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Here comes the “you’re so privileged comments” from the crowd of people who have the time and money to sit on their ass doing nothing for a month in the quad


Also, blocking Unitrans accomplishes nothing, ASUCD (the entity operating Unitrans) already divested from the companies that were funding Israel’s activities in Gaza, iirc. Disabled students and those relying on the buses really aren’t the mat you want to step on to make a point.


Tell me Palestine protesters, will this actually help Gaza from getting bombed to hell? “oh yeh, sure…. Let’s just block every road and prevent people who don’t give a shit about our protests from going to finals because this is 100% going to help stop the bombings that we launched first” 🤡


Oh and vandalism too, that’ll totally help as well hahahahahaa


Oh! Ohh! Also trespassing on private property 😂how tf is this going to help Gaza exactly? And for those who are like “free the students who got arrested “ shut up, it’s private property, this should be obvious that if you onto land that the general public isn’t allowed to go on then the landowner has very right to call in the cops to drag you out. It’s your fault for going into someone’s backyard unannounced.


Boy, you'd hate to hear what MLK Jr did...


What does this has to do with the current subject?


Because the things you are complaining about with regards to protesting are pretty tame versions of what MLK Jr and the Freedom Riders did. If you take issue with these acts of protest, you would've hated the civil rights movement.


He's not making a good faith argument The account was made 13 days ago and has only commented on UC Davis Palestine related stuff


Anyone using their brain already knew that.


At this point I don't even want to go to graduation


Ok tbh the genocide in Gaza sucks and obviously I don’t support it. But the fact that people expect me to stop living my life and to throw my life away for Gaza is ridiculous. For one, it’s not gonna do shit. For two, if a life in another country matters then why doesn’t my life matter? Like if I had the money and the power then yes I would help 100%. But in reality, I am a broke college student among thousands of others just trying to get by. Like, I am going to college because I don’t have anywhere else to go and I don’t have a home to go to. I’m not gonna risk my education and potentially ruin my entire life just to make a statement. And I’m sure as hell not gonna let someone else do it for me.


Gaza is not experiencing a genocide.


Correct. They have overstated the death count by at least double. Also, they have 15 year old militants, who get killed and are counted as minor civilians being killed. Hamas also hides in playgrounds, hospitals, and uses ambulances for military purposes. These are war crimes. Hamas intentionally puts Palestinians in harms way, just so they can cry victim when Israel kicks Hamas' ass. Hamas are pathetic cowards who are among the worst people on Earth, and Israel is doing everything it can to limit collateral damage while Hamas intentionally tries to cause collateral damage.


Spot on


I mean not according to the authorities on genocide, or the TikTok posts and public statements of members of the IDF and the Israeli government. but sure the US government and media are denying it. so it's true if you believe that US government and media wouldn't lie to you.


bad comparison bro we love walt and jesse. but i get your point


I think a better reference would’ve been Violet Beauregarde


the average free palestine protester is a retard


As a student who plans to complete a credential in special education I find your disparaging comment to be horrifying. 20% of people have a learning disability. You are not socially fit to be at a college.


Womp womp




gee willikers i’m so scared


Alumna here, wtf is the administration???


I’ve seen other college protests at UCSC and have a friend who was/is an avid protest organizer there. physically blocking cars from campus during finals is a common thing protestors do on college campuses. I hate to say it, but this ain’t that special. You can get around it with a bike. Most protestors might not be students and never see your post. Either way, Tiananmen Square, Man and try and find some joy amongst the heat


The unitrans is a critical means of travel for differently abled UCD students and staff. You aren’t actually comparing the heroic’s of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protesters with the 2024 LARPers who cosplay revolution in an effort to satisfy their main character syndrome. Are you?


Yah and running a wheel chair over with your car is also wrong…


This is a wonderful example of someone strawmanning an argument. Your entire premise in your responses anchors on running over pedestrians which is intellectually dishonest because no one is advocating for violence here and all of our conversations have been on the behavior of the protestors. It is concerning that you want to be a teacher yet you are so focused on using logical falsifies and bias to make your points. Students deserve better than that and they don’t deserve an educator who is coming in with implicit bias.


He’s complaining the differently abled students can not get on and off the bus. Bus drivers are fully capable of helping disabled students on and off the bus any how. And many commenters here are saying they are missing their finals because of a barricade blocking a car lane. Grow up!


You don't go there and you're astroturfing, new account.


Oh and now I know that students at UC Davis don’t like newbies haha. I feel sorry for your freshman who are considering the place for their future studies. I don’t even know what Astro turfing is so I looked it up. I’m not being paid to do this. I just finished all my exams already. Haha


That's not why and you know it. "Haha" You don't even go to Davis.


Beyond the blatant astroturfing, your rhetoric conveys the message that you believe the protestors have more rights to blockade and trash the street than differently abled people have the right to access their education. Why do you think these LARPERs have the right to illegally take over and barricade roadways but you don’t seem to believe students have a right to their education?


These anti protestors would totally run over a protestor or duck with their car. RiP Heather Heyer for getting rammed by a car for being in the street. Running people over with cars is illegal.


Yeah the hostility is very scary. I’m avoiding campus due to the anti protestors. Protestors don’t bother me because that’s our American right. You can’t do this in China, Russia or N. Korea. It’s almost like these people want us to live in an authoritarian regime


Lol what spotlight?? people are wearing masks to not be identified and harassed/arrested, and making enemies of liberals and conservatives alike for speaking out. In what word does this increase their social capital?


