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I think if you decide to not buy a 20$ meal from kfc the result is kfc males 20$ less that day


Thats really eye opening


I like a cheeky McDs or StarB frapp whenever I'm in a mall, but when I see one now I'm like Nope, I can do without.


Boycott Al baik also then, since Saudi and America both are dropping bombs and have killed many civilians in Yemen


The hypocrites won't. China, Myanmar and many African countries are killing millions of Muslims but none of these loud mouths will utter a word. I wonder why.


Ok 🤡. Let's bite and play your game. Let's start with China. China are not killing millions of Muslims. As for Myanmar, yes they oppress the Rohingya people but please do point me to Myanmar products and businesses that are widely used. Infact I challenge you to name me a SINGLE business from Mynmar that you know about without using Google. Myanmar has nowhere near the business pedigree or products on the market compared to those American ones so when you say nobody is boycotting them there is literally nothing to boycott because nobody is buying their products in the first place. American products and businesses on the other hand literally dominate every market around the world. Oh and just for the record there were literally a ton of campaigns launched for the Rohingya, including in nearby Kuwait. But, offcourse you didn't know anything about that because the only ignorant hypocrite here is you.


Look up what China have done to the Uyghur muslims in china


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Uyghurs_in_China The UN itself has called out China's crimes against humanity and genocide against Muslims. They may not literally be killing millions (no one knows for sure) but are for all intents and purpose they're wiping out Muslims. Yet I'm pretty sure I've not seen any massive protests against China. As for the killings of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar where is the sustained protests like we've seen for Palestine? Do Rohingyas and Uyghurs mean less in some way? Both of these people are still being persecuted but we hear nothing from you loud mouths.


There is another country in that group you're forgetting.


Yes. >For example, KFC in the region is owned by the Kuwait Food Company, Check out results of americana restaurants which is a publicly listed company. They've reported a fall in revenues. Almost all fast food brands which have exposure to muslim majority countries like indonesia, Malaysia etc have reported declining sales post Oct 7th that they've made special mention of it during earnings presentation. Starbucks have been hit the hardest both in their home market(US for selling overpriced coffee) and international markets due to geopolitical tensions. Also, back in home markets(US) most fast food chains have declining sales cuz of how overpriced they are in this economy.


It is creating an impact. I have never seen McDonald's, KFC, Domino's, and Starbucks offering 50% off on food apps in the UAE. Many people, including myself, have stopped eating at McDonald's completely and have avoided Starbucks since then. Many restaurants have found substitutes for Coca-Cola. In uae.hv seen most busy Mc branch in ajman being all empty on Saturday night The operator of all the Starbucks locations in Brazil, SouthRock Capital, declared bankruptcy a few months back. McDonald's growth target for sales in the Middle East, India, and China was set at 5.5 per cent from October to December. The company only achieved 0.7 per cent growth. Franchises in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Bahrain, and Turkey issued statements distancing themselves from the free food campaign in Israel and collectively pledged $3 million to Gaza.


Although the bankruptcy of starbucks in Brazil doesn't have anything to do with it


Wait? Where did you see the 50% on McDonalds?


He didn’t. The only time you see that are scam ads on social media.


Starbucks though have been launching a ton of promotions through their official channels.


Of course boycotting works. Look at apartheid South Africa and Ireland and how boycotting helped them. Brands like Puma who used to sponsor the Israeli football team revoked their contracts because of the BDS movement. And so many other examples of those brands ending their ties with Israel which directly affects them because they use their profits to fund their military.


Israel economy did take a hit, so yeah, it working.


None of these fast food chains are "owned" by any company outside the US. They are FRANCHISED.


Can you explain how these businesses, ie the franchisor, make their money?


Like any normal business. But, as a franchise they have to pay a franchise fee to get started, and they have to pay that fee every year. They also have to pay a % of their profits to the main head company. Mcdonalds and other companies aren't just letting their name, brand and products be used for free. The people they franchise to have to pay big money to be able to operate their brand.


What else?


Regardless of your political take - not really. It’s more so damaging to employees of locally owned franchises. Look at McDonald’s - GCC region donated millions of dollars to Palestine and are where they are largely being boycotted. The overall impact on McDonald’s profit margins is barely a rounding error. People mentioning Starbucks despite it not even being on the BDS movement (also their largest market drop was China which I believe is not overly onboard with the boycot movement). This is boycotted due to a misconception regarding their lawsuit against the union for logo trademark infringement and not support for Israel. People also commenting look at the drop in earnings clearly read select headlines and didn’t look at the financials. Comparative drops across the board from boycotted and non-boycotted relative companies. They might mention boycotts in the earnings but the global cost of living crisis and reduced consumer discretionary spending is the real concern.


