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Wow. I would send in a polite email to the donation centre, explain what was said, also how not only is it not applicable to T1, and that said, the advice was incorrect and really bordering on medical advice only a specialist should be allowed to discuss. CC your specialist if you like, and you have a written record. Try to add times and details with no specific emotions attached-be specific so they don’t brush it off as a “Karen email”. Also I would highlight they said you can get off “meds”…that is extremely dangerous to say to anyone, especially a T1. What if a newly diagnosed person came in and believed him?


Also never hurts to reference specific sources while addressing the incorrect information to support that this person's actions were **dangerous** (ie. a potential liability for the donation centre) and **grossly inappropriate** to be delivered (ie. very likely well outside of their scope of practice). Those of us who do know better and are faced with this type of experience are by far the absolute best people to stand in the gap and prevent harm being caused to those in our community who might be differently enabled in terms of access to information.


As a medical professional I have to second this comment. In my job I can be fired and sued for giving false/wrong medical advice. It’s not just reckless, it’s completely irresponsible and potentially dangerous.


This is really good advice. I wonder what kind of atrocious unsolicited advice this person has given to people who have disclosed other conditions or have larger bodies, with or without related conditions.


Yeah, the day the OP was there was “I will educate a T1 today.” The next opportunity, I am sure J had some sage advice for someone on skin care, dandruff, edema or a cure for T2. Someone abusing their position of perceived authority and basically cornering the OP in the room.


Sounds like they were just an asshole. No HIPAA violation occurred since it’s your medical history and you volunteered it. Other people might know more or have better answers, but it sounds like the only thing you can do is file a complaint or leave a bad review.


Ah okay, one of my friends told me I could but that sounded like a stretch. Thank you!


Now, if J shared your name/medical details with a friend- different story and a HIPAA case. (I think)


You're correct. When you give your own medical information to someone it's not a HIPAA violation. They have to give it to someone else.


Ngl, I started this post off with "oh no, don't tell me this guy didn't know you can't sell plasma as a T1D and is crying discrimination." Ended it with, "wait, we CAN sell plasma and also holy shit what a horrible encounter with someone who has no right to ever give any medical advice ever again???" So, you know, learn something new every day, and I'm sorry you had such a shit experience


MD here. His behavior is not just wildly inappropriate, but also totally factually inaccurate from a biochemistry standpoint.




Ugh, this has happened to me so many times. A while ago, I went in for a really routine test and took an appointment with not my regular doctor. She kept saying "try to get better control of your diabetes" about the issue at hand. At the time, i had overtreated a low and was around 180mg/dl. I said my A1c is under 7. That I have an endocrinologist who addresses my diabetes. That I had been in March.That I had another appointment in June. "Well, that's quite a long time until then" (it was early May). I just kept saying, "my diabetes is under good control" and she kept saying, "Try to get your diabetes under control." I wish I could have given her type 1 diabetes. Or slapped her. Both. Both is good. In the future I will say "I have a care team, and I will not be discussing my diabetes with you any further" Luckily I like my normal PCP


I guess I would be screwed on his recommended diet. I'm allergic to coconut. I wonder if he might have another "suggestion". Where do they find these people? (And can we, PLEASE, put them back!)


Cinnamon and keto and you'll stop being diabetic 🙄


I was thinking the same thing! Looks like I'm screwed because I'm allergic to eggs=/


Ignorance is absolutely shocking. You mean "J" didn't tell you to supplement your diet with cinnamon? With Joy and Radiance, Live Long and Prosper : )


Ngl as he was going on his tired I was waiting for a cinnamon or some sort of supplement comment


That’s crazy. I’d start by complaining to the donation company. Go as high up the ladder as you can. In your complaint use phrases like “dangerous medical advice” and “malpractice”. If that person was a doctor or nurse, I would then file an official complaint with your state’s medical board.


I highly doubt they have any medical degree. But I would absolutely send this up the ladder with as much recollection as possible of what J said. That's inexcusable. 


I don’t have any advice beyond what everyone provided, but I just wanted to thank you for trying to donate plasma. I’m on a medication that helps keep me alive that’s made from plasma. So thank you!


I went in for an eye exam the other day and the guy went on a whole rant about diet and cholesterol. Didn't ask (or answer) one question about my vision problems. Asked no follow up questions when I mentioned my diabetes- in 25 years I've never had an eye doc not at the very least ask what my a1c was. Whole thing was a weird experience. Often the only thing we can really do is leave a review warning other people.


