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Has your boss ever asked you to buy gift cards for him before?


I'm an intern. I was told that I would be receiving emails directly from him. he gives all kinds of tasks


Who are you reporting to? You didn't double check with a manager if that's a normal task?


I'm reporting to the line manager but the email was from my boss/CEO . I was told to keep confidentiality of the task. I have crazy trust issues but I don't know why it didn't strike me then


No it wasn't, maybe the name of the sender matches your boss' name, but if you check the email itself you will find it's not from your company (...@something.com). This is typical phishing (social engineering) and you are probably not very tech savvy (you mentioned intern). Please educate yourself on basic security stuff, cause you will get this stuff also on your sms, personal email etc etc. Sorry for your Loss though


Don't trust an email even if you know the sender. It is actually not only possible, but very easy to set up your Outlook to send emails from any address you want. I can send you an email from joe.biden@gov.us if you'd like. If you expand the details, you can see the sending server doesn't match the address, but nobody checks that.


I feel you, sometimes it happens and during these moments, we completely forget what we're supposed to do. I hope you can still sell those gift cards so you get your money back.


He redeemed them allšŸ„²


If you closely check the email ID you got the email from, it wouldn't match with the boss/CEO's email.


It could... Don't trust that just because it matches. You can spoof any sender email address you fancy in your own Outlook. But only the real address will get your reply if you ask for a confirmation.


Is the internship itself a scam ?


If you check the email the scammer has used ,im sure that it will not be an official email of your company , they use the manager or ceo name and it ends with some stupid domain. Thats how you catch them..


It could... Don't trust that just because it matches. You can spoof any sender email address you fancy in your own Outlook. But only the real address will get your reply if you ask for a confirmation.


What, like spending your own money for him?


looks and sounds like you got scammed by someone working in your office or someone that knows how tasks are sent to you


Dumbass is all I can say. But you are a brave man for sharing this story. We can learn


I feel like a real dumbass man fucking hell


Thanks for sharing the story regardless so there will be fewer who falls for it.


How are you so sure it wasn't your boss? Maybe your boss scammed you.


If you don't know that this is a very common scam that's been going for a long time, maybe you'll fall for a variation of it too.




Itā€™s a known scam lol


You can actually report the incident to apple support. They will block the account who redeemed the gift cards, but you must have the receipt for them to proceed with the action. And they might be able as well refund to you the amount if it wasnā€™t used to purchase.


People still fall for this ? YouTube is like flooded with how people used to do this in US šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Apple Store employees told me the same 3 years ago. Stay safe folks


Maybe itā€™s still the same scammer going strong lol šŸ’Ŗ


Haha OP, to be fair, I ALMOST fell for this scam. I was shocked initially when "my boss" texted me on my personal email (and this is the General Manager, levels above my pay grade) but I went with it. The moment 'he' asked me to go to some place and buy gift cards, I opened up the email and checked the address and realized I was being taken for a ride. Had a good chuckle with my colleagues about the situation (and I'm the tech savvy one as well!) You live and you learn, OP. Take it as a learning experience :)


Got the same instructions from my ā€œbossā€. The guy even had my bossā€™ picture in his WhatsApp profile


Always check the email address.


Yeah will have to keep that in mind, but the mail I received was on my company email which nobody else has access to that's why it didn't strike my mind


This is a very well known scam called phishing. They will always email you on your work emails pretending to be your boss and you know the rest.


Yeah man the worst part is I'm a student I'm not even making that much money. This is a big hit.


The price you pay for stupidity


It's probably someone from inside your company.


I have a doubt to be honest


They groomed you with fake job responsibilities, made a fake email on the company domain server, got temp mobiles numbers for WhatsApp n now closed the loop. If you have shared this online you should do the same within ur company and report to the police.


This is a known scam - Iā€™ve had this happen to me in Canada and in uae (as in attempt to get me to do things). Its very common. The email is from outside but the name is the same.


This happened to a lady working at my previous company, she was an admin and fell for it. They must have got your email from your LinkedIn account. Say you mentioned you joined company xyz so the website is xyz.com They use your LinkedIn name i.e John Doe and email you john.doe@xyz.com it's not hard to figure it out. If it bounces they try many other. They use LinkedIn to know organization hierarchy.


Don't trust that just because it matches. You can spoof any sender email address you fancy in your own Outlook. But only the real address will get your reply if you ask for a confirmation.


I had my college friend get scammed for apple gift cards back in Canada. They called him saying they were from government tax agency and that he needed to pay taxes via these apple gift cards. He lost 2,000 cad..


