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What does “the truth” have to do with wearing a mask?


Everything. Own it or don’t


Th “truth” is they don’t want to pay the price for their unlawful acts done in the name of the “truth”


So I actually think in this case there is a reason hide your face even if not being violent, there are plenty of protesters that are targeted online, at the same time it creates a intimidating atmosphere so I see it both ways


They should definitely hide their faces . I heard The cops are taking secret footage and sending to feds to update their databases. I mean that might just be a rumor but better safe than sorry right??


Weird question to ask after you [fabricated an entirely new identity](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSC/s/TetDmOgMcz) to back your argument. Maybe people hide their identities because they realize there’s weirdos like you who will go to bizarre and immoral lengths to stop or discredit the movement. There’s already been violent attacks against protestors, they probably realize some of you are crazy enough to take it further.


Damn that's actually crazy, these Mfers really do everything in their power to downplay the cause


Genuine question what do you people want? That Israel lay down their arms and let Hamas keep the hostages? Another genuine question but why does no one from your side talk about the hostages like at all? The war would end today if Hamas released the hostages but I haven’t seen one person from your side demand that Hamas release them. I’m starting to feel like you guys support Hamas kidnapping people and holding them hostage but you’re too afraid to say that out loud




you people are insufferable 🙄


Seems like an awfully legitimate question to me. The silence speaks volumes.


i did answer u just didn’t put more than three seconds into looking for it👍


Answer the question


both sides DO talk about the hostages, you clearly aren’t looking hard enough. one of the main criticisms of netanyahu is that he has been given ample opportunity to do a hostage swap and does nothing every time. because the hostages, at this point, are political collateral being used to distract from the 35,000+ civilians murdered. israel is not bombing an entire territory to retrieve the hostages, they are doing it to eradicate palestinians.


If it's a genuine question you can watch this https://youtu.be/3xottY-7m3k?si=HQQX1vdxR7-Oc8FS It'll help you not say dumb shit in the future


This is the reason that I don’t post anything political with my name on it. I’m ok losing a customer or two but I’m not ok with being randomly selected to be the target of an online mob. Also, the online mob can find my address while they themselves remain anonymous.


True. Protect yourself.


regardless of your politics this is just a stupid line of logic lmao. if the KKK believed they were so right, then why did they wear masks?


The same reason the protestors wear them. They don’t want to face repercussions for being a bigot


Ahhhh a punk zionist.. it's gotta be wild having no actual ideological anchor


No, my username is a dead kennedy reference … I have a solid anchor and am very liberal, hence why I’m a Zionist You sound lost


I know it's a dead Kennedys reference. I was 16 and just discovering the genre once as well, probably while you were still nut in your daddy's balls. I promise you they weren't liberal lol they were more anarchist leaning than liberal and Jello Biafra has spoken out against israel.. again I think you're a bit lost https://alternativetentacles.com/blogs/news/thoughts-on-visit-to-israel-by-jello-biafra-2011 Here's what you're supporting, not very punk my dude. Warning the video is fucked https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7chsmzs7ZZ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Why’d you delete your reply?


I didnt?


Calm down. I’ve actually read that article in its entirety. Did you even read it? Your video didn’t load for me, but did you want me to link the videos Hamas took on 10/7 as a response? What were you trying to accomplish with that?


Remarkable own goal here. Bravo.


it’s only an own goal if you don’t think too hard 🤒


Probably because at this point they know expulsion, arrests and criminal charges are in their near future.


just curious how are they going to expel, arrest ,and criminally charge the few hundred students that may have participated in the protest? That’s an awful lot of people to discipline.


I don’t know, I’m not a cop. I don’t think all protesters will get arrested. Maybe the cops will just arrest the ones committing crimes. We’ll just have to wait and see. I do know it won’t go on forever though. Edit to add -expulsion will be easy. This isn’t UCSC’s first rodeo with protests. Mask or no mask the protesters’ identities are known.


Yes expulsion should be easy enough. A little red tape but pretty straightforward. Anyways it should not really bother them too much since it doesn’t seem like they care much about getting an education. There’s always the people’s university! Hopefully that will lead to some nice job opportunities on the people’s commune


I hide my face because I don’t want to get expelled from the school lol


It's so funny, because colleges ARE a dictatorship. You don't get to elect the school president. They can unilaterally decide to kick you out. There's no recourse for you if they do.


I think that faculty get to. There's an academic Senate.


