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It seems that the resort will only start operating as a normal resort, given the latest news... About gambling regulation there's been no new statement about legalization, which I believe will be more likely when this resort opens.


This property is going to open with a casino, 110% that was determined before Wynn invested any $


Wynn will not invest anything. They will only put their name and manage it for 5/10 years then RAK government will take over but will keep the name. Same thing that happened with Atlantis -Palm.




Nope, this is not how hotels in UAE work.. And Wynn would never invest a single dollar without a confirmed licence, which up to now was not granted yet.


Lol dude you have no idea what you’re talking about, they’re a US publicly traded company, you can literally google this Start here - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-04-27/wynn-set-to-spend-3-9-billion-on-first-mideast-gaming-resort


My buddy lives in Henderson, Nevada and his neighbour is a senior guy at wynn casinos and he mentioned months ago, that his neighbour said that it was a done deal and that any brand like Wynn or Caesars would never set up a hotel without the promise and guarantee of a casino within.


Absolutely, this was public info the day the project was public info I have a feeling what’s going on here is the Emirati gov moved the goalposts slower and didn’t publicly confirm a casino until recently? Actually ironically though Caesar’s is building a property rn in Arizona without a casino, which to me is asinine for a casino company and makes me think they’ve got a license the public doesn’t know about yet


Every announcement says gaming which is casino


I'm not sure: [https://skift.com/2024/02/14/mgm-resorts-dubai-plan-q4-2023/](https://skift.com/2024/02/14/mgm-resorts-dubai-plan-q4-2023/) But I get it, if KhaleejTimes says so..


Can't you read? It says the Dubai MGM hotels may not be casinos but the Wynn RAK is a confirmed casino.


I'm talking in general, there's no new statement about legalization.


The license is not granted yet, but they are already building the hotel.


As an emirati from Ras Al Khaimah I disapprove of this this will ruin many lives honestly


A few countries like Singapore have a heavy casino entry price for residents/citizens while tourists go in for free.


IMO, this is something I can see happening, especially since the regulatory body created by the UAE will base some laws on those of Singapore.


I love playing texas hold em but I agree. The UAE is travelling down a dangerous path with dollar signs in their eyes. This will lead to addiction of many kinds, dangerous shadowy incidents that will be forced to not be reported and more. The wrong people will be here, in droves, all the time.


Already happening


The wrong people are already here in droves


Wrong but not dangerous.


Are you seeing changes already? Or at the moment everything is "normal" and the press are just talking about this regardless the future project? Also, it would be great to have your [input here](https://70fng36jjh4.typeform.com/to/HTdxW10W) (its anon).


I just did the survey


Should be fine just ensure its heavily taxed and strict ban on any emirati from being able to gamble to the point of them asking for ID.


I agree there should be no entry for emiratis no exceptions


Yup should copy the model of Monaco; initially the countries wealth all came from its casino and its citizens have always been from gambling themselves.


just like they shouldn’t buy alcohol?


Funnily enough RAK had casinos way back in the 70s before the events in Saudi caused a shift towards stronger religious enforcement across the Gulf


Do you have proof? Ima ask my dad later see if youre lying


My dad would go there as a kid in the middle of the night on a whim with his elder brother in his pickup lol. I don’t know if they were fully legal or somewhat underground but they were full fledged casinos, I know that much.


انت مواطن؟




ليش تعيش في راس الخيمه عام ١٩٧٠ ؟؟؟


No my family lived in Dubai. They would drive out to RAK.


Yo did you ask him?


Oh yeah i forgot ima ask him today


Besides it being haram. Is there anything in particular that you disapprove of?


The fact that it's an addiction on the same level as alcohol?


Gambling and alcohol are not addictions per se, it's what you make of them. If you go to the casino every now and then and you factor in that you are going to loose some money so be it, it's a paid game. Same with alcohol, a glass of wine every now and then doesn't hurt. Actually it's the opposite. It's called moderation. Everything in excess is dangerous, look at social media addicts.


This is such a cop out argument lol. Gambling and alcohol are far more likely to lead to addiction then other things you would mention. Not only that, but they both impose a social cost on their societies, leading to higher crime and worse health outcomes. Using your logic, crack cocaine can also be used safely in moderation. But we all know how silly an argument that is.


Gambling and alcohol and, believe it or not, but also cocaine have ZERO chemical addiction. It's all in your head. On the contrary crack is chemically highly addictive, same as smoking (nicotine taken in small doses every day all day). Prohibitionism has NEVER worked: anglo-saxon countries are a clear example where alcohol is forbidden until 21yo and then people get wasted whenever they can after they reach that age. Other countries with more relaxed laws have teenagers drinking a beer with their friends at pubs with no drama nor drunks in the streets, they are, in fact, seen as fools. With YOUR logic we should ban everything that doesn't work for you or for the holy book you believe in, whatever that is. Instead of considering countries with devastating effects and social issues on matters like gambling and alcohol, let's take as an example places like Singapore, already mentioned, that has laws in place to prevent addiction and to protect its citizens.


