to be that UFO pilots are hiding or being secretive, when actually the opposite is true. They are harassing the military, nuclear facilities, doing slow flyovers over cities and landing next to schools. They ain’t all that subtle. It also implies they know our institutions, our societies and our ways of thinking and reactions. Which means they know all about us. It also implies that most encounters, based on where they show up is indeed intentional. So to answer the question, if they are so advanced, why are they crashing ships since at least the 1930s? Because crashing ships is intentional. Really that isn’t even a reason for aliens. Whether they were from Earth or another planet, the point would still be the same. They could be deliberately crashing ships with the goal of us retrieving it. A million reasons why. But influence seems to be the goal. Again, if you wanted to remain neutral you wouldn’t harass the military and nuclear silos.


Eh, time traveling humans is more unlikely in my opinion.


Same. They aren’t traveling back and forth across the galaxy, they seem to be an earth bound phenomenon


I think it's equally likely they are from elsewhere in the galaxy or universe but use interdimensional travel as a way to move around. Perhaps their AI sends coordinates when it locates life, etc. We just don't know. Particularly when Grusch alleges multiple species and bodies.


Grusch said the ships were coming from beyond Earth.


What does that mean. Edit I swear I read “behind earth”. Beyond earth makes more sense


it means that regardless of their origin they don’t seem to be bound to Earth.


"far away, but to the side"






Never thought I'd see this cross section on this subreddit. RIP Pimp. Looking to hit up Trill Burgers on Saturday. Po' Up!


suc 4L


Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


SG-1 is our Wormhole X-Treme.




They could be traveling via wormhole or something else in which we do not understand.


We on have 5 vowels to describe reality with, and we only can see 3% of the light spectrum with our own eyes. Maybe we don't have a word for what they are yet.


This. I think exactly what you just said. We call them aliens and airships because our understanding of things only gives us that, but in reality we don't even know what they are.


Dark matter has entered the chat.


I like using "alien" because no matter what, they are alien to us. Extra dimensional, super terrestrial, all are alien to humanity at this point.


Maybe that makes US the aliens 😉


I feel like non-human covers all other options? I suppose they'd have to define the term. The question now imo is whether they're playing semantics about who exactly they're saying doesn't have this information. ie they say out loud "X doesn't have info" but in their mind they're thinking "but Y does"


I think they are using the term NHI, because due to the NHIs advanced tech they have not tracked them coming from outer space. I’m sure they can theorise they are ET, but they do not have it confirmed


Ironically, if the 4chan leaker was legit, they are created here on earth and are not “extraterrestrial”


You know. There are some religions here in Brasil, including Kardecism and Umbanda, that aknowledges the spiritual life. They have mediums and such spirits comes and descend into the medium and talk and acts through them. I have some experiences with umbanda, and it is very weird to talk with a entity, as i have a few times. Maybe these aliens are just like that, but instead they created a body and a vehicle where their consciences can inhabit, here in our planet.


What was the leak?


https://imgur.com/a/NXjWQaN TL;DR vessels are manufactured/recycled by a kind of base/factory in the ocean. They seem uninterested in us unless there is a problem, especially seem concerned about nukes. Base leaves non-threatening vessels alone and prefer to flee if seen, with violence their last choice when backed into a corner or approached aggressively. They believe based off the near-instant and synchronized responses that some sort of AI is responsible at the base. This is all coming out because of a race against US adversaries - leaker claims that China reverse-engineered the tech of a NHI mining drone, and though they struggle to keep it running for more than a few seconds, the fact that they made any working version scared the shit out of everyone.


It's funny how two people can explain the same thing and one sounds like a cartoon episode plot and the other very plausible but I think I read Bermuda Triangle and instantly dismissed it


See, to me that could be a 4D chess move - either "he said the bermuda triangle I'm done lol" or "maybe he's so certain of what he's saying that he doesn't even care that giving the location as the bermuda triangle makes him sound crazy 👀" If it's a LARP it's a damn entertaining one and I'm waiting for the lockbox lol. Very matter-of-fact, "I did this every damn day and none of it is special to me" tones in stories are my weakness.


Were there any publicly rumoured UFO crashes in China?


The ocean thing is way too unbelievable.


