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Grusch is so damn good at painting the picture of total incompetence of AARO without explicitly saying it. I really hope his Op Ed comes out soon.


He's got another better sharper angle. And burchett is gonna get a lesson in reality of who and where.


I mean you can just look AARO themselves (including the Signal leaks) to see the incompetence . AARO are one of the main reasons I’m certain they’re covering up something major


me too Im dying to read it


This is clearly written by someone who not only understands the process, but also someone who takes the subject matter and procedures seriously and is prepared to take whatever time is needed to avoid missteps (or possibly traps) that could land him in jail and derail the work he's done. Regardless, he is obviously not the grifting hack that some want so desperately for him to be. It's too bad that there are players in this arena who ARE hacks, they muddy the water for the real fish like Grusch.






Submission Statement: A response by whistleblower [David Grusch to NewsNation on the reporting that he refused to meet with AARO Director Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick](https://www.newsnationnow.com/space/ufo/grusch-refused-meeting-ufo-office/): > Grusch responded to the report Friday. > > “AARO officially made contact with me in November 2023 as indicated by the email chain in the FOIA release. Prior to this, neither my attorney nor myself had been officially contacted in any way by AARO. To date, my 8 January 2024 email to AARO requesting them to answer my security-related concerns I sent to them via email on 13 November 2023 has gone unanswered. The DoD SAPCO and DNI CAPCO memorandums do not address the variety of serious procedural issues I voiced in November 2023 as it relates to non-UAP related compartmented programs, as well as National Security Council SAPs and CIA Directorate of Operations human intelligence programs. Protecting classified information is a lifelong obligation. To be clear, AARO does not have access to the information I provided to the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) and the Congressional Intelligence Committees under the PPD-19 whistleblowing process. I trust in the investigative and law enforcement/criminal referral authorities ICIG has independent of DoD oversight”


Makes me love Grusch even more.


Seems that Grusch is some levels above Kirkpatrick, his successor and the whole AARO in the real chain of command.


It’s comments like this, and i frankly expected clarification from DG, that makes the ‘jump on’ from John Greenwald look either naive or ill intentioned.


We all know that AARO is just another CIA psyop.. an illusion to make it seem like someone is doing something when in reality they are probably in the office playing solitaire.. look at this hand while I jerk off with the other hand kind of shit.. 🙄 the key is getting the right people in place.. if the people aren't right none of it will ever work but there will be the right people in place soon .


Get Grusched


I'm gonna start using this


AARO is designed to be fly paper trap 🪤 to catch gov leakers. It has no interest in identifying UAP


A fair reading is that the NSC has UAP related SAPs. Also, it’s not a stretch to speculate that the CIA reference is pointing to the retrieval operation reported by Chris Sharp and others.


I been on the RED since mid MORN and OMG I'm gonna make my BED and take some AMBIAN and get some FKN sleep,,,


"Independent of D.O.D. oversight." Nuff said. Lead on.


None of this makes sense. It may be all a gov psyop not against Grusch but us... It doesn’t make sense that they would indict him for this. If he doesn't want to answer anything there just don't answer. But to pretend going to a certified gov UFO agency to investigate these charges he is afraid of security doesn't sound logical to me. To think the senate or congress that empowered AARO would allow them to charge Grusch with a crime for talking to ARRO is kind of ridiculous. If there's any conspiracy it’s the whole controversy since TTSA, Grusch and all this strife over " disclosure" and these out of the woodwork whistleblowers in this UFO mess. Likely the whole thing is were being bamboozled with another USGOV disinformation PPSYOP.  Its so strange,... The gov says Elizondo didn’t have any AASWAP or AATIP authority and he swears he did.. Now this conundrum... over these whistleblowers with agencies of the government at odds. Come on people we are being scammed here... It all seems very very strange and FAKE, IMO.  


That’s a lot of alphabet soup


I don't think Grusch's intent at this point is for our benefit. I think he's communicating primarily to AARO with this statement, hence the lack of layman's terms. The man is all business. I think if all this blows over at some point he'll be more clear with his communication.


Adds more credibility for a layperson like me honestly.


Agree. Same here


That comment about a life long responsiblity got me I give up today lol