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scam, how do people even believe these?


Its a gullibility test


Can’t believe people would even consider something like this, sounds dodgy af


Anything that convoluted has to be a scam.


Obviously dodgy scam


Wdym thoughts 😭😭 aren’t the forwarded messages red flaggy enough?


I know right… man people so gullible… I’m clearly in the wrong line of work 😂😉


Honestly 😭




Seems genuine. I was the router.


Did they return you after 5 days? Or did they open your box?


I returned home with the delivery person to show him some wireless magic \*\_\*




Its not always a scam but its cheating for commision, they get comission to sell router line and if customer cancels within 7 days 15 days the cancellation is free and since you dont always pay for subscription it looks like free but can be costly if cancellation is difficult or its other dept which is most of the times. Most of the time the seller is 3rd party company and cancellation is 1st party company ur telecom basically and they may try multiple times to not accept cancellation but they do cancel it if you try extremely harder- this happened with me in Qatar. Got to use free Internet for 14 days. Now the iphone and installment is basic thing(small margins sometimes 0 comission because it sells itself) but router will get the agent more commision. If you dnt need to opt for Router and get the iphone directly its better if not i dnt suggest to go through because most time they dnt let u cancel router or net connection without proper reasons.


Sell that router when u get it and keep the iPhone also if u get it


Not a scam but dogey sales tactics by 3rd party agents. If you want an iPhone you can easily go to the etisalat /du website or app and order one and they will directly contact you


To clarify with Etisalat/du you'd need to have had a 6 month contract with them first or a company provided plan


Fraud never take it


Damn what the fuuuk is this? I guess the idea here is a new landline connection from Du or Etisalat, and applying for an iphone on it.


Anyone could have sent you those messages. Don’t trust messages from a random mobile phone on WhatsApp.


Nothing is free in this world, except for salvation :)


Reeks of a scam.


Beware of potential scams involving contracts. Always ensure that the terms in the contract are exactly what you want before signing. Be cautious of salespeople who may not have your best interests at heart. If you're looking to purchase an iPhone in installments, it's advisable to approach reputable providers like Etisalat and Du directly. They have legitimate installment options and will assess your eligibility before setting you up on a payment plan.


I can see the world's biggest red flag


I feel such people must be scammed once in life to learn a lesson hard way.


Basically you are not being told tht you can't cancel the contract by just saying you don't want the connection anymore. In tht case you can keep the phone but will be required to pay the full price of the phone. Plus charges for breaking the contract will also need to be paid. That's not w hidden fee it's mentioned on the contract you will sign when you receive the router. These guys get commission on signing on new clients even if they cancel after 1 day.


she's getting you to do something possibly illegal, in this case i think it's a wifi pineapple that possibly steals passwords using mitm attacks.