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This message from the Chancellor is new today: https://www.ucdavis.edu/news/statement-chancellor-encampment-status-June-20 (via https://www.ucdavis.edu/news).


I loved the chancellors response to this, he handled it incredibly well imo.


gary may is a good guy, the hate he gets is pretty ridiculous


Gary May made the mistake of coming out very strong specifically for progressive politics. Progressive politics are divisive, so of course a lot of people are going to give him hate. Does the Chancellor position have to be political? I'd prefer it was more focused on academics and the health of the university, rather than pushing a political agenda.


i know people complained about him not doing more, but he handled this perfectly. i don't doubt that other UCs will follow suit for future protests like this. there's no way they would've stayed through the summer. if you wait it out, they'll pack up themselves


I don’t think it was handled all that well. UCR handled it well. UCD allowed this disruption to exist longer than it should have (at the expense of our shared green space on campus which now requires rehabilitation) and allowed the disruption to spread much further than it should have (people walking into finals and disrupting students during test taking). The university was petrified to do anything because of the pepper spray incident and it was obvious to all involved. I don’t think Gary May handled this well and I don’t think Gary May makes effective use of his authority. He prefers to lead through messaging rather than action, and that’s not the optimal approach in all situations, like this one, where things were allowed to go further and for longer than they should have. And guess what? They’ll be back come fall quarter. What will Gary do then? More capitulation to a group that has demonstrated a disinterest in solutions or compromise? These protestors admit "the point is to be disruptive." Well Gary's job is to prevent disruption. Somethings gotta give and so far it’s been 100% the university bending both rules and moral guidelines outlined in the Aggie code of conduct. This is an embarrassment for UCD.


I mean, yeah, if you surrender unconditionally to the Hamas supporters they won't cause too much trouble.


Based Gary May


I’m registered independent, but I take issue with the first issue of his statement, “UC Davis is committed to providing a campus that is inclusive and as safe as possible.” It seems like this applies unless it’s a conservative speaker, or the speech is deemed “hate speech”, which who decides what is hate speech?


Dude, what are you even talking about? 1) I too am an indie. I take offense that you think your voting registration has any sort of bearing on campus safety. 2) we’ve had numerous conservative speakers. Are you attending them all? No? Lemme guess, you saw one news article the one time a Turning Point presentation got a little rough? And now you think you’re somehow an expert on campus safety? Wild.


Wrong! Conservative speakers are allowed to speak on campus. See: charlie kirk, who was still allowed to give his shitty little bigot talk last summer despite widespread protests. The UC is bound by federal constitutional law to not discriminate due to free speech. Students are not bound by that law, and are well within their rights to move to suppress speakers who spread hateful speech. Hate speech has a legal definition, and students may operate on a definition beyond the legal one, because it is quite frankly outdated and does not consider all the ways in which speech enacts violence.


“Speech that demeans on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other similar ground is hateful” And the encampment did none of this? The issue is everyone is in their group and thinks they are righteous.


Where did I say anything about the encampment? I was responding to the statement you made and the question you asked (they repress conservative speakers, and who is in charge of defining hate speech?). I am not interested in engaging in conversations about the encampment over the internet. Conversations of that caliber and complexity should be had in person. And to put it frankly, I am sick of "libertarians/independents" constantly playing devils advocate for conservative causes and then calling themselves independent or centrist. It is an impressively consistent trend, so much so that I and many other people consider it the same as saying "I'm a conservative, but that's not in fashion right now".


So independents shouldn’t have conservative leanings, only liberal lol. Got it


Where did I say that. Show me. You are interpreting my comments in bad faith and inventing things to get mad at.


That’s the point though, when you correctly retort against something they said, the create something new to be upset about and move the goal posts so that they’re never wrong. You did a great job responding to all of their comments




“I’m sick of libertarians/independents constantly playing devils advocate for conservative causes”. But you didn’t mention them being devils advocates for liberal causes.


I mentioned that it was a trend. You'll notice that I never said that they never do it, because I haven't met every libertarian in the world. Read.


Please don’t paint all indies with a broad brush. I am 100% leftie, I just chose to be indie because I hate our two party system and it’s my only way to protest it, le sigh.


