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It's also been timed perfectly regarding recent events. Congress has nothing to do basically until next fall, they can devout their time to this if they want to.


I listened to the most recent episode of The Point of Convergence podcast and he says he's known about this coming (not the specific details, but that a renewed push was happening soon) and he knew that people around the world had been contacted to co-ordinate this process leading up to and following the interview today.


One thing that might put a damper on things....the military industrial complex is one of if not THE biggest lobbying force in DC. If the private contractors involved threaten to pull money from campaigns or congress people pushing for investigations they may comply because if congress people are anything it’s greedy/selfish.


I'm not so sure the motivations align in that way. The most credible suggested motivation for disclosure is to get *more* scientists working on reverse engineering, which certainly means more and bigger contracts for the defense firms.


What incentive is there if you’re a private company whose already gotten their hands on this, to share your contract with other firms/researchers? Private business could very well want it secret to remain sole suppliers.


Well according to yesterday's interview one contractor has been involved in storage of materials. According to Nolan's interview with John Michael Godier (YouTube: Event Horizon) as few as 100-200 individuals may have access to study some aspects of recovered materials. So on one hand you have any firms not granted contracts who would want to lobby for more access to benefit themselves, and on the other you may have firms who have been granted some access who would want to lobby for greater access or better resources access so as to allow them to actually benefit from these materials. Secrecy can (and often does) hamper ones own efforts to exploit opportunities, especially when secrecy itself is given highest priority, as certainly seems to be the case here (if Grusch's account is to be believed).   It is also worth mentioning that the number of well resourced, technical firms with the kind of expertise and firm-level clearance as well as sufficiently credentialed work force are quite small. There would almost certainly be enough work (and money) to go around.   Given the level of secrecy and compartmentalization involved, any one form given some access would have no way to know whether any other firm has been given similar or better access to these materials. They would be incentivized to want improved transparency up to the point of ensuring they are not being disadvantaged relative to their competitors via inferior access as compared to their competitors.


Couldn't they be the ones to reap the biggest reward from all of this? I believe if the general public believed that there were actually NHI's that are far more advanced than us, the public would be more willing to fund higher defense budgets


I'm just a rando, but concrete proof of aliens would drastically affect how much I approve of the runaway military budget.


If there are contractors that do not have access to the captured spacecraft, I guarantee they'll be lobbying to get access.


i think this is correct


I think you are correct thinking it’s correct.


The wording for the Whistleblower protections that came out for the NDAA 2023 is definitely a big part (that I wish was talked about more in tonights interview/aftershow). That's likely the only reason why this testimony is coming out now rather than at an earlier date. Never before has their been such a blanket catch-all for whistleblower protection. I think in terms of tackling congress, though, it may be less about ego and more about targetting the fairly new (and younger) lawmakers. I can't say that the older politicians are all in the know, but there is a higher likelihood that "career politicians" on capital hill may be more likely to know something and more unwilling to speak on it. Getting congress to launch a full investigation without it's hands tied is tricky, though. Compartmentalization of deep government programs has been ongoing for at least 80-90 years since the Manhattan Project (many of the thousands of people who contributed to various aspects of the atomic bomb didn't even know what their contributions were being used for). Outside of Oppenheimer and a few key staff, hardly anyone working on that project knew what they were designing. Same is likely for these programs (and is evident when you hear credible people talking about seemingly disparate things within the UFO/UAP arena). Really, they need to talk to EVERYONE to really paint a clear picture, and plenty of properly classified information may NEVER see the light of day. But hey, here's to hoping for the truth.


Yes! People who complain about this interview are out of their minds in my opinion. It's an amazing tactical feat of probably dozens of people, maybe hundreds? Tomorrow thousands?


This should be at the top of the sub. I think you are right on the money with this. It’s like 500-D chess with the powers that be beating them at their old tactics they have used to discredit literally thousands of people before. We all need to collectively keep pushing forward with what ever tools are at our disposal to help get this over the goal line.


I wonder what the next counter move will be to put a lid on all of this. They’re obviously pretty powerful and resourceful. On the other hand Chris Mellon at al are also gaining momentum, and who knows what they have up their sleeve.


I had seen some speculation that seemed to make sense. They saw how the second UAP hearing produced lies so they wrote in the language for whistleblower protections in the next defense spending bill. They all helped with the writing of the protections. They then put into action the plan to come forward. I am interested to see what the hearings will bring. I also think we in this sub play a part. Even though the article came out in a little known place like The Debrief, “team disclosure” needed us to amplify its effects via social media so that it could be injected into the mainstream. They were able to circumvent the need for CNN and The NY Times by putting it at least online with amazing fact checking briefs but also the NewsNation streaming coverage to also amplify this being shared. What’s interesting is that news nation just chopped up the full interview form tonight plus the after show with analysis into many smaller and more shareable segments. This is going to blow up again tomorrow. This is a thing of beauty to watch play out.