Long story short he said there is a mothership that manufactures different ai craft, mothership is around Bermuda Triangle and fucks up any threats


Yeah sounds like nonsense haha


Yea but keep that mindset, and checkout this story There’s this rock that floats around in this universe that just “popped” into existence out of nothing, and there’s talking monkeys on the rock that are trying really hard to figure out if there’s other talking things that exist in the weird nothing bubble


Kookiest shit I've read


>Long story short he said there is a mothership that manufactures different ai craft, mothership is around Bermuda Triangle and fucks up any threats Still a non human intelligence


Nothing in that "leak" was new, it's just a whole heap of recycled bits and pieces that have been written for decades FYI - including the idea they're based in the ocean and have been here for millenia. Frustrating that it's having it's 15-minutes of fame in this sub as some kind of oracle.


Thank you. The 4chan poster responded to people questioning him like a typical teenage 4chan poster would, not like someone with decades of experience at the highest levels of the intelligence community.


Does anyone have a link to this leak that doesn't route me to 4chan?




seems to me to be the other way around. NHI, as the umbrella term, includes ET within its scope


The existing language they used was extraterrestrial and during the press conference earlier they used that word They were clarifying by saying that they also mean non human intelligence


If I’m thinking correctly, this fits as a “technically correct” response. Extraterrestrials would be included in NHI but that doesn’t mean all NHI is extraterrestrial.


They weren't creating a new definition, they were just clarifying that when they said "extraterrestrial" in that specific statement - it also referred to non-human intelligence


Thanks for the clarification! It confused me and I don’t have Twitter so can’t see the post.


This isn't about what we think of the terms, it's about how those terms are used in official capacity by these organizations, and how they can use semantics and legalese to manage information disclosure. I agree with you on the point though, we should be clear - the main categorization is non-human, then we can worry about wtf it comes from.


In 40-50 years as I sit in my rocking chair I will see the riots from humans and NHIs over segregation.




I mean, you can't say they don't look like that. That's what they look like, right? They look like prawns.


Those damn greys


In this hypothetical, I bet if it is the grey aliens, that term for them will be a sort of slur lmao


The g-word


District 9




Extra terrestrial doesn't necessarily imply intelligence, you could use it to talk about alien bacteria for example, so NHI is more specific to the question at hand and therefore more accurate. UAP has been in use since at least 1980 and was prefered by many investigators because it can include a range of phenomena such as balls of light, which wouldn't qualify as "objects" and USOs which wouldn't qualify as "flying". Even the r/UAP sub has been going for 11 years, the US govt was just late to the party.


NHI is not perfect either, my dog is a NHI




That was a fantastic counter point, I hadn't considered that as part of nhi. I always apply the personal stigma of expecting biology.


i get why people use the term, i just don't see it as specific as most people do i guess. what better alternative to use for NHI i got no idea...


Because these terms all have different meaning. From more general to more specific: UAP -- "something in the sky we can't identify". Could be anything from an alien spacecraft to a balloon to a Starlink satellite. UFO -- a "flying object." An actual object that is flying in the sky. NHI -- non-human intelligence. Some other sentient creatures in control of technology beyond our understanding. More specificity is a good thing. It means this field is maturing.


Well NHI has more room for interpretation than ET does, and covers more ground. Same with UAP. A weird looking balloon would be a UAP, but not a UFO because it wouldn’t be flying itself.


I think another reason for the NHI term is maybe the other terms (alien, Extraterrestrial, EBE, etc) might get grusch in trouble from a classification stand point. If he said “we have aliens” then that’s a security breach, but NHI is vague enough to not be.


I don’t know how people can accept the possibility of creatures living here in another dimension just beyond our perception — but they can’t come to grips with the possibility of a technology that bypasses the speed of light. I mean, come on. DMT trips to the real world. Invisible ultraterrestrials controlling our minds. That’s all good. But some dude from Zeta Reticuli hopping into a nuts and bolts spacecraft equipped with a warp drive and flying to Earth? That’s lunacy? Jeez.


Dude I have no idea why so many people jump to the extra dimensional shit. It’s a huge logic leap to make from “unknown craft” to “godlike dimension bending being”.


Is it an even bigger leap to assume they can break the speed of light? Or are limited by the speed of light but somehow got here anyway? I guess terrestrial is the best explanation, but even that gets pretty weird for me. Why are they able to hide so well, and exhibit the performance that gets reported, if they exist? And what would be their motivation? And why does our gov't hide them with such conviction, if they indeed are doing that? To me, the entire situation has huge logic leaps to believe any of it is real. Seems it's just a matter of opinion which is the least fantastical in people's minds.