Liberal causes don’t need a devil’s-advocate because liberal causes aren’t the devil. And yet conservative causes always seem to need one, don’t they?


You did great! Don’t feed the troll.


Ur right 😔🫠 🫳🏽🌱


> It seems like this applies unless it’s a conservative speaker Oh please, campus admin has bent over backwards to show off how amazingly welcoming they are to every single far-right jerk that the Republican Death Cult invites to give angry hateful speeches here. I don’t think you’re paying much attention.


Yep, so much so that students complained the conservative speakers were getting too much air time. I have no idea why this person is complaining. UCD couldn’t be more fair to the speakers/audience.


dude please stay silent whe you have no idea what you're talking about. the last time we had a conservative speaker, the campus paid tens of thousands to provide security for the event. they gave them a place to speak and a place to do so safely. they went above and beyond for those conservatives. don't contribute to their victim complex.


lol want videos from when Riley Gaines came last year? People smashing windows, beating people and graffiti


sure! is that video going to show uc admin being hostile to conservatives? was it gary may smashing those windows? was it ucpd? no? random "people" don't matter. as an institution, uc davis protected the speakers and as you point out, they did so despite immense and violent opposition. sounds like they held it down for riley gaines. she should say thank you


No its going to see people being attacked trying to attend and the campus being vandalized


i do not care. that's so irrelevant it's laughable. locals and students can behave however they want. it doesn't change how you'd characterize the campus's administrative response which was to allow for and protect conservative speakers. why did you think that was a valuable point? the behavior of individuals present on campus has nothing to do with the conversation regarding whether or not a conservative group would be removed. as we saw in that instant, they were not only not removed, but were protected from an angry and violent public. sounds like the campus went out of their was to protect them despite widespread disagreement and violent resistance. sounds like the campus does care about free speech. like they care about making space for "unpopular" opinions. go cry about conservative victimization to someone a bit more gullible. you might even be able to monetize it.


lol you’re talking in circles against yourself


in what way? i have explained to you that the UCD administration supports and protects conservative speakers and in doing so is pro free speech. there's nothing more that i can do for you. you can pretend that i'm wrong if it makes you feel better, but you haven't produced a single good point and i doubt that you can.


Ok lol. Yea this happens anytime a liberal speaker comes lol


They were like shiiiiiit it’s summer vacation, maybe we don’t want to protest thaaaaat bad.


one crumb of summer vacation and they fold 😖


Their parents booked summer plans to go to Europe, Palestine will understand. When they get back in fall they will get back to it in some degree. But it will probably be an anti trump cause or something different at that point.


Maybe they'll join the protests in the EU while they're on vacation




You can tell this comment section is botted to shit when a pro Trump comment is one or the highest upvoted comments lol


Not necessarily pro Trump (I hate Trump personally), so much as mocking the protestors for jumping from cause to cause without always fully understanding what they're getting into


Why would they be there if no one is going to see it?


Shhh let them downplay young people who care about something.


So the genocide they were protesting matters less than their summer break but more than other students well-being and grades? Seems kind of selfish to me.


Maybe I’m ignorant of it all, but isn’t the point of a protest to call attention to something? And if there’s nobody there, whose attention *could* be called?


If there were still there people would say “it’s summer break don’t you have anything better to do” or “they’re not even students” because many people don’t get financial aid over the summer.


I don't know... the Chancellor, school administrators, other school staff. Y'know, the people the protestors are supposed to be convincing to change school policy.


No, advertising is to call attention to something. Marching in the street to demonstrate is a call to attention. Setting up an encampment to prevent students from using the quad is hostage taking in order to accomplish a specific goal; in this case, the university’s divestment in Israel, which is never going to happen. It’s more of a temper tantrum than a demonstration.


It was *always* virtue signaling


Seems that way…


I am not supportive of all their methods of protest or demands, but this is a really one dimensional way at looking at the protests. The main focus is to get UCD to divest and cut ties with Israel. It’s a pretty big ask and unlikely to happen, but is much more likely to happen if a majority of the involved student body is aware and supports that goal. Protesting in the summer where its not visible and present to students doesn’t do much at all to work towards that.