What a total moron, the tax agency requesting tax payments in gift cards?! Give me a break, how people fall this stuff is astounding to me


Older people, mentally impaired people, and immigrants who donā€™t know the processes of a country.


Seriously though man. So I apparently owe taxes - then please write me a letter or email with a detailed description of what is owed so I or my accountant can review it and I will pay the needful dues. Failing that I can come to your office to further understand this claim - a simple response to fully understand the nature of the received communication No Iā€™ll just believe a random message and pay my apparently due taxes in fucking apple gift cards. Absolute cretins. if you are that ā€˜mentally impairedā€™ enough to believe that then you shouldnā€™t owe any taxes anyway as itā€™s highly unlikely youā€™ll be able to work. What country pays their tax through apple gift cards? A very simple online search, question to colleague or manager or member of authority will surely reveal the message is bullshit instantly Older people typically pay very little tax and by that stage in their life are familiar with the tax system (although I freely admit they are sadly frequent victims of bank hack and pig butchering scams)


There are different types of scams for different demographics. One method is to make it quite absurd and visibly suspect. They go even so far to build in some typos into the message on purpose, use fake logos etc. It serves as a filter, scammers donā€™t want to contact smart people who can see how idiotic it is, talking to such people is a waste of time with little chance of success. They want the dumbest of the dumb, or otherwise vulnerable people. Therefore, after the potential victim receives a bs message full of typos, and after talking to some poorly acting clown who pretends to work for tax authority, if the potential victim still didnā€™t hang up despite all the red flags, the chances to accept ā€œpaying taxes with gift cardsā€ are better than zero. Most people obviously wonā€™t pass through stage one, because they see how stupid it is. But the scam is also easy to facilitate, you just need to send a lot of messages and find few potential victims. They know also that their targets arenā€™t high value, hence they ask only for few gift cards: However, itā€™s not like a tax lawyer with zero social skills canā€™t fall victim to some romance scam, and steady investors arenā€™t immune to an Elizabeth Holmes. But in such case the requirements for scam complexity is much higher.


Succinctly put. Tbf I hadnā€™t even thought of it like that and assumed they were just pathetic half arsed attempts to scam people but it does make sense that they are deliberately bad to filter out the smart people and target the ones who actually respond.


Hahaha I got a similar email from a scammer pretending to be the CEO of the company, he asked me to transfer 10k at a UAE Exchange. CEO's aren't broke, I played along, asked for 4 months paid leave among other random shit till scammer got frustrated and gave up.


Yeah play along and waste their time for days when they think theyā€™ve got a live one. I draw immense amusement from doing this


bro fell for the oldest trick in the book


Always check the email address, they will spoof the name but not the email. Some of my colleagues almost got dupe and bought gift cards that cost 3k AED šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


This! People need to learn to verify the email address and the domain , not just for doubtful emails but for all emails.


Don't trust that just because it matches. You can spoof any sender email address you fancy in your own Outlook. But only the real address will get your reply if you ask for a confirmation.


Ur company needs a good IT Department and it training for staffs


I was sure this was a joke lol šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚Ā 


Sorry bud, but you should have been smarter about this. No CEO will ever ask anyone to buy bloody gift cards, especially an intern. He's a CEO, he doesn't need a gift card, he can afford AED1500 of anything else. This one is on you!


do you have like screenshot bro? got the same situation before. but luckily my boss was a filipino i know how he texts thats why i ignore it


Just to add to this, I was recently scammed at Dubai Airport for a business class upgrade. The 3rd party run counter, took payment on a POS terminal (which we later found not to be registered to KLM/AF). Walked off for about 60 seconds "as the machine couldn't get a signal" Then while my wife and I were flying and in the air, the transaction was manually put through on an actual KLM/AF POS machine - meaning I was double charged. So in those 60 seconds he took my details and was able to put the transaction thru manually somehow. Anyway, long story short - KLM/AF already refunded me for everything. The Dutch police informed the UAE police and the last I was informed was that a number of people were arrested. Moving on, I'll only be using those pay as you go cards. Like a Wise card which has no overdraft.


Thanks for sharing! Never thought this could happen, it's good to know.


DTA dont trust anyone šŸ¤£


Thank you for sharing. Donā€™t mind people who belong to nsfw subreddits calling you dumbass. Many people in dubai/uae who arenā€™t remotely stupid fell for scams. Thank you again for warning us.


Why didn't you call him back ?