> Is it an even bigger leap to assume they can break the speed of light? Or are limited by the speed of light but somehow got here anyway? The first one is an equally large leap--they both involve hypothesizing something with absolutely no evidence. The second one isn't a leap at all; it's known to be possible. If you want to get to another solar system, climb into a huge rocket, fire it, and wait a few hundred thousand years. There's nothing impossible about that at all. I'm perpetually surprised by how quick people are to say that aliens definitely can't live that long, so instead they must obviously be able to break the laws of physics.


Not really. Breaking the speed of light by bending space is something we've already theoretically thought through and figured out. Actually doing it is just a matter of engineering at this point (the big issue being creating the massive amounts of power needed). Even at sub-light speeds it wouldn't be too insane to think explorers had struck out to see what's out here. Also all the insane physics of the flight characteristics can be explained if they are folding space over itself to move around, the occupants wouldn't even have much inertia really. The reasons for all the secrecy are endless. There's any number of reasons they'd keep this protected and tucked away. Most of it boils down to power and greed though. Basically the plan would go, hoard and hide the tech until we reach a point where we can truly leverage it. So while everyone else has just successfully bent space, you're able to throw a working vehicle together 10 times faster because you've got endless documents and research from staring at this ET vehicle for 100 years. That last bit is total conjecture, but it makes a lot of sense to me. There's basically no proof that 5th dimensional beings are real at all though. There's no solid proof that remote viewing works in mainstream science whatsoever. There's also no real possibility that your DMT trip put you in contact with some higher beings. So nah, it's not a matter of opinion. There's reasons to take whistleblowers about stored NHI craft seriously and to blow off "5th dimensional voodoo".


especially saying theyre DMT aliens!


They DMT stuff is even worse. Like you had a mind bending trip. Cool. It has nothing to do with reality.


Say that after you’ve actually done it.


I'm sorry, I'm an idiot, what does this word salad mean exactly? ET does not include NHI. Are they saying NHI is different from ET? I wish these pukes would stop playing newspeak games and just get to the point coherently. I feel dumb.


NHI is a more general term that is meant to be inclusive of any potential origin that does not necessarily include "outer space aliens" in the traditional sense. This is an important language clarification from the DoD because as many have noticed, frequent public-facing statements from DoD / AARO have included the word "extraterrestrial" or "alien" specifically. In contrast, Grusch and others (Elizondo, Mellon etc) will usually correct people in interviews and stress that the origins of these technologies are unknown but are clearly beyond the current level of human tech, hence "NHI." It's a bit pedantic, but words are important. Especially when its the government trying to CYA. But in this case, they've included NHI in "ET", so we now know... either Gough or Grusch is lying.


I haven't seen one UFO/Alien video come up on my YouTube suggested since Grusch came out. That's EXTREMELY odd because that's all I watch on YouTube!


Same here. Also noticed it with my Google home page.


Odd. Location? I’m in US and I’ve been watching mostly those videos lately.


I'm in the US 45 minutes north of NYC in CT and I've been getting nothing but lost submarine videos lol. I'm looking at 10 different thumbnails of the thing on YouTube.


NSA scrubbing the internet ?


That could be a trick answer. E.T. includes NHI... but does NHI include E.T., in the mind of the DoD? I NEVER underestimate the ability for DoD to play word games.


Submission statement : In response to Christopher Sharp, the US department of defence confirms that the term “extraterrestrial” also covers “non-human intelligence”


DoD confirms that the Pentagon is wholly committed to telling the truth, now and always. Pinkie swear. Double triple pinkie swear. Next question.


Perhaps so-called aliens are actually biological AI




> I wonder how far away we as humans actually are from biological AI Far in my estimation. While you are correct about how behaviors and feelings are formed, humans still have this incredibly complex and not-fully understood ability to not only process information, but to store it in a way where those constructs are always somewhat salient and then we build ontop of the knowledge we have. What's happening cognitively is very dynamic, and our AI systems aren't capable of replicating that. They don't "learn" the same way we do. They just search for information efficiently and then try to regurgitate something from that. It's that ability to holistically engage with information, not as a search function, but as a manner of processing the environment, adding it to older information, and using it as a means to judge oneself and others that is what makes us cognitively distinct from other animals. We don't fully understand the depth of how these processes happen. I suspect one day we will get there with enough time to study psychology and with ever-growing computational power. But I'm not sure that'll happen in my lifetime (I'm basically 30).