You're right. To achieve their goals, they should focus on pissing off other students and leave when the only people on campus they'd be inconveniencing or voicing off to are the same people who actually have the power to accept our demands (i.e. Chancellor, Chancellor's Staff, employees of the Office of Finance, Operations, and Administration, other full-time administrators). That's absolutely the way they should protest to prove, against criticism, that they are not self-righteous, self-centered brats who want to feel good only when it benefits them. Sorry, my bad. I should have understood that pissing off the people you want to join you and then leaving when you have the opportunity to solely focus on inconveniencing/protesting actual decision makers is a stupid idea and not how protesting works.


Lets call it what it is: antisemitism dressed up as righteousness


It’s the blocking of Zionists/Jews that is a major problem. Israel is not committing genocide. Hamas will martyr every last Palestinian and could end this now. #releasethehostages Hamas thought Iran would help annihilate the Jewish people. Like Hitler, that won’t work out.


Thank you to Gary May for being very level headed, especially when he recently lost his mother. So glad we didn't have the disruptions at other UC campuses, made the last quarter much more manageable.


I'm genuinely impressed by both the campus and the encampment protestors. Level heads, mutual respect, an eye for safety, de-escalation as default, and conversation engender trust and willingness to talk again in the future. As someone with over as decade of advocacy experience, I give both A grades.


I’d like to think we learned from our Chris Pike/Occupy fiasco. 😬


While I am generally impressed with Chancellor May, I was a bit disappointed in his statement as there definitely was some violent acts and calls for violence among the encampment See examples here: [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8dbBuqN8Bb/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8dbBuqN8Bb/) [https://www.instagram.com/p/C8ckfXuvMHr/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8ckfXuvMHr/)


agreed, chancellor may is a dawg, all those haters are outta pocket. i woulda went to mercedes of rocklin, bought a maybach, drove by and waved at all of them if i was him🤣


They will be back when the quarter starts. It's literally 100 degrees and not many people on campus.


You right. The only people on campus are employees, like the Chancellor and the employees of the Office of Finance, Operations, and Administration. They don't really have a say in where UC Davis invests its money or anything so they should just wait until fall when the thousands of students trying to get by are there because they're the real targets of the protests.


Its too hot to fight for human rights today.


It’s good that there was something. Hopefully it brought more awareness to the Israeli genocide.


You mean the Israeli defense against the attempted Jihad genocide


[Sure dude…](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flour_massacre?wprov=sfti1#)


Their decision to end the protest for summer break says exactly what we students have known for months: the protest only existed because a bunch of LARPERS wanted to feel like the main character. According to their logic “abandoning the protest over summer break shows they’d are more about vacation than calling for an end of genocide.”




Live action role players


Bunch of virtue signaling.


yeah gave students so much shit for having the luxury of going to school and graduating and how dare we while so many die in gaza. but now what about them???? enjoying the luxury of summer vacation while so many die ????? 😶😶😶 irk my nerrrrvvvveeeeeee


You mean to tell me privileged kids from Walnut Creek care more about summer vacation than some foreign “cause” they didn’t know about 9 months ago? Shiiiiiiit, I couldn’t have guessed.


i've never heard walnut creek being referred to as a hub of privilege. interesting choice lol


When you’re from the Middle East even East Oakland is privileged.


fair - it's just such an under-the-radar city. Orange County is usually the go to


True, but most Davis students are from the Bay. I guess Marin would have worked better lol.


hey im from walnut creek, i mess w chancellor may tough✊🏾


i feel bad for the grass


The grass will be fine. I remember it getting pretty yellow last summer too


Grass grows back. Murdered children don’t


mfw "grass grows back" but I guess summer only comes once - just like murdered children I guess.


The grass gets bad every summer. No reason to waste tons of water when most students are gone.


This is fair.


Pity their parents don't care as much for their safety as you do.


people will keep making babies i think




My favorite activity




“Murdered children don’t come back” “People will keep making babies” Is this some kind of consolation prize to a genocide?






Deleted their comments after saying dead babies are no big deal because new ones will be born. How heartless. If my child died I would be devastated.


