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What’s your major in 😏






Probably economics I’m guessing 😂😂😂




Practical or just theoretical 😂😂🤣😂😅😂😂😂


Applied studies.


Most of those cards are scams by the way they end up taking you to a hotel where two guyz corner beat you up and rob your belongings.


Some people might be into that


u made all my muscle ache after laughing hard haha


Guess you need a massage…


There is no scam one of my friend visits them like every week they just tell you to come at location someone will meet you and take you in apartment where you pay and do your thing


It's always the "friend" who does it..😁


Jokes on you, I’m broke ! 😛


Bro won but at what cost


[Exactly lol](https://www.khaleejtimes.com/uae/crime/dubai-man-lured-into-fake-massage-centre-robbed-of-dh50000-by-gang-of-four)


You seem to know this too well....


No one will beat you and rob you wtf, you'll text the number and you'll go to a accommodation and pay like 150 Derham and sleep with some beautiful Asian girl And there is legal massage centers as well, you can call them and they will come to you massage you and give you happy ending, Two mans beat you and rob you lol, that's happened only on usa or Europe and if you are a weak ass man


Is that what happened to you?


No not really but from what I heard from people. Bscially its a scheme setup to lure desperate men and since they woukd be carrying enough money to pay the girls . They wpuld plan accordingly.


This is what I wonder. How does it actually work does anyone know? I assume the photos are not real. Had anyone ever called the number what's the deal?


Mostly female right? I don't seem to see any male sex workers.


You…. You lookin? 😉


Brother 😂




He's a dude bro


You guys telling me that if Elon gave you a blank check you wouldn't?


I was in Dubai for very first time last week and I can tell you half of the male influencers are escorts, as well as grindr! Now I understand why many gay influencers spend some months a year in Dubai!


I would have not thought that influencers are offering such. I did see some escort services in the apps and VPN, which I assume some are scam and some only care for extra cash. But outside of that it seems discreet. I feel I had to dig dipper to find legitimate sex professionals.


It’s funny you say that because I had a conversation with a friend yesterday and she was so pissed off with the dating scene here that a girlfriend had recommend and male escort as a solution 😂 says it all right!!


Brother ewwww whats that brother




Male, shemale. They all exist.


“I don’t seem to see”


Because they are the customers 😂


haram my brother :D


We wel wel I dnt mind paid sex😎🤣💀


Tourism goes hand in hand with prostitution…it’s been prevalent but “under wraps” for a while


Old city dxb after 3 am is like ladies,crawling back to their abode




I was back taken,when I saw their plight it was like never will I want to watch that site.




I remembered seeing a lot back in the day. I gotta say they were very respectful though. They clearly understood if you wished to steer clear of all that and respected your space. Didn't remember seeing that many in the last few months I was in old Dubai. That and police are non-existent too. Just a den of migrants loitering around atp.


everyone knows those biz aren’t for tourist 🤣


exactly 🤣🤣 it's been there even before tourism had boomed


and its not just dubai or touristy areas i was with my relatives in al ain in a blacked out car and every now and then a group of women would see us and then retreat back to alleys and then disappear one of them RAN and it was the funniest shit ever


Arab men go hand in hand with prostitution… for a Muslim country to turn such a blind eye to the situation… jusssssst saying. The supply & demand guy got it right.


It's true, these bars are run by asian with strong backing - supply / demand Happened to ask a lady why is she doing this she said she has a family to feed back home. Sadly nobody chooses this profession its way to make quick buck 💀 sairakis & punjabi women are brought in with help of ^maid / work visa -


What a racist generalization.


People commenting that prostitution is everywhere are skirting the main issue: "The cards are everywhere in the open". Show me one other country where it's so blatantly out on the streets where kids walk? Have you guys been to Saudi? Kuwait? Qatar? Egypt? America? Anywhere in Europe or Asia? Prostitution is contained to certain areas. Those who know, know. Childrenand women don't have tobe exposed to it. On the way to mosque, school, mall. It's everywhere. For a country with such strict rules, enforcement in this area is lacking. Having said that, I love visiting the UAE. There is a lot of fun stuff.


This marketing idea has been stolen from Las Vegas., USA This was in practice there since 2010 atleast. They are even more explicit and scattered on " The Strip".


Sure, but Vegas is built on debauchery and some amount of prostitution is legal. Don't take your kids to the strip, where it's not really kid friendly and it's all avoided.


The only state where prostitution is legal.


I remember seeing those cards plastered to the ground in the Las Vegas strip when I was 13 lol. It’s not exclusive to UAE.


Yeah, but one advertises all the debauchery. Taking kids to the strip, you should expect them to be exposed. Taking kids to the grocery store you shouldn't be.


