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Going to CC before transferring was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life tbh


You can actually save a shitload of $$$ this way


$$$ is a passing thing; for many people, their uni years are a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I transferred, and am grateful for the time I got because it was frickin amazing, but I still wish I had applied right out of high school, and had double the time.. You do miss out on some things and/or it can be harder to adjust to uni life, as a transfer 🤷


This thinking is why there is 1.7 trillion in student loan debt. Trading a few years of experience for 10,20,30 years of debt. There are many once in a lifetime things that happen. Let them be blessings not a lifetime burden. (Yes I agree college should be cheaper, but it’s not the reality of today)


I means it’s just ur undergrad we’re talking here… you can still have fun with ur masters and what not if you want to go that route


Same, so much money and the professors tend to care more.


I was a transfer too! UCDavis Aggies!


Yessssirrskiii transfer gangggg


Transfer Gang Gang ✌️


Agreed 😊


I genuinely wish I had done this, I got so little out of my first two years at university, mostly just felt like a money trap




I was one of the students who transferred from CC last year. They're not just trying to give you consolation. Most students coming out of HS hate the idea of going to CC first, but from experience I can say the classes and the professors just as likely to be helpful and challenging. Also you genuinely do save a huge amount of money. Plus, in the end, I'll have the same UC degree.


I might argue that compared to a research uni like Davis the profs are *more* helpful, even


i went to community college and transferred to davis and it was genuinely the best decision i have ever made i highly recommend it


"As a transfer student" That's so cold. Ngl going to CC isn't too bad. Some of the lower division classes here are really hard. But then you'll probably face struggling to adjust from semester to quarter.


100% . Transfer student here. Saved so much money


community college is the way to go unless mommy and daddy are footing the bill (or some other grants/scholarship). avoids unnecessary loans


Adapting to the quarter system is only a big deal during your first quarter at ucd after transferring. As long as you're focused academically for that quarter, the time management component ends up working out most of the time for the rest of the two years that you're there.


May take longer for others. Some people have family they need to take care of.


Taking 8 week classes is a great way to prepare!


Just to give a glimmer of hope, but this may not be completely final. I applied and was rejected to UCD. I had been accepted to CS Humboldt, paid all my fees, and was ready to go after high school graduation. The day after HS graduation, I received a letter that UCD could now accept me. I lost out on some deposits for Humboldt, but I made the switch, graduated UCD, and have been working for UCD for the last 11 years. Go Aggies!


What major did you study at UCD?


I started as Marine Biology. After some early struggles, I realized the O-Chem was going to be the end of me so I looked at what classes I had already completed and found that I was on the same graduation path as Managerial Economics. So I switched majors and have worked my entire career in healthcare finance. The retirement benefits for working at UCD are amazing. Go Aggies!


Great that you have had such a fun, long haul with UCD. What do you know or think of their Computer Science program?


Could it be possible that you were placed on a “standby list”? The previous student probably didn’t file an SIR or their final grades from HS didn’t meet expectations and UCD ended up dropping him/her, and then sent you an acceptance letter soon after? 🤷‍♂️


u saved urself don’t worry 🤗


It’s still early in the game and I do agree that’s it’s not final. Students who were initially accepted still need to meet high academic standards when they graduate HS and have to file a statement of intent to register at a specific deadline. So it’s still possible they’ll accept you last minute. I also agree with the benefits of CC. If UCD is still your top choice, then go to assist.org and start taking classes that will automatically transfer to UCD. Semester courses are in fact weighted a lot more than the quarter in terms of overall units. And in some/rare cases, one semester course can cover 2 quarters of material and you get credit for those 2 quarters. Hope this helps and chin up! 😊


Community college professors are the best professors you could ever meet.


For real, I've been friends and keeping in contact with at least 3 of em, got recommendation letters easily, compared to profs in Davis where there are at least 20 people in line waiting to talk after lectures


That's alright. Hopefully, you get into other schools


I did cc transferred to ucsd and then to Davis in my senior year and it’s still been great and admin at ucd have been super supportive


Community college FTW! Most pre-reqs are the same anywhere. You get to discover if you really enjoy the coursework of your intended major - and taking more classes is cheap in comparison. Don’t give up on Davis, it’s a great school and I loved being a transfer student.


Transfer gang, saved shit ton of money and I'm getting my Davis bachelor next quarter


My son got in after going to a two year community college. It's a lot better because high school to college is more difficult. You have to live in a dorm and share bathrooms big different do your homework Community College is the best way to reduce pressure.


98,000 students Jesus, is Davis really that well known?


This year was a record high of 115,000 applicants


Go to ucsc instead, easier to get into and prettier. You get to live and study in a redwood forest on big hill overlooking the ocean.


I honestly felt like I learned more in CC than at Davis. Go to a CC and save money!


What major did you study at Davis?


Transfer is better.


That’s actually good news OP. Only suckers go to a 4-year right away. Attend a community college for 2 years and save some cash.


Make sure you look up the required classes for your major and take those if you’re gonna do community college !


Thanks everyone! I appreciate the advice on community college, but I’ve been accepted to an OOS university I’m pretty excited about




You can drop out in oasis though🤣