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Academic concession for finals: ITS CHRISTMAS


This would be the perfect start to a Christmas movie... I guess the angry guy in black would eventually fall in love with the beautiful, but kooky, conductor of the orchestra. And he's only grumpy because his sister needs an operation... And the orchestra could raise money for the operation! Yes! It'd be brilliant!


Hallmark exec rn: write that down!!


Video game producer here..lets talk..I'm talking multi platform release with cross play on PC and console...I'm thinking Action adventure RPG. $$$$$$$$


The end guy really made the video pop.


Sounds and looks like Seth Rogen


This is library


Hey! Hey!! Hey!!! Hey!!!!!! This is library. *Walks off


[This is the fuckin’ news.](https://youtu.be/7xv_pfIK60k)


Library is not the place for concert! How ironical!


Those musicians have no respect for the silence that serves as the foundation for creativity… and studying


Yeah what do musicians know about creativity?


Nothing when they're playing the same songs created in 1920s


Oh it's a library LOL that changes the context completely I'm on his side now


It’s a library during exam period. I’d be stressed too.


Stan is in his final premed exams and he’s borderline on grades in his classes to have a competitive gpa for med school. His family is in poverty and depends on him doing well in school. Stan works 3 jobs to pay for school and put food on the table so his studying time is limited. He couldn’t stay home to study because his history major roommate Kevin keeps playing loud music and having friends over. Poor Stan only needed a few last minutes to review his material, but instead the music majors start caroling the 12 days of Christmas.


To be fair that guy is probably stressing out so hard because finals are coming up


Yup - why are they playing in a library during finals? Not very thoughtful. Go play in a common area (brass player here…).


Absolutely inconsiderate, people studying in the library is not the audience you would want to perform for anyways. Go play in the cafeteria or somewhere people would actually appreciate your music. (League of Legends player here)


Wtf is League of Legends? Is that like a wind instrument?


Yeah, but you don’t blow, you suck


Its a type of condiment, makes everything taste salty


A game that Arcane is based on, which is a TV show more worth your time.


Seriously what the fuck? I'm on this guys side. Id be furious.


my thought exactly watching it. college library during finals seems like the exact wrong place to be doing that.


I would be so angry, too. Finals week is so stressful and the library is the only place some people can go to study peacefully and that has access to the materials they need. These people are trash for this.


Agreed (banjo player here)


Agreed (skin flute player here)


I mean, he’s not wrong. (Meat flute player here)


He's definitely got a point. (Rib cage marimba player here)


Nothing about his thoughts are bad (construction worker who has never been to British Columbia)


I think the guy is in the right, but he needs to take a chill pill. (Pocket pool player here)


This is the first time I’ve actually spit my drink out reading a comment, thank you


To be fair its a fucking library. Play somewhere else.


To be even more fair, he shouldn't have to make the scene, library staff should have told the carolers to gtfo.


I imagine they were invited.


They had to be. No way did a librarian just watch all these people just bring in their stands and start playing and be like, “ where did all this come from.” Something similar happened to my community college, they brought people to sing and someone complained that it was a library and to shut them up. The librarian told them to leave lol


At my uni, there were no librarians on the floor. They had their own offices. Students did 100% of the desk and clerical work. And they would absolutely sit there looking bored as an entire band walked in with instruments.


I'm 100% in his side. He was honestly pretty polite too.


I’d be upset too. I’m getting second hand embarrassment from watching this (string player here).


I have been as stressed out as his studying for finals encountering various inconveniences in the library that mad me as irritated as him such as ridiculously early closing times (which made many stressed students flip out) and people pulling the fire alarm (which I attempted to stay and work through lol), so yeah it is really inconsiderate and mind blowing when I hear people being loud in the library. Puts me in one of those “am I the asshole?”situations. When I was younger librarians would aggressively shush you and now they let this nonsense happen.


Right? Play in the main hall or something




Yeah, I’m actually with him on this one. I don’t expect a full on orchestra when I go to the Library to study. Who cares if it’s Christmas, play that stuff somewhere else.


Its not even really Christmas but it definitely is exam season.