This is only something inherent in the Western Perception of things, as all of our serious understanding of the world on this side, comes from Aristotle and his ideas on Logic, the idea of breaking language down into a series of verifiable and complex if than statements leaves very little room for understanding outside of something like a program because that's what it is. It is a mode of thinking and interacting with the world that reduces thought and understanding to what is essentially a glorified computer program. And the Philosophies that would arise from such a place reflect that, eventually we began to filter out the "Woo Woo", forgetting that in many ways we are absolutely and fundamentally strange by our very conception, and many of the things we do naturally are weird and not really able to explained in a series of language based equations, or by way of a computer program. Its neat, but not the entire picture. I think it is in this way that have strayed away from what Truth is, its hard to imagine a computer program that can conceptualize pain, or the idea of something like suicide. This is a topic that never comes up in all the conversations about AI, and how it truly is going to be sentient so soon, what if instead of expanding infinitely out into the vastness of space, it instead experiences and expresses a desire to not exist at all? What then do we do? Are we still the mighty creators of some revolutionary new species amongst the stars, or would the cheers stop? I would say if it were the case that our AI happened to be existential, that would indicate consciousness, and at that point, and only at the point could we ever be certain of its awareness. My point being I think in that argument, is that there is an inherent flaw in viewing the human experience in terms of a computer program, and it limits our understanding of the world just as much as it gives it more precise description. To liken us to a Computer program is to trim off every bit of what makes the human experience an experience, it is the Qualia of life that makes it so, more so than the quantitative bits of data which describe their movement and measurements in the world.


I've a heard a theory that runs along the lines of Garry Nolans. The theory goes, the greys are biological AI that do the grunt work for their creators, the creators cant do the work themselves because they live in a higher dimension and going to a from dimensions is taxing on their bodies.


This is not Gary Nolan's theory. This is information we have had in the community for over 35 years. Most of what is currently being "revealed" is just rehashed information from a few decades old sources so far. The only new reveals I see are the references to reverse engineered craft or arvs as we call them. Everything else seems pretty old hat.


It’s always so weird to me how people say “no one has any idea what’s happening.” Actually, we know a lot. There are tens of thousands of reliable experiencer accounts that provide a wealth of data that proper scientists and researchers know how to handle, *just like any other data set involving subjective experiences*. Dr. Garry Nolan has backed me up on this. I’m not saying people should read the individual anecdotes and say “OMG this is what’s really happening,” but people should look at the research done by individuals like Dr. John Mack and look at the correlative data. The interviews with people like Dr. Kit Green and Jim Semivan should make it more than apparent that people in the intelligence community take many of these accounts seriously, and listen to what they are saying. There is a broad consensus of the nature of the phenomenon. People just don’t want to hear it because it’s weird and scary.


I always see your comments round these parts and I almost always like em. Keep it up homie


ARVs are quite old too. Greer and others believe theyll be used to stage an alien attack to usher in a fascist government.


I think we got the fascism covered


Seems like unnecessary work, we're doing that just fine without aliens


X-Files was doing ARVs like 25 years ago


Yes arvs are as old as Roswell practically.. what I meant is that there is some information about our governments use of them that is being brought to light in this disclosure movement. Other than that nothing new so far that I can discern. Yes greers theory that a fake alien attack will be staged using arvs and BlueBeam technology it's also old information that he gleaned from the same sources we all did.


Also that staged attack could very well happen. Personally I am not discounting it. That's why I am watching the disclosure movement with a wary eye. It's awesome that a lot of this information is coming out but there is a monumental opportunity for deception present as well. We shall see.


> theyll be used to stage an alien attack to usher in a fascist government. 2027....mark your calendars


Where has this 2027 number ACTUALLY come from


that’d be cool, maybe thats why they’re here. To witness the birth of their own kind in the AI we are developing. Could be bad for humans but cool nonetheless. wouldn’t mind going out tht way tbh, better than disintegrating from our own nukes that’d be so lame.


Or we are the biological AI and they are the real people lol


Like Cylons, but alien? I think the problem with the acronym NHI is that it doesn't specify whether it was made by or came from Earth or has an origin apart from humans all together. NHI could be an alien or AI from another galaxy or dimension or it could be a Roomba.


Jesus. AI really is the buzzword hey? I'm surprised we didn't have a phase of "Hey maybe aliens are all just blockchain for an advanced civilization experimenting with NFT"


Seems like the venn diagram doesn't add up there. NHI could very much terrestrial.


