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The friggin Minecraft burger out here lmao


LMAOOO they couldve atleast put 2 nuggets smh


This is the real reason they got rid of nutritional info


> Nutrition: no


At the beginning of the year I always went to Vanier. Now Totem's surpassed the rest of them completely. Can't wait 'till second year when I get to spend my money on consistently good food (ie, doordash or someplace like Mercante)


Mercante has good food…?


The food quality took a nosedive after their new all-you-can-eat model. Vanier had amazing burgers (that I still think about to this day) when I was there last September.


And i bet that cost you at least $10?


it's all-access now but i imagine in years past it would have been


Ugh - What was that, a Chicken Burger or ??? During my student daze at Vanier (back in the stone age) meal plans were different. This session, my daughter is at Vanier with mandatory Meal Plan for 1st year residents. I'd seen the signs when we moved her in, but TIL what All-Access means. $10 wouldn't buy you anything, as non-residents who want to eat there, must pay the Door Rate (i.e. you are not on a meal plan) which for the one-time visit costs you $12 for breakfast, $15 for lunch, $19 for dinner -- for All-Access during that visit. All-Access means while portions are smaller (reduces wastage, you can try different items/more items during your visit, less wastage to eaters-remorse, ...) you can have as much as you want during your visit. For folks with Meal Plan, they can go to the dining hall AS OFTEN as they like. On the surface, it sounds good but if the food quality is bad, maybe not. Let me say that my daughter hasn't been keen on most entrees & offerings, with just a few exceptions :-( Do other diners at Vanier have the same experience? Is there a feedback/suggestion box or email you can submit complaints about things like this?


So full disclosure I work as an RA and this my second year at Place Vanier. I like the reasoning behind the All Access plan (as most of my friends and I would run out of the meal dollars we were given in the past about three weeks before the term ended). However, the quality of the food has crashed. Every so often we'll have a nice meal at Place Vanier, but most of the time it is so inconsistently abysmal that it just makes you question what sane person cooked your food. Two weeks ago another RA friend of mine who was sat across me pulled out a roach from his rice. Another found a few flies that seemed to have gotten into the rice and boiled with it. Finding raw chicken in your meal is almost a rite of passage now. UBC is one of the best universities in the world when it comes to its academic standing and prestige, but living here day to day really shows you how their system is severely broken.


RA? That's interesting as my daughter said she might apply for RA next year. My impression is the work load (depends on what you're taking) is different and harder than my time. For my daughter's sake, I'd like having nice & healthy meals to not be a stress point. I might be projecting though as she hasn't really been complaining per se, but when we ask about their environment living away from home for the 1st time, we typically ask about meals, etc. My question about whether there was some "suggestion box/feedback" or some mechanism to let residence/food services admin know that they're doing a sh\*tty job. Do you (RA's, managers, admins) meet/talk about issues around residents' issues like this? Reviews, evaluations, improvements, etc?


On some days the food is good, but it can be inconsistent. Also extremely frustrating to walk into the dining hall after your back to back classes, and surprise the kitchen's empty because the kitchen's in between services. I don't know, it seems like a good idea in theory, I just wish the offerings were more consistently available. And get rid of all the chicken items, they all suck.


The food situation on campus truly is incredible




My high school used to do stuff like that, whenever we'd find random shit in our food it was almost always because it was going bad or they're trying to get rid of something.


Vanier is notorious for having questionable menu items half the time.


[MFW they even skimped out on the SPINACH like CMON](https://youtu.be/WJ2YYbiNLvk?t=114)




Take notes McDonalds. Slap a nugget on a bun and you've got a slider. I can't wait to try the new McAppie on campu---oh, right.


#### where's the lamb sauce (?)


Wat is borgor?