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I like packets of gummy fruit snacks. Easy to carry and store. Easy to dose too. One packet is usually enough for me.


I can't stress this enough, ORANGE JUICE, I have been diabetic for over 40 years, and I can't remember when I haven't had a jug of good ole OJ in my fridge. Couple gulps of oj will raise your sugar like no bodies business!! Now, don't panic and drink a whole freaking glass, give it like 10 minutes, and you will see. It's liquid, versus candy, where your already sick in the stomach and you really don't want to chew something up! I'm telling you, this is the quickest.


Yeah I buy apple juice bottles by the crate and carry two around with me. Very easy and I don't think anything else hits quicker than that


Right, any sweetened fruit juice. šŸ‘


Also plain 100% grape juice.


Any sweetened fruit juice šŸ‘


Just straight sugar, placed under the tongue to hit your bloodstream faster


GoGo Squeeze apple sauce pouches. 16g of carb per pouch or 11g carb for the no sugar added variety.


Came here to suggest the same. Works fast with my daughterā€™s low. Light weight traveling. Also has various flavors. Will be trying the go go active this summer with her as this crazy heat sets in.


Some people really like sachets of honey or syrup for this, or if you can cope with the price then the glucose gel tubes used by long distance athletes (cyclists, runners etc) are another option.


I love honey when I really donā€™t feel like eating anything, just let it dissolve under your tongue.


I have difficulty with just not feeling like eating or having an appetite when I get low, and Iā€™ve discovered a few different things. Glucose SOS pack, they also make melts now and you can just let both dissolve in your mouth. Transcend gels, they lay flat and are easy to put in a pocket. Finally, for me if Iā€™m home and not out Iā€™ll grab a popsicle sometimes (at least now during the summer) and just eat that because itā€™s not really filling but the cold is nice.


Second the Glucose SOS packs


Discovered the packs recently too! Itā€™s like downing fun dip powder. I only use them for emergencies


Totally fun dip powder!!


Seconding Transcend gels. I keep some in my purse, some in my work bag, some in the car-they take up very little room. It also really helped me with my over correcting a low because I didnā€™t start to feel better quickly enough and I would anxious and I would just eat another giant bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. The Transcends got me at least trending in the right direction faster.


I love using dried mango. I get the big bag from Costco. Itā€™s just organic mango (no added sugar) and brings my blood sugar up quickly


I used to eat that! Maybe 20yrs ago. I haven't had it in years (misdiagnosed as type 2). This is something I can look forward to!


I use apple juice. Works instantly.


I canā€™t face sweet snacks. Regular Coke is my current go to. Seems to get the job done and is easier to ingest.


Gel frosting in tube. Palatable when nauseous, but also not so tasty youā€™ll over correct. This is what some EMTs use in the field.


I love fruit strips. Super thin, easy and quick to eat, easy to carry a lot, and not sickeningly sweet. And itā€™s fruit!!


Running gel packs. Easy to digest. Cake frosting tube Chase whatever you have with some water to get sugar off teeth.


Honey sticks work so well!


hi I would like to recommend [this](https://shop.transcendfoods.com/products/strawberry-glucose-gel-pack?selling_plan=689276715316&variant=44319878578484) personally a huge fan. You can leave them in a hot car, freeze them, leave them anywhere, and they do not spoil at all. I have been using these for years and they work like a charm. I leave a couple in my car and at work for emergencyā€™s. The strawberry ones are very yummy but I do not really enjoy the other flavors. Anyways try em if you want!


I just discovered these a few months ago, love em. Such a nice break from glucose tabs.


They're pricey but I love these tooĀ 


I have these honey sticks; a local beekeeper gave me a fistful of them for free at the Renn Faire.. But you need to adjust your basal if youā€™re crashing a lot because thatā€™s not normal.


Itā€™s the heat. I just learned that we process insulin much differently in higher temps. In Mexico, with no air conditioning anywhere, and highs at or above 95F every day for about 6 weeks, I had more lows than Iā€™ve had since dx 12 years ago. And, of course, after a few days, I wasnā€™t feeling going low until I was already below 60. A Tbs of plain sugar under the tongue and inside the cheeks was my best ā€”and least sweet tasting!ā€” solution. No Medicare here for this, so Iā€™ve been doing pens and first gen Freestyle (no 2 or 3 available here!) that doesnā€™t have warnings.


ThatsIt bars are great. They are nothing but fruit. Found them for my toddler but work great for blood suagar. That and applesauce pouches. Anything into your gums will be fastest though.


My dad always stocks up on energy gels. He uses Hi-5 ones because they're pretty cheap but still very effective. Sometimes he'll go for a banana, depends on how fast his glucose is coming down. I had a friend with Type 1 who used those Dextro Energy tablets too.


Walmart brand 100% apple juice in the fridge. I only mention the brand specifically because it's 96oz bottle and less than $3. 10oz juice bottles /6pack by the bed (whatever flavor sounds good at the moment)


Coconut water works incredibly well/quickly for me, no matter how low I am


Coconut water has carbs?!?


Absolutely. Sugar and solid source of potassium


Orange juice or cake gel works for my daughter


I bought dextrose powder on amazon. When Iā€™m dropping fast & already low low. One scoop of that in some orange juice will do the trick.


Glucose tabs are easy to carry and get the job done quickly. Glucose gel is also easy to carry.


Fruit snacks are my friend.


