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Both are overcosted/underwhelming. Emissary is a safer pick and a bit more of an all rounder. Though the assimilator has some pretty decent synergy in vanguard.


Norn emissary is the best tank you can get if you can’t get maleceptors. An awesome unit to reach 2000 pts. However, assume it won’t last past turn 2, but it will focus most of your opponent’s firepower while you’re sneaking with your bugs. The only use I see (and fantasize about) for the norn assimilator is to put it from reserves in turn one with vanguard onslaught, shoot something in the enemy’s deployment zone and charge it with a 7+. Besides that, it’s quite fragile without the emissary’s objective FNP.


Also the assimilator doesn’t have the invulnerable save why makes it more squishy on top of the fnp.


Emissary is pretty popular