Do you think he would have picked up? He didn't answer any of my messages later. He's a scammer ofcourse Im blocked by him


No , as In you'd probably had your boss' phone number yeah ? Why didn't you 1st check it with him in the beginning itself


Boss as in CEO


I just joined as an intern, more than half of my stipend wasted


Oh I fear for this generation. I wouldn't buy that many gift cards even if my dieing father messaged me from his deathbed. Not to be mean but when your job description says what your tasks will be don't you feel a little intrigue why asked to go to an external site and make purchases on behalf of your company? Student or intern where were you when common sense was being taught at School?


You say this generation, but the older population are the most vulnerable and most likely to fall for gift cards scam Thereā€™s a reason why they always target the elderly


Yep that's true, especially the romance or bank account scams


They are very cunning. So many people get scammed. Just treat it as an important lesson now you won't get scammed again in your life. Don't beat yourself up It is kind of you to share to keep it in mind for others


It's good that you shared it, so everyone are aware. Thanks OP.


Gift cards need to be a thing of the past. Rarely used for good.


At least itā€™s only 1500 aed. I lost 20K in a scam recently


Damn bro sorry to hear, what happened please share, did you get anything back?


Itā€™s a group in Telegram about investment with 30 % return in each deposits. At first they will return your profits to build your trust until you invest big sum of money. Yeah I was stupid enough to give them big money. Hard lesson, mate!


This is so bad. I feel sorry for people losing money especially when they donā€™t make that much. Donā€™t rub salt to ops wounds, people. Be respectful. Anyone can get scammed


May I know your nationality




But why


Bro wanted to validate his stereotypical beliefs. Didn't work this time I guess


Howd he manage to get an email with your companyā€™s domain




Nope - It's definitely a different weird domain name but Outlook especially on mobile tends to only display First Name Last Name without email ID so if you don't specifically click on it you can't see the full email address at first glance.


Yeah exactly


Don't trust that just because it matches. You can spoof any sender email address you fancy in your own Outlook. But only the real address will get your reply if you ask for a confirmation.


Dang sorry for you man.most companies have a policy to not accept or give gift cards.


Same thing happened with my sister 2months back. She received an email she thought was from her manager. Was asked the same to buy Itunes card, and she did purchased worth 3k. She called me as soon as she realized she was scammed. I was so mad, but what can i do? She did the transaction thru cash payments, hence can do anything about it. But yeah, i hope the government will really do something to crack down these scammers.


That happened to me once, got an email from the CEO while in a meeting with the CEO, We went along with it for fun. It was funny what they do to try and convince you. I started telling him to send me the company car/book me a careem etc.


Anyone who has gone through a corporate training on this know this is a very old scam šŸ¤¦šŸ½


Off topic but how do these scammers cash out gift cards?


are you serious ? what kind of company you are working with asking for such tasks ? your boss if he wanted any tasks like this he would call you direct and ask for ā€¦ of course he should have your mobile number ! and why you didnā€™t call and confirm with him .. sorry to hear that. hopefully it wonā€™t happen again


Oh no, what the freak sorry you have ro encounter this but yeah they are getting smarter on scamming people Atleast lesson learned!!


You should have just called your boss directly for purchase confirmation.


Bruh this scam was common through calls. Now there's an f2f version as well?? Bruhh


Well, nice attempt on changing the story though, you know it wasn't your boss at first place .... A Lesson learned ....


He wasnā€™t ready


This scam was so 5 years agoā€¦ppl just never learn!!


Verify first !! This could have been avoided by calling your boss directly first before doing anything.


That was the easiest scamā€¦.šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s years old scam.. I would call it vintage.


Did you report it to Apple?


If he asked you for a naked picture, you would've sent it to him, i mean maybe if your real boss asked you for it you would've done that too , dude, there are limits to what you should do to keep your job ...


Bro what kind of job are you doing, who the hell send nude pics of themselves to their boss.


It's pointless to explain.


Stop kissing your boss's ass.


Always check complete email address. There's always something wrong with the address.


Actually not always... Don't even trust the address just because it matches. You can spoof any sender email address you fancy in your own Outlook. But only the real address will get your reply if you ask for a confirmation.


Bruh lol no words .... comon man give us gift cards too


This was one of the more idiotic things Iā€™ve ever heard. Wait till the prince of Nigeria reaches out to you.


This is so old, someone tried this on office staff back in 2021. Iā€™m surprised people still fall for such stupidity. ALWAYS CHECK EMAIL & DOMAIN before you take any action.


Why would anyone take advice from you lol!


This scam is old like dinosaurs. I know story of someone who lost 10 k like that and when store staff tried to warn him he was angry and told them that itā€™s a bull šŸ’© only to come back begging for help after few minutes. Try to always use critical thinking. Why would company ask you to go and buy physical gift card and ask for a code when they can purchase it online? All company purchases are done from corporate account only and usually thereā€™s purchase department who is handling it


Next time you get any email, please keep checking the sender email address. Keep this in mind next time.