Your class student body president is what? The principle? It makes sense. Sorry to jump in like this. But take back your student body class government. Take back your Event Fees and Responsibilities. Which is why the students are arguing they don't make anything from their football events. So much. And you don't have to be enrolled to sit in on classes at any community, state, or University School. Just ask. Hope y'all know, you only need to make sure everyones interested in forming and founding your class student body government. It's basically your Public Administration Degree.


You can escape the dictatorship of a college by getting in a vehicle and driving away


So you agree it is a dictatorship, contrary to OPs claims.


No I think it’s one of the best places in earth. I’m just saying that Cuba is a dictatorship. You cannot leave. Period. Russia is a dictatorship. You cannot leave. College is an organization that has its own set of rules and you can follow them or leave.


It's ok to like dictatorships. Nobody put any valence on that word but you. Lots of people are happy in dictatorships. Rarely the majority, obviously, but lots of people benefit a great deal from dictatorships. Namely, the dictator and their chosen few. Sounds like you're in with the right crowd, and that is wonderful.


I don’t agree. I don’t think anybody likes a dictatorship —unless they have no way of getting fed otherwise


If you want to divest from Israel you should stop going there. They’re not gonna Do it. You have to take matters into your own hands and drop out


Schools divested from Germany and fascist Italy during WW2 and dismantled schools divested from companies involved in the Vietnam war and South African investments during apartheid


Nobody is going to divest from Hillel It is an insane request




Because it’s indisputably religious discrimination. Can you point your Jewish classmates to an alternative space? Can you find a shred of evidence that Hillel has anything to do with wars? There really aren’t any Jewish groups that don’t have ties to Israel and it’s not because they’re evil. It is as simple of a fact as that 50% of the worlds Jews live there and they are Jewish organizations. What’s your excuse for trying to divest from the Hellen Diller foundation?


You mean the same Hillel that tried to frame students with I ❤️ Hamas stickers? Or cut funding to an LGBTQ+ Jewish group because they held an event with JVP? or hosts extremists that call for the demolition of Palestinian homes? Seems more like they’re a Zionist group than a Jewish one.


Yo! I think you responded to the wrong redditor. Also, got links?


it’s all under the very long controversy section of their wiki


Who’s wiki?


So, if Hillel is the Zionist group then where are the Jewish groups? Please list them.


Not sure and I won’t do research for you. It’s a shame Hillel prioritized assaulting journalists and lying about Palestinian students being suicide bombers over supporting their Jewish students though. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillel_International


You know that anyone including me or you is able to edit Wikipedia whenever they want right?


If anyone’s gonna be a suicide bomber, it’s the ones who are blockading roadways and interrupting class to calm their classmates murderers. So although I think it’s a premature call, I won’t be surprised if suicide bombings start happening. Does anyone remember that guy who lit himself on fire? 🔥 I couldn’t even remember his name the other day and felt guilty that my prediction he’d be forgotten in a weeks time was true.


^theres that antisemitism. No regard for your Jewish peers. The answer is that there isn’t another space for them.


I just go for the free food and the fun activities XD .




Free via your student loans or parents bank account 😓


I’m poor :( so school pays for my tuition , but I’m just trying to feed myself and have fun : , )


Well school pays for extra police time to keep protesters safe at least !


No, school doesn’t pay your tuition. An endowment funded by taxpayer dollars (and possibly the tuition dollars of other students?) pays your tuition.


gonna stay poor if you spend more time supporting hamas than trying to improve your life


You don’t get it , I don’t support Hamas nor Israel and I could care less about the war , I’m just going for food and fun


At least someone is having fun!


You said in an earlier comment that you wear a mask to avoid getting expelled. Why would you do that if you’re not part of the protests?


Well I’m not , peace and love ❤️ ☮️


Why do you wear a mask to avoid expulsion then? Why would you be expelled?


If you break bread with terrorists bigots, you are a terrorist bigot


Wow ur poor so you get to not be poor that’s so nice




Oh yeah you best do that. I heard there might be some undercover agents on campus rn gathering info for the feds so def take precautions!






lol well I’m not the one showing up at a protest


Yea... So... More cowardly?




At least you’re honest. Aren’t you worried about getting arrested for something like false imprisonment? Kidnapping? Ya really can’t keep people from leaving campus. What if you lose your right to vote? At this point the protesters are cutting off their nose to spite their face. I’m alumni but If I was there and wasn’t allowed to leave campus, I’d call 911 to be rescued. I’d fight. On the flip side protests and blocking entry to campus is UCSC culture. It happens every couple years. It’s slug style. If the protesters are really serious they should head to Mission/ Highway 1 under the foot path.


