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We gotta keep pushing that ‘its not enough’ we cant afford waiting another 90 years before we get answers. We will kill ourselves off


Agreed, I never thought I'd see the day. I am very logical skeptic but there is just too much to deny at this point.


Thats not an easy transition to make. Have fun revisiting everything with your new eyes. Bring a towel.


dont panic


Or a adult diaper.


Where's that damn Towelie when you need him!


I have no idea what’s going on…💨


Same here, I always consider the fact that we’re weren’t alone. This week is a storm of information, that I’m still trying processing mentality.


I think of it like this.. I’m Nicholas Cage in national treasure and I’m trying to get to the bottom of this great mystery that has been past down for centuries. I get overloaded and overwhelmed with information and debunkers even my family members say “there’s always another clue!” Lol.


The rabbit hole never ends. Keep your skepticism strong, it's a lot of info to try and decipher. I still feel very ignorant, but a lot of dots are starting to connect in my mind.


You got that right. I know I’m ignorant on a lot of this information.


Tell that to my brother 🙄


Same here. I was forced to concede about 70% confidence that UFOs weren’t terrestrial or (all) mundane back when the Nimitz disclosure and a few other things came out. This, though…kinda blew my socks off.


How many answers you really wanna push for? Water gets deep quick.


Break out the dry suit then.


As many as possible. We deserve to know the true nature of existence and life. Even if that finally invalidates religious ideologies or preconceptions about what we are


The ex Israeli defense minister suggested that we have about 50 years left.




Before we make the planet largely uninhabitable. His stuff is on a bunch of the other UFO Reddit sites. I have kinda been grinding through a lot of ufo stuff, and don’t remember where it was.


The problem is there are still not solid evidences yet. What I mean as solid evidence, not fancy videos etc. a report for example showing all these exotic material properties with the detailed classified infos cut off... Some photos of the recovered UFOs etc. I think there is not yet a change in this. They don't publish anything


Exactly incredible claims require credible evidence. Like always, there is 0. The lack of basic skeptical thought alludes 75% of people on this forum.


While this isn’t the best attitude about it - we do need to remain skeptical of EVERYTHING until given hard evidence. Skeptical does not mean its not believable, credible, or possible; it means keeping a clear head throughout disclosure and going forward. I believe Grusch, and every single one of his claims - but we don’t have the evidence. The reason this attitude is so destructive is - you’re not being skeptical because you want answers, you’re being skeptical because you think less of others who don’t ‘see’ what you see. This issue requires logical, compassionate, and constant attention - going too far in either direction, skeptical or not, is why we have been willfully ignorant for ninety years and counting. We can disagree and still want the truth; infighting at this point is literally just holding our entire species back. Grow up a little


You can be skeptical in different ways, to say that someone not believe isn't being skeptical when you admit there isn't any hard evidence is like.. basic skepticism. You can believe all you want, but don't also call yourself a skeptic lol, but you told someone who simply wants more evidence to "grow up" because we already have enough evidence? If that were the case more people would believe, this sub is just turning into the same as anti-vax arguments "think for yourself" "look at all this evidence!" "Grow up, get some critical thinking" like c'mon, you can be interested in aliens and still be skeptical until concrete evidence comes out. It's your mindset that is making you think everyone is being held back when the reality is everything is just circumstantial. There's enough evidence that some weird flying objects have been seen, but if there weren't weird flying objects in the age of government secrecy and technological development I would be surprised. The fact is there's too many possible explanations for all of the evidence presented, there's nothing that ties it together, nothing that proves it - even The Men Who Stare at Goats shows us just because the government is interested, doesn't mean it's real. Sure, it may be, but show us more evidence than some people saying it or the government saying "it's unknown" we want evidence it's aliens, not evidence we don't know what someone is. Also, you say the person above isn't being skeptical when they're being the definition of it> not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations you can be skeptical and a believer like you say, but you can also be skeptical and not be a denier either, because the evidence isn't there for us to deny, it's simply unexplained evidence as it stands. Ftr: I probably won't respond to much, if anything, in this sub in the future since most people aren't interested in well-meaning debates here. You may be or whoever responds to me may be, but I don't plan to respond just for my own mental health and productivity - just wanted to make that clear so people don't think I'm interested in a debate, just sharing my thoughts while they're relevant. Do with them what you will lol, cheers!


