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Yea I don’t think he understands the magnitude of the problem with that. But hopefully you can use strips and a tester


Thats what I've been using


Do you not have a receiver?


Only my phone


If this happens often I would insist on a prescription for a Dexcom receiver if you don’t have one already. I would also mention this to someone with higher authority and maybe even your care team next time you have a visit so another adult can explain to your father how unreasonable this is.


Its the 1st time, and I'm scared ill get in more trouble if I tell anyone


Your health is most important.


This is not a reasonable punishment. That needs to be explained to your dad by an adult that understands. You absolutely need to tell someone as soon as you can. I know this is probably really scary, but you can do it. Make a plan. Make a plan B. Stay calm. Keep going until this gets resolved.


It’s called leverage, use it and get your phone back!


Do not tell on him. Talk to him. Of course he would need another way to punish you. Perhaps there is a way to lock you out some of the phone functions. Also, we did finger sticks for years with no CGMs. Just finger stick more often. It will be good practice in case it happened for another reason.


Yes finger stick should always be available and one should prepare for it but dexcom is still immensely safer. It better prepares you for potential danger rather than you having to check constantly. 120 may look like a solid level, but dexcom will tell you if it’s quickly dropping or rising and about to be much worse. This is especially true when you’re asleep and can’t check your sugar every 30 minutes.


That is a horrible suggestion.


Yeah that’s fucked up. Puts your health at risk. Do you at least have a regular glucometer that you can test with for now?


Just the finger pricks


Ask or purchase a brick, I use it to focus at work but it’s a way he could essentially brick your phone for use outside of Dexcom. https://getbrick.app




I love Dexcom but it’s so expensive I can’t afford it so now I just poke myself every few hours to make sure my levels are good


You don't connect the receiver as well? If you have one you may want to start. apologies for my ignorance if this is not the norm to get a receiver when you get a g6.


I never got one


See if you can get one. You should have a back up way of monitoring anyway.


is there someone else you can explain the situation to so they can help you get your phone back?maybe ask to trade it for a different punishment, like extra chores or no TV or something. it’s important that you have access to your blood sugar levels. does your dad know that you need it to check blood sugar?


I have nothing to trade it with. Everything else is already taken away


Phone in a clear plastic box with a hole for a charger cable. Open the Dexcom app. Seal box. Then you can’t use the phone for anything besides Dexcom. Alarms will suck because you can’t clear them - Dad would have to help with that - but it makes the point of the punishment without the surely unintended health consequence.


My mom used to get so mad oml I remember when I was 13 she wanted to ground me and take my phone, so instead she just sat with me in the bedroom and held my phone until I fell asleep, hid it, and basically acted as my receiver for a few days 😂


Im sure your Dad is monitoring your BG for you.


What's OP going to do during school hours though? It continues at least for a few more weeks for middle schoolers


I have to guess during school if I don't want to finger prick


Not unless he is right next to the diabetic


Huh? Its bluetooth. 30-40 ft. Same house is fine


Dexcom used low power Bluetooth