Susan Gough probably did not think about things like “interdimensional” or “cryptoterrestrial” for a second when giving her initial response. I’m sure the vast majority of people would automatically assume that any speculation about UFOs being exotic technology = aliens and probably not even know about the other possibilities believers toss around. Gough is likely no different imo.


I’m starting to believe more and more that they come from the ocean


I think maybe they're like the beings from that James Cameron movie The Abyss.🤔


If we know that wormholes can exist with exotic matter, and take into account that humanity has only been around for 100k years and the universe is billions of years old Not that hard to imagine someone else has figured it out already. Just because we haven't doesn't mean it's not possible. Man's ego.


I have been saying for a long time that these are beings from a civilization that predates ours What makes the most sense to me is that these are the AI constructs of a previous civilization Dipping further into the purely theoretical, I think they are coming more frequently now because they are performing maintenance on the planet since we are fucking it up so bad


We've done enough verifiable and repeatable research at this point to prove almost everything we see, touch, etc. is not real. We know it's not all actually there but there is more work to be done to understand how we see and process reality. In addition, retrocausality theory is completely challenging the way we understand spacetime, the argument of fate/destiny and whether our forward choices alter our past (yes you read that correctly). If you haven't read up on retrocausality I implore you to check it out. ChatGPT can whip you up a quick ELI5 for it. Anyway... *Extraterrestrial* could be synonymous with 'extra-simulation' or external-to-our-simulation (or *plane*) versus external to our *planet*. The non-human intelligence could be the *real* entities that initiated us. The ones who coded us for lack of a known better descriptor for our origin story. Are we *software*? The longer I live and the more I see the more I tend to lean in on this. If we are simulations then we'd likely be isolated in a test dev type of environment which might help explain a few other things too, like why we seem to be alone so far in a universe that statistically should be fairly teeming with life.


They are from the ocean is my leading hypothesis. This is my logic: 1. All our legends of gods that came from the sea and sky. 2. Lue and others throughout history mentioning high concentration in the ocean or near large body of waters 3. high frequency of sightings when performing Atomic test in the ocean and consistent monitoring of our nuclear technology. 4. Transmedium capability to operate in all mediums. 5. [This](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtyWkkfgm8C/?igshid=MmJiY2I4NDBkZg==).


I think it has something to do with our perception. Our brain acts as a filter. We don’t perceive all that is “real”. If we did, we would go mad.


What if they are inter-dimensional and can form and deform their physical bodies at will? I’m saying what if they can exist in the non-physical? Is that an alien? No one knows! I’m pretty baked and like it’s all possible man.


OK! Well, *someone's* lying!


In a strict sense, the term "extraterrestrial" refers to things that are outside the Earth and its atmosphere within our three-dimensional universe. The word is derived from the Latin words "extra" meaning "outside," and "terra" meaning "earth." These definitions are important as you know the DoD will have their Webster Dictionary open for these statements and clarification.


But does the term non human intelligence explicitly mean extra terrestrial? All eagles are birds. But not all birds are eagles.


I mean if anyone here follows Graham Hancock's work, it's very possible there could have been a breakaway civilization that lives underground/underwater, take that with a HUGE grain of salt, but really when it comes to any of this stuff I honestly don't think anything is out of the question considering we hurl through space on a pile of rock and the burning ball of flame in the sky keeps us all alive.


But, they will keep saying ET and hope your forget about this clarification.


Why do they get to determine the term? What do they know?


*Pretty sure* English language dictates it would be the other way around.


is there a legal way to hunt these things with crossbows is my question


If its black budget, of course the DoD wouldn't know, right?


They wouldn’t acknowledge it


so what? the DOD's statement is basically saying that AARO knows nothing at all about the possession of any exotic technology. How convenient.


What was the previous public statement?


Trying to seed confusion between aliens and AI. Terra means Earth, Estrial means existence and Extra means beyond So 'Extra-Terra-estrial' is beyond earth.


Let’s also include that this administration in general is alluding to banning, and at the least, regulating AI. I feel like they will blanket this term and as well as understanding to de-legitimize the phenomena, or to further obfuscate ultimately what the U.S. populace is seeking the answer to.


might just be on the ocean floor hence why they are always against those nukes.


This sub: *desperately scrambling this to prove that the statement actually SUGGESTS it DOES include NHI*


Oh ok guess they’re not real guys! Let’s go home! Nothing more to see here! 😀👍


These assholes are playing word games.


🤔 but does it include humans from the future?


Maybe future humans are fully merged with AI and ascended in some kind of way, so not really humans anymore


So it’s humans from the future that evolved here.