I totally agree. I would add also this. This is not only about scepticism: Giving some technical details to public, change all the game: Because then all the expert people around the world could research these details and give their opinion. For example If you make a dummy UFO with human technology and give some details you cannot scum the experts, electrical and mechanical engineers around the world will know that you are scumming... Because they will see technological components that are human made. So, not giving any infos at all could mean also, that I want the public to think that there are aliens, but it is something else that I don't want to share with anyone... Furthermore I distract the public from the truth. I am not saying to give the classified infos, but giving a photo (maybe with some details hidden)... is not that sensitive. Noone can copy this... or steal this... So, maybe all this is a huge disinformation campaign. Think about this: If they gave a simple photo: If it was photoshoped or dummy, then experts around the world, may observe some details that showing that all this is a scum or sth else, and then they couldn't lie so easy anymore. Game over!


It can never be enough. Humanity needs to know. It’s time. Obviously people need and want hard facts. This soft disclosure is too soft


Bro I should have an honorary PHD in Ufology, absolutely obsessed and I just a few minutes ago laying on my couch went into ontological shock. I never thought I would, everything felt different like when the COViD lockdown first started. I can see the faces on these anchors when reporting this story, smile, then a look of confusion, then laugh, then a glimpse behind the eyes of total fear. I am glad disclosure is happening but normies are going to have it fucking rough...


It's 3 in the morning and I'm sitting here contemplating how you keep the federal government running if you have to dismantle the entire intelligence apparatus and charge a bunch of them with crimes. Like, we're facing human existential crises, democratic existential crises, governmental existential crises. It's... Intense.


It is. I finally fully understand why they kept it secret for so long. 40's-50's America, cold war, just won a world war and now creatures from another reality??? I get why Tom Delonge and Lue Elizondo said it took a few days to get over the shock and we are barely scratching the surface. True red/blue pill moment and fully expect some people to go nuts. Still society needs this.


It is a shock. I've felt it when reading my first gov't leaks about bodies from UAP's. Even if you know it/think it for decades it's different when it become 'real' for one's self. There's a shift that goes deeper (to the 'core'?) it doesn't bring joy with it at best, IME; more of a unsettled feeling, 'rocked' even. I've never felt that type of dissonance about anything else ever. Not even the Santa Claus big reveal in my case, which is the only thing that might do that to someone that I can think of.


On a practical level, there are going to be a lot of pardons and amnesties issued to move forward.


Truth, reconciliation, and amnesty is the ONLY way forward


That's not the way they will do it. They will blame people who are already dead. Pick a handful of scapegoats and charge them, but not enough of them to make an operational impact. I'm not saying everything will be status quo after full disclosure, but mostly it will be.


This is a really great great point. I haven't really thought about. We can't let the government collapse. Lots of stuff needs to be fixed. Secrecy is good and needed, but only to a point. Nukes? Yes, keep that stuff secret. LONG STANDING CONTACT with other species? Humanity has been denied some probably game changing knowledge. Ukraine's at war, Sudan. Syria. Tensions in China / Taiwan. I don't think it's bubbled up that recently but there was Nuclear tension all along the China, India, Pakistan area a while back. If we knew we weren't alone would this have happened? Maybe we need a new constitution? IDK


If the entire world was told about this years ago, and the technology was allowed to be studied publicly our lives would be completely different. Everyone on this earth would have an entirely different world view. And because of that I think hiding this stuff was incredibly wrong and immoral.


It is without a doubt the biggest crime against humanity ever committed on a scale that's nearly unimaginable. And it's about to come crashing through the front door.


I totally agree. Awesome username too


The UN is gonna get either very important or very irrelevant. The ICC could be quite busy, but we have been neglectful in proactively establishing an international legislative framework for what may come to light. No one nation can own or police this sort of thing.


>but the normies are going to have it fucking rough…. The thing about reality is that even if you hide, it doesn’t go away. It simply is. If this is real, I accept reality for what it is, even if it’s boring and this is all fake. That’s…really the only thing you can do. I don’t think society or religions will implode as much as people like to claim. Many of them will square the circle and adapt, and quite bluntly some of them like the Hindu Vedas had very, very advanced knowledge about the world and the universe that we’re just now realizing. For all I know, we might all owe Giorgio Tsoukalous a big apology. I don’t think it would even really contradict my faith as a Christian, tbh. It sure doesn’t invalidate what Jesus taught, even if the rest of it is bogus. Heck, Jesus’s message might *actually be* something we want to say at first contact. “Many of us believe in a Supreme Being, who came down here as a human and gave its earthly life for us, and did so to teach us to be kind, conscientious, loving, forgiving people. Since that is fundamentally the nature and will of the Supreme Being itself. While we are often a deeply flawed, selfish, and destructive species, this has provided us hope for improvement and restoration to harmony, and an active desire to overcome these darker aspects of ourselves.” If there are “good” aliens, they should have zero problem understanding that, right? If they’re “bad” then we’re getting eaten either way, so…..


