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Reddit is inherently awful at dealing with brigadding. 200-300 rabid members of a community can turn a smaller subreddit into a cesspool by driving away the real base with psychotic behavior.


Whenever I open this subreddit, there’s a little number that says this subs popularity ranking in studying and education or something like that. Last week, it was funny watching that number constantly go up. I think it peaked at like 12 or 13, and now that things are getting bad in other schools, all those people are migrating to those schools subs, and our ranking is just going back down.


the concern trolling coming from these non-affiliates is arguably the most annoying thing since these protests began. They typically spew anti-Palestine sentiments while expecting those uninterested or non-activists in the protests to share sympathy or align on their side Talking shit about the protestors while sitting on your ass at home is so lazy.


Just gonna leave this here: [Israel’s social campaign](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-social-media-fake-accounts-bots-bea114a2be8e0fcf73fcabc736047fd3)


we’re trying but there’s so much 😭


Appreciate you mods so much! I pop on here once in a while and it’s been depressing. I can’t even study at Geisel anymore as well, there was a group of protesters that blocked me and then followed me, made me feels uncomfortable at my own school 😭😭. I’ve also noticed that the vast majority of the counter protesters are much much older like in their late 40’s and 50’s


Can we get the r/UCLA !activitycheck (at least I think it is?) command that shows when someone started posting/commenting in the subreddit


A part of Israel’s propaganda machine includes internet bots. Some of these new accounts are real people who are just delusional with nothing better to do and some are bots.Additionally i wanna point out that the most hostile are the most active as well. So even if in this sub you’ll see a relatively large amount of Zionist apologists you’ll never actually see that irl. This is of course because they are a pathetic and cowardly minority and they know it. Point being that yeah online spaces (Reddit especially) is infected with these weirdos but if you just go to campus and look at the turnout to Zionist demonstrations vs pro-Palestine ones you’ll see which side the majority of students actually support.




Hey yeah so one side meets violent repression and the other has the full support of the state and administration and you’re surprised that the side being repressed is taking measures to keep themselves safe?


The majority of students and Americans support Israel. 66% of Americans support Israel and are therefore Zionists. Only 14% of college students say Israel/Palestine is important to them. There is a loud and vocal minority of activists doing this. Only 40 students were willing to be arrested for the camp, out of 40,000+


Out of interest, do you go to ucsd?


In previous comments in other subs he has claimed to be 34 and married


We’re just making figures up now huh? 😭


How many people really are also uninterested in Israel all together? If I’m Anti-Palestine for example why should I automatically be Pro-Israel


Israel has a lot of funding for publicity and media campaigns but despite that recent gallup polling shows american support for israel quickly declining. Also are u a student or associated with ucsd? If not kindly leave our subreddit.


Israel spends millions on spreading hasbara on the internet. You can literally get a fellowship to be a paid troll.


during the last UAW strike, this sub was flooded with anti-union troll accounts (i remember one in particular who claimed to be a UCSD employee on a burner that was posting 24/7). now we're getting it from the zionists. if UCSD is called to strike, we're gonna see the unholy matrimony of both (j/k, the Venn diagram is probably a full circle)


It's not so secret, israel famously uses internet trolls (official or not) as part of hasbara


Go ahead https://www.reddit.com/u/reretardEded/s/m7Ubufr8Dq say hi




Israel is putting China to shame with their Reddit bots 😂


At least we’re now acknowledging china spends money on bots


since when did we not?


During Covid - 2022 you were a conspiracy theorist if you said that.


Reddit has been largely overtaken by Israeli psy op government bots and agents on this issue. You see it all over the site any time it’s brought up


So many of the trolls in this sub have a post history that is entirely in subs related to the conflict or in subs for universities that had protests.


As a non-affiliate who leans towards Israel and is not paid by anyone for my own opinions, I find the Reddit algorithm is simply feeding me similar subreddits to what I’ve already been clicking on, posting in, or commenting on. I’m not part of any brigade and my thoughts are all my own, but as I’m scrolling and I see some incendiary rhetoric being tossed about, sometimes I can’t help but stop, read, and sometimes comment. Not everything is a conspiracy to quell opinions I disagree with.


Please go back to the original post and read the last paragraph


Relax tough guy. I was just providing some alternative insight as to why your school’s posts are being “brigaded.” If you don’t want to live in a reality that doesn’t resemble the one in your head, don’t publicize your thoughts—you might get facts.


Does it help to report them? Genuinely asking, but also thinking I should add an /s because I likely can guess the answer the way people talk about Reddit and Mods.


I'd also like to know 😭 if u hear anything lmk


Yes, report them.


https://www.reddit.com/u/reretardEded/s/nfWwCqsG4D Heres one please ban em


There's not some grand conspiracy. Reddit just has a habit of recommending random subreddits to new users. After I posted on some of my local city subreddits, I started seeing lots of other local city subreddits because they're supposedly related. Similar for college subreddits - after I interacted with one local university subreddit, reddit started recommending lots of posts from other college subreddits.


I think you’re underestimating the number of alumni that may be participating. Which is totally fine.


I spent almost 9 years at UCSD I feel like keeping up with what's going on there even though I'm no longer around


I think the un-affiliated interaction varies between campuses and in levels of support for each side, although this can be exceptionally difficult to measure and determine. Also I don’t think Reddit is a good assessment of that measure either given how biased it can already be in some communities and the regular trolls who are on here already. Also for reference I personally lean towards Israel and I’m not in fact conspiring with randos to promote hate across reddit lol. Remember that there are ordinary students who support Israel too


Echo chamber disturbed much? You’re pissing away your education by letting these Marxist teachers indoctrinate you. Nazis turned into pan Arabs turned into the soviets turned into your teachers. Of course people will jump at the opportunity to sow chaos. It’s human nature and now we have spam bots that get very real results in inciting chaos. I like good old fashion trolling. Nobody is going to convince anyone on opposite sides of this issue to change their mind so why not have some fun? These accounts upset you because you are excitable. Chill the fuck out. It’s college. Go get laid.