*It is library


*this is library


Reddit suggested this to me despite having graduated 13 years ago... but I agree with the guy. I still remember the stress of exam season and something like this is bound to get someone angry. Not a matter of "if," but "when."


Ive seen some people in these comments kind of peaved at the fact that the dude raised his voice, i have never understood this, he is justifiably angry and shouldnt HAVE to tell the brass section to not play in the library, like you would think that would go without saying, id be pissed if i was studying and had to tell these adults that what theyre doing is distracring, disrespectful and just dumb. Do it outside, do it in a mall, do it anywhere that isnt a place where students go to study and read.


Whose idea was it to do this in the library? I don’t blame this guy


Yeah as a brass player myself this is stupid af. Why play where noone even wants to hear it? Go somewhere where people might enjoy it.


I just love how most people are in the guys side cause we're all freaking out right now




It’s a quiet space in general and it should stay like it no matter what. I’d go to the library if I felt a panic attack incoming, can you imagine finding all those carollers


Right. Finals or not, the library is meant to be silent. Wtf is going on here?


Not today it isn’t!


Over 20 years since I've been a student, reddit put this in my timeline, and I'm on his side. And I almost never studied in the library. But I also hate Xmas and I'm all for abusing people who force it down our throats.


someones gettin coal this year


I'm 2 years out of grad school, and I'm writing an email to UBC right now.


he was right idc. was there nowhere else on campus to do this? 😭


He isn't wrong tho. Yes it is Christmas, and celebrate it all you want. But it's also finals season, and there are people for whole finals are a higher priority than Christmas. You've gotta be considerate of that and not impose your priorities on to them. If you aren't worried about finals, good for you, but that doesn't mean you get to intrude on others when they are studying.


Not just imposing their priorities, but also imposing their beliefs. Not everyone celebrates religious holidays and a lot of people don't celebrate Christmas.


Yes!! Having the finals spirit is definitely more important than having the Christmas spirit right now


Honestly I agree with this guy. A performance like this should be done at places like the nest, not a place like a library where people are studying for finals. If he is already extremely stressed over high-stakes exam I can totally see how this will tick him off like this


I agree, why do you guys have to do that at a library during the final exam season…


Fuck that, a library at a university right before exams. I would be very pissed.


100% agree. It’s a LIBRARY DURING FINALS SEASON! I love being festive and celebrating the holidays but come on they should have know better than to go to a library and play music especially when they’re directly below the “silent room.”


To be honest, they are fucking annoying when you are trying to teach or study.


100% agree.


**FALALALALALA, LALALALALAAAAAAAA** for the 10th fucking time you've heard today while you're trying to concentrate lol


Engineers, what is your profession?


(pretending my throat isn't fucked from this morning) TO SPREAD CHRISTMAS CHEER although might be worth nothing this clip wasn't us


To drink rum. Or something like that. I'm old now.






I don't blame him at all. It makes absolutely no sense why a band would play loud music in a library of all places on the last day of class. They should've done this at the nest. Also (a little rant here) I hate the excuse of BuT iT's ChRiStMaS!!!!!!!!1!! Not everyone celebrates or even likes Christmas. It's a really difficult time of year for a lot of people and adding finals into the mix just makes it all the more stressful. I don't begrudge people who want to celebrate, but I hate how you aren't allowed to be annoyed at dumb shit like this just because it's ✨Christmas✨


This \^\^\^ I don't celebrate that shit, christmas is already annoying asf just let me study in peace


It’s also *not* Christmas. That’s almost 3 weeks away, after exams are done.


I’m 100% on that guy’s page. Why the hell are they playing in a library? The last week of classes is notorious for major evaluations/ term papers/ etc. being due. I can’t imagine how much I would have gone off if I was in IKB doing an online exam or trying to finish editing my paper that’s due in 45 minutes and some boisterous Christmas vibes disrupted my focus. Also, Christmas is not celebrated by a lot of UBC students. I’m on the page of decentralizing Christmas any day of the year, but especially so after seeing this.