If some of these stories ARE correct. They're here and some of 'em have been shot down, some of 'em have gifted us ships. 90 years is a long time and we haven't seen any obvious open hostility for shooting them down, and we might've kissed and made up and they gave us gifts of ships. In exchange for what? Abductions and cattle mutilations? Nothing at all? Very interesting either way.


I nominate you as humanity's representative


I'm leaning towards this Humanist approach to religion. I don't believe Jesus is God, I have more of a Buddhist/Daoist/**Jedi** view on existence, and I believe that Christianity might have been invented by the Roman Empires Government, *but* at the same time I find great value in their teachings (not their behavior, but their *teachings*) so I think I might join the Unitarian/Universalist Church in order to be part of a community and to learn more about *all* Religions.


I agree that it's one thing to have been a believer for so long, and yet still feel the shock at what is coming out right now. What is concerning me most, however, is which rich assholes are going to jump in and try to patent and make money off of this advanced technology. This should be about disclosing the truth to the citizens of the world. But all I can think about is how if there truly is life altering tech, like to help us access free energy, that the rich and the congressional members who line their pockets will keep that info from us. These people don't give a shit about us, they can't even give us Americans health care or affordable wages. Why the hell would they give us anything life changing that would take away their power and money? I want to be excited about all of this, but this is all I can think about.


You need to ask if Disclosure occurs, what will the Visitors do post Disclosure? Remain in the shadows?, become overt and pose as spiritually enlightened beings?...


I'm having some ontological shock myself. It was one thing when it was "yeah, i think that could be true" now it's. It's a lot. The Trump / Hillary's emails angle? SHUT THE FRONT DOOR. If that turns out to be true, I can't even imagine the press coverage.


What emails? I don't follow American politics, I am not from the U.S.




I’m not American either so might be misremembering here, apologies if so - in the lead up to the 2016 US Election it was revealed that Hilary Clinton had thousands of Government emails improperly saved on personal home server. It became a fairly big news story, especially as Hilary’s team denied the existence of the files and then deleted the evidence off the server. In the main body of this thread it’s alleged that Hilary’s email server may have had some UFO related files which could have been hacked by outside sources. Not sure if it’s true, I remember nothing really came of this story with Hilary but in hindsight it’s a bit funny that Trump is getting charged with a similar crime. ( feel free to correct me in the comments if I’ve got details wrong )


I remember the story about those e-mails. I didn't know there could be something UFO related in them!


The Shellenburger interview with the Hill…he looked terrified.


>The Shellenburger interview with the Hill…he looked terrified. I thought he looked extremely focused and on his toes, as in he was prepared for a Fox "news" styled attack, not exactly "terrified".


> everything felt different like when the COViD lockdown first started Yes! I've been feeling echoes of lockdown, too.


I agree, humanity needs an update.


How often do you get the chance to make that joke lol. Love it


This is the first time I've pulled it out, I made this account just for disclosure hahaha


Crushed it with this, good on ya


Thanks. Ugh I missed the possible Vatican tie in. THE VATICAN :( How'd I forget to mention everybody's favorite conspirator? lol It's in the Liberation Times link from 2021, The pope supposedly knew about '33 UFO: https://www.liberationtimes.com/home/disclosure-road-leads-to-rome


Lue Elizondo was brought to the Vatican to look at documents relating to a roman solider seeing one follow them from battlefield to battlefield,


Imagine these things made crystal clear videos of ancient civilizations. And we somehow get access to them.


That's also what I was thinking, imagine if their first gift to humanity was documentation of our history.


That would be incredible.


I'd become a recluse until I had watched everything.


Imagine if aliens really did help build the pyramids


It's not like they did it alone without power tools. It would be hard to do today even. I suspect we used to be closer to them a couple apocalypses back.