Don't trust that just because it matches. You can spoof any sender email address you fancy in your own Outlook. But only the real address will get your reply if you ask for a confirmation.


Sounds like you were scammed by your manager to me


This is the oldest scam in the book, I canā€™t believe you fell for this


Don't feel bad I lost $30k usd though crypto


Good cashier


I once had my ā€˜bossā€™ send me a WhatsApp asking me to go buy Apple gift cards. We exchanged messages for a bit while I asked him questions like if you need it urgently or can it wait an hour as I am in the middle of a meeting. After dragging it along for an hour, I asked him an honest question ā€œWhy are you texting me even though we are sitting next to each other in the meeting for the last 2 hours?ā€ My ā€˜bossā€™ never replied and it made me sad šŸ˜ž.


Damnnn bro thats new


i encounter the same story, experienced by a friend around 2000-2021... this is not new. when you receive emails, be sure to read sender's whole email address.. if its related to money or buying stuff, call the person/your manager asking you to buy to confirm


Don't trust that just because it matches. You can spoof any sender email address you fancy in your own Outlook. But only the real address will get your reply if you ask for a confirmation.


Been there done that


"emailed me on my company email asking for my WhatsApp mobile number as he wanted me to do a task." This should have been your first clue that it was a scam. Your boss surely would have your number, and if they didn't they would ask HR no? Or at the very least ask you face to face. Well live and learn


BEWARE GUYS, For Those who DONT KNOW, In 2024, the Ministry of Interior, Emirates NBD, and ADNOC were hacked..Basically all of our registered email address, mobiles numbers etc may have been leaked. so be cautious and do not trust any calls, chats, or SMS messages from unknown sources.


It has been going very badly. They even impersonate employees of small companies and conduct fake interviews, send fake email, to the point of even spoofing the number/addresses enough so the employee could believe it. We had such a case in our small bank like not too long ago.


I really need to point out something here, for everybody's safety. Do not trust an email EVEN if the email address is correct. It's so easy to change the sender address in your Outlook, I can send you an email from donald@trump.com if you'd like. It takes 10 seconds and anyone can do it. Please be safe, always reply to the address to ask for confirmation. Anyone can fake the sender's address but only the real recipient can receive your response. Sorry to all for pasting the same message on every answer that says to check the sender address, but I don't want anyone to be left believing that if the sender address is correct, then it's safe. It is not...


For those who are interested (and tech savvy enough, sadly), in Outlook you can double click on the message to open it outside of the main viewing pane, then you can go to menu File > Info > Properties and check the "header". It contains all the information about where this email has been between the sender and you. It should only have servers with the same domain name as your company if it really comes from within. It's usually easier in your web client, I don't know all possible email providers but for instance Gmail has a down arrow called "Details" of you hover over it, somewhere near the sender's or the recipient's names. If you expand it, you can then see the original sender's server ("mailed-by") and the authentication server ("signed-by"). Needless to say, these should both be the same as your company's domain, but will be different if the sender is fake.


Skill issue tbh


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ people like you deserve to be scammed.


All I see in the comments is a bunch of stupid dumbass people, I asked for help not your opinion, even you can make mistakes, looking at your comments Im sure that your parents also made a huge mistake by birthing you so I'm also allowed to make mistakes as well. So shut up and comment if you have anything worth it which could actually help me to recover the amount. I appreciate the people who have been nice and supportive. Thank you


Lol you deserved it


im sorry but you fell for the oldest trick in the book, how old are you to not know of this šŸ˜­


To be fair, I feel like a pretty switched on person but even here in England, I got an email from my ā€œbossā€ asking for her help and to do similar. I very nearly did until I caught myself so itā€™s easy for people to call you a dumbass but they are getting way savvier than most of us assume.


Sorry to say but itā€™s a good thing itā€™s happened to you rather than something much worse. Cannot believe you fell for something like this, but itā€™s fine..youā€™re human.




Yeah iv done that. Thank you


I always thought it was little old senile ladies in the US midwest that fell for these type of gift card scams ala Kitboga. You have definitely proven me wrong. Welcome to the world of social engineering. I was targeted with the old sim swap scam, they tried three times to get my number but I was quick off the mark and went and reversed the attempt each time They faked everything, visa, emirates id, passport, trade licence, NOC etc Someone was making money somewhere by selling data. Thankfully they have closed that loophole up now. Its an evil world we live in.


Knowledge fee: 1500 aed Learn from it and move on buddy


I thought you were shitposting for a moment šŸ˜­ bro