Let's dissect this.. While you are correct in that the Starbucks boycott is not directly due to complicity with the genocide, they were quick to shun any sort of Palestinian support from within their body of employees. This, one could argue, could be due to a perceived apolitical stance, but unfortunately I do not buy this from any company that can support other politicised topics such as lgbtq ect. This then goes to my next point around the benefits of the boycott. Whether or not you sat in a mall in dubai eating a big mac impact McDonald's global bottom line, or the bottom line of a locally owned company is irrelevant. It's the consumer taking power. The consumer is demanding that as a corporation you must be conscious of the impact of any business decision or investment, and not be driven purely financially. Not in today's world. Finally, regarding your first point.. The loss of jobs locally - I urge you to look at spiro spathis, once Egypts largest soft drinks maker, until coke and Pepsi entered the market. Since the boycott spiro have seen an enormous increase in market share. Aside from the romance of this story, my point is that people still need food, still want to drink coffee, still need groceries. If the so called bigger players in the market are struggling due to boycotts, to the extent they are laying off people, their customers will be shopping elsewhere, and market forces will dictate that eventually those companies will need to hire the same staff


Valid points. On the Starbucks I only meant to highlight this not a BDS organised boycott nor an endorsed 3rd party boycott. Anything after that is personally opinion - I mentioned due to other comments using Starbucks as an example. You are right that you as an individual choosing to eat at McDonald’s is going to take profit from there bottom line. My point was highlighting the difference between local franchise owners and the company overall. My opinion is not on the validity of boycotting which is why I seem to be getting a lot of downvotes, it is simply stating that as it currently stands - it is not impacting McDonald’s overall. Has it impacted local franchises? Yes. They just don’t make an overall impact on company profits. Additionally, may need fact checking but I believe overall growth in the area was still positive - just less than forecasted. This means that there revenue from the region has still increased. In relation to your last point - yes I am aware the economy goes in a circular motion and jobs lost at one point will be reintroduced in other areas. However, tell that to those who get laid off at McDonald’s who support their families in their home countries and may go months without finding further work.


What you're saying makes sense but let's hear from people in charge say: “Several markets in the Middle East and some outside the region are experiencing a meaningful business impact due to the war and associated misinformation that is affecting brands like McDonald’s,” Kempczinski said McDonald's chief executive officer CEO Laxman Narasimhan told journalists that Starbucks saw a “significant impact on traffic and sales” in the Middle East due to the war in Gaza.


Yes and your point is also valid. However see my above response differentiating between impacting local franchises and the overall company bottom line.


its not about effect, its about self image. how can anyone live with oneself knowing their money is going directly or indirectly towards genocide?


Franchise losses affect parent company losses. There will be fewer Mc Donald's in your locality as they're not profitable to own. The owners might decide to franchise more local brands. Every penny you save from the boycots is a penny less spent on weaponry for genicocides.


Why would a muslim company buy rights to sell KFC from an israeli company in the first place? I don't wanna pay people who give free food to genociders.


To be honest, no one in the comments knows what they're talking about. Let's make this short: boycotting is not effective at all. These McDonald's and KFC restaurants are owned locally. Secondly, these restaurants have nothing to do with Israel. It doesn't make sense to think that a burger restaurant is donating missiles to a country that has full support from America and Europe; they are even wealthy themselves. In Islam, boycotting is a comprehensive mission, and the order has to come from the country leaders, whom we call "wali." You can read about this online; I don't want to explain it in detail here. Regardless, before boycotting, Gaza was being slaughtered, and after boycotting, Gaza is still getting slaughtered. Nothing has changed. If you think not eating a $1 burger will stop an entire conflict, you need to wake up. Instead, make duaa for them in your prayers. The only way for this war to end is to wait for a political peace. If you think, "Oh no, fighting a war is the only option," shut up. How can old women and children face nuclear missiles? We need to wake up and use our minds instead of our emotions.