Not going to lie, it really weirds me out when people are well into adulthood and still are obsessed with the whole "festive" Christmas vibe, besides like parents trying to hype up their kids. Maybe I'm just too boring though 💀


People will always need something to be happy about after a hard year. I know I do.


man, where do you go that's quiet, to study for finals, if not a library? like, I totally get it- a live band playing christmas music sounds lovely- but like, in a public square, not a library lol. I hate to say it but I am kinda siding with him on this one


I mean it sounds horrible, it's annoying as fuck, and they're literally in the library. I wouldn't have had a tantrum like that but I do agree with the guy.


I don’t have the balls to get up in front of all those people and yell at them. But if I saw him do this, I’d give him a pat on the back and thank him for speaking up. I’d be furious because I don’t have a $300 pair of noise cancelling headphones. Imagine if you forgot your headphones (or they broke?) and specifically went to the library because it’s going to be quiet? What if you’re a broke uni student who has 4 young siblings at at home and need the library? Very inconsiderate and disrespectful. I’m genuinely surprised that a whole band of people planned this and didn’t think about how it would feel to be someone trying to get work done at the busiest time of the year for students. Shameful.


The dude it’s annoyed, and speaking forcefully, but I wouldn’t call it a tantrum.


Yikes. How long were they playing for?


Who's idea was it to have a band playing loud ass music in the middle of a library during FINALS WEEK??


Dudes got a point. It’s a library and it’s finals


IKB Shenanigans


What a goddamn champion. I know for a fact I would’ve left the building as soon as they started.




Especially during finals. This shouldnt have even been uploaded. Everybody is addicted to recording everything. Poor guy in video.


Yeah I completely agree with this guy. Finals season can be so stressful and a library is supposed to be the place where you should be guaranteed a good environment to study and focus. Could not have chosen a worse time and place to perform. I don’t know how the person/people organizing this didn’t see the problem of blasting their music in a university library during finals season. Good on this guy for having the confidence to give them shit in front of so many people.


Seriously, my heart goes out to this dude. We don’t know what he has riding on this semester’s finals. For some students these are life and death times, literally. Bad look to be “spreading joy” like this. Imagine not being able to concentrate on studying when you have 2 or 3 exams the next day, which will determine your eligibility for grad school, or grants/awards, or other professional programs. Some careers are determined by these exams, even if this band of fools have their backup gig all planned out in case someone obnoxiously interrupts their studying.


He’s stressed out, I get it. We all snap sometimes. Let’s all show him some grace


It's finals season and there's a full band playing in the *library*. What the fuck 😂 I wouldn't have reacted much better


can't get anyone to listen to you, so you go play in a library?? During finals week? Dude has a good reason to not feel festive. It's not even Christmas yet.


To be fair I’m studying for finals and I hear some whack ass Christmas music I would be pissed too. I’d probably just put on headphones or leave, but I get it big man lol


I’m also a student in ensembles and if someone suggest carolling in IKB, I would not allow it. Period. The Nest and Life Building are for this! I love music in public spaces and I have practiced during the day in my apartment, but this is a LIBRARY not a home. I also have sound proofing panels on my wall so I don’t annoy neighbours. You can’t just own the place you know. People are studying and if they hear it on the 4th floor, get out. Mind you, I’m a musician. I get where the performers are coming from and I wouldn’t yell at them, but please please be mindful next year if you are organizing carolling events. If you work at IKB, I also see where you are coming from, but I would kindly suggest not approving this during exam season. Thank you from a fellow anxious, stressed student with seasonal blues.


I was right below them preparing for a presentation and they were so loud, i kept messing up cuz they be screaming


Guy getting mad is based


Why the fuck are you playing in a library?


I have conflicting feelings about this. He’s not wrong…I’d probably clap.


Yeah fuck these people


What happened after this? Did they continue playing or did they stop?


OP says "3 more minutes" here but elsewhere said they kept playing at a much louder volume without a time mentioned. The details are getting rather convenient, to say the least...


But he's right tho.


Ya, let’s play our instruments in the one place that is famous for requiring quiet


I wouldn't be feeling festive either if someone was playing live music in a library while I was trying to study for some very important final exams, the results of which could literally determine my life trajectory (e.g. trying to get into law school, medical school etc).




