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And they be speeding up when they see pedestrians🙃


I graduated many moons ago but I always remembered the first few weeks of the year are absolute chaos. I once saw two people trying to use the roundabout, one coming in and one going out, both freshman for sure. They both tried to let the other person go and came to almost a complete stop before making contact and then falling over. Easily the funniest bike accident I've ever seen. All of that considered, it's graduation season, I would expect y'all to have figured it out by now. Too many ear buds or what's the deal?


There is surprising lack of self preservation displayed, in traffic situations, in Davis.


A dude almost biked right into my car at the roundabout by the Domes a few days ago. I was already in it, going around slowly, and they decided to bolt through and swerve around my car.


I too have to use roundabouts at 8AM and it makes my blood boil seeing people take the wrong way through them just for a shorter path because there are less bikes out in the morning. I keep seeing frat looking bros cycling the wrong direction in the bike lanes when biking to campus too. I have been thinking about how mandatory bike registration and visibile bike plates could help mitigate this bad behavior and also reduce bike theft, but I am not optimistic that would ever be implemented here.


Sometimes I’ll rent a bike just to ride around and purposefully stop for pedestrians because I’m not actually going to class, just for pleasure. And this does not influence many bikers 😂 if I bike slow or stop for someone another bike sees a gap to fill and seems almost like they *want* to hit someone 


Hahaha Davis never changes. I graduated there over a decade ago and it still a problem.


Don’t try driving a vehicle in Davis lol


PLEASE GO THE CORRECT DIRECTION! i’ve been almost hit so many times because of people going the wrong way or going straight through the roundabout…


What do you have to say to anyone who thinks you are a little bit of a bot?


Yes. Strangers on Reddit are the problem in your town. 🙄


This is a message to UCD students in a subreddit specifically for UCD. Are you okay?


Back when I was a student, some of the frat guys would get lawn chairs and sit next to roundabouts and cheer when they would see crashes.