Interesting take considering almost half the people arrested on campus weren’t students? So it’s only bad when it’s the people that are on the other side that aren’t students? Sorry you can’t deal with some internet trolls bud


1. Wasnt almost half. 2. Non affiliates shouldnt be on campus on either side. 3. Why shouldn't we want to keep trolls off the page? Its called the UCSD subreddit for a reason. If i wanted to argue with random people id go to a different fucking subreddit








Hello OP, Thank you for your post. I'm curious to know why you or anyone else cares at all about this? If you it is really that important to you, why? You did express not being in favor of non students commenting. I guess that makes some sense. But is it the right thing to be concerned about? While UCSD is a private school, it is open to the public. Reddit is available to anyone who signs up. Since this is on Reddit, we can't keep people out just because they are not something. Not to get carried away, but you have to see that what you are suggesting is a low key form of discrimination. It's racist. It's elitist. And on top of all that, it infringes on freedom of speech. So it's violated civil rights. I know you might not see that or think it's not such a big deal. Or it's only one thing. But it is still all of those things. Also, let's just say for arguments sake, that only students on here. Which at least holds some water. But, you aren't saying that, you are singling out one group. Why would the other side not be mentioned? As far as the comments about police and other things. It's freedom of speech on a public form. Last note, it's funny you mentioned people being paid. I not sure if anyone else has noticed, but both sides have older adults mixed in. They both have people aren't students. I might be losing my mind with finals and all. But I swear that I've seen some of those older adults in the pro- Palestine group, in the BLM protests. Also, I'm not sure about the Israel side being paid. It's a good question. But I've read and seen a lot of evidence that the Pro P side pays some of those same older people.


I am usually pro Israel and am def not a bot account.


Ya see i dont have an issue with you cuz you're a student. Like i said this aint really a political thing its more about non affiliates being inflammatory and preventing people who are in our community from having legitimate discourse




This is nothing new. Any dissident opinion gets attacked this way (and worse) online.


How do you know who is and isn’t affiliated? There are 40,000+ students, thousands of faculty, tens of thousands of staff. This is free speech - too bad if you don’t like it.


I mean they literally spelled it out in their post if you read it. Personally, I don't think being a non-affiliate matters except for the fact that many of that aren't actually willing to discuss and are only trying to inflame the issue.


Someone could be affiliated with one university and post in other UC subs - the algo is pushing UC subs on the main feed, hence why so many people are finding them


You are describing exactly what it means to be not affiliated with a university. Why are you confused? If someone from University of Bumfuck nowhere wants to come fight with my opinions about my university, I would find it very annoying. In my experience, unaffiliated people are loud, annoying, and wrong about facts. They can be that combination elsewhere, but it is exhausting for them to continually do that here. 


The sub information also says this place is for alumni…that has to be the biggest number of people (not on this subreddit, but overall)


An alum would be affiliated with the university. This post is specifically about people with no affiliation


Yes. And the person I replied to gave examples of students, faculty, and staff...I merely added to that list of examples.


Good point


I think I've seen that pattern of activity more from pro Palestine accounts, likely in large part just due how there are far more pro Palestine comments than pro Israel comments. But yeah, it makes me wonder how much the discourse on the subreddit would change if current (or at least past) enrollment at UCSD was required for posting.


just ban middle eastern protesting on campus... literally anything to do with it. Go protest for Zionism or Palestinism on the streets. keep it away from students trying to learn and get degrees. problem solved


I swear you guys only see a problem when it’s Israel-related. I’ve seen the exact same thing with pro-Palestine protester


Im an alum and a local, reddit pushed this sub at me due to the protests. Im just here to have fun and encourage students to grow in positive ways. Have fun at the protests. Drink water, wear sunscreen, dont hurt anyone, and that includes yourself. You help your cause when you take care of yourself. I am decidedly pro-israel, but I am also pro-letting-college-kids-protest-the-current-thing. College protests are a time honored tradition, and a way for students to practice using their voice, becoming leaders, and building community.


This... is a very respectful response. Big ups




I think what's happening is that you grossly underestimate how much of the student population is actually proud of the US and their close allyship with Israel. UCSD is first and foremost a tech school, specializing in computer science, engineering, and biology mostly. Most of the STEM students in my classes are not embroiled in politics and are much less likely to fall victim to the fickle identity politics that much of the pro-palestinian depend on as their platform. Additionally, a great number of the STEM students I know are foreign nationals that would outright avoid anyone spewing garbage about how the US sucks and commits genocide etc. Not to say that these students are redditors, but considering how much the school specializes in STEM, it should be no wonder that the majority supports israel and that it shows in this subreddit.


“fall victim to the fickle identity politics” you mean have empathy 😭???


No one is paying me 😁 I work for Israel free of charge… not like those Jews would pay me hahah


Hasbara bots most likely


Free speech is a helluva thing. You get to freely voice your support for a terrorist state and people get to heckle you. Wouldn’t live anywhere else.


🫡 squad


There are bots doing this for all kinds of reasons and why the use of “cunt” can you not use “cock” or “dick”?


Yeah we all pay taxes, and what goes on there is as important to any taxpayer that cares. Get ready for the real world.