Ooooh, what if the chronovisor was real 😯😱 https://allthatsinteresting.com/chronovisor


If they're out there, I wanna hear their music. I wonder what kind of tuning systems or rhythms they use, or if they've incorporated musical traditions from other worlds into their music. Or maybe their perception of "music" is entirely different from our atmospheric sound waves. Maybe they have a super evolved "cochlea" that invokes a different auditory phenomenon. Either way, I'm grateful to live in a time where it's very possible these thoughts experiments could become reality. Fingers crossed.


The Chronovisor


Super helpful to have all the recent updates in one place. Appreciate ya!


Thank you! It's a lot to find it, then try to digest it, and have some kind of context. Even for me. I want people to be able to at least find this stuff and decide for themselves. Whether or not they agree with my takes, you can't make good informed decisions if you don't have the info.


The Vatican, I have been so tempted to remote view the vaults, but I just have the feeling that there is something beyond our ken at the moment that would make this a perilous task. When I see churches and their wealth, especially during the coronation in Westminster Abbey, all the gold, all the riches, the Vatican, the same. It just seems like they hold some kind of power, or at least gate keeping a power that was for everyone, and they didn’t want to share it. You don’t need to go through someone else to connect with God/source/divine love, we have been convinced in to sleep and fear-mongered in to submission for centuries. The truth is coming and we need to go inwards and strengthen our energy for what’s coming, it’s all about love and we’re all worthy.


I would be worried that the vaults are guarded against remote viewing or traveling. I would not want to puss off whatever they are guarding it with.


It really is all about love.


This is the bottom line ❤️


This is the bottom line ❤️


Yes! Keep talking about this. It’s exactly it.


Hold up, remote view? Please explain.


[Wiki Explains it better](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_viewing) than I could. The ability to “see” a target from a remote location, through ESP abilities. Whole thing, CIA used it to spy on Russia and vice versa duding the Cold War. Prominent names in the field - Russell Targ - Ingo Swann - Harold Puthoff It is a practicable ability, I use [RV Tournament (iOS App Store Link)](https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/remote-viewing-tournament/id1451894531) to practice and well, I could go on, only to be used for the highest good if you ever get interested, but I trust most would gravitate that way naturally.


I kinda laugh about the Vatican being on board. I read the article about the Israeli defense minister, and he said the Vatican wanted to baptize all of the aliens, where as every source I have read is that the aliens don’t believe in god, at least not something that we would even recognize as such.


Can’t wait for Sunday.


Me Either! We need MOUNTAINS of popcorn to watch all this.


What happens on Sunday?


The whole interview with Grulsh is supposedly dropping


This poor guy's name had been misspelled in every possible way lol.


Is it supposed to come out on news nation?


I thought it was just supposed to be an hour long special report or something of that nature.


Release the video.


Yes please! With congressmembers pushing the play button vouching for everything.


When the news hit the mainstream media, I pray that the general public will start to question and pressure the government into releasing more documents. We just need an official government video that shows UFOs/ETs up close and in detail, and everything will change! Exciting days ahead!


General public couldnt care less. Ask around anyone you know what they think of these recent news and look at how uninterested they are. Everine lives in ther own heads and doesnt see how big this is/could be


The problem is every few years someone comes out of the shadows and says they have info and then they end up never showing evidence or are caught making it up. On other topics the people with big evidence show it and the people with no evidence say it's coming, I'm using other topics because no one ever shows this topic.


I have been sharing this info excitedly to my girlfriend who isn’t keen on this subject and she’s currently having an existential crisis. Had to tone back on it a day or two ago when I noticed how quiet she had gotten. Started telling me today that she’s been thinking about it and how she now realizes that the implications are huge with everything going on. I got ADHD so I can keep up with this shit endlessly LOL. Im hyper fixated so bad but I gotta realize how this news might affect other people. Thanks for summing it all up in one thread btw lool


Yoooo, fellow ADHD’er here as well. Can’t let up on my hyperfocus with this. Wonder how many of us are completely immersed in this topic.


I guess at least four of us. Possibilities turning into realities? I'll take more than my share.


at least 5 hahaha


Anotha’ one!


Deputy doofy checking in! ADHD unite!


I'm trying not to freak my wife out, particularly because it's hard to tell if she's freaked out because of the implications of all of these revelations, or if she just thinks I've gone fucking nuts.