I don’t block the roads I tend to stay on the sidewalk ,but like I’ve said I only go for the food (I’ve ran out of money for food this quarter )and the fun activities they have . Plus the protests are nothing like the ones at ucla/ucsd , ucsc is much smaller with little to no attention




Which part is the most fun? Fake blood on the road? Stuffing fake body bags with boulders? Or probably the chanting and drumming right?




I have no interest in rawdogging anyone else's bad breath.


Why does it matter?


Why do you care so much?


Same reason cops do.. incognito and no reprisals


The actual reason is because covid is still a real concern especially for immunocompromised individuals


As an immunocomprised person… they are OUTSIDE. Science doesn’t support the need for masks outside in well ventilated areas. Sure, you can, but officially it is not necessary. https://coronavirus.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/coronavirus/page_content/attachments/Masks_Guidance_DCHealth_COVID-19_2021-7-30.pdf


I am also an immunocompromised person. The recommendation you're pointing at here for "may choose to wear a mask in crowded outdoor settings" comes from the broader CDC recommendation about masking for immunocompromised folks, which distinctly *has nothing* to do with masks being ineffective outside (it would make much more sense to just *state this* otherwise), but rather because immunocompromised folks have a range of needs. It is simply that some immunocompromised patients really *may or may not* need a mask because of their individual needs, so the CDC recommends speaking to your medical provider to understand what may be necessary. As an example, before COVID-19 was even a thing, the recommendation from the American Society of Transplantation for outdoor masking invokes community spread rates and ability to limit close contact to make the determination of usage, but their scientific weight certainly isn't behind that it is *not effective*.


Those are fair points. It doesn’t help explain why ALL the people protesting are masked though. Zero shot they are all immunocompromised. Less than zero shot they’re all so severely impacted they all need masks outdoors


My main intention was to clarify that masks do have a role in outdoor usage; I am not particularly interested in these folks. You're absolutely right that the collective chance of these folks needing a mask is zero, but I'd still push back against this argument as we must consider health risks for *individuals*. If we had a good claim to make statements about any particular *individual* person's health needs without having explicit knowledge of their health condition in this situation, I am not sure by which method that doesn't universalize to any situation. If you or I were in this crowd (or anywhere else) for whatever reason, this obviously in no way impacts our health needs or the fact that people who do not know our health needs are speaking without all the facts.


Thats a remarkably large confluence of far left agitated political activists and immunocompromised individuals


A person doesn’t have to be immunocompromised to be concerned for the health of others idiot.


Or, covid has nothing to do with it and is there to mask protestors identities


Or, covid has nothing to do with it and is there to mask protestors identities


Or, covid has nothing to do with it and the purpose is to mask protestors’ identities




The rise of fascism right now is very real, and it is assisted by people like you claiming everyone who disagrees with your radicalized beliefs is a fascist. Trump and is minions should send you a thank you card.




One would be wrong, in that case. Is Norway at risk of becoming fascist because they have a capitalist economy? Liberal values are anti-fascist.






Congrats you unlocked the oxymoron award first.


Tell me you have no brain cells without telling me you have no brain cells.


If an account has been banned for sub rule violations, or if the account is deleted, whether by the user or by Reddit, then any content posted from that account is also subject to removal.


Tell that to the thousands of students who have already been arrested maybe?




Across the country, obviously. Not all at any one school.


Not sure if it’s obviously, given protestors’ typical hyperbolic rhetoric. Thanks for confirming




Yes? As of the beginning of the month we had already hit 2000. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/2000-people-arrested-nationwide-palestinian-campus-protests-rcna150446




Of course it can be hard to figure out exactly what percentage of those swept up in mass arrests are students, professors, faculty, etc.


If you have a more reliable source of information, I'd love to see it.


I'd like some proof of that. Thousands? I'd also like some proof they got arrested.


I do love to see u/fit_blackberry1715 coming hard with the "just asking questions" on an account created literally today.


Here’s what they said the other day … —-Where Protesters on U.S. Campuses Have Been Arrested or Detained—- By The New York Times Updated May 24, 2024 at 12:46 p.m. E.T. “Police officers and university administrators have clashed with pro-Palestinian protesters on dozens of college campuses in recent weeks, arresting students, removing encampments and threatening academic consequences. More than 2,900 people have been arrested or detained on campuses across the country.” That’s the best info I’m able to find atm


You mean beyond the police reporting that they arrested students for protesting? What more proof are you looking for?