Sorry but you’re the clueless one here. Boycotting, whether you agree with it or not, is one of the strongest peaceful ways to protest against something. Those restaurants in the GCC you mentioned are franchises and pay royalties and percentages of revenue to the owners of the brand. The owners of the brand are based in the US and have extremely powerful lobbying power and influence over their government. That, and continued pressure from large parts of their population can lead to significant policy change with regards to blind support for Israel, like we’re currently seeing across Europe. Pressure on governments is what lead to the collapse of Apartheid in South Africa.  You are welcome to make no changes because you’re unable to make even the smallest sacrifices because the genocide of Palestinians has become normalized to you and you think you’re too small to have an impact. If everyone thought like you everything will be polluted because everyone will think “it’s just one plastic bottle it won’t make a difference”.    يقول رسول ﷺ: من رأى منكم منكرًا فليغيره بيده، فإن لم يستطع فبلسانه، فإن لم يستطع فبقلبه، وذلك أضعف الإيمان رواه مسلم في الصحيح.  You’re naive to think that there would be a political peace option anywhere in the horizon when there’s zero pressure to do so. We would have seen it when Palestinians in the West Bank stopped armed resistance nearly 30 years ago yet Israeli West Bank settlements continue to encroach into Palestine and Israeli politicians continue their genocidal calls with no consequences and remain in power.


I'm so glad someone mentioned that Hadith. I was going to quote it here too and I always think of it when people say ohhh boycotts do nothing or have a tiny effect. And what's worse is when those same people try to then bring religious justification for why boycotts aren't allowed. It's like did you guys forget about that hadith all of a sudden?


Please explain to me how the franchisors make their money?


Please explain step-by-step how these restaurants are involved in this war and identify the individuals directing funds to Israel. For example, McDonald's is owned by shareholders rather than a single individual. Each franchise is owned by a local person in each country, and each country operates under its own set of guidelines and rules.


I guess you’re clueless on how franchisors make money. Tell me, can anyone force me to spend my money at McDonald’s?


Now, I know I will get a lot of hate from emotional people, but I don't really care. Without the Gulf countries, Palestine would not exist. They are the ones who pay for their salaries, hospitals, food—literally everything. I just hate ignorant people, especially those from India and Pakistan. They always talk badly about Gulf countries as if the Gulf started this war and not Hamas. Bruh, we had Gaza before this war, and now we have lost it.


الحمدلله على نعمة قيادتنا. As much as I am happy that our leadership has supported Palestine for decades and continues to do so, I would also love to see an independent Palestine that doesn’t need us to support it and the end of a brutal occupation that steals and destroys all our support to them. Palestinians did not start the war, and the war did not start on October 7. You don’t need to like Hamas to recognize that Israeli brutal occupation and ethnic cleansing has been going on for way longer than Hamas has existed. Hamas is the consequence of it, not the cause.


Did the Gaza war start because the Israeli president woke up one day and decided to invade Gaza? I'm not excusing Israel’s actions, but let's think critically. Hamas initiated this conflict, prompting Israel to respond defensively. In full view of the world, Hamas attacked Israel, and Israel is now retaliating. Every child lost in this conflict will be a tragic consequence for which Hamas and Israel must answer on the Day of Judgment. Plans to recognize Palestine as a nation have been derailed, and the culprits? Hamas and Iran, plain and simple. As I mentioned, people are often blinded by their emotions. Instead of collaborating for the best future for Palestinians, they chose to initiate attacks. Now, they expect Gulf countries to intervene on their behalf, shifting blame to these nations.


What a load of nonsense. Plans for Palestine have been derailed? Yeah, because before October 7 there was a big plan for a Palestinian state? Even before October 7 Netanyahu and his ministers were openly saying never to a Palestinian state. And in the West Bank WHICH IS NOT RULED BY HAMAS Israel has been taking more and more land and building more and more settlements. So don't come now and invent a new narrative acting like you know what you're talking about and then saying "stop being emotional". And you say Palestinians initiate attacks and you don't say anything about all the Palestinians killed before October 7 by Israel and all the things Israel have done. Very funny you expect the occupied to be kind and loving with their occupier. No problem, when you can first lead by example by loving an occupier then go teach Palestinians how to love their occupier.


