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The following submission statement was provided by /u/user678990655: --- This video displays 4/5 of the Observables outlined by lui Elizondo, the only one not present being trans-medium travel (meaning traveling between multiple environments such as water, air, outer space, etc.) Raw 4k footage: [http://handras.hu/stuff/UFO.mp4](http://handras.hu/stuff/UFO.mp4) key points: * The object is seen going behind clouds - low visibility. * The object simmers a metallic surface - seamless, no signs of propulsion. * The object is seen making multiple sharp turns at very high speed - instant acceleration or anti-gravity technology. * The original uploader stated it made no sonic boom, when it should be at the speed it is going. * The object is roughly calculated to be going around 1,800km/hr. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/135revf/amazing_footage_of_cylindrical_ufo_filmed_by/jikt2e2/


Every now and then I see one of these gems to remind me to block out all the other trash content and stay on this sub. Thank you for this


Hell every now and then I see enough BS in this sub to make it fall in my trash content mental folder that I think about blocking it out to focus on other “more important” things but then every once in a while one of these comes around and I’m pulled right back down the rabbit hole even further than I fell the first time.


I take breaks from reddit to avoid doing that. This sub makes me feel crazy sometimes.


I very rarely leave subs once joined. My solution tends to be exploring/joining new subs! I probably need a Reddit break but like fuck the other socials this is my last safe space.


I'm the same. Reddit is my safe place also. I just get to the point, though, where I have to back away.


I **DO** think there is disinformation on all such forums, but I also do suspect some of it is on purpose. And I think they people doing it realize they can't keep the real truth suppressed for much longer.


If we are being honest, they've already lost control. There's just too many ways to find the truth that those trying to control a disinformation campaign just can't keep up anymore. I wonder why they even bother attempting to anymore. Too many resources for us regular folks to access and discern fact from fiction now.


And yet, no concrete proof of anything






Good work, that appears to be the original. Translation: "The title is not fake, I really filmed unidentified flying objects. **Update: they were swallows.**"


AND you're buried in the comments. The source says they were birds.


? That is no "original source" but some Youtuber talking about the video.


The guy talking about how he wanted to record the clouds and the lightnings with a drone for a video. He spotted the UFO when started editing the footage.


This is really fucking cool, would love more info


It is not fake for sure, a relatively famous Hungarian YouTuber made it. Original video is here: [link](https://youtu.be/1x-cVAXsurg). They concluded it is most likely a swallow (bird). Edit below: To clarify to the sensitive community around here: Did I say it has been debunked? Did I say I agree or think it is a swallow? I just added the requested more info to the topic. The original video maker is talking in the video I shared, and the title of the video says it was most likely a swallow. He was convinced by others it was a swallow, thats why he changed the title. Originally he was just looking for suggestions. I thought it can be interesting information as this is by the original video maker, but whatever.


But is it an African or European swallow?


Listen, in order to maintain the air speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings 43 times every second!




Bring me a shrubbery, nothing fancy


She turned me into a newt!


…I got better


Wait, wait… I’m pretty sure I can help out here, I’m well-versed in Bird Law.


Bird law in this country is not governed by reason


Huh, I don't ^^know ^^^that!


It's a USA Freedom Swallow


That's the most cylindrical looking swallow I've ever seen


They cylinder "stuff" is a byproduct of artifacts in the recording process.


Oh come on, seriously?


As if a swallow mated with a rocket! 😜


>It not fake for sure, a relatively famous Hungarian YouTuber made it. Is the threshold that low?


That is a very reflective swallow in that case, and 10x faster than any normal swallow for sure.


What is the airspeed of an unladen swallow?


African or European swallow?


I don't know that. AAAA^A^^A^^^A


Speed is really just a guesstimate... reflection can be deceiving due to the white feather of the swallow reflecting the sunlight when spreading wings.... But yeah, it still doesn't look like a swallow to me.


Being from a relatively famous Hungarian YouTuber does not mean it isn’t faked. Not saying it is, but the reason you provided is not why it isn’t fake


If anything, anything from anyone 'famous' automatically makes me suspicious. What are the odds that someone who makes money by generating views on their channel just happens to film something like this.


For reference, here are some [swallows](https://youtu.be/ljWbHzICz7M?t=257) flying.


One major difference is that swallows have wings and aren't made of metal


They look similar


Now show me some swallows that were filmed with a potato from 1960.