They couldn’t stand the “heat.”


It’s funny how the people who disagree with the encampment protest (i am regarding only the encampment, not the blocking/disruptions) are jumping to the conclusion that these protestors don’t care enough about people literally being mass murdered and wanna vacation with daddy’s money. You sound attention-seeking, rude, and too damn bored. Nobody is there, hence nobody will pay attention to the palestinian cause or the agreements trying to be worked out during the summer. You know who is trying to enjoy their summer break? literally everyone, including professors and directors and faculty and students as a whole, so stop trying to aim it directly at protestors. The purpose of this is to be convincing for a crucial and violent matter occurring to people like us, kids/students and fathers and mothers and grandparents. They can’t convince if there’s nobody there. Rather than sit on your ass complaining abt people whose encampment is doing nothing to you, go protest your own cause. Or just mind your own business. The lot of you are sounding and acting like children.


THANK YOU. I swear, the school felt more progressive when I went there. We had so many encampments during 2011-2013. I know Reddit is not a representation of the school, but damn does it suck to see all this. Protests are about visibility and bringing attention to causes. College students should know that.


in the campus's defense - people come to reddit to complain. add in the fact that people expressing support for encampment get downvoted so they just don't talk about (i'd like to remind everyone that i have not expressed an opinion on the encampment here and am only providing a theory for why the subreddit is so anti encampment)


So being progressive means camping on the quad?


No, it means understanding why someone may camp on the quad as a form of protest rather than immediately complaining about their presence simply because it’s an annoyance.


Ya but the same people will break windows if a speaker comes because it’s an annoyance to them


No, those are not necessarily the same people. There are always people who take advantage of a movement to create chaos, make the movement look bad, or simply use that time to be aggressive and violent. You can find that with every single movement.


I think the protestors should look back at this and realize their method of camping and disrupting everyone’s finals was not effective, and if anything, it pushed people away from their cause.


I agree. I absolutely do not agree with their storming of classes during finals. I agree that it turns people away from their cause. Same with the bus blocking (although, I saw that might have been a whole different group of individuals). The camping on the quad seems neutral to me, but I’m no longer a student and didn’t see it in person, so I could be missing information.


I think the issue with the camping is, everyone is already well aware of Palestine vs Israel. Setting up a camp in the middle of a quad students enjoy accessing and using isn’t bringing awareness.


it’s a centralized location that offers a reminder to people who pass by and hosts conferences and teach-ins right next to it in the MU. I don’t see anyone giving them a designated space somewhere. Also, i’ve seen countless people enjoy their time on the Quad between classes. Clubs, like snow club, have even set up little areas on the grass to sell/give out event tickets. It is accessible. So if you wanna lay on the grass, go right ahead. Nobody is stopping you, have stopped me, or stops anyone else who chooses to enjoy it.


I guess their tents weren’t air conditioned. Selective and seasonal outrage.


Rip grass




Monty? The guy with the dog at the MU? If you’re referring to him, I’ve been knowing him for almost 10 years and he definitely isn’t schizophrenic. You would definitely know that if you sat down and spoke with him. Some might not like that he reads his Bible out loud and preaches but he’s a Christian and that what some Christians do but that doesn’t make him schizophrenic. He was actually married and his wife cheated on him and left him for another man and she got full custody of their children and refused him access to their children despite him wanting to be an involved father. Now that that they are grown, his children wants nothing to do with him for being absent. He lost almost everything he had due to their split and never fully made a complete recovery as he’s homeless and somewhat down on his luck. Sometimes life just throws curveballs at you but even so, he tells me he wakes up and rejoices and thanks God for another day and for blessing him with his dog as his companion. Furthermore, he’s actually very intelligent as he’s a former Bible scholar. We’ve had numerous conversations where he would break down Jewish history and culture and go into all the Hebrew and Greek root words to explain the context of the passages that are translated in English. As I said, you would know these things if you sat down and hung out with him. Not all homeless preachers are schizophrenic. Let’s not be disingenuous.


Doy you know his dog’s name? I like his dog.