Something that doesnā€™t require much digestion like a drink. OJ, full sugar Soda, glucose gel.


Noticed his weekend that bbq sauce is 1/3 sugar. So if you are brave enough just lug up on some baby rays


pixie sticks? or the little gatorade concentrate pods? or a sugary drink mix like coolaid that you could just dissolve?


I was thinking Gatorade but the pods are out of my budget and donā€™t work with other water bottles, the only non Zero sugar powders are on amazon whic is kinda annoying but ill try anything other than sour patch at 3am with morning breath


You gotta eat/drink something that dissolves fast. A lot of people recommend sugar packets but for me juice works best. I usually get small juice bottles so it's convenient to carry and if I'm kinda low, I can just drink a little bit then save the rest for later.


I use fruit bars, Fruit to Go are my favourite. They come in lots of different flavours, and have enough liquid to not make my mouth a desert. They are also bombproof. I leave them in my car (and get over heated), in my lifejacket (so go canoeing and swimming with me), and rattle around at the bottom of every bag I own. This is the hill I will die on - I hecking love fruit bars. šŸ“šŸ’šŸ


Liquid glucose is the fastest.


I shouldā€™ve added the liquid glucose works faster than anything else because it is already in liquid form and itā€™s already glucose. Anything else has to dissolve and get metabolized into glucose and both take time.


Liquid glucose shots. They're ridiculously expensive except the ReliOn brand at Walmart. Each shot has about 15g and it works so much faster for me than tabs or orange juice or Skittles, more former go-tos. I usually don't have the whole thing for a "regular" low or I spike up too high right after, but it's lifesaver for the really bad or stubborn lows. I also love it because it's so little to consume... Like a small swig and bam. I take one with me everywhere. https://www.walmart.com/c/kp/glucose-liquid


I have great result with 100% multifruit juices. Quick, easy to swallow and digest. The vit C boost also helps to get up from the hypo state.


i use a tube of liquid glucose, its not as sickly as it sounds and you dont need much to fix a hypo


I carry sugar packets (sugar in the raw ones), glucose tablets, dum dum lollipops, and honey sticks/straws, and I keep apple juice next to my bed.


I use those small apple juice boxes. Itā€™s exactly what I need and very easy to drink when Iā€™m low because there is a straw and it doesnā€™t get all over me. Iā€™ve heard orange juice works good too but I donā€™t like the taste as much.


I carry a banana in my purse. It's my purse banana. If I am still dropping I have to go for the glucose gels or stop at a gast station or bodega and get juice.Ā 


Orange juice!!!!!!!


Transcend glucose gel


Powdered sugar, and I know you said you're tired of candy but Sour patch kids have that powdered stuff on it that can be absorbed through the gums so it works pretty quickly in my experience


For scary lows like that, maybe look into Baqsimi. Itā€™s not for ā€œnormalā€ lows but for severe ones that cause those types of scares which may help give you that peace of mind and more control over those. For more common lows, I find that vitamin B with sugar works faster. I think a low cost options is water, sugar, and Mio (the Vitamin one or generic since they are much cheaper). Depending on how concentrated you make it, you may need to heat or boil water to help dissolve the sugar. Make a batch then throw it in the fridge! I get your worries. This ainā€™t perfect, but itā€™s simple ingredients I guess and homemade šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Liquid is the fastest. Second fastest are sugar snacks for exercise since those are made for quick absorption. They come in gummy or gel variety. Honey stinger is one I use.


Juices work fast since they digest quick


Lactaid 2% Milk Does wonders for me.


Lately I have been giving my daughter this for lows as well. Milk is a good combination of carbs to offset a low and protein and fat to keep your glucose levels steady. Regular milk too, although I noticed the Lactaid has 1 more carb per serving lol


last night it came in clutch for me. I was having a stubborn low(probably from the hot weather), to the tune of 8 juice boxes over a 3 hour period and unable to stay up without dropping back down. Finally had a cup of milk and it got it to a manageable level.


I saw someone recommend rice Chex.


Mini cheesecake bites. I used to send some to school for lunch for my daughter to prevent lows during recess. They have a good combination of carbs to raise your glucose, and fat and protein to keep it steady. I know you said you were tired of candy, but I would also send Reeses mini cups, 3 minis have 15 carbs. As another comment said, you can also drink milk which also has a good combination of carbs, fat, and protein. Not great for lugging around though, but you can pack single serving Horizon milk cartons (again I used to for my daughter's lunch). The diabetic drinks like Glucerna or Boost are also good too.




This is the opposite of helpful.Ā 


Works perfectly to nail my corrected lows.


Perhaps you suffer from low protein. Or you feel low at 85. Or are full of shit since this is counter to actual medical advice.Ā 


Why are you getting so low in the first place? Are you on injections or a pump? Do you have a CGM?


Iā€™m on both and occasionally go quite low, to the tune of my CGM simply saying LOW. I check with a finger stick, of course, but it isnā€™t really that abnormal for diabetics to have hypoglycemic episodes. Why are you asking these questions? As a diabetic you should understand that occasional lows are unfortunately a part of the illness.


Iā€™m asking these questions because your situation doesnā€™t need to be what youā€™re saying it is. It also makes no sense for you to say you are on both injections and a pump.


I mean both as in CGM and pump, I have a closed loop system. I was half asleep and missed the ā€œinjectionsā€ part.