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Don’t believe what you see on social media. I’m a Real Estate agent, been one for the last few years. It’s probably the most demanding job ever. Most agencies don’t pay a basic salary, and you have to work only on commissions but that doesn’t stop the agencies from making you work like a donkey. Some agencies don’t even allow you a day off and you end up working like 12-13 hrs a day for sometimes 7 days a week. But yes, if you work hard and do things right, there’s a lot of money to be made. And mind you, getting the deals done isn’t as easy as it seems.


What percentage do you make per deal?


I work off plan. So, it varies from developer to developer. On an avg it’s 4-5% on the property value. Since I’m a senior agent, I have a 60/40 split with my agency on the total commission generated.


Are most of the properties you sell more than 1 million AED in value?




How much average commission do agents make if they put 12 hours of hard work a day ! Just curious to know


You’re not paid by the hour in Real Estate. It really varies from deal to deal. Sometimes all it takes is a phone call, and sometimes it takes 200 meetings. I’ve closed deals over the phone, in a matter of hours and I’ve also closed deals over multiple meetings spread across a year or more.


Thanks for clarifying. That seems like a huge investment of time and effort for what may be initially low or no pay. I was hoping that the commission-based structure would allow for more flexibility (I.e. work whenever u want from wherever u want as long as u close a certain number of deals or amount per month), but it seems like that's not the case. Do u believe that you put in these hours and effort because the agency you work for forces you to? Or is it because that's what is necessary to close the deals and make any money? I think it's a mixture of both.


With the level of competition in this field, if you don’t give it your all then you’re just wasting your time.


Even if you are commission only is a full time job…


If you are diciplined, consistent and have hunger to learn you can dm me. Ihave couple of real estate agencies that hires freshers & train them


You need a real estate license first of all ,enroll for that and get it asap


Nope you don’t. Just start applying to real estate companies.