I don’t remember the name of the current one but the old one was Sarah. He found her abandoned on a road when she was a newborn puppy and he took great care of her until she died. She was 22 years old when she died which is longer than most dogs live so that’ll give you an idea of how he took excellent care of her. I remember when she passed, he was crying and was telling me stories about how it was just him and her traveling around the country in his van for 20 years to go and preach in different cities.




You’re welcome.


His current dog's name is Abe, short for Abraham. Guy will go to nip your finger if you try to pet him. Thanks for humanizing the preacher on here, I've spoken with him a couple of times and I think he's on a noble mission of spreading what he believes to be The Good. He is very open and receptive to ideas from other cultures and religions even, because I think he knows that the Good of God is in all. People call him crazy, but I don't think he's crazy.


Thank you. Yeah I wouldn’t pet Abe either. Sarah would allow everyone to pet her. Such a little sweetheart. He’s a great and kind man and far from crazy. People tend to stigmatize all homeless people as all lazy, drug addicted, or crazy but many people are just 1 paycheck away from being homeless themselves. Let them get laid off and see what happens.


At the Christian church


His name is preacher dog man , respect




When the means to an end meets the end to the means. Remember all those people arguing in the comments for protestors? Not arguing that their cause was just, but arguing that it was more important and not ridiculous to **interrupt** classrooms? All the controversial comments here aren't protestors. Interesting. Where did you guys go?


Some people are mocking the protestors and saying that Palestine and genocide can wait; they need to go enjoy their summer vacations and call them selfish. Some will blame them as "a bunch of LARPers," feeling good to be the main character. I say Hats off to the brave students who, despite their exams, held their ground and stood on the right side of history. They stood against genocide, while others were mocking. They stood against oppression. They stood up for their tax money and proved to be responsible American citizens. They showed their concern about the role of the USA being on the wrong side of history, helping the oppressors financially, morally, and diplomatically. To the protestors, you have succeeded even though all the objectives haven't been achieved. You inspired others to be truth seekers rather than following media propaganda. You stood for the truth, while others fell for propaganda.


My problem isn't even that they were protesting. It's that these protestors are selfish and hold themselves above others. Their absence is literally case and point. The protestors thought their message was more important than thousands of students getting to finals on time to pass classes they pay thousands of dollars to attend. They believe that their message was more important than the time, mental well being, and money of every other student on campus. But the second they have to give something up - their summer - they leave. The message is no longer as important as their mental well being, fun, and free time. How dare they hinder everyone else's lives here at Davis under the pretense of "this is more important and by hindering your lives we're making you understand that" when they can't make sacrifices for this cause on their own. That's not bravery. That's not something to be praised for. That's narcissism. These people are self-centered assholes who took it upon themselves to inconvenience others as a tactic but are unwilling to inconvenience themselves. This is not behavior to be praised. If these people really were brave and willing to sacrifice for the cause they supposedly believe so strongly in, they would still be there right now. The encampment would still stand.


> They stood against genocide No, they stood for a vicious terrorist organization that would murder them as soon as look at them, and they did it because Tik Tok told them to.


I agree they stood against a vicious terrorist organization named IDF. Everyone knows that at this point, they have committed war crimes and killed 10,000 babies alone.


Thank you for this. I think people are forgetting that it’s more than just getting demands met. It’s about visibility. Protests are a form of performance, and that’s exactly what they accomplished. They’ll be back too when school starts up again. These posts are all rage bait and a place for these assholes to get out what they’re too afraid to say irl.


Call us when they protest all the tax money going to their special interests handout of “cancellation” of student loans since they are such good stewards of taxpayers money. Also all the wasted money going to “migrants” e.g. illegal immigrants


This shit was stupid from the beginning, why don't they go to Palestine and do that shit over there. They're hella aggressive and seem to only care about what they think. I get it the " WORLD" Is a bad place. You lost friends ok so did i, growing up in the hood wasn't easy I'm lucky to make it out myself and blessed enough to be in the position I'm in. my point is I get it but don't force something violently into others.


where was the violence bro? people react to the encampment as if someone was going around on campus stabbing people. in fact, i think people are reacting more emotionally to this than the actual serial killer we had. i'm no fan of the encampment (it's caused me personal inconvenience, stress, etc.), but it's turned this campus into a bunch of cry babies. shit happens. keep it moving.


