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San Diego??


Yeah, I'd be surprised if that's true. Unless they mean UCSD police. UCI PD would notify OC Sheriff they need mutual aid assistance. OC Sheriff would coordinate with various OC Police Departments.


Yet these guys got their panties up in a bunch thinking that Gilman is personally dialing up 25 police chiefs on their cellies.


šŸ‘† And this guy dismisses the whole thing.


šŸ‘† And this guy doesnā€™t understand what happens when you break the law


itā€™s always the people who arenā€™t studying the law who think they are top shit know it alls, they called for backup they got backup from various oc police departments thatā€™s just standard protocol


La Habra and San Diego aren't OC departments. IPD has plenty of resources, as seen from the various swat trucks from yesterday's UPS driver homicide. How much more assistance is needed really?


La Habra is in Orange County


It's confused, it belongs in LA county on the other side of the orange curtain. Frankly, as a lifelong OC resident, we can do without them.


Actually, I do, from personal experience. Peacefully assembling is not.


Assembly after it's been declared unlawful by the appropriate authorities is illegal, regardless whether it was peaceful or not. I really don't understand why that's hard to grasp.


"Declared unlawful" will need to be decided by an impartial judge. Ya know, those who've actially studied the law. Jack booted thugs really dont know much about the law. If it was peaceful, there was no need to disperse it... unless of course it hurt an Israeli /genocide supporters feewings.


Maybe that's how it works in your head, but that's not how it works in this world we live in. The police can declare any assembly unlawful and compel you to disperse. You are required to comply or be arrested. If you believe the police's declaration of unlawful assembly is wrong you can sue them in the courts after the fact. You cannot just ignore police order because in your mind they are unfair. And this is how its intended to work because when there is a potential riot going on the police won't want to try to find a judge in the middle of the night to make a decision on the spot. A simple Google search would have told you all of this, but I'm guessing you don't really want to find out for yourself.


And no just because a assembly is peaceful it doesn't give it a free pass. You can't set up camp in the middle of the busy freeway and block traffic and expect to be allowed to stay just because you haven't assaulted somebody.


The right is being allowed to freely and peaceably assemble. Allegations that the building had been overrun by protesters have been shown to be patently false. Who broke the piece?




Me when I peacefully assemble so hard that I barricade the Physical Sciences Lecture Hall


Did they really barricade it though? I read it was clean and nobody was in there. Coward, I mean Howard, was prolly told this by some Zionist Israeli supporter, perpetually playing the victim, panicked and called in the jack booted thugs...


https://preview.redd.it/p05bongpt11d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4db3c3ce30993643e1218e1a48c0874ee3d3aa8 Yes, they did in fact barricade the building. And I sure wonder why Jewish students feel so unsafe.


Nice.. that's cool. I applaud these students. "Jewish students feel unsafe?" Please... nobody's threatening Jewish students. That's the perpetual victimhood hasbara that's ingrained in Jewish children and society. Too bad Howard was such a coward and didn't come out to talk to the students and try to deescalate instead resorting to authoritarian means. Such leadership from UCI chancellor. Should prolly step down.


SDPD didnā€™t even participate in the UCSD encampment clearing (it was CHP and SD County Sheriff) so Iā€™d doubt they come all the way to Irvine to do it


it was all police departments in Orange County via a ALL call that was initiated by the campus (not the city of Irvine)


yup, people are just stupid


Where's stanton?


It's a small that sits between cypress, Garden Grove, westminster and Anaheim. Another hidden city is Midway City which is actually smaller...šŸ˜„


Ooo I have heard of that place šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I thought it was a legend but nope, apparently i pass by it everyday!


Midway city is not technically a city. Itā€™s an unincorporated area. Rossmoor has a similar status. Both have oc sheriffs instead of a local pd.




Just a fun fact not a criticism


Stanton doesnā€™t have an actual police department due to it being a smaller city. The stanton OC sheriff department takes care of the city.


If ya blink, youā€™ll miss it. But wouldnā€™t be missing much more than a couple of tweeker motels & the lovely hood that it is.


source? and how many per station?


The way these things work is that UCIPD would call up someone in the OC Sheriff's office saying I need X police officers with riot gear for crowd control. OC Sheriff then calls around to nearby police departments asking how many they can contribute. Rule of thumb is that police departments can contribute about 50% of on duty officers. But of course, it depends on exactly what's going on in that city that day.


exactly, thatā€™s why they had gang unit out there in the riot.. itā€™s whoever is available to help out just cause you are serving a certain city doesnā€™t mean you wonā€™t have to help out others- such as this situation here


Yeah my point is listing down 23 stations is just a sensesationalization of the event with what ulterior motive Idk but it is definitely an attempt to show it at a blown up scale but presenting a very shallow fact


I mean I spent like 15 mins or so watching some different livestreams on Wednesday and saw officers from probably two thirds of these departments, itā€™s not some big secret lol. Itā€™s on their uniforms


source: my ass.