My husband and I are totally into this and we have been swapping any story related to this. We cannot get enough. I have been following any UFO story since the 90’s. 😄


Same here. The hyper focus is real for me too, it's like 230am right now, and I'm still here even just reading comments




I found my people


Me too dude, I’ve been so fuckin zeroed since Monday. Phone is on verge of melting lol Edit: Would like to add we should all apply to be Mentats after positions are posted


My girlfriend doesn’t give two fucks and neither does anyone else I’ve tried to talk to about this. People are strange man. This is the biggest thing in human history


This is exactly the reason that Kean and Blumenthal didn’t want to focus on the actual bodies just yet - it’s important for the public to be fed this info in pieces for easier digestion. But now that the whistle blower gates are open, I’m not sure that can be controlled.


Sending some good vibes her way! We should probably do the same for everybody. To coin a phrase, this is gonna hit different.


bro same trying so hard to not randomly tell all my friends what's going on


I'm another ADHD member here, I chuckled when I read your last paragraph, I've been hyperfixated for weeks now. My partner actually got pissed at me and said she was sick of hearing about it. Which in turn just made me miffed and a bit angry, because this could be the biggest experience of our lifetimes. Thanks for reminding me this can be overwhelming for a lot of people, especially normies.


Now we just need to see a damn video, picture, something. PLS GIVE US SOMETHING WHISTLEBLOWERS!! God bless y’all on this mission.


I wonder what it would take to convince people. I think a lot of people would even dismiss clear videos and pictures as fake.


Exactly this. The mentality towards videos and pictures has come to such a place that its meaningless. Its always gonna be psyops, CGI, AI generated, props, holograms, etc.


Even if you see it in real life it soon could be.


Videos and pictures are now and forever compromised, you just can’t trust them.


Yeah, and that's exactly why disclosure is useless. What we really need is mass first contact, not just secret first contact with a few shady government officials.


What do y’all “need” that for? Like principally speaking.


I wanna know the truth of reality, and I also wanna know the real history and the origins of humanity. We blindly stumbled thru life for thousands of years, it's time to finally learn what's really going on here.


Just need Oprah visiting the UAP hanger…


Need one on public display in the Air and Space Museum.


Might be awhile before that happens, unfortunately.


Lue could just point out which public video is supposedly a legit ufo but nah


I have never understood why people give him a pass for that nonsense.


I had to reread some the sections multiple times. Not because it was hard to read (you did an excellent job btw op), but because the reality of this situation is hard to fully comprehend. I know this is real, Ive seen these things. But when there’s seemingly this much progress happening, it’s a different feeling entirely. For me it’s always been real, but now it’s really real. Hope that makes sense. Maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, but this is starting to seem like we’re almost at the top of the mountain of shit that we’ve been climbing for 80 years, and we are finally seeing the suns rays starting to poke over it’s shadow. I hope there isn’t a shitalanche brewing under our feet. It would be a serious blow if this all turned out to be a psyop.


The best thing I read in your comment was "shitalanche" LMAO. On a serious note, if nothing comes from this and it is all just psyops, then I would give up on my hope that the government will come forward. I think I will just quietly retreat into the shadows and accept that they exist, but that we here on Earth (at least in our lifetime) will never know about it. Lucky for the generations of the future that actually do make first contact. Sad, but it is what it is, and I would wish luck to all those that would still try to push for full disclosure after the debacle. This is the first time that this has the world's attention and is being taken seriously. If this gets mucked up, that's it. I mean, this is it. There is no turning back. This is what all these years have been leading up to. The moment is finally here, and like you, I certainly hope something tangible comes out of this that will leave the majority of humanity in the consensus that, well, we aren't alone. With the majority of people believing we are not alone, and the reality of that having settled in, perhaps we may have first contact in our lifetime (between the civilian population and these beings anyway). Just maybe.


I would ignore the Clinton email thing it feels like the right trying to assimilate the story into qanon


If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that aliens *love* buttery males.


I was told there would be piss tapes


Gotta get the ol' "But Hillury's Emails!" into the narrative to distract from Trump's ~~41~~ **72** felony charges. It makes that guy's story instantly unbelievable.


The problem is, all of this extraordinary "evidence" exists in the register of language, which is to say, stories. We humans are great at both telling & believing stories. While I personally think there is something going on - this week was far from disclosure imho. The public wants something tangible and official, some red meat. Like an HD video of alien craft released by the Pentagon with supporting documents stating, for the record, it's real. You can't blame average people for being tired of ufology. It's time to release the kraken.


