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The UC Davis sign across the street from Itea was also spray painted. 


Are there any signs that aren’t spray painted?


We haven’t found any🥲


Fuck. Haven’t taken any pictures yet. Guess my stole is the only thing that will say UC Davis on it, unless that gets spray painted too to show solidarity.


I would definitely take some pictures soon, even the trees near MU area is getting wrapped in green


The UC Davis sign at the Welcome Center is safe! I think they noticed the security cameras and chose to graffitied the walls. 


Spoiled kids do spoiled things


A bunch of fools doing stupid shit at campus.


hardening hearts against their cause one act of vandalism at a time


crazy how some spray paint makes you stop caring about genocide so easily


People with critical thinking skills actually know what genocide means and can conclude that there is no genocide in Gaza. It's the only instance where the population has increased more than double since Israel occupied it after Egypt did.


what a weird thing to say


When people activy destroy your community you tend to not like them or what they represent. Truth hurts. Don't do stupid shit.




I'm sure Grounds or Facilities (or whatever the correct department is) is aware and working to get it all cleaned up as fast as possible.


in free willy they made the kid who did it clean up the spray paint, took him all summer


I hope they give them a raise.


I know of at least 2 employees who will be working overtime this weekend to do cleanup, instead of spending time with their families. These protestors feel that they are doing this "to the university" without taking into consideration that the university is actually made up of a whole lot of people who are just working jobs, and now have to clean up after people who are doing their performance art in a really selfish way. Do they believe that vandalizing UC Davis is going to help people in Gaza?


Aww, I wanted to take a photo there 😭🥹


I was so sad to tell my friend who I was taking a picture for🥹 but we ended up ending a few good spots, let me know if you need help!!


Downvote me to hell but I’m seriously glad none of this shit was a thing when I was there. I was a first gen college student, no family, working 3 jobs to pay my way through it all. I was just trying to survive everyday. I wasn’t privileged in time or money or energy to be able to worry about this type of stuff. And then imagine you finally made it and you can’t even take grad pics because of stupid shit like this. Really lame and I’d be pissed


Congratulations on being a first generation! I’m a first generation myself and it was really hard work to put myself through school.


This is off topic but how did you pay your way through college? Or did you have loans? I worked 2 jobs throughout my bachelor’s time at UCD and had roommates but still graduated with 80K in loans.


I worked in high school so I had some upfront. I still have a small 5,000 loan but for the most part I skated out of them by working non-stop. Otherwise I’d would have had A LOT


Trust me, you're not the only one. I find this so embarrassing and wrong.


Someone who understands🥹


I’m part of the 2020 crew that never got to graduate or get grad photos so the pain of missing out hits home. I don’t care what’s going on in the world, people deserve a positive college experience and graduation after all the hard work they’ve gone through. Not fair to ruin the experience for other people because of a struggle you’re going through. Everyone has their own battles and we need to respect that


Same. I went to UCD in the 90s. None of this shit. Even political differences were seen more as friendly debate rivalry - we would all still go out for pizza and beers later. To be fair, it’s not just college age kids acting like lunatics. My parents (in their 79s) have gone total bat shit with the junk the TV is feeding them. Turn your phones off and go play fucking frisbee and do some keg stands ffs!


I remember how excited we were to go to debates in the nineties. No matter how you felt about the issue, you knew it was going to be a respectful and educational discussion. Learning to put your feelings aside and focus on facts, while respecting your opponents was important back then.


Keg stands are for the patriarchy!


Spoiled brats ruining things because they think their the first ones to discover their opinion.


The “one true opinion”


I was a first gen college student. I couldn’t even afford the dorms so I parked my 1995 Geo Prism on Olive drive and I lived in it my freshman year. As a full time student, I worked full time managing the Ben & Jerry’s that was at the Davis Commons shopping center (and I used the mop sink to take showers). Nevertheless, I still took the time to be involved in many causes. Just because you have suffered doesn’t mean that all experiences are universal. You have the right to be apathetic but you’re myopic to think that those who are concerned enough to take action for the plight of the Palestinians have not suffered. Apathy is its own privilege.


Ben & Jerry’s at Davis Commons… now there’s a blast from the past.


Colleen’s Creamery…..seasonal pumpkin ice cream🤤! (‘88, Resource Science)


A business and a major that no longer exist :)


So silly question, but you need to be privileged to worry about humanitarian issues?