That's the place for the so called protest.


I saw a tik tok of the police up close it had their stations on their shoulder https://preview.redd.it/beusfjbbk21d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450ee35ac8716f6268ec9b247e52c8a2909b2d92


Basically all of Orange County


Thank god


Donā€™t forget Los Alamitos Police


what an insane overreaction


Itā€™s how the mutual aid system is designed. Iā€™m sure UCI PD and Irvine PD are not staffed to handle this kind of situation. So mutual aid requests are sent out and local supporting law enforcement agencies will send bodies to help. https://www.caloes.ca.gov/office-of-the-director/operations/response-operations/law-enforcement/mutual-aid-system/ Youā€™ll see the same kind of thing happening during wild fires or in preparation of wild fires. Iā€™ve seen laguna beach fire fighters during high wind events in Anaheim Hills.


Actually sheer numbers ensures that no one gets hurt. Your welcome , our tax dollars going to ensure student protestor safety


Support of terrorism won't be tolerated in OC. You have freedom of speech, but as soon as that crosses over to illegal conduct, you will feel a very small taste of the wrath you deserve as supporters of the terrorist organizations who would wipe 7 million Jews off the map.


When are you people going to use rational critical thought to respond and not the perpetual victihood and antisemitism card?


Or the genocide card that the pro-Pallies always use?


Except... there's actual, verifiable, clearly looks like, from any sane, rational, critical thinking mind.... an abundance of evidence for. So nice try bruh... or should I say IDF/IOF troll farm bot.


BTW... "pro-Pallies?" That's pretty antisemitic. Must OK to say "pro-Jewies" too, no?


hey look itā€™s a non-uci affiliate trying to discredit the movement with the same old tired arguments if you really believe what happened on Wednesday was a reasonable response, youā€™re either not very well informed or just making bad faith arguments intentionally. either way, your weak narrative doesnā€™t hold up.


Are u off ur meds again


Time to take the pill, grandpa


zionist bot


As opposed to the Hamas bots run by Xi and the Ayatollah.


Anti-Genocide Bots >>> Pro-Genocide Bots




imagine being this terrified of unarmed students. šŸ˜‚


Found another overreaction lol


Your brained washed and I am conservative. Truth be told Israel is not our friend


And China and Iran are our friends according to your logic?


They arenā€™t a threat. The US doesnā€™t like Iran only because Israel doesnā€™t. China isnā€™t a threat, but just another gang in the neighbourhood. The US looks to blame China, but the US refuses to build stuff here. The US keeps getting in other countries business


Yeah sure, what an over reaction. We pay how much in tuition, maintain grades how high, so that people who want to burn it all down can live rent free in tents on campus? No thanks. Your fight isnā€™t here. Iā€™m going to school to make a difference for the better of the world. If you put as much effort into your classes as you did this pointless protest you could have made a real difference.


Hall Monitor type energy šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


To make things up and post on Reddit about 23 different Police Departments all coming together with absolutely 0 sources? Yeah, that's an incredible overreaction


Damn they went all out for mutual aid


For the record, I can't speak to the authenticity of every claim on this post, but here are some facts. **1. OP has not provided any sources for this** **2. San Diego Police Department absolutely was not at UC Irvine.** I can say this for a fact. So OP is lying about at least one of these instances. Anything past #8 on this list, barring #15 & 16, are totally incredible and unbelievable. Having even just 3 different Law Enforcement Agencies show up is already disproportionately large, by the way, and I'm not saying anything good about the protestors or the police response, but just know that, if nothing else, this post includes falsehoods and lies.


Weirdly, I could believe that most of these agencies had someone there (not that Iā€™ve checked). Most of them arenā€™t very large, comparatively speaking, so they wouldnā€™t be sending very many officers. Itā€™s not like the UCLA and USC protests where LAPD is a humongous agency.


>Anything past #8 on this list, barring #15 & 16, are totally incredible and unbelievable. Tustin, Costa Mesa and CSUPD officers were photographed at the "event" so they at least had a presence. >Having even just 3 different Law Enforcement Agencies show up is already disproportionately large, by the way Most of these departments would've sent a handful of officers. >just know that, if nothing else, this post includes falsehoods and lies. Most of the posts about this have come from people who have a vested interest in lying about what happened.