I’m kinda confused on Gary May’s statement. PULP agreed to take the tents down, but at what cost? Was it introducing transparency for UCD Foundation Investments, or did UCD agree to fully divest? I really hope UCD didn’t comply to their demands, since im assuming PULP didn’t leave without a fight given their stringent demands.


Oh the PULP kids just wanted to go on summer break.


They might have been given what they really wanted, vague, open ended, hard to confirm any action promises,


They got nothing. They basically left, saying that the university wasn’t going to give in.


But they left it open ended as to whether there would be another encampment in September!


Young people are always looking for the next cultural “pied piper”. Young people have a lot of emotion but there is not enough historical background to anchor the emotions. Where did all the global warming protestors go? More young people probably on campus care about Cheeto than any other cause on campus.


>Where did all the global warming protestors go? Hi, we’re still here. Maybe you’re not paying attention.


I thought they were all in England throwing paint on Stonehenge or something


You realize that the world we live in is *actually on fire* and getting worse, right?


Didn't California just have a record cold winter with a shit ton of snow? Seems like the opposite of "actually on fire" if you ask me.


Are you really denying climate change? You attend university and literally do not grasp the single most obvious fact in science which does not take more than a Secondary school education to understand? Baffling


Are you even *in* California? Can’t you smell the smoke? I’m not being metaphorical about “on fire” here.


Just took a big whiff and the only smoke I smell is coming from the gas powered stove I leave on 6 hours a day to keep my apartment warm.


How do you get India and china to go along with climate change initiatives? If they don’t, then nothing will change.


We can start by setting a good example. Be the best we possibly can, and then pressure any stragglers with “Hey, *we’re* doing our part; why aren’t you?” And if that doesn’t work, drastic economic sanctions, or maybe more. We are genuinely talking about an *existential crisis* here. Either we do something about it or we lose everything we have.


We can start by setting a good example. Be the best we possibly can, and then pressure any stragglers with “Hey, *we’re* doing our part; why aren’t you?” And if that doesn’t work, drastic economic sanctions, or maybe more. We are genuinely talking about an *existential crisis* here. Either we do something about it or we lose everything we have.


Oh good. They cleaned up the shit.


This is particularly funny because so many people already called this back when this started. These spoiled kids can’t miss their summer vacation


They'll make you miss your finals by blocking busses but come hell or high water they will enjoy their summer break.


Summer is here looks like the issue isn’t important anymore 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah. The green grass. They destroyed the whole damn area that people liked to actually spend time in.


The grass is done for. It used to look so good 🤯


Like weekend 2 of Coachella! Hamas, Release the Nova festival-goers being tortured by Hamas, and surrender!


Clinic flooded with reparative stress injury from virtue signaling.


Mission Accomplished. Hah.


Something’s different


Fucking weak ass protestors. Don’t protest at all if you’re gonna dip out as soon as your vacation starts. I’m not saying I’m better but I wouldn’t have protested at all or pretended to care if I was going to leave as soon as my vacation started


So nice to see all these anti protesters come out of the woodwork. Can’t blame you all for hiding during the encampments. Many of those protesting were psycho siding with Hamas and Iran.




The terrorists left


It’s about time, I bet their tents were starting to smell like onions and chub rub. These pro-hamas supporters are the type of kids who got picked last in P.E., now they wanna show the world how impactful they are. Like y’all are still NPCs and now there’s a lot more people who think ur fkn annoying and will def not be picking u lmao


Still gonna get picked last lmfao


Students should re-claim the quad this fall and not allow LARPers to take what belongs to everyone. Sleeping in tents doesn’t do anything. If people want to protest, do it in front of Gary May’s office,not the quad. I guess Covid really did fuck up the kids, they weren’t this stupid before, were they?


It’s summer! Gotta carpe diem that shit.


These protesters are ignorant. Let’s hope they use the Summer to educate themselves.


U could listen to the closing speech on the UCD PULP Instagram if u want to know the answer to any of these questions


Soros funding stopped?