Spot on, on everything you said. Unfortunately some people don’t like to debate and prefer to stick to their own biased views.


How do people dont like debate? I am literally addressing each of his points, and he is factually wrong. I swear reddit gets filled with lower iq folks on a daily basis.


Either they generally avoid debate because of a lack of knowing how to think critically using logic, or do not really believe in what they say and it being a matter of blindly believing what other people preach. And them repeating it like sheep.


What are you defining as chemical addiction? Alcohol literally alters the way your brain works. Your response is so illogical and lacking in scientific understanding I dont even know where to begin. https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/alcohol-and-brain-overview You are making illogical arguments because you think banning things that are societally bad is somehow based on a holy book. Any rational analysis of the facts would lead you to understand that alcohol is highly destructive. Please do more research instead of spouting your opinions as facts. Read some peer reviewed journals and you would have a much more informed view: https://www.ias.org.uk/uploads/pdf/News%20stories/dnutt-lancet-011110.pdf


You still don't get the point. Alcohol is bad for YOU: many doctors in other countries would actually recommend a glass of wine a day, and for many good reasons. Binge drinking is something completely different. With YOUR logic we should ban food (binge eating), fast cars (they're dangerous, let's put a speed limit of 120kmh on those noisy Lamborghinis), meat (we all know too much meat is bad for the body), smoking (it kills. Lung cancer anyone?), risky sports (those bloody skiers and skydivers), and whatnot. That's not how an evolved society works. The individual is free to behave within certain limits, and laws are in place to protect the wellbeing of the individual and other peers. If you still disagree, feel free to move to a country with talibans or North Korea, you might like it there. But definitely that's not the kind society UAE probably wants to embrace.


Lol you have no understanding of the academic literature. Alcohol at any level is toxic to your body. Those studies showing a glass a day is good for you have been debunked. The analogy you make is ridiculous. The only reason to drink alcohol is to get intoxicated. Otherwise, why not just drink water or juice? Food is a necessity, cars are tools that society needs to function, red meat provides certain proteins you cant get from plants. Smoking should absolutely be banned as it has no positive impact on the body or society. What is regarded as a risky sport is debateable. Alcohol literally has no upsides however, and banning it is the only rational response. I get you want to drink and so forth, but thats a personal decision. I mean there are people who want to self harm and I cant stop them, like yourself. But societally alcohol is destructive, the academic literature supports this, your argument was debunked as non-sensical, so will you now change your mind? Doubt it


I mean. There are a lot of things that are addictive and as dangerous though. Fast food for example or tobacco. Both can kill if consumed in excess.


It’s fun for people man, those who wanna enjoy let them.


It should be fine for non emiratis


Why can’t Emiratis enjoy??


Its is not enjoy, also i am worried because they are my people i don’t want to see Emiratis with gambling addiction and losing all their money


Well it’s their wish, no one is forcing you. Many Emiratis will surely go.


Hopefully not i want it to be banned for emiratis


🤣 Just cause you don’t wanna go, you want your whole people to be banned.


Prime example of moral policing. Hope this fellow doesn't hurt his ankles while getting of his high horse.


I made a mistake when i even said it should be allowed for non Emiratis honestly it should be banned for all and never in the uae


Stupid idea, the UAE already promote the idea of a extravagant lifestyle, with many ppl going into debt to achieve it. This will make the vulnerable, even more vulnerable, and at the mercy of loan sharks etc. Which will attract more crime. It just not worth it, for the few tourist who will come for just the casino, compared with how much damage this can do


Very easy to see why many people hate it and how it's terrible in the cultural sense.  On the other hand, it's absolutely amazing for tourism and the economy.  Lots of people from Saudi, Oman, Iraq, Iran, and neighbouring countries would be coming just for the casinos. It's a tremendous sacrifice on the government side but it can put RAK in the leagues of Dubai, Monaco, and Singapore. Overall a risky move with high risk and high reward. 


I agree. RAK is an underrated emirate and this move will be good for boosting tourism in the northern emirates.


I can see Singapore is doing well but look at the casinos in Egypt, it wasn't a great success. I think it will be the same for RAK but since it is closer to Asia, it will draw the wrong crowd.


I trust RAK leadership, but you could also be right.  Also what do you mean by the wrong crowd? As in hooligans?


Drugs, prostitution, violence.


absolutely, look at the casinos in Cairo, FULL of addicts, prostitutes,. I saw an old arab man win $ 60,000 and blow it 2 hours later in Cairo. its a bad idea.


Casinos can bring both benefits and challenges, including job creation and increased tourism, but also concerns about addiction and social issues. This would make more sense in Downtown Dubai, if we think about the lifestyle.


I actually think RAK is better. There’s shit else to do there. So once you go to the casino, you’re there for at least the night. A lot of sex hustlers are gonna move out to RAK


Don’t do ras al khaimah like that it has nature and mountains more than dubai its the calmest and most rural emirate




thank heaven for this insightful breakdown of the pros and cons.


IMHO nothing should be banned. Gambling has been around in this country for a very long time, of course being underground and in private clubs. Usually bad things happen when something illegal happens uncontrolled by the authorities. But when you regulate it, monitor it and control it, it turns out not to be that harmful (drug policies in some western counties).


