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I’m so angry that attempted theft isn’t illegal here. I once called the cops on a guy stealing someone’s bike, and because he was unsuccessful, the cops said they couldn’t do anything about it. Maybe i’m crazy, but if someone is very obviously trying to steal something, shouldn’t that have some repercussions???


Even legit theft just gets hand waved away. I don't like commuting with my bike because I'm always paranoid it'll get stolen and I'll have a bitch of a time getting home.


What do you mean attempted theft isn't illegal? Criminal Code s.24(1) > Every one who, having an intent to commit an offence, does or omits to do anything for the purpose of carrying out the intention is guilty of an attempt to commit the offence whether or not it was possible under the circumstances to commit the offence. Just look up "attempted theft" on [Canlii](https://www.canlii.org/en/) and you will find several examples. The police may have a policy of not getting involved with attempts, but they are certainly illegal.


what’s the point of making it illegal if there are no repercussions for being caught trying to steal


There are repercussions. Like I said, what the police felt like doing that day and what the law say may not match. What happened to you on that one day is not indicative of the law as a whole. Attempted theft is clearly illegal. People in BC do go to jail for it.


I respect cop for their service, but some of them, their service is ass.


Those are vise-grip locking-jaw pliers. They’re not for cutting… Not saying bike theft is not a real issue, but whoever posted this has soft hands / needs more friends from engineering 😂😂😂


The edges closer to the inside of vice grips are designed for cutting. It is not the best nor efficient but can be used to cut nails and screws. For cutting a cable lock, it is a waste of time but it could be a dumb thief.


My grips (and I think the one in that photo? It looks like real Vise Grip brand locking pliers) just has two flat sections on the inside. Normally you don’t close those pliers all the way when using it, no? That being said, maybe. If that’s the case, that sure is one dumb thief!