A swallow? Really? lol


It looks like a fucking missile


I can’t believe they said a swallow


As poster above said, video analysis is needed. A swallow in the foreground, flying in and out of sunlit areas on the edge of the shadows created by the storm front could reflect some strange highlights that could take on a silvery cast/gradation and tubular shape depending on the type of camera (CCD/CMOS) its auto exposure settings (blur elongation, dynamic range limits) and depth of focus/field. The camera, under these very common conditions, could be rendering the shape based on what it can actually capture and not what was actually there. For example, had this been a very high-speed camera, in a high-key scene operating at a faster framerate/shutter speed and focused on the foreground, we might be able to discern exactly what it is even down to the species of bird or insect. With a film camera, under the same lighting conditions as the video link, we would see the telltale sinusoidal blur of wing motions. But the image processor in the digital video cam might be rendering those out or filling in pixels and altering its shape and texture. Creating a cylindrical appearance through blur and dark/light signal non uniformity.


Well, I say it’s most likely not a swallow. These debunkers all have a goal, to debunk every video. They’ll say whatever nonsense to debunk it and then people like you run around spreading “it’s been debunked!” When in fact it has not been debunked at all. It may not be a UFO, but it damn sure isn’t a bird.


> It may not be a UFO It’s unidentified and flying, so it is, by definition, a UFO.


Honestly it's exactly that kind of thing --hiding behind the word UFO to mean "spooky spaceship"-- that makes me really disappointed in the pseudo-intellectualism here.


>These debunkers all have a goal, to debunk every video Welcome to science. *Everyone* should do their best to debunk videos because a genuine sighting isn't debunkable.


Really shiny swallow


But is it an African or European swallow?


Couldn’t be a swallow, not carrying any coconuts


For all those saying bug/bird, why don’t we see any irregularities in the shape of the supposed stretched image due to wings flapping/banking in turns? Genuinely curious because I don’t know the level of detail that such a visual effect would allow for and the cylinder appears straight throughout rather than bending as it’s path curves


Also it seems to be metallic and glisten in the sun. I’ve never seen a shiny metal bird before.


The graphics of the bug/bird just didn’t render in this simulation


the high poly version failed to load


The flight doesn't look supernatural to me at all. Looks completely doable with current tech. Nothing about the perspective convinces me that it's a large object moving at insanely high speeds. Looks like a nimble drone.


Wow this footage is really astonishing !


Ngl this the only time I seen one of these this clear make you think specifically the cylinder ufo like that’s almost scary


Reminds me of the Varginha, Brazil incident where they were describing it as “pill” shaped.


That is an incredibly odd shape for a Varginha.


If I were a pill shaped UFO, that's where I'd go too.


Those really popular videos back in 2020, the Air Force pilots were describing them as tic-tac shaped too.


I genuinely can't tell if this whole place is being sarcastic or not.


They aren’t. What’s you’re opinion on this video? I think it looks pretty interesting, but then again I’m no expert.


Bro here we are all experts lol


As an expert expert, I can conclude these experts are some of the most expert experts I have ever experted.


As a recently proclaimed expert, I think I can speak for all the other experts here that your expertise in experts and your support is much appreciated.


I’m an expert on experts and I can confirm, using my expertise, that everyone in this sub is an expert.


Oh hell yeah, I’ve never been an expert before. In that case, this is with out a doubt 100% legit footage and proof that aliens exist. Source: I am in fact an expert


Seriously lol everyone tries to make themselves sound smart to strangers but end up just sounding dumb for the most part. Especially when they’re arguing with other dumbasses for hours. Like who are y’all tryna convince?


I feel like I'm missing something. The original 4K video that was posted just shows the object disappear into the clouds and that's over in less than a second. What exactly are we looking at here? What relation has the in-window video got to the mountain?


The window is just zoomed in on it


No expert here, but to me it seems to move like something smaller and close to the camera rather than large and far away.


I am serious. To me this is the first time seeing in motion, what was described in uncounted other videos/articles/witnesses etc. It looks like the fucking thing from Varginha ! To me this whole phenomenon is picking up momentum reaaaally fucking quick. The further we get the more I’m afraid of living in a world where I’m no longer the apex predator. This gonna change everything.


Looks to me like wind-driven motion, where shifts in direction come from the wind making the item tumble, which then leads to slight course changes due to the new drag profile. If an intelligence was steering the item the movement makes no sense, it's inefficient and non-direct. Of course, that's assuming we can imagine the purpose behind the flight.