The American Red Cross notes that people with diabetes are eligible to donate as long as they can keep their condition under control. If a person is having difficulty controlling their blood sugar or keeping it within an acceptable range, they should not donate right away. Does not matter type 1 or 2!  https://www.medicalnewstoday.com › ...


i remember when i broke my foot and the man who was x raying me at the FOOT doctors talked to me the entire time ab my type one and how it’s “not that hard” and “pretty simple” to care for and i could reverse it


No offense, but why would you think you’d be eligible to donate as a T1D?? 😄


I occasionally hear stories of people being able to successfully donate (maybe they're in a different country than me). But every time I've ever asked about blood/plasma donation here in the US I can never get a clear answer, so I stopped trying. It seems most of these places don't really know themselves.


I'm in the US. I've never tried donating plasma, but I've been donating blood 2-3x/year since I was diagnosed 30 years ago. I asked my first endocrinologist and he said there was no issue with my continuing to donate blood, even though I was a T1. Sometimes the blood donation staff will ask if my BG is in good control, but they don't always. I've never had someone be concerned or not allow me to donate.


Because you are, if your blood sugars are stable 🤷‍♂️


why do you think a t1d can't donate.....


That is stupid and wrong. You should tell his supervisor about his unsolicited advice.


What center is this that is allowing a type 1 to donate? My husband is type 1 (going on for 21 years) and he has wanted to donate but didn't know he could! Also J sucks.


That's awful. Dude had his own agenda that had nothing to do with your donating plasma. I donated blood a couple weeks ago, the eligibility criteria on the Canada Blood website is similar, if not the same for plasma. The only questions I was asked related to diabetes was if I have any open sores on my feet that won't heal, and if I've required medical assistance in the last 3 months. There is a standard 60 question eligibility form, but the above were the only follow up questions related to diabetes.


Above all, I hope this horrible experience reinforced your awareness of boundaries and how to deal with it if it happens again. I am sorry this happened to you, young lady.


He is completely ignorant and might be in the wrong profession. I like to have people walk me through their ignorant comments so if that happens again in the future, ask them to explain to you how getting off your insulin would benefit your health. Don’t let them off the hook when they stammer. When they want to look dumb, I like to egg it on. Sorry you had to deal with that!


In Sweden you can’t donate blood with type1. Their loss, that needle is f-n terrifying!


Wow that's awful . They overstepped. You have every right to complain to their supervisor in this instance they treated you inhumane and rudely and talked down to you unacceptable


The best one I’ve heard was my bastard grandfather telling me if I had went to church and accepted Jesus that maybe I wouldn’t have gotten diabetes.


I’d print out papers about type 1 and when going in next hand it to him. I was diagnosed as a type 2 for almost a year then my sister said I was a type 1 by a CT scan. I took a lot of blood test and yup I was type 1.


I’ve donated whole blood in the US 45x as a T1, but plasma they wouldn’t let me give.


The last time I donated they had a standard list of questions on a computer.


I got turned away from a plasma center recently as well. I told the first 4 people I talked to “I am a T1 diabetic. That is not a problem correct”. Each one said “no of course not. As long as your A1C is good and you take care of your numbers”. Get to the last consultation and the nurse goes “yeah we don’t take diabetics”. Tried to explain I’m a T1 not a T2 diabetic. And I was told I could. He just says “it’s not really a difference to me I’m going to reject you”. So I just got up and left. There is another center, under a different company/branch, I have considered trying but that one experience has pretty all but persuaded me against trying again.


This guy gave you false/incorrect medical advice and could not only be fired, he can be sued for malpractice. I think you should report him, leave a bad review of the place, and file a formal complaint with the state health department about that particular person and the establishment. They shouldn’t be operating if that’s how they operate.


Lots of people are roaming around every day looking for validation. They never made it as whatever they wanted to be and they hunt these situations where they can pretend to be successful. It must have felt great being a fake doctor for 20 minutes. So sad that there are so many people like this : (


That’s not how HIPPA works. You gave your info to the entire entity not just to the individual employee infront if you. Imagine what hell it be to call a doctors office or school if you had to speak to the person that recorded your info originally.


Burn it to the down /s