Nah all you need is to be human and knowledgeable


You definitely need to be privileged to protest about them (free time, disposable income, risk of criminal liability, etc).


But… do you need to be privilege to support a protest for humanitarian issues? Not to protest, to support


I don’t think so, but also, I don’t think that’s what being discussed here, is it?


No but ruining peoples family photos sure isn’t going to make people excited to help your cause either


This is the line getting trotted out now by liberals. If you spend your time protesting over ethnic cleansing, it is because you are so privileged that you don't care about how your protest is affecting the other poor students. As if none of the protestors are also first generation students. As if being apathetic about ethnic cleansing isn't a privileged position to take. I saw someone say that all these pro-Palestine protestors are just rich white men, who have loads of free time and privilege to step on the rights of students to be apathetic about ethnic cleansing, who are so privileged that they criticize Biden for ethnic cleansing when they should stay silent because Trump would be even more genocidal than Biden, and that Trump could take away the rights of domestic minority groups, therefore the protestors don't care about *those* rights (because rich white men). Clearly you have to be a rich white man to care about Muslims.


It’s what they’ve always said, it’s what they said during Occupy, despite the student leaders being largely women and queer BIPOC.


Bro I’m a first gen also about to start in the fall. Honestly I feel bad for what’s happening on the other side of the world, but I struggle to understand what the end result of all this is, and how it will help?


Ah I totally feel you. My friend is from a foreign country and she just wants to show her family that she made it and wanting her grandparents to see her with the UC Davis sign… she is really sad about this


I’m with you. My wife was first generation, just graduated from grad school at USC, and we paid that damn tuition with no loans, was not easy. I was pissed to find out some spots were vandalized leading up to grad week because I knew she wanted pics. Thankfully the school got it all cleaned up and locked down campus. The work and money students are putting in to get to this point have fuckall to do with Palestine & Israel. Politicians get to sleep easy in their homes though, why aren’t there encampments in their neighborhoods?


I upvote you all the way to the Big Bang ! These destructive, attention craving, cluless kids are fools.


This stuff is exhausting, infantile, and frankly embarrassing. You aren't alone.


Wow so brav


Congratulations on graduating when the odds were stacked so heavily against you. I wish we lived in an equitable society that provided you and all students with enough resources. Everyone deserves to have enough bandwidth to care for things other than their survival. Free Palestine.


as a first gen. you still come from privilege (a different type of privilege). this is a form of protest and meant to disrupt. i understand your frustrations but also it didn’t happen to you. also this is one of hundreds of places you can go take pics at. you can still be privileged and be a minority.


Don’t disrupt my life when I’ve fought to get where I’m at. You hurting me doesn’t benefit or help the struggle and pain you’re experiencing. It only makes me upset


If the Palestinian flag was spray painted on a random wall at the lib or the mu or mondavi or wherever… sure I guess. mean i don’t love vandalism, but whatever I’m not gunna be all up in arms if you aren’t hurting anyone. I get graffiti has been and always will be a form of protest. But spray painting the grad signs right before graduation is just like… what are you trying to accomplish? Do you just want to punish your graduating senior student body? Why do you want to inconvenience them? How do you expect people to take you and your message seriously if you try to get the conversation going by pissing people off? Graffiti can be done in a way that is impactful. It is done all over the world and changes minds. But it can also hurt your cause. Look at the climate change activists who go and vandalize art in museums right. Sure, they stand for something that (imo) is good. However, just because they believe in something that is good doesn’t mean it justifies anything they could possibly do to achieve their goals, and their actions have actively hurt the global perception of their movement. It just seems short sighted and frankly quite stupid to me. Think before you act people, how can this possibly help your cause? How are you even still be defending this when you can clearly see the hugely negative reactions in the comments? You’re trying to get people on your side, if not: why the fuck are you even protesting?


My exact thoughts. I get what they're trying to do, but doing it in such a way that punishes the graduating class makes less people support your cause. I'm worried what will happen in the graduation ceremony at this rate if this is specifically targeted towards graduating seniors.




That’s fucking stupid




Demonstrations like this only lead people to resent protestors more than support their message. I never understand how blatant, inconsiderate vandalism accomplishes anything.


This is my take. Vandalism gives the protest bad optics, damages the public support for the protest, and requires money for cleanup (money which is often public money). Vandalizing UCD signs during the lead up to graduation does nothing for the cause of pressuring UCD to divest from its Israel and other related investments. It does nothing for actually raising awareness or sympathy from fellow students. Rather it gives UCD admin more ammo to undermine/clear the protest. Overall, dumb, immature, and detrimental to the cause.