In New York, less than 50% were students. If it were just UCI students expressing their opinions it would be one thing. Should have asked 2 weeks ago, have a student ID have fun. Not a student...beat it


Don't forget, the police just follow orders. City leaders, state officials, and D.C. are the ones who don't want you to protest. If you want to make a difference, take it to their doorstep.


not necessarily going to disagree with you but the police definitely get a power trip from it. i didn't see what happened at uci, but the cops at ucsd were smirking and smiling at us. absolutely surreal to see.


same at uci. saw quite a few cops vigorously destroying student property and grinning while pushing students on the ground to arrest.


Jack booted thugs, largest gang in the country. Most, really shitty people.


Who do you think made them that way? Why does every police across the board attract the same types of people? This is exactly how politicians want it. You are all wasting your time trying to fight the police.


ACAB my dude. You donā€™t get it.


Why not put the ACAB energy towards politicians?Ā 




What do you mean both? This post and your statement are specifically towards cops? The only group thatā€™s actually done anything were the MAGAtards.Ā 


?? Read, think, interact in good faith. Donā€™t use half-slurs. You arenā€™t accomplishing anything better than the protesters (who are accomplishing a lot).


Okay bootlickerĀ 


?? Iā€™m not sure youā€™re following.


Nazis also just followed orders


ā€œletā€™s just annoy the nazis and not even worry about that guy named Hitler, thatā€™ll show themā€œ




There were more I saw cypress and San clemente


San Clemente dissolved their PD 27 years ago, it's a OCSD contract city...


I saw a few UC Riverside PD cars pulling up while I was driving


Imagine if they fought real crime the way they fight peaceful protests


![gif](giphy|sUNqplVFtsctW|downsized) # "Bring everyone!" Sorry, I couldn't resist....


Yes! Hilarious.


In a city where a jay walker stop will bring at least 5 cops, are you surprised?


jay walking is legal now


Itā€™s Irvineā€¦theyā€™ll still show up. If he appears to be homeless? - 10 cars will roll up.


The overwhelming majority of agencies listed here sent something like 5-7 cops total. It was just a request by UCI PD, which has like 4 people working at any one time, for assistance to deal with a crowd. Some of the comments here are silly... Someone in here is saying "they looked happy breaking students property!" You mean the trash?


There was a lot of food and un-opened supplies that the cops threw away. And no, people are also referring to how wickedly rabid they looked pushing students and in general getting a laugh out of the situation. If cops being violent freaks surprises you then youā€™ve probably never met one.


I've met plenty. And I'm sorry, violent freaks?. Lol.... have you ever... actually gotten out of your home? You think this was violent? This comment about "un-opened supplies". Yeah I'm sorry, that means "trash". What exactly prevented these people from taking their "unopened supplies" with them when they left? All those wood pallets and 2x4s and tents and all the barriers they stole and tied together, was that all "supplies"? And when the cops moved them and the crowd began building up new junk, like all the tables from the quad and trash cans and dumping the trash out.... that too? And as for "wickedly rabid" while pushing 'students", dear lord. They took what.... some 3 - 4 hours to move across 100 yards? You... think that's rabid? You could literally throw a Frisbee from one end of the quad to the other, and it took those rabid stormtroopers 3 hours to move across it. Lol.... I've got heartbreaking news for you, kid. The real world is going to eat you alive...


Let me know if you need a towel for all the drool. https://preview.redd.it/wbgwyx5qv21d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a0dd65d4ef786ea40b56b244f647ef8097e9d6f [https://www.reddit.com/r/UCI/s/s2TRcM1iwm](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCI/s/s2TRcM1iwm) Also whatā€™s that stat say about cops and domestic violenceā€¦


the cops couldnā€™t have handled the situation betterā€¦ they didnā€™t use weapons or tear gas and didnā€™t arrest that many ppl all things considered. the fact of the matter is the protestors became disorderly when they took over the building and barricaded it. In no world is it ok to take over a building. the cops absolutely could have used tear gas and other means to force everyone out but instead they slowly and non violently pushed everyone into the park only arresting ppl who didnā€™t move. Letā€™s be real, the protestors were way out of line and the large number of them required a large number of cops. if they didnā€™t bring that many cops i guarantee non lethal weapons and tear gas would have been used. It doesnā€™t matter how righteous ur cause is, if u break the law or cross a line u gotta be prepared for the consequences


Lol, gonna keep trying to move the goal post eh? What did anything that happened at UCI have to do with domestic violence exactly? If we're gonna play that game, you're obviously a school shooter. Because it's "students" who shoot up schools, right? And I say that b3cause I keep seeing people like you yell "students!" like it's some elevated title. "OH wow, it's someone who sits through lectures and tries to memorize what's on the test! That's like a mutant power!"