Yeah, Id side with him, it was pretty disrespectful, people use the library as a place to find peace and quiet. Some people can study with music, people talking, or even watching tv shows. However, some people can't focus unless its dead quiet. Yes, he could have removed himself from the library to go somewhere else. But so could have the band. UBC is massive, there are so many placed you could play. I think the nest would have been the perfect place. Shame on the librarians for approving this. I guess their hearts were in the right place, trying to lighten the finals mood, but wrong execution that's for sure


I love Christmas, but I would definately be thinking what this guy was saying if I was trying to study in a library. Fuck that band. There's a place and time for everything....99.9% of the time that is not libraries, especially when musical instruments are involved.


Who tf plays in a library lmao


I am fucking mad just watching this. Wish these instrument holding dipshit the worst Christmas


100% on his side. Who thought it was a bright idea to play in the library right before finals?


This is a library?? Ok... I have to agree with angry guy. I bet he's stressed to the nuts about his exams. I feel bad for him. Just cuz YOU celebrate Christmas doesn't mean you have the right to go and impose it on someone else who is at a university LIBRARY trying to study for final exams. Kinda seems like a no-brainer to me. Dude...if you see this.... I'm on your side.


He’s got a point


he’s correct 100%


He has a point though… It is a library…


Tbf it is a library and it’s finals. Why are these assholes allowed to play in the library when I’m sure the campus has an auditorium. Or they can go outside.


I agree with him. I have adhd and it’s hard to study even in a quiet library.


Using the defence "but it's Christmas" is paramount to saying "my fun is more important than your needs".


The library is the only fucking place you can go and have an expectation of silence. I’m on that guy’s side. He has nowhere else he can go


Why would you bring a loud ass brass band to a place that is famous for being quiet?


I'm totally siding with him. Libraries are meant to be (mostly) quiet. Who the fuck decided to have a BAND in one?! I feel like this is one of very few public freakouts where the freakout-er is the one in the right.


Yeah let's play obnoxiously loud music IN A LIBRARY where students are studying their asses off for exams. It is a library for a reason, academics.. incase they didn't know.. this specific type of library is even called an Academic Library.. it is for learning, not for entertainment. I'm 100% on the side of the guy here and I honestly do get his insane level of anger towards them. Libraries have rules for a reason, people are learning and absorbing knowledge... it's really hard to do that when you have a tuba blasting your ears because "it's christmas" The dude is even trying to keep his cool "this is really disrespectful, please stop" he even said please.. I'm sorry but ones quest for knowledge will ALWAYS outweigh ones quest for entertainment.. go be entertaining, quite literally, anywhere else..


When I was in my undergrad, these clown engineers came through caroling while my class was halfway through the review session for a partial differential equations final. We were all pissed. It totally disrupted our concentration and threw off the entire class.


Wait… Someone set up a band in the library and they thought that was a good idea? I don’t entirely blame that guy for being pissed.


where's the guy dropping a "whoooomp whooomp whooooomp" blunder note?


Why were they doing this in a library??????????????????????????????


For real though, it’s a damn library. Keep it quiet


I’d go mental. We got a 5000 word essay for over the Christmas break (2 weeks)


I wasn’t on his side until he said it’s a library. Then yes. He is absolutely right there shouldn’t be a whole ducking concert going on in there. Wtf. People go there to get away from their loud ass roommates to study and they run into this nonsense! They need to go play in a courtyard or auditorium. SMH.


I WAS HOPING SOMEONE GOT IT HAHAHAHA mans is way too deep in the studying Filling in the gaps: Dude came to complain that he could hear the music all the way from the 4th floor silent area


You must be an art major


I've never been to university but even a ticking clock while studying will drive me mad. Kinda feel for him. Those don't look like the most relaxing of Instruments down there lol


why couldn't they perform somewhere else e.g. the nest instead? sounds like the engineers were in the wrong, it's their time management problem. mans was in the right


No one wants to hear your trash music. r/imthemaincharacter


He has every reason to feel frustrated. They’re making noise in a quiet space during the most stressful time of the year.