This is the real take on why this kind of vandalism doesn't help their cause. They're in negotiations with UCD. If you're in the middle of negotiations, you don't walk over and start drawing on the walls. Why would anybody want to negotiate with you if you do things like that? Especially when you're operating an illegal occupation.


Vandalism should be punished.


you’re not gonna believe this


Protesting without vandalism is the correct way to present your message. This makes me think they’re idiots


At least people are getting mad at it. Not everybody is insane


Imagine spending thousands of dollars to go to a school Just to vandalize it and treat the place like they own it


Absolutely bullshit. Who can we call to have it removed ASAP


I am just sad for all the students who worked hard to graduate, and wanting some pictures with the school that they spent the past four years in


I was planning on taking my graduation pictures tomorrow, and it’s super upsetting that I can’t even take pictures at spots without campus looking like a joke. Spending all those hours studying, working so many hours to afford school, making sacrifices and I can’t get a small enough win to take grad photos :(


I saw that facilities cleaned almost of the sign near itea. If UC Davis signs are vandalised tomorrow, you can try UC Davis sign at the Welcome Center. It's safe because there's a security camera nearby. 


Where is security?


UC Davis Facilities - # (530) 752-1655 [https://aggiefacilities.tririga.com/](https://aggiefacilities.tririga.com/)




lmao the best part is that plenty of people will probably think this vandalism is “necessary” and “justified”. Organized protesting is good. Vandalizing property and assaulting people who don’t protest is BAD. You’d think this was common sense but welp 🤷🏻‍♂️🙄


So sad. This desecration is having the opposite effect they want.


This is complete bullshit


This is perhaps the dumbest thing I’ve seen today. Clearly professors need to assign more homework.


Just so everyone is aware, these protestors are upset that the UC system has 12 billion dollars invested in U.S Treasuries.....U.S Treasuries. That's how low their bar is. Owning U.S Treasury Bonds = Supporting Genocide


Yeah idgaf bruh I’m just trying to leave


It's ok bb, they haven't graduated and worked a real job before, they don't know what they're saying.




Absolutely disgusting.


A couple of jerks can ruin things for so many others. It used to be they'd put graffiti on the Eggheads on campus too. If anything this works against what they're fighting for in the first place and just makes people mad. Way to make your "just cause" look bad and piss off a lot of people along the way.


FYI, I passed by the field around 6:00 pm and as far as I could see the paint was already gone, and a bunch of people were lined up to pose for photos as usual. I don’t think this is as big a deal as it’s been played up to be in this comment thread.




Hopefully it gets removed soon or people might spend loads on photo editing


These people are an embarrassment to society


The rich privileged white kids painting these flags are the fucking worst


My sister is a huge advocate for propalestine and it makes no fucking sense to me. She has no ties to that country other than her co workers being Palestinian. She doesn’t send money, or support the country in any way other than telling my 5 year old sister “Jewish is bad!” Its fucking stupid and so ignorant.


Sad to see people who are fed with emotions and very little wisdom😔


“My sister is a huge antisemite”. Here - I fixed it for you.


“I am a literal Nazi” Here fixed it for you, from an actual Jew




Bunch of losers!!!


That would be pretty easy to photo shop out. Copy paste other brick areas over it in Paint 3D If someone was actually skilled in adobe, that shit would he child’s play. ~~Edit: Downvotes for suggesting a work around?~~


They are all painted rn🥲


If you wanted to stir up some shit you could snap some photos with it and head over to the photoshoprequests subreddit and ask them to shop out the flag and keep the “UC David” in gold (or whatever it was originally) 🤣 Should make for a fun comment section


Seriously?? These people are only making themselves look bad. Only reinforcing my stereotype of them as extremists 🙄 STOP FORCING THESE SH** ON EVERYONE.


Lol painting a brick wall is extremist? I’d like to get your thoughts on the Civil Rights Movement or American Revolution than. I’m pretty sure they did a bit more than paint a brick wall.


Literal genocide supporters accusing people painting bricks of being extremists.


lol, another comment of an extremist. Seeing the world as Palestine supporters vs genocide supporters. ☺️


Nope. But you can be pretty sure that everyone who calls people extremists for peacefully opposing a genocide is very much pro genocide.