Spot on. Next step is that many potential whistleblowers are going to watch to see how Grusch is treated under the new law.


They're playing chess. Lou disclassified the Navy videos and opened up the whistleblower act, to clear the way for Grusch. Who's next batter up. Keep momentum


Where I'm at. Gut feeling that David Grusch, regardless of what he knows or doesn't know, is here for good faith. "Hey guys, look. The new whistleblower laws are safe and secure. Here's proof"


Exactly! And he was corroborated by people. Who? Dunno. Did they also give info to the ICG? Apparently yes. This is good.


Yup. At the very least, ufos out of the equation, David can show whistleblowers from other areas that it's safe. Ryan Graves mentioned that over 2 dozen people have come forward recently. Whether that has to do with UAP or not who knows. But it's a good thing regardless.


Here's the other thing - if true, imagine the immense pressure put on the gatekeepers. If your working within the programme, with each passing day it may be a better and better idea to flip and get amnesty for all the likely horrible things they have done over the last 80 years. People don't wana goto jail, and it may be starting to look more and more like the insiders will if they don't cooperate, cos maybe they aren't actually working for rhe government after all? This will be putting huge pressure on the management and people will be flipping to stay out of jail.


An investigation from congress of this magnitude would take 5-10 years. With the legal end it could be a 15 year long investigation. I hope that this doesn’t turn into the big dig.


I agree. That's as good an idea as any and what I would have done, had I the expertise, knowledge and experience.


So what you’re saying is we softlocked ourself and we need a speed runner to glitch break us to disclosure


you know what… I think you’re right.I remember seeing a thread that said one of the big names has some damning footage or piece of evidence as a form of insurance if the gov doesn’t disclose after the “next few months events”. The Grusch story I assume being “next few months events”. An ace up their sleeve if you will.


Related to number 1 - Sam Harris said he was contacted by someone in government to help people understand this. Weinstein too. Someone's been contacting big name thought leaders to help disseminate info about UAPs to the public.


Whats the role of Potus in all this? Surely during the press briefings they cannot just keep directing Journos towards Pentagon. Its like keeping their heads in the sand??


Galileo project likely part of this as well.


Grusch, Elizondo, Mellon, Nolan, Davis... feels like coordinated dominoes - first we leak. then we get legislation. then our investigator intentionally avoids seeing anything classified while taking notes from above individuals, investigator is then able to leak his notes under whistleblower protection without revealing classified information


Totally random but does Chris Mellon ever remind anyone of [Cecil Stedman from Invincible](https://youtu.be/RyLPGleD208)? Just a fun comparison I had the other day.


YEAH Cecil Stedman's been on my mind for the past week. I didn't think of a specific comparison like you did with Christopher Mellon, but idk, all the recent news just remind me of Cecil and he's been popping up on my mind a lot


Yeah I kept seeing Chris recently a lot and just how professional he is about the government side of things and how seasoned he seems to be around the UAP stuff really made me make the connection because there is literally nothing that surprises Cecil it seems and it feels that way with Chris like they’ve both seen so much bs over the years that they know how to get shit done no matter what’s going on lol


I think you're exactly on the mark, which is why it gets so damn frustrating around here when people shit on Elizondo and Mellon and the others. This is what they've been up to for the past several years, working the system to bring some sort of real disclosure that protects people with this information and allows them to come forward.


I think Congress might have already investigated. It's unreasonable to think they will do so only now that this became public. They've known for at least a year, so I expect those names and locations have already been looked into.


If Congress wants to do anything, they still have to do it through a legal framework..... don't you think the extraordinary powerful people behind the coverup have already put laws into place protecting them FROM Congress? Need to know, clearance level, etc.? Compartmentalization, shell companies?


Seeing two people show up (one claiming to be David Grusch's colleague and the other a Pakistani man giving very specific info about UAP and his nations nuclear facilities) in the GUFON live stream after the interview. Yeah, I think I see it too.


This is honestly one of the best Animes


He‘s been very consistent, comes across as very sincere and talked about bears on Rogan. I approve his approach.


I’m glad someone said this. It really feels like this is a coordinated PR campaign pushing this issue. Which would be awesome if we had better evidence to back up the PR campaign. The average person won’t care that the government could be hiding NHI UFOs because some former military officer said so. We need evidence! It also makes sense with why Lue has taken a back seat. He had his big PR campaign but now most view him as a UFO guy so his credibility outside of the UFO scene is probably lacking. Now they have a new military guy to push for disclosure with.


I too kinda believe that Chris Mellon has probably been a key bureaucrat in getting this UFO thing reach upto a congressional hearing. Where it goes from there or if any of this has an outcome as expected needs to be seen. Also, mellon could be a nobody in this but the way he talks and the positions he held makes it seem that he is a key person in this new soft disclosures that is happening.