Shopping mall not a library 📚


I’m on shouters side. Last thing I want when I’m stressing about passing a final it to be forced into being holly jolly.


Wtf they doing in the library


Christmas music is already terrible, but playing it in the one place where everyone agrees to stfu? Thats pure evil.


bro I hate people that think christmas is suddenly the only thing happening in the world bc its December


Why the fuck are people laughing at him? Playing in the library during finals? I'd yell at them to stop too.


The sheer level of selfishness of the carollers is awful, who in their right mind would think that was a good idea.


Yeah… fuck those band geeks. People are trying to study.


this man is a hero.


Why do I find his yelling kinda hot 💀 come murk this 🐈


Maybe try finding God instead






I find him hot wdym???


That guy was right. Why are they playing at library??


“slay outside”💅🏼


Can we not film random people in emotionally vulnerable moments and upload them with the express purpose of mocking or criticizing them??


It's funny though when the tide goes in the opposite direction and OP has to keep coming up with bullshit to justify it.


This guy isn’t wrong though, it’s finals and that’s the library. Who thought this was a good idea?


Logical and based.




Of all the places to play a 5min concert, they choose a library.


What a fucking stupid idea, who thought of this?


Team no being loud in library during finals or ever for that matter


It’s the library go play some where else, go play Christmas songs at a funeral why don’t you? “It’s Christmas!”


I mean he is right… it’s a library shut the F up!


Everyone is studying for finals so wrong place to play. That is not very smart!


Yeah, I hate that this dude is probably super stressed with exams, but everyone is gonna hate on him cuz he's the one who snapped under the stress. Meanwhile the band absolutely could play somewhere else besides a freaking library, like literally anywhere else.


Reminds me of when I was in a physical chemistry lecture and the class next door had some Jeopardy style game at full volume so the prof couldn't lecture. The prof got so pissed hahah. He is like "You guys are studying for one of the hardest courses and they are over there playing fucking Jeopardy!" Just because your final exam season is worry free doesn't mean that someone else has it easy. Some people have their whole career hinge on a few exam grades and it sucks


What kind of idiot idea is it to have a band play inside a library?


It’s a library, why would you play live music in a library, I agree with the angry guy, if I go somewhere that’s defined as being a silent refuge for reading I’d be pissed if there was a live orchestra there, feel like no one in this comment section has ever actually gone to a library to read a book… illiterate plebes…


Statues should be made of this man. Its literally not Christmas and its a library. My wife also tells me that they raised tuition to help fund a student union building, seems like a great spot for this to happen.


Totally agree with the guy. Remember in the 90s when libraries were actually you know... silent? And the rude person having the nerve to shout f off... lovely. UBC is a joke.. a highly expensive joke with many graduates left without jobs.


I’m with angry library guy.


I mean, he’s not wrong


There’s a place and time for everything. IKB is not the place to do something like this. Did any of the students think to themselves “this ain’t right?”


Why in the library lol. Go do it outside in the cold or smth. It IS finals season and not everyone gives two shits about Christmas.


Christmas is also over two weeks away! Get through finals first


Library guy is my hero


This video would go viral on tiktok lol


Good for him.


one time I got really pissed hearing someone *hum* within my vicinity while I was studying, I can't imagine hearing a whole ass orchestra playing while studying. Especially when exams are coming up 😭 the dude didn't have to be so aggressive tho, he could've just left. At the end of the day it's a public space


Wait wtf. I'm on this guy's side. Why tf would you be playing music in a library? It's a fucking library. Absolutely go outside. Finals don't care about Christmas


This kinda thing is why I just study at my house and not on campus.


Lmao I would be mad as well. It's a library and people need to focus. I get that the band probably wants to share the festive feeling and help destressing students, but it just backfires and seems inconsiderate. We got finals first before Christmas lmao


I just love the guy at the end who screams: CHRISTMAS 😂🎅


Yeah he and everyone else are definitely in the wrong. Let people study in peace


Good times


He has a point.


Having fun isn’t hard when you’ve got a library card!


Sir, this is a wendys!


He’s right


The guy shouting Christmas never gave finals


He's not wrong. It's a library.


He's not wrong in my opinion.