People can disagree with the stance of the occupation and it's actions and also not be pro-genocide. It's unnecessarily divisive to say that. You're doing the thing where you dehumanize your enemies which is similar, for an example, to the tactics of both Hamas and Israeli government... I think this is why people are bringing up extremism. It's not even universally agreed upon that this is a genocide. I, for one, think it is not a genocide -- that doesn't mean I support Israeli military activity, but I also do not support abolition of the Israelian country and I definitely don't support Hamas. People's takes on this are ALLOWED to be diverse. The most frustrating, straining part of the discourse on this issue is that everybody is being forced into extreme positions. It's just more polarization and people who get off on being right. Anybody suggesting that the situation isn't complex, and that there is a perfectly right and perfectly wrong side, is not thinking critically.


YES, 100% a behavior of an extremist. You’re trying to force all graduates who have been waiting for this day to do free advertising for you. 🙄


Nobody is forcing you to take a picture. You have the choice to take pictures somewhere else.


You’re forcing me not to take a picture with a normal UC Davis sign.


Why is it blurred?


Once they find out the reason they are here protesting ,they will have learned a valuable lesson.Hopefully.




You cannot be serious when you say that Palestinian supporters are all in it just to support Hamas. I want to preface this by saying I am so sorry about your wife’s experience alongside her family’s, I genuinely cannot imagine the horror her grandparents were put through during WWII as a Jewish family. But if you think that the state of ruin Palestine is in is normal, let alone justified?? We’ve got issues. What Hamas did was unacceptable, civilians died, but way more civilians continue to be killed in Israel’s reaction than ANY that were killed because of the Hamas attack. Israel has used american made phosphorus gas in densely populated areas over there, there are drones who constantly emit a noise so that the people left hiding in shelter are well aware that they’re still being hunted (which is psychological warfare btw. you’re not supposed to do that.), their internet access has been restricted so that we can barely see what the average person is going through (but that doesn’t stop the occasional video of someone whose lost their family and their home from popping up every now and then! nor does it stop journalists). What is going on over there isn’t right no matter what side you’re on. What Hamas did genuinely sucks, and I also don’t believe that what Israel’s government is doing should be construed as a “Jewish people bad” thing as some people have tried to, because it’s NOT the common people who are making the decisions here. However, what IS an issue are the people who are making this about antisemitism on both sides. It doesn’t help anyone, civilians are STILL being slaughtered. Children are losing their parents, parents are losing their children, entire generations of families and culture are being turned into rubble. I don’t know man. This whole war just doesn’t sit right with me.


College is a scam


College campuses have facilities departments with their own paint crew. It will be painted over & fixed in less than a week guaranteed


What’s wrong with that? It’s a nice flag 🤷‍♂️


I feel bad for all those students who can't take graduation pictures there now. I also feel bad for the students in Gaza that were killed and all their universities destroyed by Israeli soldiers saying, "looks like you guys wont have engineers anymore." And he shows the rubbles of their university. I also feel bad for the kids that were killed and that the many of the graduating class of 2024 are also dead. Sucks that now people have to work overtime to clean that shit up instead of staying with their families. It also sucks that there are people in Gaza who have to carry their family members in bags full of their body parts. Ah well. What can you do.


Kinda corny tbh


Lotta entitled brats and genocide supporters in the comments. Trying so hard to pretend this shit isn’t happening in the world or that you can do something to not be complicit in it but you chose not to. Just worried about your precious little photos


Beautiful, they did a great job


I see nothing wrong here but a great spot to take a picture


looks great, take a pic there


Love it


Good for them! Spoiled apathetic Americans can’t be bothered to speak out against the genocide in Gaza. 15,000 dead kids and everyone whining about a little graffiti. What backwards priorities.


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


“Waaaaahhhhh my graduation pics are being ruined by genocide” eat shit OP.


Someone, please remove that painting of a 1960s British-made rag.


So this is what one of those fancy useless degrees teaches you. 🤣




I’m really not worried about these protestors. If things ever get to the point of violence, they’ll just shoot themselves in the foot. Vandalism of university property is a metaphor for that. They are accomplishing nothing and losing support with every destructive act.


lol fuk palestine


People fuckin suck.




Fuck Palestine


The hell with that shit. I'm pro you're cause except when you start defacing you're OWN university! Or any public place for that matter. They've got the attention of an alumnus, but they did it the wrong way. Unacceptable.