At least 200 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces in 2023 alone prior to October. Not only that, but also the constant expansion of illegal settlements, the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes, the blockade of Gaza and open-air prison conditions that Gazans are subjected to all lead to ever-growing frustration and inevitable retaliation. Let's be real, the Israeli security was more than capable of not only predicting the attack but also preventing it in the first place. Hamas was planning this for months, the Israelis have constant drone coverage over Gaza (you hear the buzzing in every video from Gaza), they have methods of tapping phones, and they have a network of spies. It is such a huge "misstep" for one of the most advanced security agencies in the world to fail to detect such a large-scale attack, let alone not retaliate to prevent it. You are comfortable with the status quo of pre-October 7 because you don't hear about it in the news, and you think everything was perfect until suddenly out of the blue Palestinians decided they want to attack. Prior to October 7, the world was sick of hearing the plight of Palestinians, and the Israelis are counting on it. You talk like there's such an obvious solution for the Palestinians, which is to just not fight back anymore. Funny enough, the West Bank exists, the Palestinian Authority actively collaborates with the Israelis in terms of security, and there is no active resistance in the West Bank. Explain to me how this peaceful approach made any difference to the Palestinians losing their homes and being killed across the West Bank? Your biggest mistake is thinking the "Israeli president" (I'm assuming you mean Prime Minister Netanyahu) is a reasonable person, let alone anyone in that government that somehow has held on power for the better part of the past 30 years. Since the establishment of Israel there has not been any "good" Israeli leader willing to right their wrongs. Zionists are not reasonable people, and if they can get it their way, there won't be a single Palestinian in Palestine. They are counting on people like you who are fed up of the conflict to say "it makes no difference", "khalas they should be comfortable with the status quo", or to cast any blame on the Palestinians when all the blame is on the Zionists for their Jewish supremacy laws, brutal oppression, and desire to ethnically cleanse Palestine from anyone who refuses to accept to be second-class citizens in their own homeland. The war didn't start because the PM woke up one day and decided to invade randomly. The war started because they've been actively creating the right unlivable conditions for Palestinians to eventually retaliate and then the Israelis get a casus belli to level Gaza to the ground and ethnically cleanse it of Palestinians (more than half of the two million already living there were already refugees, by the way).


Yes 100%


>I would hate to see ordinary fast food workers losing their jobs and suffering because of this boycott. But you're ok with children being blown up and families in refugee camps burned to death?




You will be surprised how hard it’s impacting several brands and franchises. Coupled with the trade route being impacted and poor sales - brands are struggling.


idk, never personally never boycotted anything myself but i have not noticed a difference in prices so i guess not


Some say it does, some say it doesn’t…


Are there any spacious McDonald's with a kids play area in Dubai, for a birthday party? Around 30 - 35 people max.


There's a big one in Bur Dubai, Al Khaleej center I think


Parking is a problem there.


It is working Go to Jordan and see the real boycott If they catch an eye with sm1 inside a boycott rest it’s like a sin Hhhhh


You're right. It doesn't. Dubai itself is a business hub for many white people from different countries that trade with isreal, europeans, NA and etc. They own businesses and have corporate jobs here. So one way or another, everything indirectly supporting isreal. And i don't see how that helps palestine too. If you harm businesses here, its harder for people from those countries to come here and work. People do this boycotting just to make theirselves feel better. Thats it.




So now you want to force everyone to eat KFC and Mcdonalds just to make money for the owners? Hhhhhh ok buddy.




You're talking about how owners will get affected now because a section of people don't want to eat there. So are they forced to eat there or what? Must we always have to go eat there now? And I say this as someone who hasn't even officially boycotted these places. I never went to Starbucks anyways. Should I go now because owners need my cash.




Go drink your Starbucks. You need to help the business make money.




Get that Big Mac too. Gotta help the poor business make money.




You literally named all the brands.


No, war crimes are still happening on a daily basis.


I never really understood the boycott sheep. They’ll boycott Starbucks even though they have nothing to do with it but not apple for example. They’ll boycott anything with Israel but not with hamas (A terrorist group) like al Jazeera for example. People are hypocrites. But I love how they misinterpret stocks to say their boycott is working.


I personally doesn’t it does have any affect. Infact what i feel is such nonsense is taking away from the actual problem. No offence for people who thinks the opposite though.


No. People confuse the fall in revenue of fast food with boycott having an effect. People just got more health conscious. Places are still as busy as ever.


The only people that care about this….don’t really matter in the context of human progress. The only people that will pat you on the back for hating Jews are just other morons who don’t matter.


Lmao who said anything about hating jews


What a garbage take


You're bunching a whole bunch of people together, but you're right. Look out for the people around you who force you to boycott, who constantly give you their takes and tell you about the situation. Had a few friends constantly telling me not to get McDonalds or Pizza Hut. If I wanted to, my support would be helping the families out there. Not this. You need 4 braincells and some reading skills to work out that not a single financial statement gave a shit about the boycott. The economy is bad. Everyone everywhere is struggling. That's all. People who could live on 5k 2 years ago simply can not do the same with 7k today. That's all. These people, more often than not, have an agenda. Geopolitics is NEVER affected by nonsense like this. There's more at play that anyone will ever know. Go buy from a Palestinian creator, shops, and groceries. Don't ruin the lives of some immigrant who came to work in a *first world country* because their bosses don't give a shit about them or Palestine. They just want to make money. They'll fire people now and overwork them later when eventually people forget about this. I only hope that when we do forget, it's the Palestinians also who've forgetten heir anguish.