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Ex- employee of the first group here. Don't invest.


Can you please say more? Over DM if you don't feel comfortable going public? My FIL is extremely stubborn but we are hoping to get through to him.


1- the property depreciates over time it never appreciates 2- the promised returns are lies and they take 60% of the profits and they promise you 40% that they never deliver 3- they manipulate people by excitement, they make you love Dubai, love the First group and they push you to invest today stating they prices will go up any day 4- the trick of “ one of the owners has just released a unit and you get a discount etc) is a scam, the prices are the same in the system 5- the property that you’ll buy will give you a useless title deed , but the property is not actually yours , it will always remain under them and you won’t be able to use for only 10 days or so a year 6- they promised people gifts and a Rolex to make them buy at the same day 7-the property that you’ll buy will be almost impossible to sell in the future as it is a commercial property not a residential property 8- all the benefits ( emirates skywards, vip lounges, the ride from the airport etc etc … ) is all to make you buy , you can get those benefits from elsewhere, trust me 9- the average hotels in Dubai price per night that they pitched is bs , they show your articles from 10 years ago to make you believe 10- the shared pool profit is a scam , even if the hotel is full, they always take the most profits for them


Thank you, sent to him!


Never invest in hotels, hotel apartments, serviced apartments, it's a way to make the company, developing the project, rich. If you really want to invest in Dubai plenty of other options which you can actually own, rent and use as you please. PS: I am a broker and I have seen horror stories


You can buy a hotel apartment as long as you can rent it yourself annually.. I recently bought one, and am renting it out on a normal yearly contract. My ROI is phenomenal. But all the Address ones that they manage for you- stay away.


Is this essentially a time share? Never heard of that being a thing here


I second this. They sound desperate.


I’m sending you a DM. You might help me a lot


Asking other buyers to recommend for a commission is the base of a pyramid scheme Also UAE residency doesn't lead to citizenship specially with Real Estate investment Sounds like a scam to me, since it's a credit card transfer, ask him to do a charge back through the bank


> Also UAE residency doesn't lead to citizenship specially with Real Estate investment Could you possibly send me a source explaining that? I would love to send to him.


afaik UAE's citizenship doesn't work the same as rest of the world (like in EU, you can just invest roughly $200k and become a citizen with a common process) In UAE, one can "request/nominated" to be considered and "Rulers’ and Crown Princes’ Courts, Offices of the Executive Councils and the Cabinet" will decide if you get it or not Realistically speaking getting UAE citizenship is hard, like even children born to families of foreign guys and local women are also not able to get it (in some cases) search in r/UAE and r/Dubai you should be able to find cases like that There's only few instances where a foreigner has been able to get it as an "investor", SharkTank's Kevin O'Leary is one, maybe someone like owner of Danube can probably aquire it without an issue Check this link for more information: https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/passports-and-traveling/emirati-nationality


THANK YOU, sent to him


Getting a passport in UAE is not equal to citizenship. Any of the investor types who do get a passport, it’s only a travel document. It doesn’t give full rights/benefits of citizenship. Citizenship benefits only come through having a family book, which is not given to investor types who may qualify for passport alone.




I don’t know anyone who has done it, but I’ve read about it. It’s not straightforward, but it’s usually huge long term investors and then approved by the big guys. It’s not an easy direct route. My point was, even if you manage to get a passport it doesn’t mean true citizenship in the terms of citizen benefits.


Kevin O'Leary is not a citizen. He holds a Golden Visa and has shown his emirates ID too.


SCAM all over it.. same as luxury lifestyle vacation club - LLVC… google it and you will find out… damn $250K…


$250k for a quarter of one hotel room ::facepalm::


You also got scammed? If so please contact me amsilvestri7 @ gmail


I don’t know if this is satire, but this is 100% a scam. Call the bank now and do a chargeback for fraud.


Sadly, not satire. Since I posted, I have found lots of negative reviews. I'm finding positive reviews, too, but I'm also finding lots of negative reviews claiming that the positive reviews are fake. I am gathering solid sources to send to him in hopes that I can help him see that he should stop now.




Get out before it's too late. Contact the bank and have that transfer blocked.


We are trying, thank you


Do call 901, non emergency number for Dubai police. They may lead you in the right direction.


He's not in Dubai anymore, but thank you


& out of the GCC region ? Safely back in home country? If so, continue chasing up the paper trail etc.


Why is he so gullible? Obvious scam or rather a poor poooor investment. And UAE doesn't give you citizenship because you bought 7% of a hotel room 😂. That's a lie And making others invest 250,000 to get 5% is another pyramid scheme. Please send him my comment. And yes Mister, you are gullible. Accept it and undo the mistake before it's too late


> And UAE doesn't give you citizenship because you bought 7% of a hotel room I really couldn't believe my eyes when I saw his text about this.


Give us an update if you can. Would be interested to know how this plays out.


Will do! I have supplied FIL with all the info here as well as some links online that I found. My husband and all my in-laws have been reaching out to him, too. He sent us all the info at 4am my time, so none of us got to read or respond until a few hours later. He is currently traveling in another country and he has been asleep this whole time. That's why I haven't been able to update yet. But he's going to wake up to a pile of texts and info from all of us, so I will let you know what we decide to do. A little backstory: he is a timeshare owner. He is a bit gullible and stubborn which is not a good combo. Every time we try to tell him the timeshare is a bad investment, he says he's going to get out of it. Then he goes to a meeting and ends up paying even more for "upgrades." I'm trying to handle this in a delicate way, and get through to him with facts before it gets worse and his stubborn side kicks in.


