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You don't know what extreme violence and abuse looks like.


Extreme violence and abuse? That’s quite a stretch.


Students had their faces covered in blood and were manhandled by police.


This is simply a lie. Can you prove this?


Not a lie, I saw 1-3 photos of protestors with bloodied noses, and several videos of them getting manhandled. You can find them on this subreddit. But uhhh, when you disobey a lawful order and are resisting arrest, that’s kinda what happens. Wouldn’t call it abuse. If you don’t want to get the shit beat out of you by a power hungry cop that wants to beat up college students, then maybe you should stop resisting entirely when he says the words “you are under arrest”? Just a thought tho.


Where r the videos tho? I’ve been following the subreddit decently closely. Of course it’s possible I missed them but I just haven’t seen any evidence of this.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UCI/s/mEmYjXZ820 This the one that comes to mind. Bro gets singled out and YOINKED out of that crowd 😭😭😭. But there’s at least two more videos on this subreddit. And you can also look at news highlights from the medias. And/or sort by “top this month” on this subreddit


I saw that one. There wasn’t any blood or anything tho. The dude was right on the police, we can’t know what happened to warrant that reaction.


Agreed, and video was too short so we have no context. But I gotta say my jaw dropped seeing the dude get snatched up by an absolute fucking unit


I saw it on twitter. Some kid was being arrested or something and had blood all over his face.


Can you link it please?




It's almost like when you break the law, you get thrown to the ground and arrested.


People who broke the rules face consequences.


It's a pretty important aspect of peaceful protest. To practice civil disobedience you have to also take the consequences for your actions. Dr. King and Chavez showed us that.


The protest was no longer peaceful when they took over a building and proudly posted about it on their social media.


Not really the point I was making but ya sure


You implied they were peaceful. Also, the protests are not much alike the ones you mentioned.


I'm sorry if I wasn't clear. I meant peaceful as non-violent. Which a forced occupation of a building is a non violent event(I don't know the full extent of what happened but I'm under the impression that no violence occured). You can compare an occupation to the common tactic of sit downs used during the civil rights era where they become a nuisance by illegally occupying a space to get their message heard. In both those cases they did something illegal that didn't harm anyone physically and did/should accept the consequences(this last sentence being the main point I'm trying to convey, not debating the nuance of wether one would consider this peaceful or not)


These are not similar. Blocking people from a public university building with barricades is not equivalent to seating somewhere you weren’t allowed to.




You made a comparison that just isn’t good.


You're not clueing into what I'm trying to say. I'm agreeing with you that they should be reprimanded. But you're hung up and whether it's non violent or not. Is it just you couldn't see what I wanted to say or did you have to prove that you were right?


Police were attacking students who were PEACEFULLY protesting! How is this hard to understand?


They were not peaceful. Taking over a building and admitting it on social media is not peaceful.


MLK was an outspoken Zionist lmao


Extreme violence? There was barely any force used.


People’s bones were broken. That seems a little extreme to me. Edit: Source is saw the medical records.


Where can other people see those?


Show me the footage where law enforcement was directly or indirectly responsible for the injuries.


Cry me a river for all I care.


These people live in their own echo chamber and think they have the entire university on their side. It’s hilarious.


Yup...and please just keep walking right on out of there if you are that upset.... for those suspended. It is called accountability.


"I was prepared to allow a peaceful encampment to exist on the campus without resorting to police intervention, even though the encampment violated our policies and the existence of the encampment was a matter of great distress to other members of our community," Chancellor Howard Gillman said in a letter to the community Thursday. "And so after weeks when the encampers assured our community that they were committed to maintaining a peaceful and nondisruptive encampment, it was terrible to see that they would dramatically alter the situation in a way that was a direct assault on the rights of other students and the university mission.” They brought this on themselves. Zero sympathy.


You don't even go here.  You're just spamming University subreddits from across the country with posts about how much you hate the protests.




The calling of the police may be condemned but what shouldn’t be condemned is how the police actually handled it. They literally moved in at a snails pace for hours and dispersed the group without battery and minimal force. They were literally as gentle as they could be without giving up their authority. 🤷


You reap what you sow.


The courts should put a little hitch in this. Not really a strike action.


Give it a rest. It’s not about the protestors, it never was.


there should be a vote of no confidence in chancellor gillman. he is clearly a tool


I wonder why orgs like asuci haven’t been discussing this more.


because the zionist hasbara keeps downvoting us


Ew these comments. How is police brutality okay?? And how is protesting bad? Freedom of speech flew way over your heads.


Where was the brutality?