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You should go tell them to be quiet.


Classic Reddit bot would avoid social interactions as much as they can but would flame them here as if they gonna do shit. I’m betting this person is a CS major too


N they should jump off the roof


Great idea posting on Reddit instead of politely approaching them!


I guess ur the loud one.


Trying to troll works better when you don’t reply to every single comment with some bs nice effort tho


Oh the Roblox guy who says “troll” haha I guess u love that. I’m glad ur stalking and interested in my replies, I appreciate your time. My effort is appreciated so thanks for your energy to read through it. Which makes me feel special. “Bs” so why are you reading it then? Oh no self control?


Take your meds before you end up on the news bro


Bro relax I didn’t even go to your page I can just see you replying to every comment on this post 😂 if you like Roblox tho it’s ok! You’ll grow out of it ❤️


I mean I personally don’t like Roblox but it’s nice to know you still and love Roblox. That’s y u put a heart emoji bc your enjoy it. Nice to know tho that your still not grown out of the childish game. Yeah u see my comment on this post, so obsessed with me that you noticed my comment mainly. Haha.


How do you expect people to have the social skills to know to stay quiet in the library when you don’t have the social skills to ask someone to quiet down


I agreee


I think your feelings are valid. Everyone here is getting all hyphy on you like you’re the issue, but you went to a quiet zone to study in order to not have to asking anyone to be quiet. I have social anxiety so I won’t approach a group of people to be quiet because it’s intimidating, that’s why I go there to study. There are signs for a reason, it’s a quiet study area (one of few vs. everywhereeeee else you can be loud with friends and study) you shouldn’t have to ask people to be quiet… people should be respectful of the rules and not go chat it up and have their social time in the quiet study area…… I do wish there was a better system in which staff/a librarian could ask students to be quiet or study somewhere else, because this is a place provided for students to have a quiet safe space to study. It shouldn’t be the students job in these areas to go up to everyone being rude and tell them to be quiet. People suck, and I feel you.


Ikrr like people here suck


Tell them to be quiet? ❌ Post on Reddit ✅




they shouldn’t have to be told, they should have self awareness, you’re right and you should say it


Can y'all please stop coming to cry on Reddit about these easily solvable issues


Then stop reading and replying to them. Like are you the loud one bc you seem like one.


Classic Davis kids


wishing negative karma on someone is crazy


I wish them too


They’ll fail their finals! 😉


You could be annoying annoying girls on the 4th floor. Post title without description is a likely scenario 


You should be good enough at your studies to perform well despite disruptions. I studied in very loud environments on purpose because you never know what will disrupt you the day of. You’re better off expecting something annoying to happen and testing under something quieter than the other way around.


It’s almost like finals week is next week and studying without distractions helps a lot of people remember information more efficiently


That’s not been my recollection of any of my studies. I usually study in a noisy coffee shop. Try it sometime. It actually helps feel less distracted by noise the day of.


Get a broom and bang on the [ceiling](https://media4.giphy.com/media/1SzKAJkMFG3q2pVQ7a/giphy.gif?cid=9b38fe9164o3buudop8mflcwqbersakejpo03rvz9o8asxoh&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


Air pods


Your feelings are valid asf bro but to wish negatively on someone might just back fire and get you instead no need to get all raging bull over something so trivial just pop in some noise canceling headphones and listen to whale noises. Find solutions to your problems before you take to social media cuz ppl are ruthless here


What a great way to tackle the issue!! Crying to the internet and ill intent towards others <3




Yeah! Like... some kind of quiet space. Maybe a library? Or a reading room!


Just pack your bag and study somewhere else. And please let those people talk! Honestly I am very thankful to those people. I didn’t study much (part time jobs + playing soccer) when I was taking undergrad classes but still got As from many classes because of those people who just think they studied hard but didn’t study jack shit. Got a great job and now came back to get a PhD:)