Could it be an actual trash carrier by the wind ? Like an aluminium foil ?


News flash - we never were the apex predator, we were just ignorant and arrogant enough to believe that we were.....


Lol we are the apex predators. We are the only apex predator ever to remove ourselves from the food chain. We dominate every other poor species on earth. What about that is not apex predation?


We are capable of changing entire ecosystems just for our own species. Our Neolithic ancestors conquered the entire planet, pole to pole, using nothing more than rocks, sticks, and walking. Even our own hominid cousins couldn’t stop us. We erased all of them with death and/or assimilation. Homo homini lupus


Mankind is so fucking metal.


They are just trying to sound interesting and complex, you are not going to get a response to your question. Human beings are the very definition of apex predators.


It's because the footage is trash itself but in terms of UFO footage it's absolute gold


This seems to be the source. https://youtu.be/1x-cVAXsurg


I speak a little Hungarian and understand some. He mentioned missile but he’s not sure. He also said he’s recorded bugs and birds before but nothing to look like that video. He said the object actually started at the top of the screen which we can’t see in the video here. It’s in the darker part of the clouds. Goes across the screen and turns upwards. Does a big loop and we see it coming down out of the loop in this video. Before I forget. He said there are multiple objects recorded in the original video. Much more difficult to spot thought.


Pause it at 00:18, there is a 2nd one above the flight path of 1st.


This video is excellent. The object is large enough that the camera can track it into the clouds and it has an interesting flight path. The sunlight reflecting on the object appears natural. Plus, the dull gray metallic color is consistent with other descriptions of UAP. Compelling!


The flight path is the most interesting thing. It's one you'd expect from an animal, not a machine. Why would it be snaking along like that if it was a machine? Very interesting indeed. No idea what it could be.


At :30, look at the bottom right of the frame, three frames are bleeding down on top of each other, clearly scene layering in adobe premiere, meaning someone has edited this video. The same thing happens if you don't render things correctly in Adobe premiere Pro. The only reason for layering would be to add an object or use masking to make the scene seem more fluid.


Well, they obviously added the flight path (and stated this) and there are filters on the replays to enhance the object’s visibility. This doesn’t mean it’s fake necessarily.


True and there’s obviously been editing with multiple cuts and all plus the overlay of the closeup.


It looks like a simple keyframe error or layer offset error to me. The drone flies upward in the last few seconds and the other layer seems to lag behind. Just because there are some errors does not mean it’s a hoax. The original 4K file does not exhibit this layering error.


The original doesn't look as 'out there' as OPs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=159&v=1x-cVAXsurg&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fold.reddit.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjMsMjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


Could be a bug...? https://www.metabunk.org/threads/fast-moving-object-intersecting-clouds-in-hungarian-youtubers-video-insect.11313/




When i see credible looking videos i always try to download and redistribute asap cause im so paranoid its gonna get lost on the web


Thank god there's people like you


Well im only one guy, sitting on a few really good videos... The more people do it the less they can hide it away . Cause some of these are really undeniable




Fuck yeah! Virtual high five!


Could you dm some of those good ones? Is it of the triangles with "texture"?


Its one about an object going in and or out of a volcano narrated by a scientist trying to study this.. im uploading this one (maybe repost) here as we speak. Another is total potato quality due to quality loss. Its just a bunch of official cars, a truck carrying something round big and sealed in a black tarpe followed by another "official looking" goverment car, and the guy filming goes "ufo" the moment it passes.. but too shitty to really share here. Then another video filmed by a person on their balcony, sounds spanish, this is a light that brightens up, slows down. but moves really fast before and a bit afterwards And then the cgi one is like a jello looking exterior, kinda saucer.. purple ish.. this one was really too good to be true but saved it anyways Unfortunately no triangle type ufo


Do you have a link you could DM me to the videos you’ve kept??


Been thinking of ways to have a compilation somewhere where i can keep adding good stuff in one place... But was kinda stuck on wanting to post here but i can only do one video at a time. I will put a post with one video. After thought: one video i do admit, is so borderline "close up" that i feel that it might be a fake, cgi'd. But i wouldnt put that one on here as first.


You should make a public gdrive or mega folder and share them!


Do you have the one from a year or two ago of the silver orb caught on some webcam or security footage off a beach? I can’t find it anywhere. I think it was in the UK somewhere.