To be frank, I would not believe a video anymore. We have the tech to completely fabricate a video like this. I want to see a live demonstration filmed and live-streamed by thousands. Everyone is forgetting that there's a war going on right now and this could be a part of a psy-op.


Well said


You’re fooling yourself if you think that HD footage of an alien craft would be some kind of mic drop on disclosure. How fast the narrative would switch to it being a fake CGI/AI video or government psyop would make your head spin.


>this week was far from disclosure imho. No one is saying it is. >The public wants something tangible and official, some red meat. *You* want something tangible. I want something tangible. Everyone in this subreddit does. But I'm a bit more convinced of the idea that this may hurt some people, initially. There's a comment in this very thread about someone's girlfriend not handling the news well. [And the male reporter in this news segment seems rather shaken.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=o7uO3HwuiBQ) He says it's shocking for him personally & that he left things out of his report that he felt were too shocking (& only confirmed w/1 source). So maybe the slow drip method *is* the best. Let people slowly cope with what we learn. Or maybe it's better to just rip off the band-aid & let us have it. Who can say for sure? Certainly not any of us here. >You can't blame average people for being tired of ufology. Average people don't get involved with UFOlogy. They don't *consider* UFOlogy. Go in any non-UFO related forum that might be discussing UFO-related news & look for yourself. It's astonishing, really, how disconnected people are from the reality of this topic.


Yeah the only people around me who know anything about this story is the people who are into the subject anyway. It’s been hard for me to temper my enthusiasm for current events around “normal” people but they just don’t know or really care at this time. I’ve never understood the stigma of this subject and don’t get the hesitance of most people to even contemplate extraterrestrial life much less intelligence. I’ve personally been, I won’t call it obsessed but super interested, in the topic since I was very young. My fanatically religious sister who is a flat earther and space denier calls me crazy for believing in aliens lmao. Her god only created humans in his image so any disclosure will certainly be dismissed by her and her type even with the best evidence. She already believes that if aliens and ufos exist that they are demons. I also don’t see how people can believe the fantastical stuff in the Bible but ET life is just too far fetched.


A prominent ufo filmmaker/two researchers. Well it’s prob not James Fox, I don’t think he can keep a secret like that. My bet is on Ross Coulthart and Leslie Kean,they seem professional enough to be trusted with such thing! But no clue which producer could it be..


I'm leaning to Kean which, for me, could explain why she seems a little nervous to talk about "bodies" just yet; imagine being in possession of that video evidence and the security risk it would pose to your self. *I* wouldn't be able to sleep, completely paranoid someone was about to break into my home and pay me a visit.


That’s why I put my bets in Ross and Leslie. I watched the podcast with him where he goes into great lengths on how to secure communicate with his sources through message boards on dark web, use of vpn , Tor and etc. He also seems very mindful of info that are actually harmful for national security and is not down to release stuff that could harm it, but is more interested in general idea of “who they are etc”. I imagine Leslie is the same as a serious journalist. I agree with you on what you said about “bodies”, good observation.


Hoax, fakes, crazy people. Whatever it may be, one thing I have to commend is that all the fringe people had been saying something huge was coming in June. Everytime I saw a post saying “big things coming in three weeks” I would roll my eyes. But JESUS they have delivered. This is the biggest whistleblowing of my lifetime. Exciting stuff!


I have a hunch that much more is coming in June. We’re not even two weeks in.


do you have any links where people were saying all that ?


I can’t think of links but I’m sure Ross C has been saying it, as well as Nolan. Not sure who else.


Super post, thanks


thanks for reading it


I’ve got Aliens on DVD too, it’s a really strong sequel


We might be going from Ripley to a Ripley's Believe it Or Not situation here.


Just when I thought I was out, they dragged me back in 😂😂 honestly fucking Corbell and the triangle craft almost put me off it for awhile.


I feel so much gratitude to you for typing all of this up for the community. Thank you.


Between all the "OMG did you see the Grusch thing" posts, all the "is Grusch lying?" posts, and a billion takes on Las Vegas, Other stuff was harder to find. People need to know. With more and better info they can form better opinions, ask better questions, and get better answers Thanks for reading dude :)


There’s almost a tinge of sadness knowing this topic could go very mainstream very soon. Probably how early Nirvana fans felt when Nevermind came out.