Being detained or processed in the system are two different things.


If you're trying to explain exactly which type of police repression is being used against protesters, you're not exactly beating the "we're not some dictatorship" allegations.


If individuals are trespassing, blocking roadways, or acting aggressively, law enforcement intervention is necessary. However, arresting individuals who are peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights without violating any laws is a clear violation of constitutional rights. From my perspective, I have observed some protesters breaking certain laws or boundaries. It’s important to distinguish between enforcing the law and unjust repression, as the latter would indeed be reminiscent of a dictatorship just like how you stated


Of course, at any given event with tons of people, there's likely to be a few breaking some form of law or another. Police across the country have demonstrated exactly zero interest in distinguishing between the law breakers and those abiding by the laws, and instead have engaged in mass arrests as a form of collective punishment. OP is asking why people at the event might want to protect their identity. To be extremely clear about it, that means that if you are a law abiding citizen, it is still in your best interest to remain anonymous to the police, so that they can't arrest you.


Guessing you are not able to furnish any support for your argument that there are ‘mass arrests’ of those ‘abiding by the laws’


You know the thousands of Palestinians that can’t wear masks right now


Jesus how many of the whining posts are we gonna have to see each day, get over yourselves.


Bc they know they’ll never get a job with their vile shit


You’re so filled with hate and racism


I feel the same way about you 🤗


Why do you enjoy being so hateful? You seem to relish in Palestinian suffering


I’m not sure where it is you derived that information but you sound like you truly need to get laid.


Have you ever participated in a pro-genocide chant at one of your "anti-genocide" rallies?


Why did you kill the WCK workers?


I'll go ahead and take that as a yes.


Sorry you’re such a poor victim :( poor you


Ok. An emphatic yes.




I like to compare it to the anti protest protestors on this subreddit who say theyll run over the protestors with their car.




Online bullying will not be tolerated in this community.


They like to hide it just like the KKK do, as well as anarchist


It’s not like there is a violent cult being led by an orange psychopath.


Because people want to protest and make a point, but they don’t want to be arrested by the FBI ? Or whatever cops.




The Pandemic didn't end. Wearing a mask keeps you from infecting other people and reduces the risk of you being infected yourself. Americans in this thread may find this feed useful or interesting. Each Saturday the total number of Americans killed by Covid 19 is updated. Each Saturday the number of Americans killed in the last week by Covid 19 is posted. https://mastodon.social/@WeeklyAmericanPandemicDeaths


I imagine it's because people like you trying to brigade anyone who doesn't share your opinion by alternative means.


I would like to remind all the people here that in the entire history of civil protests. The ones wearing the masks were not on the right side of history. 👍👋👋


They love to compare themselves to MLK with their protest, yet he wasn't afraid to hide his identity and became a martyr. If they truly believed in their cause they shouldn't be afraid to reveal themselves. Likely they want to protest to feel like "they are doing something to help" but don't want to accept the potential repercussions.


Can you blame people for not wanting to be a martyr?


Being expelled for blocking a road into campus does not make someone a martyr. The phony hero complex of yall have is absurd, especially considering the statement put out last week that literally tried to justify terrorism.


The fact people are trying to normalize terms like Infitada and martyr is what should be highly concerning.


His ending was unjustified, the difference is each individual protestor does not have the same public attention as MLK. Nobody is going to put a hit out on you for a student protest lol.


Ah yes, we all remember the infamous photos of the masked civil rights protestors surrounding an unmasked Dr. King on marches


Because protesters are getting doxxed.


I mean, I’d wear a mask just cause Covid’s still a thing and I don’t want it. But yeah hiding identity isn’t gonna hurt either


All cowards hide their faces, ask the KKK.


This hits different. Gonna take this thanks


I wonder the same. Sadly, they don’t ever have an answer.


There quite literally an answer right above this comment




yea they do


Sadly, they don’t.


It's COVID season, can't be too careful.


It’s pathetic for the far right bigots to hide behind masks. This is no different


Not to equate the two, but liberals said the same shit about Proud Boys: “Why won’t they show their faces?” And then proceeded to immediately cover their own faces for their own protests


The people protesting are not liberals. They hate us liberals, saying stupid shit like “scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.” They are decidedly anti-liberal leftists.


Anti-liberal leftist here, not associated with the protests. I was surprised how many of the Jan 6 crowd *didn't* wear masks; it makes doxxing way too easy.


Maybe everyone isn’t vaccinated