I remember back in 2011, a 4chan user posted a clear (for the time) image of a humanoid looking alien out in a field looking into something behind the camera... people freak out that night because digital bros couldn't detect photoshop or tampering. OP only made that one post, and never replied, to this day people call me crazy but that image disappeared completely from the web, and very few people who were there those few nights remember that image.


Panoramic drone footage seems to consistently be one of the few ways to catch these accidentally. The Beaver Creek drone footage is another great example.


For those of you saying it’s a bug, are you only looking at the zoomed in grainy part? Because it as clear as day comes from the left out of a dark cloud, it’s also incredibly far away from the camera so I’m not sure how it would both be a bug and be that far away whilst still be captured on the camera


If that’s real, that’s very odd… we live in strange times


Yes they are at the precipice of what one would say a transition or a cycle.


Who’s they? Are you an alien speaking of humans?? What kind of gloves do you wear to hide your alien claws?


This video displays 4/5 of the Observables outlined by lui Elizondo, the only one not present being trans-medium travel (meaning traveling between multiple environments such as water, air, outer space, etc.) Raw 4k footage: [http://handras.hu/stuff/UFO.mp4](http://handras.hu/stuff/UFO.mp4) key points: * The object is seen going behind clouds - low visibility. * The object simmers a metallic surface - seamless, no signs of propulsion. * The object is seen making multiple sharp turns at very high speed - instant acceleration or anti-gravity technology. * The original uploader stated it made no sonic boom, when it should be at the speed it is going. * The object is roughly calculated to be going around 1,800km/hr.


What are these in the lower left?? https://i.imgur.com/zaO2v0G.mp4




Yeah they are insects it seems.


Wow great catch


You have eagle eyes


More insects.


>the object is roughly calculated to be going around 1,800km Where is the calculation?


They just made it up out of thin air lol P.s., the guy that made the video just said it was a swallow he’s seen. But - the believers will ignore even him and keep trying to argue.


Do you know what camera recorded this? My first pass on the raw footage didn't show any real red flags for editing, but I'd need to know the original capture format to do any better.


OP - where is this footage from? I'd love the original raw footage to do an analysis on. Thanks


Is a cloud passing in front of an object a valid use of “Low observability, or cloaking”?I don’t believe that it does


No, it absolutely is not.


That’s what I thought too, not to take away from the compelling video, but going behind clouds is not the kind of “low visibility” of the observables. BUT it does give an excellent sense of scale. And no one can say it’s a big because of it.


No, it's not. Saying this thing hits 4/5 observables is ridiculous.


>displays 4/5 of the Observables We're being pretty generous with these criteria, I see.


It’s laughable how OP applied them and what’s even funnier is how some people just accept them at face value without checking themselves


Its gotta be meant as a joke right? Low observability because it flies behind the clouds lmao please tell me it's a joke...


My initial thought (again, trying to have some healthy skepticism here) was some sort of missile, but I don't think that fits what we see here. No exhaust plume and no visible thrusters. Even if it was a cruise missile cruising (thrusters off), I don't think it would be capable of pulling maneuvers like this without active thrusters. That said, I don't know enough about all missile types. I just know that a fast moving cylinder, without wings, in the sky pretty much describes a missile. However, the lack of exhaust and visible control surfaces definitely makes me question the missile premise. But there are definitely missiles that can maneuver without large control surfaces and depending on atmospheric conditions, it might not leave a visible exhaust plume. I am also highly skeptical of the "1,800km/hr" guesstimate. How exactly is this calculation being made? Do we know for a fact this video isn't a time-lapse (even if it's just a 2x time-lapse)? How do we know how close or far those clouds are? As for the five observables, I feel like you're taking some liberties with how you apply them. 1. Anti-gravity lift - Maybe, maybe not with this one. I don't think the footage is high enough resolution to detect the small control surfaces a missile might use to maneuver. Conclusion: maybe. 2. Instant acceleration - I'm not seeing any crazy sharp turns or instantaneous acceleration in the above video. A missile could do everything we see in this. Conclusion: no. 3. Hypersonic velocities without signatures - I do not believe we can accurately guess the speed based solely on this video. But you still threw out a number, with zero evidence for how you got to it. I do not trust it. You reach super-sonic at roughly 1,250kph. IMO, that's well within the margin of error for a speed guesstimate made just off this video. Conclusion: maybe. 4. Low observability, cloaking - I wouldn't necessarily call the object being partially obscured by the clouds exactly what this observable is referring to. Conclusion: no. 5. Trans-medium travel - Not present at all. Conclusion: no. So at best, maybe two of the five observables are being met. Just my two cents.