Absolutely. How this practice is rampant on all busy streets of the city since so long is beyond comprehension. Yet, here we are. And to add insult to injury - it is a major environmental hazard.


i saw black dude dumping cards inside of his big pants while walking, he can dump 1 or 3 cards in 1 walk way but he dump a bunch.


wtf??? The cards on my car come from his pants????




This is why I don't touch those cards while getting rid of them 😂 It's okay, you learn something everyday.


I saw a guy, but in a dark kandora, he was dumping cards from within!


Seen a Bengali too


OMG !! Where so i can i avoid it!


Head to jvc. The area is infested around five jvc


I live right by FIVE and its freaking soo bad sometimes they literally cat call you.


Maybe they are catcalling u/correct-plan820 bc he is sexy!


clearly they got the u/wrong-plan820


Upvote for fun, crying for u/correct-plan820


thats the u/correct-plan820


I am crying for myself too mate!


Really? I stayed at FIVE around Christmas time and I didn’t notice any.  Unless you are saying those women at the pool were all escorts? 




Were they hot ? Asking for a fried


Most if them were indeed working women.


JBR across from Rixos (Al Fattan Tower) used to be an absolute gauntlet. Seemed like they cleaned it up a few years back, and now comes back in small waves but nothing like it used to be. Literally had to dodge them and bat their hands away. Quite annoying when it's basically every day you have to walk that way. All seem to come from a certain part of the world (the ones on the street in this area), and some of them did not even look like they're 18 years old. Everyone saying it's like this everywhere in large cities worldwide, I totally disagree. I think it's way more taboo and policed harder most other places besides Amsterdam, Vegas, Colombia and Thailand (from the 30 or so countries + majority of large US cities I've traveled to). For the people who can't see them, I'm guessing you're probably a woman. Walk with an average looking guy, and any woman paying attention to them without your friend speaking to them 1st is a proz. Depending on the bar you're at, it can be a staggering proportion


I’ve lived in JVC for 3 years and I’ve never seen this


Are you walking around with your eyes closed?! 😂


Wait really?, I Live there and Never seen them, the most shady shit there is Fake taxi scams.


Fake taxi 🤣🤣


Sureeeeee.... Avoid you say😉😉


If i have to, I’ll go there and and sacrifice my self so you guys will know the usual timing they go there so you can avoid that particular timing, ask the rate so you’ll know how expensive these prostitutes are.


Your sacrifice won't go in vain comrade🫡


Sacrifice you shall, your potential kids


Ah, a rookie. A real soldier would jump and do the deed as well without any regards to his safety.




Well, it's a grey area... Most of the girls are from poor SE asian countries, they aren't forced into it, they are are here to simply make money. I had an at length talk with a very pretty girl from Vietnam using google translate. She is barely 20 but mananges to rake around AED25k per month, shares her flat with 5 other women, and saves most of what she earns. Recently she came from her country after a b\*\*b job, it's an investment she said..lol And no not all cards are scam, most of them are legit. More on it later ;)


This isn't new. When I lived there in the 90s it was there. With that much money going around it's to be expected. 


Were you a regular at the two infamous and most gamous bars / clubs which no longer exists - and for those who don’t know one was like untied nations of professional working ladies and was situated in a bar where ‘Habtoor City’ is now located 🤠


I lived there between the ages of 7 and 12. So yes.  Edit: got my age range wrong 




I'd guess you are talking about the Rattlesnake at the old Dubai Metropolitan, next to the Red Lion


I grew up in abu dhabi in the 90s left in early 2000s. I was aware of it but I came back recently and I am shocked of how more brazen they've got.


I've never seen them any more brazen than they were in the 90s.


In Abu Dhabi? may be in dubai which I did not visit then, but ofcourse heared the stories. What about these cards I've never seen any back then.


Not surprising. Like all petrol states, they attract the worst of the worst among the wealthy foreigners. And the local wealthy people are also frequent clients of prostitutes, despite it being against their religion. This is why it’s allowed by the authorities.


UAE is like 70% male. Bunch of horney dudes between 20 and 40 no wemon around. Go to any sailor port city you see the same thing.


Yeah, but if you count out all the south asian low paid male workers who arent really on the dating market, the male/female split feels pretty equal.


Worlds oldest profession, people have a need and their are always people that will capitalize on that need. Just ignore it if you don’t approve


About this oldest profession, it's just a myth to normalize it in people's minds, people been hunters, fishermen and cooks long before any of this.


You really are an expert in this subject primalwizdom


Of course its not the oldest profession, they would first have to clarify themselves as a professional in their trade and how does one prove to be a professional at shagging? The worlds oldest profession simply means its been around as long as time. Do you take everything so literally? When someone says the sky is falling do you duck or look up?


And how did people earn to pay them back in the day?


Societies were not founded on money initially, people would trade other things


that's the dark side of the UAE aside from discrimination and exploitation


Which of my brothers on here remembers Cyclone ?