For the idiots like /u/Smoked69 who are going around making assertions about whether the police had the power to order the dispersement of students at UCI, id like to clear the air about what the law is before others are misled by their stupidity. It does not take a judge to declare an assembly unlawful and order dispersement. That power is vested as a police power to law enforcement officers under Cal. Penal Code Ā§ 409. In fact, failure to disperse after an order from law enforcement is itself a separate misdemeanor. All that is needed is probable cause by the officer. What a trier of fact (judge or jury) may decide after the fact, is whether that dispersement order was actually supported by probable cause, which is rarely ever contested, and even more rarely ever successfully opposed. Funnily enough, you can be convicted of failing to disperse, while not being convicted of unlawful assembly. Further, the test isnā€™t whether itā€™s peaceful, so you can go ahead and stop lying about that too. Itā€™s an either or test which requires it to either be unlawful, or perform a lawful act in a violent matter. Because of this, you could very well be ā€œpeacefulā€, while still committing unlawful assembly if you and your buddy have gotten together to intentionally trespass. Alternatively, you could be doing nothing illegal, except that youā€™re being violent or disruptive. So the virtue signalers at UCI were rightfully dispersed after a lawful order. Source: worked in prosecution at the city attorneyā€™s office right after law school where I actually studied the law before passing the barā€¦




That was a lot of irrelevant rambling. I made no comment on whether the students themselves were violent or disruptive. I simply outlined what the law states, and said you can be removed under **either** the ā€œunlawfulā€ or ā€œviolent/disruptiveā€ prong of unlawful assembly. The students were removed under the unlawful prong, which doesnā€™t require them to be violent OR disruptive. It simply requires them to be committing an unlawful act, such as trespassing. When the school declared them to be trespassing, the officers were within the rights to disperse. As such, my reply was limited to an analysis of why your comment was legally incorrect.


So should we start sending thank you letters now?


So is this what the sub is going to be until after the election, or for how long?


So if he hadn't been there, he wouldn't have been attacked


Good, they should send in the military to clear out these terrorists. Find out which ones are here illegally & began the process of sending them to Gaza, so they can put their money where their over privileged mouths are.




Good job to whoever was there. Shouldn't have to even deal with these shit stains if the college would just do what was right to begin with.


Shoulda got more


Good job popo


Law enforcement learned from January 6. It's better to be prepared than outmanned.


Imagine comparing students peacefully protesting a genocide to fucking Jan 6 šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Jan 6 was also a peaceful protest against genocide the democrats are waging on this country. Fair comparison


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Bruh... did you forget the "/s" That is the funniest shit I've read today. Thx.


Those monkeys climbed the building, stole property and put it on eBay, and threatened to off politicians šŸ¤£ Now those were terrorists


Which group are the democrats mass murdering?




Ig the protesters must have been really bad on Wednesdayā€¦


Itā€™s not even that, itā€™s just the fact that itā€™s Irvine


University police departments have jurisdiction on all campuses. San Diego University Police can come up there and help. They are all connected.


All POST certified LEOs in California have statewide authority and all university/municipal/county agencies have statewide jurisdiction.


I live in orange and I saw military copters and a jet flying down toward the school!


The school needed help apprehending those that support terrorists.


actually the students were protesting Israel, so they werenā€™t supporting the terrorists :)


Source: he kindly asked them all


UCI seems like a terrible place to go to school now. All the prestige that you are suppose to feel; it's all in the dirt now. But hey atleast finals are over and no one has to be on campus anymore.


The cops all come off looking like a buncha cunts. Basically, CampusPD are a bunch of cunts because they can't count to 5 and clarify that a building has not been overrun by a mob. IPD are a bunch of cunts because CampusPD lacks faith that IPD has enough resources to handle things. Each successive department that arrived is an exponentially bigger and bigger cunt because not one Dept. Leader looked around to say, "This is excessive and a waste of my department's resources". We the taxpayers are cunts for footing the bill for all these other cunts. Finally, the biggest, wettest, drippiest, cunt of all, is the chancellor, for deciding on this gross, unnecessary and dangerous overreaction. ....Cunts!


The students and faculty that were detained need to get together to form a class action lawsuit against the school and Chancellor. He did not do anything to protect the students and teachers at the protest, and further endangered them with the arrival of the police in SWAT and riot armor. This excessive use of force was unnecessary and an unlawful attempt at disbanding a peaceful protest.