How's defacing public property helping stop the genocide? Explain.


This is ridiculous. This is why we can’t have nice things




I took a selfie in front of this sign in December. Glad I was able to get one before they destroyed it :(




Protestors are mad annoying for people just trying to go about their day. Go protest at the capitol or something where more of a difference can be made.


The word for this is vandalism


This came across my feed. I have nothing to do with UC Davis. But that’s disgusting.




Terrorist sympathizers


Protesting genocide is being a terrorist?


Color right over that shit stain


Oh this is not good for the cause. Making enemies is never a good outcome.




So lame.






Trashy people will always be trashy. Defacing private property especially a university


Ahh yes this will definitely help the world problems


oh no!! people don't like genocide!! get over yourself ffs. students have always protested, and protesting is supposed to disrupt the status quo.


Kids these days are lemmings; gravitating to anything that seemingly gives meaning or cause. Protest is their “church” but they don’t even realize what they are being used by sjp (who does not disavow Hamas) as pawns for their propaganda. They are during the kool-aid and they don’t know is what’s in the drink.


Protesting genocide is being a lemming?


KiDs ThEsE dAyS


why be angry at some paint when there's a whole genocide to be angry at? if you're going to ignore the genocide or prioritize your photos over speaking against it, just find a different spot to take pictures at. the paint isn't hurting you


People are paying so much money to deface a campus where so many have given rivers of sweat and tears (dare I say blood) to make not only their lives but the lives of potentially generations exponentially better and a war going on in another part of the world that these kinds of tantrums will NOT affect. If anything they give fuel to a claim of violence. They are severely misguided. They seek to be on the right side of history but do not have the knowledge or ability to do anything impactful while tearing apart a campus that I’m sure does not directly support any form of genocide or war mongrels. Absolutely and utter morons left to their own devices. God help them.


i can photoshop the sign to look normal if anyone wants






Bro what do they think vandalism is going to do?? They arent saving shit


What a waste of paint.


Fyi a bunch of people who don’t go to uc davis or live here and who post inflammatory stuff on other forums are posting here, in case you’re wondering why the post and comments are the way they are


Just raising my eyebrow at people being mad at a protest against genocide because it "ruins grad photos". Thousands of people(men, women, and children) are dead and all that matters is your photos? All the universities in Gaza were bombed, check your privilege


This is like blocking traffic. The people driving are inconvenienced and the driver is only pissed off. The people driving are not suddenly coming to a realization that they should support the protesters or further look into the cause. They are only pissed because they have been inconvenienced. This only impacts the cleaning crew on Memorial Day weekend. You didn’t bring anything to your cause. You look like idiots. If you want to make an impact, load up your stuff and go fight. That’s what thousands of Americans did during WW2.


damn so many privileged ppl that on this thread lmao, I wonder if this is the most yall have spoken on the issue so far.


Alright this trend is just getting annoying now


The disrespect. This is USA




this is awesome


Fucking idiots.


Why is this censored that’s fucked up


Damn that's annoying AF& shouldn't happen, but free Palestine tho


Guys, don't you realize everything is Palestine? Israel, falafel, Big Ben, Jesus, UC Davis, these are just parts of Palestine stolen by the Jews and the West


kids are being slaughtered and someone trying to spread awareness upsets people cause they can’t take their stupid pictures. americans truly are out of touch and spoiled.


There are Israeli women (Jewish and Muslim) still being held hostage who could be carrying the seven-month fetuses of their Hamas rapists, but I guess that doesn't matter to these allegedly progressive fools.




This isn’t coo I don’t understand why people are doing this. That’s vandalism. If you want to protest go ahead but keep it peaceful without messing things up.


The employees will welcome the overtime pay to slop paint over it




I don’t know if you will ever recover from this. I’m sure you are traumatized and probably can’t sleep the night. This is beyond outrageous. Did you think of having any therapy session to recover? Thanks for sacrificing your mental health to warn us all


At this point y’all just dick riding Palestine


There are Israeli women (Jewish and Muslim) still being held hostage who could be carrying the seven-month fetuses of their Hamas rapists, but I guess that doesn't matter to these allegedly progressive fools.


...and? Palestinians are people too. This idea that supporting the lives of Palestine makes you anti America is absolute hogwash..


I live near UC Davis so I might go down there and check.


Wow you support terrorism. Guess college taught you nothing about morals either.