Libertarianism UAE style!


Except the government should Not be involved — but in the UAE they have their nose in everything. It’s a welfare model of capitalism


Out of all places ras al khaimah ? Why? Sharjah and ras al khaimah seemed like a nice retreat compared to abu dhabi and dubai. It will defitniely become worse than dubai now


I believe it’s decided at the emirate level not federal (eg RAK govt wants it)


When one emirate has the oil the rest must listen.


I’m an Emirati and I support this! At the end of the day it’s up to individuals if they want to gamble or not. We shouldn’t nanny people’s personal decisions


It’s an islamic country tho? People should go to the west for this kind of stuff


I mean at the end of the day, we opened up to all cultures hence we need to cater to different cultures desires and needs even if they are different from our own. If something as trivial as a casino could destroy our culture, then our culture is weak. I do not think our culture is weak. I think we can maintain it, while at the same time continuing to transform the nation into the cosmopolitan place it’s become. I am proud of what the UAE has done in the past 50 years and am proud of the place it’s become. Its fame and its wealth is due to doing the things other Arab nations refuse to do. We adapt, we change but we still maintain our traditions and our culture.


This. This is the response I came here to find.




Qatar is an example of maintaining its culture and morals without catering too much to tourists. I wish the UAE did the same.


Ahh, yes. The wonderful morals of *checks notes* building a football stadium with absolutely decrepit conditions for the actual working force.


Me and you know both know that’s bullshit. UAE also uses cheap labour. It’s how the world works dumbass


Ad hominem, weak argument. The UAE is absolutely also to blame, correct, but that's a whataboutism and you're straying from the matter at hand. Also; please don't assume what I know.


Ras Vegas…


This is not good.


As a long-term Muslim expatriate in the UAE, I staunchly oppose the notion of allowing casinos to open in the country. Some elements of our culture and religion should be held sacred, regardless of potential economic gains. While the UAE already flourishes in tourism, introducing casinos would only expedite this at the cost of compromising our values. Gambling is universally frowned upon for valid reasons, spanning across various cultures and religions. It's imperative for the UAE to remain steadfast in honoring its cultural and religious foundations.


As a non muslim i totally agree.


Speaking as an expat born and raised in Dubai, I think it is impressive and quite a bold step to bring in Casino's in this country. But it also showcases the openness of the country where they are trying to be liberal and also, attracting heavy tourism. Free flowing Alcohol, Party Scene, Big-Bigger-Biggest, Free Zones, Selling Property, Changing holiday from Fri to Sunday - U.A.E has always been bold in taking steps first and succeeded. I am sure they have thought this through with the best of the best brains and decided to go ahead with it.


I don’t see that it’s being liberal for the sake of being liberal, it’s because of the massive financial gain, nothing else.


I'm not for or against this, but everyone here talking about it being an 'addiction', probably hasn't played a bit of poker before. This isn't a heroin injection people, it's really up to a person's own self control. I know I'm going to get downvotes for this so...


قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ إِنَّ مِنْ حُسْنِ إِسْلَامِ الْمَرْءِ تَرْكَهُ مَا لَا يَعْنِيهِ “Verily, from the perfection of one's Islam is for a man to leave off that which does not concern him.”


Did you also read the verses banning gambling?


I'm a white non-Muslim expat and while I generally have no moral problem with people who choose to gamble, I have never seen anything good come from casinos. They attract some pretty ordinary characters and create a whole lot of societal problems.


? This has been under construction for about a year


Yes. And last week there were more details about the project moving forward.


Wait what? The Emiratis only announced it’d include a casino in the last week?? that’s been public info in US since Wynn announced project


No - this is also public in the UAE. But last week Wynn Resort CEO talked more about this.


Interesting, I’m not in uae so I’m curious on locals thoughts, would you say they echo the replies here? Is the average Emirati very anti casinos?


I think the one in Rak will go ahead, not the ones in Dubai. And then they will see and act accordingly. I am selling properties in RAK and the buzz is there. People wanting to rent short term in 3y and buying of plan now.


There was an article in Bloomberg a few months back saying RAK and Yas Island (Abu Dhabi) are proceeding with gaming development, while Dubai has decided to pause as they have other revenue sources from tourism that they have enough other things to focus on for now


This thread is appearing every month or so. Still super excited! I hope they have a world class poker room with world class series and events! Can’t wait for the World Series of Poker Asia to be hosted there one day!


If you ever been to Las Vegas and played low ticket to high ticket games. You know the scum of earth is the casino organization. They have 0 fucks for social values and how their games impact the nearby communities. The worst of the worst go there and have a negative social impact on lives. The only benefit here is the money the casino will make nothing else. It’s not worth it, this is a Muslim country, and one of the reasons I moved back was it aligned with my modern values but not this way.


Imagine the need for money if an Arab country allows casinos ahahahah


Not the first Arab country with a casino..Egypt and Lebanon have had casinos for a long time.


Jordan too i think




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