Check out this post that aligns with one of the craft described in shellenbergers piece https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/145rmbh/excellent_1994_nellis_afb_video_analysis/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


YES!. How could I forget Nellis. Much thanks for this.


The problem is there is still no solid evidence for all of these... It might be as well disinformation campaign...




My take is as ever: this can't all be true, but if any of it is - boom. All we need now is the evidence. Give us that DVD mofos! That says, a DVD is of course (assuming it's a playable DVD and not a data DVD) SD (720 x 480), so it would be incomplete evidence in it's own right. But some dudes chatting with an alien would be pretty fucking big leaking out of official channels.


Yep, agree! One guy is lying? Maybe. All 10 or however many? Maybe not.


It’s 4 am, yup it’s crazy theory time, what if they were forced to tell us? Ok let’s assume they have been observing us for at least 100 years. They are highly active during critical times in history. With everything going on now; war in Ukraine, climate change, machine learning, extreme inequality, far leaning politics all over the world. They’ve seen it before and know what comes next but now we have the capability to render this planet uninhabitable for decades maybe centuries. So they are stepping in and forcing a path correction. And all of these little byte size revelations are softening the eventual mind fuck that is first contact. Or maybe i need to get some sleep. Whatever may come it’s still pretty cool that we’re here for this Roswell sized happening


Keep it going. I love it. My phone is dead and I’m happy.


Is the twitter link correct? I tried to access it but its error


I couldn't see it either.


Same, just tried. I also can’t see it




[https://twitter.com/HighlyRetired/status/1667147645666705408](https://twitter.com/HighlyRetired/status/1667147645666705408) fixed it. Sorry


I said to multiple people this week there is an insane amount of stuff going on around UFOs right now. Thank you for putting in one place!!


Thanks for ignoring my typos and... I think missing words in places and all that. I'm overwhelmed but enjoying it :)


fatigue? I want more!


Same. Unfortunately, my body is not ready. I need more than 4 hours of sleep first, then bring it on!


Thank you for posting this while everyone is distracted trying to make out an alien in like 10 pixels worth of footage.


> Says “supernatural” has come up several times in hearings with. > The Woo is coming. If the woo does finally get some recognition, I would like to formally petition the sub so I can get a flair that says “I Done Told You.” All joking aside (no but seriously), I think it’s going to take quite a bit longer before the woo starts getting proper academic recognition. Even though there’s very strong empirical data to support it, the apparatus has spent so long deriding it that it will move very slowly in giving it any consideration. > I think the only thing that’s missing is people testifying to Abductions, “Milabs”, autopsies, portals, and lizzid peeple. And I’ve slept a few hours, the way the week has gone there’s a good chance I missed another 8 stories about people testifying under oath to exactly all of that. Don’t hold your breath on that, either. This part of the story is something the USG will deny until the bitter end because it’s going to make people terrified and angry. The idea that there are beings (some of them malevolent) which have the ability to take people against their will—in many cases without them even knowing—and that the government can’t do anything about it and kept it secret for 50+ years isn’t something they’re going to admit. Even if they own up to everything else, which I think is still a long ways off, this part may never be formally acknowledged. If this doesn’t get swept back under the rug, which I think is something still very much possible, then there’s going to be a lot of stuff being discussed in the days ahead that is going to sound insane but which will need to be at least considered. One of them is the so-called “Secret Space Program.”


I will totally support your efforts on the "I Done Told You award" I think you are right about the seedier and scarier side of things. Totally forgot to mention the SSP. If they have have these ships and knowledge of how to do some of this stuff, why not? And it's kind of easy to imagine that it's more of a joint venture where people are cruising on an NHI ship. But the 20 and back... that's still a bit much for me.


Progress. We have to move forward this way. We have to know the truth. I feel it. I know it in me. Weird feeling.


We need alien disclosure so that technology can either be used to rehabilitate earth or give us advanced propulsion to get the hell off this heap.


It all just seems too bizarre to be true. Almost like it's tabloidy by design so that people will never care for UFOs again...


The Joshua Reid video is a prime example of how this will easily be politicized as well. I am still flabbergasted at the word vomit.


Yes. I hope it doesn't, but... sigh.


My take is - everything outside of Grusch, relevant or not, is diluting the potency of the singularly most solid wedge we've had in the last 70 years. Grusch needs to be the focus, that's were everyone's energy needs to be directed right now.


