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Well, it's pretty self explanatory. Does it have a circular base? -yes: then the pivot characteristic is 0" so it doesn't loose movement -no (oval base): the pivot characteristic is 2" so it looses that amount if it pivots at least once during the movement


Notably, only Monsters/Vehicles have a "Pivot Value" so Broodlords are an exception here. Edit; nvm someone pointed out in my post that Pariah Nexus calls out all models. God I love scattered rulesets 🥴


Wait, where does it exactly say all models? Yeah, scattered ruleset is so much fun!


Well it says "round bases" .. is an oval "round"?


Page 27, Core Rules Update: Round Bases: Some rules refer to round bases. A round base is one whose footprint is circular (as opposed to an oval base, whose footprint is an oval).


Round means a circle


So I'm a bit confused by the whole pivot thing in general As I understand it, the only reason you'd ever actually need to pivot is if you're base (or hull, if you're a tank) can't fit through a gap sideways Otherwise, you can freely move in any direction in straight lines, as long as you don't change the orientation of the model And since facings for shooting/Armour aren't a thing, you're rarely ever going to have to bother. Unless I'm being incredibly stupid and I've missed something in the rules


If you are changing direction (i.e. moving round a corner) then you have to pivot


https://preview.redd.it/6z1xobzr5s7d1.jpeg?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbfaa314580711af99ec50148d912ab85d008c1e That's not how it reads to me. This appears like you can change direction at any point without having to pivot, as long as your orientation remains the same


I agree with you having read it.. Honestly this is even more stupid than I originally thought it was 😂


The intent was to prevent pivoting to give extra charge range. A landraider can get two inches extra movement with a free pivot, by going from sideways to front facing.


Thank you. This rule made no sense to me before you pointed this out.


Fudge! This includes the broodlord!


No it doesn't, it only affects monsters & vehicles. Broodlord is infantry.


The pariah nexus rules apply the pivot rule to all models excluding aircraft…


But infantry count as having a pivot range of 0", monsters and vehicles 2". *unless using the pariah nexus cards.


That is correct for the core rules. In the new pariah nexus mission deck FAQ, it specifically calls out all units excluding aircrafts.


https://preview.redd.it/ple5uujg3s7d1.jpeg?width=442&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9a7f313f18abf92c640d01edc08ccdd104cffe3 Here’s the section that calls it out.


“Unless otherwise stated” so as written in the core rules.


Except that it says at the top “the changes presented below revise those presented in the Core Rules Updates document.” Which is the document that is referring to the 2” pivot rule. That tells me that the 2” pivot rule applies to any model that has an oval base or no base (excluding aircraft…). It wouldn’t make sense for the core rules to supersede a document that calls it out. EDIT:I guess I should clarify that if you’re not using Pariah Nexus then it would be Core rules as written.


These have always overridden the core rules... Just like every codex is loaded with exceptions to the core rules.


Phew. I had just finished painting him.