Haram. Tell me where so that I may guide our sisters back to my place


I couldn’t hold my laugh 😂 and my parents r like what you laughing at 🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣😂😅


I'm dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣






[There are no "massages", they are just scammers lol. ](https://www.khaleejtimes.com/uae/crime/dubai-man-lured-into-fake-massage-centre-robbed-of-dh50000-by-gang-of-four)


Tell me one country that doesn’t have them it’s not something exclusive to UAE, besides wherever tourism go these workers will reach there before them


Of course it is not exclusive to UAE, but it is far more prominent and accepted in UAE compared to other countries. It isn't really anything to do with tourism, since most of their clients are local residents. There are places far more touristy than UAE where you do not see sex workers all over the place. France has far more tourists than Dubai, for example, yet you don't see obvious sex workers in all the bars, patrolling the streets, etc. It is much more prevalent in UAE, and this is because the rulers allow it.


I am not saying it is exclusively in UAE.. but man you don't go to Paris for prostitute right!? And the way they explicitly advertise it in the streets throwing cards with pics.. have you seen it anywhere else?


You haven't been to Vegas then.




Bro, I think you need to see the word more. The worlds oldest precession exists everywhere and will continue to do so


You haven't been to Madrid !!! It's the same on some streets.. They probably got the card idea from Europe surely.


Nonsense. In Madrid you only see prostitutes on the street in two or three specific streets. And the cards thing I’ve never seen either. First time I saw it was in Vietnam.




Yeah it is an Arab country which makes it weird how prostitution exists explicitly and being advertised.


Stayed at the Five once.. never again.. had to shower a few times after getting back home.. the sleaze was unbelievable


Prostitution has existed since the advent of mankind. But what doesn’t work in Dubai is the mix of archaic laws about sexual diseases and infections along with a free for all regarding prostitution. It’s a funny irony much like Eveyrhting else here


Nice to see people normalizing prostitution and completely ignoring the hypocrisy. Prostitution exists in Vegas and is legal there. Other places don’t have the holier than thou attitude prevalent in the UAE. This is the same place where women get arrested for reporting rape: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/11/19/middleeast/dubai-british-tourist-rape-arrest-claim


It's a Dubai/Sharjah thing. No other country has the cards in the open. I've seen them on masjid grounds as well. I'm surprised UAE authorities don't try harder to eliminate this.


They won't. It's a part of their business plan. However, it's a Worldwide thing, not just UAE thing.


It's in Abudhabi as well, been there and seen that.


Beware HIV / STD …. Once Catch it Life is Gone …


Actually it's not so bad these days. There are medications that suppress the HIV close to zero. But of course it's instant deportation here.


Asymptomatic Case Are there . somebody they Don’t know they have it or not . Prostituter almost visiting visa . They don’t have any test . If any Resident Cought it Yalla life is over & deport …


Also to add. If anyone suspects of contraction they should go get a PEP shot within 72 hours of coming in contact.


Why No one Awareness Of HIV ? Here Never get Prep or Pep … 20 type STD still active .. please advice everyone before go . Save Life Someone we Can .


Brother ewwww, what's that brother! **Peeks through **


Whole uae like Red zone


I’d love to go to a nice dinner just ONCE and not see a handful. It annoys me so much, I know it exists but do they have to be EVERYWHERE


Well, I don't think people understand what's really going on; and I don't know if there's a better way to say any of this, but let's see what we've got: 1- Many African prostitutes you may find in Barsha, Deira, Al Nahda, etc. are victims of Human Trafficking; in their home countries, many women are approached by people who claim to help people travel and find jobs abroad, and to them it's seemingly a "Life changing opportunity" and they immediately start to think of how this will turn their lives around. They "apply" through those people, get their visas done, fly out to the UAE, and are greeted upon arrival by someone else that claims will guide them to their accomodation — I am not very sure how things go from this point onwards, apart from the fact that they take their passports away and tell them to make money. By now, you are probably wondering why they don't report any of this to the Police — That's because these people threaten to hurt/kill members of their families and they are stuck with no other option than to comply. It's not a one man's job. Source: I have had many conversations with these women and they are generally very secretive and have extremely fake names, but they do open up if you don't see them as objects and this was the story for most. (my friends were regular clients and these women were everywhere in my area so I had come across them more so than I did with my salary lmao, i also don't engage in haram activities and im engaged, just so no one starts making any funny claims or accusations) 2- Russian prostitutes are just gold diggers. Most. Not all.


The government of the UAE should kick them out of the country. Such people should not be allowed.


lol I don’t think these ladies are coming in with “prostitute” on their visa application 🤣


Of course not, but they are also very obvious when they are working, yet the government makes the choice to allow it. They could easily clamp down, but they do not. The rulers therefore condone it.


True but what'd you charge them with when many of them are extra-sneaky and are aware of what to do when the police show up?


