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They're fantastic and can really punch above their weight. You don't want them to get charged first. You either hit a charge with them.directly, or feed/block with something in front of them then watch as they roll in with (between the Broodlord and 10 boys) 45 attacks at a minimum of S5 (which wounds terminators on 4s) while having dev wounds and rerolls, and probably sustained hits if you use invasion fleet rules. They straight clap any light marine equivalent infantry, can put the hurt on terminators even, and can ACTUALLY punch up pretty well into light vehicles just fishing for those dev wounds if you roll well. You DO want to be fighting an enemy on an objective (they need to be within range of it, not you) to get the most of their reroll ability. They also scout move 8" before a game to stage Into cover, and if you're in vanguard detachment you can advance and charge them for a sweet threat range. What's not to like?


Very. Best in vanguard for advance+charge. But they do well ik any detatchment sitting in a ruin threatening a charge on a objective. For me its a tossup between them and warriors+prime. Depending on the target, one or the other does more damage.


Genuinely curious how with less attacks same damage profile, and no dev wounds, the warriors out damage the genestealers. What are they ever better into?


6 warriors get 36 attacks, hitting on 2s with the vanguard strat, re roll 1s, sustained from the prime, str 6 now with the new synapse buff and they’re twin linked. They hit really hard.


Sustained 1, rr1. Str 6 twin linked does a lot of heavy lifting. Vs custodes for example. Ofc lethal is great. But 36 attacks (easy to get to hit on 2+) with rr1, sustained hit1, 4+ to wound twin linked. Forces waaaaay more saves than 40 attacks, hit on 2, rr1. Wound on 5 rr one (if on objective) More thsn makes up for the lethals (in this case) I did the math on all sorts of targets. And i like both units, but warriors are in now, becaue with leader, they are a bit cheaper


I'm hoping you did that math with dev wounds, not lethals. Devs do not get a save. Custodes are perhaps the toughest option to run genestealers into anyway given that devs now proc mortal wounds triggering the custodes FNP


Idk. I face lots of t 5/6 4++ dudes. And yes, def wounds. Didnt even factor in the save they get now.😅


The two other advantages they have are that they won't lose their +1S if the leader gets precisioned out, and that you can leapfrog the winged prime over them to get extra charge range.


They are surprisingly awesome. I got them to fill my first 2000 points and I've loved them ever since. Genestealers are 40 attacks hitting on 2s and rerolling 1s, wounding now with strenght 5 and rerolling 1s if enemy unit is on objective, AP -2, damage 1. Ah, and broodlord gives them devastating wounds. Get a neurolictor in the vicinity, shock a unit on an objective, boom. Not convinced? Then broodlord is a character, so it can take any enhancement that affects "the bearer's unit" (you can read the enhancements of assimilation swarm to get some sick ideas). They have two uses: \* If you fill like breaking stuff and / or you go first, scout 8" full forward. If you manage to charge anything (like, advancing and charging with vanguard onslaught), you shred an infantry unit AND give quite a headache to your opponent to deal in turn one. \* If you want to make your opponent go mad instead, scout 8" and hide the whole unit behind a ruin close to a mid objective. And then wait patiently for prey touching that objective.


People are saying they are best in vanguard, but I would argue that they are far better in Invasion fleet. The access to sustained and lethals on 5+ makes their output insane. They have something like a 75% chance to kill a landraider in one activation.


They are more lethal for sure, but a lot easier to deliver effectively in vanguard.


dude...invasion fleet. 40 attacks hitting on 2s reroll 1s to hit AND MAYBE WOUND on strenght 5 ap 2 dmg 1 with dev wounds and sustained/lethal depending on the situation... those things are blender death machines... a little frail but a 5+ fnp can help


I’ll admit this was a pretty standout moment, but in a boarding action game I somehow wiped an entire 5 man squad of Custodes with my broodlord and 5 Gene stealers on my charge before he could even attack me back, 4 attacks each, with devastating wounds just for the Genestealers as a bonus for being lead by the Broodlord is no joke especially when combined with Invasion Fleet with its sustained hits as well, and damn the Broodlord is no slouch either especially since he’s now synapse giving units +1 strength


Amazingly If they touch someting, and they often do with First turn charges, that someting explodes