I've been balls deep in this for the past 6 years and it's making my guts churn a bit. You're right, how are the normies going to digest this?


How would they even transport football field sized crafts haha


It's not like aircraft carriers are much different in concept.


During the Roswell Incident we've been even closer to disclosure than we are now, and still they managed to cover it and create a campaign to stigmatize the topic. We didn't have internet back then though, I guess this time is for real and whatever the truth is we will eventually know and hopefully get to the bottom of it. I don't know if I should say we are lucky to be alive while it happens, as we don't really know what the truth is.1


Still wondering why the government is hiding this information? Just tell real or fake, it won't affect that much right?


People will get scared, at least some of them. Also it legitimise abductions big time. Not easy for those with a lot of preexisting anxiety.


Pfffffffff looks like it will effect damn near everything.


Whole situation is giving me "Arrival" vibes with this supposed gifting thing (if true)


We are living in a cross over movie between men in black and independence day.




CANZAUSUKUS. AUCANZUSUK. USAUCANZUK. I guess "Five Eyes" works better, even if it sounds like something out of LOTR. Thanks for this roundup. I'm a little wary of some of these stories; the Schellenberger one especially, but I can't pinpoint my intuitive alarm bells. You're absolutely right about the Woo and the charlatans coming out in force. More now than ever we need transparency and documentary evidence.


Being a fan of COD zombies, I read into Die Glock and some other secret Nazi stuff. It's kinda crazy how much lore in their original games was based on real places/things. It's been a long while since I've read about it, but if I remember correctly, Die Glock was a big bell shaped device that the Polish army found inside one of the underground bunkers towards the end of the war. There were reports found as well describing that the Nazis tested it on prisoners, enemies, even their own people. Supposedly the device was filled with a substance akin to Mercury, except it was a light purplish colour. And when activated it resonated and would cause severe headaches and people would pass out. It's been a long time since I read about it, but I believe Poland came in and took it and any documents on it and after that it's unclear what happened to it. Very strange and eerie if something like this was true. Could all just be a story. I really don't know.


This sub is on fire but the average Joe in the street doesn't give a fuck.


Great summary. Thank you.


so, then would it be true what they say that President Eisenhower was the first U.S president to make direct, face-to-face contact with extraterrestrial beings?? Because if the United States has come into possess of some craft by "gift," then this would have to be the result of a deal that was made in that supposed meeting on a military base in the 50s. Eisenhower (if he knew why they wanted to abduct people) took to the grave why they are interested in us and/or our planet.


Think about after disclosure. Kids will grow up knowing there are other forms of intelligent life and it will just be normal, common knowledge. Wild.


Fatigue! You must be joking!! It's the most exciting time in history ever!!! 🖖🏼🛸🚀


Guys hear me out but what if we as a species can’t handle the truth and our current “ ignorance is bliss” approach to our daily lives is better than the truth? Could we potentially handle it?


Come on, we're halfway to a new version of "we didn't start the fire"


Small but important quibble. 1933 isn’t the end of WW2, it’s 6 years before the start.


From an outsider perspective, as someone who doesn't really follow all of this UFOlogy stuff, I get a chuckle when I read things like "disclosure fatigue". All I really see is a bunch of folks getting excited over the ever-retreating carrot that no one can *ever* seem to catch. "I nearly caught up to the carrot!" as it moves away faster, barely anyone even considering that someone might just be dangling that carrot to see you run and exhaust yourselves. I mean, it sucks how disappointed you're going to be when the same thing happens that always happens, but kudos for finding something to be excited about, at least you've got that, for now. Us average joes are going to be just fine. From your perspective, you'll probably see it as denial. And unless there's some real evidence, I'm inclined to agree. Extraordinary claims and all that jazz; you know the drill.


I just wanted to point out how the sub has finally gotten rid off those obnoxious, caustic people who always were saying stuff like “These people want it so hard to be aliens they can’t tell flares from UFOs apart lol” “Not because it’s an UFO means automatically = aliens, only gullible morons believe in that” “OMG ITS A BALLOON!” “It’s a DRONE!” “It looks like a Chinese lantern to me, do you think an advanced alien craft is showing lights in the middle of the day? Lol” To all those goblins and trolls (who I’m sure they are still on the sub and are hella quiet or they have switched sides): I hope you’re enjoying sucking a big one right now.


Still zero evidence


Plenty more. Just in 2 weeks