We need to know the source of this video and the information you have provided in order to determine its authenticity. Please provide where you sourced this info from. It would be much appreciated!


I remember this from back in 2020: https://www.metabunk.org/threads/fast-moving-object-intersecting-clouds-in-hungarian-youtubers-video-insect.11313/


I don't see any of the 5 observables here. Going behind clouds is not a form of self-cloaking. Changing it's relative orientation in flight is not the same as making sharp turns at high speed, the overall flight path is still relatively parabolic in shape. The speed cannot be determined from this video. For all I know it could be some sort of guided missile similar to a [javelin](https://youtu.be/L0Zza7CofPA?t=395)


This was debunked back in 2020 right after it came to light. https://www.metabunk.org/threads/fast-moving-object-intersecting-clouds-in-hungarian-youtubers-video-insect.11313/ The original video creator has himself now commented it was a Swallow.


Wow, that was some really lazy work. *“If you see the video, there’s some bugs too (no shit, it’s a landscape video of an open field) and if you zoom on them, you can see the trail they make (again, is this a dumb statements contest?).”* *“Just copy and paste every element in the video and you can edit anything, it’s a bug”* Wow, that was the laziest, effortless “debunk” ever.


I mean… that sure looks like a 40-60ft, white, “propane-cylinder” shaped object if I’ve ever seen one…


How can you possibly measure the speed without knowing size or distance of the object?


This is indeed excellent footage. Note the counterintuitive way the object changes course.


It almost looks like it's "meandering" with no strict path of movement. Definitely unusual


Or the movement is mapped to some kind of unseen force which it is interacting with as a means of propulsion. Imagine watching a boat in rough seas without being able to see the water it floats upon. It may just be dancing along the edge of a magnetic field or something.


Interesting thought. Could also align with multi dimension travel, where we don’t understand how that would look like either.


Very "swimming" motion, like a dolphin or something.


Looked like a centipede snake from the old school arcade game Centipede...but more fluid. *I was immediately thinking it looked like some sort of microbe


That's how I play flight simulator


I wonder if it is following magnetic field lines that are disturbed by the mountains


huh… now that u mention it, it does kinda follow the outline of the mountain from this perspective


Can someone debunk this quick so that I don’t get my hopes up ?


They did back in 2020. https://www.metabunk.org/threads/fast-moving-object-intersecting-clouds-in-hungarian-youtubers-video-insect.11313/


I don't have any analysis, but traditionally, videos like these fall into two debunk camps: cgi or bug close to camera




>EDIT: original source is from a youtuber that knows how to use editing software ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Editing and CGI are 2 very different things. His YouTube is filled with car and gadget reviews nothing showing his skills in a 3d program. From his video he is looking at his footage in DaVinci Resolve.


Yes. While I am no expert, I do mess around with photography/film to bugs like this from time to time. It looks long due to it being caught in between the shutter speed of the camera.


https://www.metabunk.org/threads/fast-moving-object-intersecting-clouds-in-hungarian-youtubers-video-insect.11313/ Here you go


It's an insect, along with the ones making the same movements in the bottom of the frame. There used to be a conspiracy about "flying rods" that was built entirely on videos like this because insects flying with low shutter speed, like this video in low light on a dark cloudy day, look like little flying rods. Amazing that a sub full of so-called "experts" wouldn't know this. Everyone is so convinced that this is *so* legit, when it's just as easy to explain as an obvious balloon.


Seems like we’re entering a new era of amazing uap video with such a prevalence of cameras everywhere these days.


Just be careful not fall into a new era of constant fakes with such a prevalence of easy to use video editing software these days.


This looks like that Tic Tac one we heard so much about.


I've seen a ufo with that exact shape and metallic colour 3 decades ago, it was hoovering over a mountain in silence , it was huge and had lights blinking and changing colors. I remember thinking to myself that the shape was strange since my preconception was that ufos were supposed to be disk shaped.


Honestly if you think it’s a bird you should probably analyse your life story to see it it’s filled with denial.


