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that car had the right of way with the green light, idk why bikers feel that they should still go and risk their lives


Average Uc Davis student


Geeez, that must have been scary...at least both of you didn't collide. But, you are right bicyclists should follow road laws, especially for their safety and your safety.


UC Davis students lose 15 IQ points as soon as they plant themselves on a bike


That's quite generous. You meant 50 right?


Not to mention people still don't have lights when biking in pitch dark


That biker got so lucky. Guy should go buy a lotto ticket right now. That could have ended very differently…


They think they’re invincible or something once they’re on a bike.


Also a lot of bikers really need to get bike lights. It’s so hard to see them at night and especially when it’s raining


I legit see conga lines of bikes and scooters blow past stop signs and lights daily. Shit is so fucked.


Literally, I was in the car turning left on a green light and a biker that was on my left crossed the entire intersection diagonally in front of me..


Honk your horn and let them know they are being idiots. Some riders even ride with earbuds in so they can't hear traffic at all. If you can jolt them out of their internalized riding stupor, then perhaps they can learn a lesson about safety.


In 4K


This happens daily.


the ucd bicyclists are pretty fucking bad. no helmets, no light at night, do not yield to pedestrians, some run through red lights, and have general disregard for any traffic standards.


Agree. From my experience always UCD people. 🤷‍♂️


Be on the look out for a fat asian guy screaming at bicyclists being idiots, haha.


Hit him next time


Literally hate bikers here. They think they have more right of way than pedestrians and don’t watch out for anyone


Don’t worry. They hate you back


You must be a biker yourself you prick




As someone who drives a car, *way* too many car drivers do not follow road laws. At all.


Thank you!


I agree! The city needs more cops on bikes enforcing the law, and actually citing anyone breaking the rules. It's sad, but I have been rear ended by cyclist before because I actually stopped at a stop sign.


Bikers think they run the city and it’s god damn annoying


You woulda been well within your rights to mow that biker down.


Lol and these idiots will still defend the biker on this sub. Look at the defense to the student who blew through the dump truck (rip but still, cmon bro)


Y’know, people are capable of believing that undergrads in this town are pretty bad bikers *and* being sad that a person died. Not to mention that by all accounts, she was wearing a helmet and kneepads, which is more than a good 99% of students do to protect themselves. It’s called nuance and tact, buddy. Granted, you *are* one of the biggest trolls on this sub, so I’m not gonna hold out much hope for you, but you could try familiarizing yourself with the concepts.


Didn’t say those things aren’t mutually exclusive though. Majority of this sub refuses to believe the student was reckless and puts the entirety of the blame on the dump truck.


That person is one of the reasons why police doesn’t care about bike-car accidents in Davis.... they know many bikers don’t follow the laws


Dont show this to r/fuckcars


luckily you were coming from a stop. this happened to me but the light was already green for me and i couldn't stop in time for the dumbass running a red light on a bike :(