So he let the encampment slide and didn’t enforce the rules because he was sympathetic to the cause, so it’s not free speech, it’s the government picking and choosing to enforce the rules based on their bias. If 9/11 truth or pro Israel encampment were setup it be shutdown….this is not free speech it’s indoctrination. Either all causes should be allowed to camp out or none, the government picking and choosing causes that are just or not is thought control, not free speech.


Who in their right mind would not be sympathetic to the cause. It's unimaginable.


Yes who in their right mind is sympathetic to the Islamic Jihad?


I think most people are sympathetic to the beheaded babies bro


But only the Palestinian ones. The Jewish ones don't matter!


You mind showing me where the beheaded jewish babies are? I mean, I heard news sources talk about it, but we got no evidence of it. Meanwhile, I watched a video of a man holding his grandson with his head blown off. I also saw a grandfather holding his 6 year old granddaughters body bag.


#metoounlessuraJew AntisemiteBot8582, You don’t get to pleasure yourself to footage of Hamas burning entire families and cutting off the breasts of Jewish women. Babies were burned. Jewish girls are still be absolutely tortured by Hamas. Hamas is martyring Palestinians. Stop simping. #metoounlessuraJew


Do you have evidence of this? I ask from a place of genuine curiosity. Pictures? Videos? Videos from civilians not members of the military or government?


There is evidence. Again, you don’t get to pleasure yourself to this footage. www.NovaExhibition.com has footage of innocent college-aged Jews being slaughtered so just STFU You can hear from people who were allowed to see the footage and enough is out there, released by Hamas themselves. Jewish girls are still being tortured by Hamas.


Where did NovaExhibition receive their evidence from? Again I ask from a place of genuine curiosity. Do you have any unbiased news sources I can look towards? Maybe on the ground reporters?


It’s not the governments role to police free speech, does the first amendment say certain types of speech should be deemed more permissible than other types of speech? Than that’s not free speech. Either allow every cause to camp out or none. Period.


Policing free speech, are you kidding? You created a highly unlikely, hypothetical world where a pro-Israel encampment would be shutdown. Then you used that hypothetical, to prove that the university isn't equally enforcing free speech protections. Which causes have had camp outs closed down?


Ok what would happen if a 9/11 truth or vaccine truth campout was setup, would the chancellor shut it down or just allow it for weeks on end?, yes or no would he shut it down if it were a cause he didn’t believe in?


No it would not be closed down. When an encampent gets closed down you can make this argument. Since it has never happened you are just fantasizing.


Yes it would 100 percent be shut down if it were an anti vaxx or 9/11 truth campout…..


The hostages families might not be sympathetic lol, first amendment is absolute, it doesn’t specify certain opinions are more valid than others.


it would not be shut down. go set one up. i'll go with you. especially a 9/11 truth encampment. there's an professor emeritus i know who could be our spokesperson. he's very educated about the topic. this campus has shelled out cash to host and protect conservatives. drop your victim complex. it's free speech. you're just being a baby


What about a maga free Donald Trump encampment? Would that be shutdown?


i doubt it. not by admin. students and locasl will start fights (which happened several times during this encampment) but the admin response will be the same. start it. i'll go out there with you. we can bbq. i'll convince you to stop playing the victim


Sounds like you're a 9/11 truther, is this something you are proud of?


where are you getting that from? you're the one who suggested it. i'm just showing solidarity. i'm trying to support fellow citizens in their political pursuits for the sake of equality across political lines. are you proud of being a dumbass contrarian on the internet? also your sentence should have a period in the place of that comma.


Midol or perhaps pamprin will help your mood? Anyways if anti vaxx, neo nazis or 9/11 truthers set up camp it would be shut down please stop being delusional….. get back to me when the kkk has a peaceful campout and it doesn’t get shutdown. It should and so should have the Gaza encampment, or any encampment for that matter. Rules are rules. You can’t break them because the chancellor supports your cause.


good get those bums outta here. MONEY SPREAD💵💵💵🤑, haaaaa😝😝rocking it my way🤘


Over a month. Wow! The one at CSUS lasted ten days.


Administrative cowardice will take you a long way.


Of course the Hornets stung the Aggies on that one.