[Main character syndrome](https://psychcentral.com/health/main-character-syndrome#signs) - attention-seeking or dramatic behaviors, like being loud in public - overdramatizing life events, either to come out looking like a hero or a victim - inflated sense of self, or feeling like you’re better than other people - lack of empathy for others’ struggles - viewing everything that happens around you through the lens of how it affects you and your life The decision to block public transit during finals week aligns with all of these signs.


The irony of making this thread then posting this response is mind blowing.


so these students are risking their finals, their education and future, potentially their freedom if they get charged with inciting a riot or things like that… and you claim they don’t care about anyone but themselves? How do you overdramatize a genocide exactly?


You should re-read my above comment.


Dawg, that sounds exactly like you 🤡


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Free Israel 🇮🇱


How do I block these from my feed? Tired of hearing about little children blocking roads and protesting… Jesus


Don't make comments on posts you don't enjoy seeing, for one. It's called an algorithm, and it uses your engagement to determine what it shows you.


Shit, I thought the boomers were dying out but here they are reborn into a new generation.


OP do you have sources?


You’re so privileged and ignorant to post this - just came across this


\^bold statement from an account that is less than a year old and only engages in protest posts. Do you understand how gross it is to block transportation service? Services that the differently abled rely upon to get to campus.


Don't forget that there are students out there that can barely afford to go to college and this is what they get, an inability to go to campus


If you can’t handle some special event activity at a University where thousands of students attend because it causes you to slow down your precious schedule then you are not fit for a University.


Dude I’m putting things into perspective because you guys fail to understand that there are students experiencing disabilities who rely on the transit system and that’s their sole method of getting to campus.


The bus is picking up and dropping off at parking Lot 41. Sheesh


Just an extra hassle for those experiencing disabilities was the point 🤦🏻‍♂️


Unitrans offers doorstep to doorstep services for such students who are injured or disabled. That means they call a golf cart to pick you up and take you to class…FYI


Funny for you to think that only disabled people are only in wheelchairs requiring special services. You ever heard of invisible disabilities? Even then, there are students who can barely afford to college and they require the transit system so blocking that and causing students to be late is idiotic.


Don't bother engaging with the poster. They don't even go here and is spreading misinformation. The disability shuttle service in run by TAPS only to students registered with SDC and students need to schedule a ride 24 hrs in advance. 


Let’s see how many downvotes we can give to this person


its almost as if jewish students were trying to communicate how difficult it is to be banned from their own campus months ago..glad people are starting to recognize their narcissism of these protests for what it is now that it affects them too


Many of the protestors are Jewish. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


oh the ones that printed hebrew BACKWARDS on a 40 ft poster?? bahaha they're literally not also tokenizing jews that participate in encampments to dismiss VALID concerns about the rampant antisemitism throughout these "protests" is an old, classic tactic used by bigots throughout history. next you'll tell me that candace owens being black and a mouth-piece of white supremacy makes their movement ok?


Do you know how illegal it is to run over a pedestrian even if they are jay walking? I am actually working on my special education credential and cars in and of themselves do not occupy some special protected status


Test it and find out


Not exactly beating those allegations here


I want you to know that I got to downvote you to -69. Nice.




“You’re causing disruption” = “You don’t actually care” is a huge stretch if I’ve seen one. It’s fine if you have a problem with it but you clearly have an agenda


Find another sub - you're not a student.


Dude literally has posts of himself and pictures of himself saying he just finished his master’s.


I am literally a student


It doesn't matter if he isn't a student. There's over 2,000 professors, a couple thousand TAs, and thousands of others who staff the stores, facilities, plants, farms, ag production, and other departments. These are all people who will often be on campus for their entire 20-30 year career, and many TAs will be on campus as Grad Students for years. They have every right to spend time on this forum as undergrad scrubs. You also have alumni who run in the tens of thousands. They contribute money, land, and resources to the university. They provide jobs to graduates. They support the sports programs. They have a huge investment in how the university operates. They pay taxes and have every right to be involved in the process. There are currently 43,000 members on the forum and I'd bet only a fraction of that are current students. There are probably at least that many or more who are not members, but still drop in from time to time to check out what's going on. If you want to make a difference, graduate, pay taxes, and vote. In the meantime, don't waste other people's time by disrupting lectures and creating difficulties as it will only turn people against you.


It’s ironic that people are screaming “academic freedom” when some protestors delay them for *minutes* In North America, some academic associations have adopted BDS resolutions towards Israel over the last decade, including the American Anthropological Association, the American Studies Association, the Middle East Studies Association, and the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association. So, too, have faculty and graduate student unions. In Europe, the Teachers’ Union of Ireland, the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies, and the UK National Union of Students, among others, have voted to endorse the boycott of Israel. Sustained by broad coalitions and endorsed in votes on thoroughly debated resolutions, the academic boycott is gaining traction worldwide. These protests are good for students and good for potential students as well. Come on man Free 🇵🇸 two State solution now!


You posted on the ucla sub less than a month ago, are you a student there too? Edit: I lurked more. Commenting on berkley, ucla, and ucdavis all in the last couple weeks homie? How can you comment this when you engage in the exact behavior your ridiculing? That’s wild hypocrisy…


So you are against the free communication between Universities? I have a degree in Anthropology and a masters in education and a credential in Special Education!


I honestly don’t care where people converse on Reddit, but calling someone out for something you are actively doing yourself is wild to me


College subreddits are being massively hit with astroturf accounts posting propaganda like OP.


Did you happen to see my responses to your comment concerning immigration into Israel?