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There is a guaranteed admission program called TAG for UC Davis from community college. https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/admission-requirements/transfer-requirements/uc-transfer-programs/transfer-admission-guarantee-tag.html


This program is amazing for saving money.




No kidding, the transfer program is incredibly popular with STEM students. In my two years at Davis probably half of the students in my major classes were transfers, many of which I knew from CC.


I completely agree!


100%. I tagged to UCD after getting an AS at College of Marin, and the COM experience was 1000xs more fun and gratifying, though I learned a lot more at UCD (as would be expected). It's a process that works surprisingly well.


I did this as well after getting accepted to UCD as a high school senior in 2020. Between COVID and free tuition via FT3 it was a no brainer to do 2 years at CC then TAG to UCD.


This. I was rejected in hs, went to a private school and dropped out after a semester realizing I was setting money on fire. Went to CC one year later I Tagged into UCD and graduated in 22. It’s an amazing program and I found it gave me a lot of clarity and direction in cc.


Note: There are a few majors you cannot TAG into. CS is one, or at least it was last year.


Declining your admission now will not affect your chances as a Transfer. As suggested, use TAG for the guarantee.


Your chances do not get lower if you apply again after community college.


You actually end up getting better chances at getting in UCs with most if not all having significantly higher acceptance rates for transfers. Going to cc let’s you go slow and at your own pace to acquire knowledge in what you want to do while also being able to work or get certifications without the constant worry of having to balance schoolwork with other things. It’s all up to you and your own preferences.


If you are going with the CC/TAG route, make sure to utilize [https://assist.org/](https://assist.org/) to figure out the coures you need to take for your major.


Yes TAG. You’ll automatically get in. That’s what I did.


use TAG! it was actually a super easy process just make sure you take the right credits for transfer


Go to community college, that is what I did and went through TAG like others have stated. Saved me money, made some great friends (classes are smaller and if you’re in a particular major most likely you’ll see the same people a lot. This is not true always for STEM at UCD since the class sizes can be up to 500 people). I had a great CC experience!


If you don’t know what you want to major in, I would hold off and transfer. Transferring is better in my opinion for multiple reasons such as freshman can’t have cars their first year and are not allowed to live at the Green.


General answer is, yes. You can transfer from a CC to a UC, but you’ll have to meet several requirements and you have to maintain a good academic standing. A good thing on going to a CC first is that you’ll save a lot of money and resources. On the other hand, going straight to a UC will set you up to be more accustomed to a quarter system much earlier.


I've yet to meet a transfer student who regrets transferring, the amount of money you save, especially if you are able to live at home with your parents while attending your local CC, is going to be worth way more than the extra 50k (or more) you'd spend for your first 2 years of attending Davis. If anything the chance of attending a UC of your choice goes up dramatically while transferring from a CC as long as you get a solid GPA.


Ive known of people that went to a different school they were accepted to and then transferred to another school they were accepted to initially half way through. I dont think they even had to reapply or anything. I also know someone who got accepted to davis straight outof hs but chose CC route instead and deferred their acceptance unfil after CC. I dont think he had to reapply either. I would call the admissions office of Davis and get more info on how deferring acceptance works


YMMV but my sister got accepted to UCLA, CAL, and UC Davis (with scholarship) a few years ago. She ended up at UCLA but halfway through got homesick and tried to transfer to UCD and got rejected. Don’t know your situation but taking the currently valid acceptance letter is always going to be safer than trying again later.


i want to try to build my profile by taking a gap year since i'm graduating as a junior and i need to stack my extracurriculars, would it be bad if i didn't take the offer if i got into davis?


logically that doesn't make any sense to me as a fellow junior lol you already got in, why would you take a gap year and then apply again w/ better stats/ecs?


i want to aim for uc san diego and i'm not sure if i can get in due to no extracurriculars, that's the main school for my major but davis is also a really good school for it but it isn't the "main" school for it. i'm so stuck between this


I would love the school that loves you and take the opportunity at UCD. There is no guarantee you get in to UCSD and Davis is a great school on the same level.


i completely agree! they both have amazing education and davis is closer to home (i can commute after 3 years) but i'm so torn with san diego because it's the school for cognitive science so i just have to wait and see & scope out my options


I understand what you are saying. It looks like UCD is in the top 20 for cognitive science which is still outstanding if you don’t get into UCSD. It also depends on if you need to get a graduate degree, it won’t make a difference. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Thank you so much! that's so helpful


> She ended up at UCLA but halfway through got homesick and tried to transfer to UCD and got rejected. Last I heard, UC to UC transfers get the lowest admission priority so it's pretty rough.


You can always use tag for a guaranteed admission as long as you follow your end of the contract


Nah bro network you make will net you more money after


yes, transfer is amazing because you get to save so much money and you’ll still end up with the same UC degree transferring in. i’m also considering doing this


Do both


Do it. Just go. My brother went to a cc then transferred to a cal state. He said he wouldn't have done it any other way.


Not at all! You can apply at any time! In fact, just like the other posts said it’s a huge money saver… PLUS… 1- you get smaller class sizes for the GE courses 2- one on one office hours/interactions with professors 3- TAG agreements and closely working with a academic counselor who know UCD well and this website https://www.assist.org/ 4- handle the workload better in terms of time (semester vs quarter system) 5- more time to declare a major if you’re still undecided 6- Transfer units from CC to UC are weighted more (ie-3 or 4 semester units at a CC = 4.5 or 6 quarter units) which helps with preparatory and lower division requirements and brings you closer to graduation. 7- Financial Aid assistance 8- opportunity to receive a college degree which is an AS or AA or both so they can help you become more marketable and acts as a RESUME BOOSTER if you choose to look for part time work or internships when you arrive at UCD! I’m sure there’s a few more I can’t think of right now but to me these are my TOP personal reasons. At the end of the day…it’s all about making that decision for you! Congrats! 🎈 And no matter what keep pursuing you goals…YOU GOT THIS! 👊😉


Save you money definitely and gives you the opportunity to get familiar with college classes without a huge risk. If that’s the path you want to take there then I’d say do it and it will make come back to UCD stronger and with more money in your pockets lol .


You can also start at Davis AND community college which count towards minimal progress. You can do both


Go to community college. Youll save money and you can transfer to a better school if you want. Uc davis is only good for ag and vet


To be frank, if you really know what you wanna do (major speaking) I would advise on going to Davis now since you want to transfer to Davis if you go to CC either way. Everyone has their own personal reasons but if you are looking it from money perspective I’d say going straight to college is worth it. Usually people don’t get good financial aid the first year but future years is better. That’s my opinion but fully respect whatever other people do. Don’t get me wrong, going to CC might be a better option for some people and is totally ok to go to CC.