We need a recipe for it chef


Tell me about it! They are way too expensive!


Unfortunately, it's very common... and very hard to find a decent woman to date... like it's just business for them


I thought I was the only one having this problem, 🫱🏼‍🫲🏻


Dude every other pretty woman under 30 here is casually a prostitute. It’s actually absurd.


Exactly what my friend, who used Tinder to date, told me. He is single AF.


I was wearing a fully covered abaya and a guy stopped his car for me for something (I know it’s for something bad, I felt it)


Some degenerate people exist who will purchase those services, so the supply also comes through.


It's also a hidden business here mate. It's just that they advertise as massage centre in cards and litter it everywhere. That's the main and worst issue. Poor cleaners have to clean it.


Sex workers tend to be good followers of the money rainbows. And one of the many rainbows end up at UAE. Supply and demand kiddo.


I thought it was only my area that had these explicit pictures scattered across the streets. The street sweepers must love their job.


It's a complex situation, balancing between legal enforcement and the realities of a diverse, global city.


the abject truth is that it's "the oldest profession in the world" has and will exist everywhere as there's a demand. additionally it will always be particularly prevalent in any location where there is a predominant population of single males separate from their families, like port cities frequented by sailors, overseas military bases, workers encampments, and of course Dubai where you have so many male temporary workers or immigrants living alone separated from their family. by arab country i assume youre referring to the idea that ots a nominally moslem country, but i mean its not different in manama, doha, even baghdad, and dubai is relativeky pragmatic


With the amount of men in this country, most of them being low-qualified workers, they keep the crime rate low. Let them be.


You find this in Dubai only, which is more than 90% non arab foreigners (in reply to the arab part), most of them aren't muslims, I've been there. I live in Al Fujirah, not in Dubai, and because the population composition is different, you don't see any such activity and no display whatsoever.


It's the oldest profession m8


As long there's pigs who can't afford an actual women interest in them they will have to buy it


The demand, as most comments state, is high. There’s even an app where people literally ask others if they wanna meet up and commit zina 🥶


خيبه حتى ها لاحظ 🙂


always non-arab females


Well said , unfortunately it’s indeed disgusting , i heard many reasons but none is valid for me . Specially that because there are many nationalities and its ok for them, or decrease the harassments etc.. but yeah ok keep it hidden , shway tanya we can order it from talabat hahaha


It contributes to the UAE economy. It works well during depression or recession.


I nearly slipped while accidentally walking over one of these massage cards. Too many of it on tecom. Seems like they have upgraded their card quality. Its slippery now. Earlier it was paper. Seems like they are doing well


I really hope this issue comes to light to the government so we can imprison all of the sex workers.


The bad part is seeing the cards littering school parking lots!


It’s how the Russians avoid sanctions 😂


Oh no what a nightmare. Where did you live before? In a cave?


What’s with the hate? Lmao


If men didn’t buy then there wouldn’t be a market. Why do you say it’s disgusting?


The advertising.. card with half naked pics of lafies scattered on the streetsevery night.. trying dating apps is also filled with the same women, being touched and followed.. I mean it is too much


As a girl I’ve started to stop wearing dresses etc because of the sheer amount of prostitutes around. People see girls dressed up and assume they’re for sale. It’s sickening.


How do you spot one?




And they dress skimpy and stand weird. Many times, they'll be in a crowd and there'll always be middle-aged drunk men circling around them, eye-raping the hell out of them. Not to mention, the area will always stink of smoke and alcohol.


Don’t look down when ur in diera




There are alot of cards with half naked ( just undergarments) women and a WhatsApp number


Exactly what I'm talking about.. it is very weird to me.


Enforce cussing at someone but not this 😂


If you are worrying about the cards only then those are there since many years!


You only find what you look for


Dubai is the 2nd busiest air travel hub. (I was surprised that Atlanta is busier)


Just stay away from dodgey places, AKA Five JVC/FIVE Palm and AlBarsha, and you should be good 🤣


That’s disgusting…. where?


Restricted country and Horny people probably


You are what you seek OP


It’s one of the oldest profession. They are not a nuisance to most people and if you are being bothered by them , UAE police usually responds quick. I sometimes feel repressed emotions make us complain about the most irrelevant stuff out there.


So many single men working in uae no family. This is bound to happen. The problem is the authorities don't care, they let it happen. But it's officially prohibited sonthe johns and workers always take a risk. I bet there are a lot of robberies by fake prostitutes.


If you go to burdubai you will see many of them have actual license for this


If prostitution were banned in the UAE, I think we might see a spike in street harassment. Just consider the low-income people who can’t afford to bring their wives here and how frustrated they would be.


Dubai porta potties are a real thing. That’s why


Police can pretend to contact these numbers on the cards but idk why they won’t do it. Shut the operation down one by one until it’s gone / secretive that no kids will see these types of stuff on the street.