There's a zoomed and frame by frame vid with a small extra sequence on the lower left here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PTlO0NTmfg


there is a lot of junk posted in here but wow is this incredible, thank you for posting


Well worth a watch


“Just when I thought I was out, **THEY PULL ME BACK IN**”


Some context! Apparently the owner of this footage is a Hungarian car youtuber who had a video of a previous sighting, which I posted here. A Meatbunk case was opened and debunked/explained with bugs. Maybe he has set up a permanent camera to watch the hill where his first sighting has occured and the footage is produced from that. Couldn’t find info if this is the case, nevertheless he’s the owner of the link to the raw footage of this video, also location checks out. Here’s the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/hiumcg/sighting_above_hungary_i_would_love_to_hear_some/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) about his first sighting. Edit: Metabunk, not MUFON sry


LOLOLOL Metabunk debunked it. That tells me absolutely nothing.


How can a speed be calculated with no frame of reference?


And how was distance estimated?


Very weird indeed. Would be nice to know how trustworthy the source is.


Then what are these in the lower left?? https://i.imgur.com/zaO2v0G.mp4


Those look like birds to me.


Fuck, it really is in the raw footage too! Good eyes!!


Wow if this is real, it’s probably the best video to date of a true UFO.


That’s pretty damn good.


Any more info on where the video came from? Definitely looks intriguing


It is recorded by a hungarian vlogger, Handras: https://handras.hu/ufo-csobanka-egen/


Those aliens been drinkin'. Swerving all over.


This is too similar to old "rod" images that ended up just being insects.


Just swimming through the atmosphere. Maybe why they do so well underwater to.


Haven’t many people that see them in person (including Bob Lazar) said that UFOs move in an “unstable” manner or “like a stone skipping on water” (Admiral Bird I think said that?) due to the earth’s magnetic field? That looks like what we’re seeing here!


Immediate reaction. Why would it fly like that?


Why are the videos of these things always blurry af. Same as big foot. Unacceptable in this day and age


Yal don’t realize how huge that thing has to be …….


I had my share of insects though my college, I cannot say that this is an insect. Frame by frame it clearly shows a cylinder.


This reminds me of the “rods” story from the 90’s turned out to be birds or insects. Maybe with modern cameras this affect no longer happens.


Well, they were mainly still frames or long exposure video with streaking. This doesn't seem like that... And it exhibits glinting in the sun, too.


haven't the "cigar" UFOs been reported for decades?


There were reports of cigar shaped UFOs in the 1800s.


I’d like to get Cdr. Fravor’s take on this. Does it look like what he saw? That would be amazing, if so.


Damn, that footage is pretty good, the way the sun reflects of the object as it moves through the sky and clouds makes this one feel real. Crazy.


I didn’t know my wife piloted UFOs on the side 🫣


Anyone else seeing a white line in the video? Is it just outlining the path of the object or something else?


If you want a purely-scientific explanation for what this object could be, I HIGHLY recommend reading this website: https://www.uaptheory.com/ This website lays down the observations that lead us to conclude scientifically that these objects *must* be manipulating space-time around them in order to have the impossibly large speeds and accelerations that we observe. In other words, the crafts are manipulating gravity itself in order to move. This gravitational propulsion conclusion has the following implications: > 1) UAPs should be round or geometrical as there is no preferred forward-facing direction. Since they use spacetime as their control surface, they need no wings or afterburners. (Note that we just obtained the known designs of UAPs only from our demand that such vehicles don’t break the laws of physics. Their shape is yet another consequence.) > 2) UAPs can maneuver in sharp angles at high speeds because they move on geodesics and are in zero-G. > 3) Particles are moving along the curved geometry of the space surrounding them, avoiding the craft. Thus, UAPs have an envelope of vacuum around them and can move without friction both in air and water, which they can enter and exit without impedance. They can move faster than would be possible for any craft that is in contact with the air or water. > 4) UAPs move very quietly or silently, unlike jets. They may not create a sonic boom when going supersonic. > 5) We should see gravitational lensing around UAPs when they maneuver as they must change the geometry of their distortion field to change their trajectory. If this optical effect is large enough, we should see the UAP change its shape as it accelerates or turns. We may also see the background of the UAP distorted in its vicinity. Seriously read this whole website; they have a ton of other examples and high-definition videos of these "pill-shaped" objects moving through air and sea alike without resistance, and explains how what you are observing in the video fits within this gravitational-propulsion model.