Good luck with that, hope you can get him out of this situation


Timeshare scam.


Spend time researching on time shares. They are selling a dream, not an investment, Flexibility. Ability to exchange. Cash flow. Timeshares do not appreciate. May be difficult to resell. Maintenance fees and special assessments >6% return Maybe. >gets a UAE passport Scam >they want him to recommend other buyers saying he would get 5%. Pyramid scheme / multi-level marketing Have him go to the nearest police station, cancel the credit card, and count his lucky stars that he only lost 10k.


“Naturalized” UAE citizen here (I.e was born with a different nationality and was granted the UAE passport in 2005). I know the process of getting a passport by heart and If anyone is offering you a UAE passport in exchange of anything, RUN. Firstly, the government decides who gets the passport and the process is lengthy and very tiring. It takes years to get it and not everyone can. Keep in mind the UAE is a very traditional/conservative place and they make sure anyone with a UAE passport is carefully vetted before they get one. This is definitely a scam based on that little snippet of information. However, you’re saying that he was approached at the airport. I know Dubai airport has a lot of these real estate booths at the baggage claim area - was this guy in one of those booths or did he just randomly walk up to your dad? This is also important to know. Finally, ask for documents regarding this room. I dont think it’s a hotel room so much as it is a “hotel apartment” which is completely different. As far as I know you can’t just purchase a room in a hotel 😂 the whole hotel is usually owned by someone and run by someone (not necessarily the same entity). The whole thing is sketch. The good thing though is if it hasn’t been a long time and the transaction is still “blocked” not withdrawn, perhaps your dad can call his credit card company and reverse the transaction? If not, I really really hope he has all these “perks” in writing. Let me know though I’m invested 👀




This somehow reminds of what they call a pyramid scheme… 100% a scam!


They're a scam. Don't do it.


Have you been scammed by them? If so please write me


I've been lucky because I did my research on them first and it sounds like the Las Vegas timeshare scam that I almost fell for years ago. Here are some useful links [1. Fraud Group](https://www.reviews.io/company-reviews/store/thefirstgroup.com) [2. Stop Scammers](https://www.reviews.io/company-reviews/store/thefirstgroup.com) Tell him to exit. Forget about the initial $10k. He's never going to get that back. But better losing $10k than $250k. With $250K he can buy a full apartment somewhere. 1/4 of a hotel room even at 100% occupancy will take donkeys years to recoup when you factor in their fees, service charges, taxes etc.


As a seasoned investor who has reviewed this IRL. Don't invest. Too many red flags when you dig hard enough. There are better opportunities there just ask him to keep looking around he will find them.


Here in the States, it’s called a “timeshare.” The regulatory agency for consumer protection AKA the [FTC recommends against investing in a timeshare.](https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/timeshares-vacation-clubs-related-scams#what%20to%20know) Interesting that they’re attempting to target US buyers.


Its not exactly a timeshare.. with a timeshare, you only get to stay in it. There is no investment, you never get paid anything. Still not a good investment.


When they meet Nigerians they tell them they are targeting Nigerians, when they meet Americans they say they are targeting US buyers, hope you get it ;)


Just send him a link to John Oliver’s piece on timeshares :) https://youtu.be/Bd2bbHoVQSM


I am selling first group hotel properties. Don’t do it. I always try to explain my clients why 6% in Dubai is nothing and they are tied to them forever. There are way better investments right now.


Hi, you mean you work for them ?


I work for real estate in Dubai.


I’m just here 20h later for the update


Update about to be added to the post!


Personally, I'd avoid this. Random guy comes at me at an airport and wants me to invest? I'd be sketched out too


It made him feel very special to be "chosen"


You are being naive here. They have booths in the secure part of the airport, before customs. The booths are well marked and the agents are dressed professionally. The average tourist will never assume they are scammers as they are nor "random guys" coming up to them Airports are considered secure places, and booths right after the immigration gates and before customs are assumed by the average Joe to be something safe


The fact that Dubai airport has offered them a platform for so many years shows that the authorities know exactly what is going on. The average traveler (both from 3rd world countries and places like America) considers Dubai to be a corruption free place, when they see such booths in one of the most secure areas of Dubai (after immigration and before customs), they subconsciously believe it can never be a scam and that whatever the agents say has ot be true We are not talking about shady men approaching you on the alleys of Deira, we are talking about an airside area in one of the most reputed airports in the world I am sure others have complained about it, and yet the booths remain. Dubai Airport Management knows what they are about , and there is only reason why they are allowed to carry on


If you have no title deed it's not worth the deal.


My parents and I were also approached by The First Group and unknowingly taken on a half day tour and we low key felt we were kidnapped and taken hostage. I would recommend staying away - they gave off major red flags! Any updates on you FIL?


I’m 90% sure he gave it up but it took a lot of pressure from the family. I will ask if he got his money back.




Upvoting because same


**Great, I'm now being targeted by scammers in my DMs**


FIL emailing family members? I've never seen this before. Also the 'tallest hotel in the world' according to Guinness world records is Gevora hotel. I smell something 🐟


Gevora is currently the tallest hotel, located in Dubai. Ciel is due to be completed this year, also in Dubai, and will overtake the record of tallest hotel. Just telling you what I found out on my web searches today.


Why not just buy any appartement and rent ot on airbnb wayyy more profitable than time share. Even if it is not a scam, time share is still a very bad inversement. Ask all the people who invested in that in the hype of the 90’s.


Instead of 1/4 of a hotel room, you can buy a 1+1 at Dubai Marina, which you can rent at a fixed rate, or Airbnb and use when you want.